The Workermonkey


Thursday, January 14, 2016

esports are real! 

if espn is covering them its areal sport. more so than hockey at this point. anyone call that one? espn covering more video games than hockey? who had 2016?


Still blogging?

By Blogger Unknown, at Tuesday, January 26, 2016 8:09:00 AM  

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Saturday, May 09, 2015

insirpation from a random place 

so i was bothered by an episode of big bang theory last night. it made a lot of sense and so was matter of fact that it bothered me i didn't think of it first.

it was an episode where the penny character decided to quite her shitty job at he cheesecake factory and actually pursue her dream of being an actress full time. a full time commitment to achieving her dream. Sheldon backed her up in an odd line where he suggested they were both dreamers and the only way to achieve a goal was full dedication, the part time crap to pay the bills was a distraction from the goal and of no value. simply getting in the way.

yes, it takes time to achieve a goal. yes quitting your job is probably not the best idea in the world. but Tim's right. i do have a unique opportunity in life right now where i have no ties, no debt, no family, a safe place to crash, no concerns over living expenses and some money in the bank.

working for other people sucks and isn't helping achieve the dream other than paying the bills. apparently i'm not the kind of guy who can zone out for 8 hrs a day and then go home and do a second job. i need to get better at that though. that's how i'm going to start the dream. paying the bills is mostly only in support of keeping the shitty job that is paying those bills, a vicious cycle.


What's your goal/dream? I agree it is very hard to go after that stuff when 90% of your day is taken up by work. No answers here. It just gets harder the more entrenched you get with kids, mortgage, and other responsibilities.

By Anonymous BB, at Wednesday, May 20, 2015 11:27:00 AM  

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Saturday, March 07, 2015

Day 37: Another Day of Survival 

the barn house turned out to be empty and the area fairly quiet. we spent the night upstairs in the house after backing the truck up under the window and barricading the doors. the truck would provide an easy means of escape if something went wrong. the bear trap and some string with cans attached were hung around the area to act as alarms just in case a roamer got too close. paranoia keeps a man alive.

the night was clear and filled with a moon akin to a silver dollar. the still air made every noise sound as if it was just outside the door. moans could be heard intermittently from several miles away, carried on the light breeze. burns couldn't sleep and took first watch. tim quickly relived him and hadn't even finished taking a piss before i woke up and wanted to take a turn on watch. it was a long, sleepless night. the crack of dawn couldn't’ come fast enough. we didn't wait.

the truck was loud enough to attract attention in the dark, so were the lights. we needed to go slow to avoid walkers and broken down cars but we also had to fucking move to avoid drawing attention in the dark.

the tension was high and we hadn't slept. we were making good progress and the sun was starting to break the edge of the treeline. the morning fog was rolling out and the road seemed to open up. the maps we had suggested we head north towards a popular micro brewery in the area. it wasn't too clear if they brewed beer there or just served their own brew from another location. it wasn't too far off the path we would need to take towards our second best option, an actual brewery, which made it worth the gas to get there and check.

it was close to noon before we reached the first signs of a former civilization near our destination. typical small town, a few small houses on main street, a gas station, McDonalds, and a church formed the center of town at a blinking yellow light. the light was still blinking when we drove under. Tim noticed and yelled to pull over.

“what the fuck? the lights are on!?!”
“how the hell...?”
“solar? got to be solar, they did make some of those right?. anyone see a panel?”
“balls, then where’s it getting power from? what the fuck is still running?”
“over there, you hear it!? generator!”

there was a slight muffled sound coming from the ally next to the  station. we ran over to the side of the gas station where we heard the noise coming from. there it was, clear as day, a little yellow gas powered generator, wire going straight up to the pole, across the building and into the traffic light. someone had rigged this thinking that stoplights in ass scratch, east bum-fuck nowhere was an immediate priority during the zombie apocalypse. genius. even scarier? someone was keeping it running.

“we need to get the fuck out of here. now.”
“grab it.”
“grab that son of a bitch, don’t just leave it.” fuck, good point.
“fuck me lets do this quick and get out” of course it was a good idea, we needed that generator and it was obviously functional. why the hell would anyone keep a traffic light running?

burns went to grab the live power line in order to disconnect it, so i grabbed burns and threw him to the ground. “dumbass...” turned it off, and then pulled the lead cables and rolled it off. we threw it in the back and high tailed it out of there.

“wait, stop.”
“what do you mean no? fuck off, stop the truck.”
“what for? we need to keep moving, no need to stop..”
“no we need to figure out what was going on back there. pull over so we can do this”
“figure what out? we got the generator”
“it doesn't bother you that a generator was running a traffic light? during the zombie apocalypse? no? nothing odd about that?”
“who knows, maybe it was just left on?”
“for more than a month? you think that little generator was just left on like a light switch? yeah?”
“ well maybe not like the whole time...., maybe it was an accident”
“yes, that’s the solution, it was accidentally connected to the traffic light, accidentally filled with gasoline every day for more than a month, accidentally turned on, left running and all that energy and ridiculous expense of resources was use on keeping a BLINKING YELLOW LIGHT running!!! GENIUS! that explains everything!”

the following awkward silence was immediately broken by a passing Smart Car.

“Fuck you”
“what the fuck was that”
“....mother fucker, i don’t agree with that.....”

we almost ran off the road all looking back at the moving object at the same time. what the fuck was going on that a car just passed us? and they didn't stop? a smart car was a good idea, efficient, fuck me who was in it! we aren't that far from the stop light, are there more smart cars?

“what the fuck..... who was driving?”
“i didn't see”
“we should drive a smart car”
silent stares......
“... what!?! its efficient! do you like sucking gas through a tube? fuck off!”

wheels screeching we pulled to a stop. deep breaths all around and we got out. the smart car just kept going and was well out of sight at this point. ....a working traffic light... a casual passer by... what the fuck...

“um... they didn’t seem so bothered by us, they must have seen us stop. are driving cars a normal thing around here?”
“maybe they didn't’ see us?”
“shut up”

perplexed, we stood in the road for a few minutes scratching our heads and our balls. there were no cars on the road around here, it wasn’t littered with the usual junk you’d find on the road in all the other areas we’d been in. we didn’t see anything at the traffic light that seemed out of place other than a working generator. was someone keeping this place clean and running? how were they finding all these resources? more questions than answers at this point.

“umm... where are all the walkers? when was the last time we saw one?”

i’d been a few hours since we’d seen a roamer at all. these streets seemed to be free of debris and roamers. the blinking traffic light should have drawn them to it at nite at the least but there were none to be found at the intersection.

we didn’t want to stand around all day and we obviously weren’t going to figure this out just standing here. the natural desire to keep moving had been ingrained in us for sometime now so we jumped back in the truck and kept going.

believe it or not this wasn’t the strangest thing we’d seen lately so i guess we’re just becoming numb to the oddities of our new reality. stay focused, complete our dubious mission and get our asses back to safety. we kept moving.

“that bugs the fuck out of me”
“yeah i hate the fucking religious bullshit in this part of the country” replied burns.
“no asshole, the fucking blinking light”
“oh” we had just past out hundredth church of some type of christianity.
“the generator only holds like 12 hours worth of gas, it wasn’t producing full power to keep just that light running and who would keep it full to do so?”
“what if that smartcar had blown the light and hit another car, or someone crossing the street?” replied burns, he was oddly compassionate when tripping face.
“do you really think there’s traffic here? enough you would need working traffic signals? i think you may have finally fried your own brain to the point of no return.”
“did anyone see a driver in that car?”
“i was just shocked at seeing another moving vehicle, didn’t look for a driver.”
“i missed it, there was this really interesting piece of string right here and i’m pretty sure it was suggesting the berlin wall was sort of like the moon landing being fake.”

we both stared at burns in amazement. he really had finally lost his shit. maybe less drugs for the foreseeable future.

“you didn’t see the first passing car in a month? fuck it he’s shot.”
“they didn’t seem too fazed by us either though, does that suggest there are usually cars on the road? wouldn’t they be just as curious as we were?”
“we haven’t seen any signs, no roamers, no people, no living places that we can tell. this is fucking strange.”

“I’ll go check it out.” shouted burns in an awkwardly loud tone, just before he pulled the door open and stepped out of the moving truck.

ramirez gave me a deadpan stare as if this was almost expected and normal before slowly bringing the truck to a halt.

“did that dumb fuck just walk out of a moving car? why doesn't that surprise me, we need to start limiting his intake of drugs immediately.”

we jumped out of the truck but burns was nowhere to be seen. he must have run into the woods to “go check it out”, what the fuck.

“i know you’re first thought is to leave him right?” i opened.
“leave who?” he said with a coy smile. “it looks like a problem just solved itself.”
“we can’t really just leave him can we? he’ll never make it out here on his own. what happens when he sobers up and realizes he has no clue where he is and is out of drugs?”

i grabbed a rifle and a bottle of water and started walking into the woods. ramirez pulled the truck off to the side of the road and parked it under a tree. he pulled some brush up to the side to make it look like it’d been there a while. that was the best last second cover we could manage without losing burns.

just past the tree line there wasn’t much more than more trees and ground cover. it was eerily silent for being in the woods. at some point most of the insects and critters had been scared off or killed and the world only consisted of noises from the wind moving through the trees. the area was fairly open but burns was nowhere to be seen or heard. ramirez was a little ways back after trying to hide the truck but was moving quickly to catch up.

“where the fuck is he?” i mumbled to myself. he couldn’t have gone that far, he can’t even see straight. we spent a few more minutes sweeping back up the road towards where we had just come from thinking maybe he really was going to check it out. i darted back into the road to see if maybe he’d taken the path of least resistance.


i popped back into the wood line only to find burns shirt hanging from a tree branch just off the road. It was hung from a branch as if he’d found a coat rack.

“oh what the fuck, shirtless?” ramirez slapped his forehead at the discovery. at least we’d found some sign he was there. the woods here looked like there was an old deer path leading to a small cliff face just ahead. we moved quickly up the path hoping burns had done the same. the cliff had blocked the wind from our path and it was more eerily silent here that the rest of the area. the air was still and the stench of death and rot once again hung in the air. there must have been roamers around here at some point or even still to have such a strong smell.

as we moved up the path, we started to notice more and more trails connecting to the path we were on. we didn’t think much of the first one, but the second, third, fourth, and fifth were too much of a coincidence. ramirez loosened his rifle and raised it to his shoulder. i unbuckled my pistol and proceeded with a little more caution than before. the silence between us was more than enough to keep us on alert and signal to the other that this was not right.

a clean sock, laying perfectly folded into a square, laying in the path interrupted our search. at this point the path took three branches, one following the cliff face in either direction and one more mirroring the path that led us there headed back towards the road to the south. the air was still and the stench of rot and death had grown stronger the further we traveled down it.

ramirez whispered “i don’t think we should split up, something isn’t right here, where the fuck is burns!? first a shirt, then his sock? the fuck is wrong with him.”  i nodded and mirrored his concern, this seemed to be more than just a old deer path and burns’ clothing pieces weren’t exactly a bread crumb trail to follow.

“lets move a few minutes up the cliff face then we’ll circle back around to check the other paths, we can’t be very far from the road here.” ramirez nodded in agreement and we moved swiftly up the rock face.  less that 20 yards up we found the second sock, also neatly folded in the middle of the path.

“at least we’re on the right track.”
“when we get back, i’m going to take as many drugs as this asshole and just forget this ever happened. how fried is he that he’s folding his socks?”

we continued up the path more quickly than silently. we couldn’t be that far from burns at this point but who knows what level of superhuman speed he was moving at, or thought he was moving at. what stopped us dead in our tracks was a new trail entering from the road which was covered in blood and had looked as if something had been dragged up it towards the rock face.

i turned to ramirez and silently mouthed “FUCK”. a short pause to listen to anything out of place had us more paranoid than anything. it was hard to tell if the tracks or blood were fresh, it was far too dark to be normal people blood, it had to be roamer blood. but why would it have been dragged up here? and by who? theres no way this was burns was it? i mean, you never know but still, he hasn’t been gone that long, but he was on a lot of drugs. crap. ramirez nodded up the path and we continued down it far more silently than before.
every twig snap made us flinch, we hadn't brought enough stuff with us to really do recon or assault anything let alone survive. this was already taking longer than we hoped and the truck was still at risk only being parked just off the road with minimal cover. the stench of rot grew even stronger as we moved. something must have been up ahead that was causing it but what? we continued, ready to shit our pants at any second. the blood trail continued so we followed.

so far no more clothing, flip a coin to see if that's a good sign or not. the trail continued along the rock face until it came to a turn, almost a 90 degree angle in the rock. it jutted back about a hundred yards and into what looked like a small clearing. we couldn't see much from the trail but it looked like the rock formed a horseshoe around the area. it wasn’t very high but the top of the rock hung over the bottom by a few feet, creating a small overhang. the trail followed this overhang as if its travelers needed cover from teh rain. the rock was pitted and full of small crevices, many could have been much deeper caves. i’m sure this was the home of a million critters and insects, all looking for shelter from something.

the stench here was far stronger than we had smelt before. it seems to be contained in the bowl created by the rock. there was no breeze here either, air wasn’t moving. the trail continued along the rock, under the overhang. as much as this was a breeding ground for small animals and insects, none could be found. there were no flies, no crawlers, no squirrels scurrying about. something must have kept them from this place. it seemed too good to be empty. this only made us more paranoid. why the silence, why the emptiness, it was odd that such and area was devoid of life, let alone the hanging rot in the air.

“pst..” noted Ramirez. he nodded towards what looked like a small shack on teh far side of the bowl. it couldn't have been much larger than an out house, a small 4 walled shed made of scrap parts. one side was sheet metal which looked like roof parts and the other three were wooden planks, mostly plywood and pallets. the roof was just two pieces of plywood and some shingles. it wouldn't’ hold up to a strong breeze let alone a storm you’d need shelter from.

i looked back at Ramirez in cautious optimism. at least it was a sign of life. there's no way burns could have built that in the time since we last saw him which meant someone else was using that area. not too shocking, we had seen a car pass though. there must be something around here or some type of settlement. my gaze was stuck on the dilapidated structure when Ramirez nodded again to a different area, one further back in the bowl of the rock. a small plume of smoke rose up from it, there must have been a camp fire burning.

i rolled my eyes at him and shook my head in agreement, we both knew we’d have to go check it out. i put away my pistol and instead took control of the rifel. shit just got serious. we continued down the rock path a little further towards the smoke. about 30 yards away from it we culd only smell burning flesh, or perhaps it was the smell of burning rot from the roamers. hard to tell the difference. we stopped and cut right, into the woods again for cover. there were no more trails here, they must have all led to the rock face under the cover of the cliff. we still hadn’t seem any critters.

we crouched behind a tree and cautiously approached the smoke. from here all we could see was a plume of smoke arising from the ground, what ever the fire was, it must have been in a hole or pit. we couldn’t see any flame. the area around the pit was slightly clear, no signs of a camping spot or any permanent structures. we paused again, just yards from the smoke. the stench of death and rot here was overwhelming. i pulled my shirt over my mouth and looked back. Ramirez had wrapped burns shirt around his face to do the same. we waited a moment to see if we could hear or see anything.

all we could hear is what sounded like a crunching sound, not a branch breaking, but more of a snapping of bone. a curious and confused look was exchanged and i pointed towards the pit with the rifle. after a moments hesitation i moved out from cover into the clearing and approached the hole.

i could see it far clearer now. the hole was almost 10 feet deep on the sides, but full of slowly burning corpses. most of them looked like roamers, rotting flesh, missing pieces of skin, maggots running wild across their dead flesh. but they were not all roamers, some fo these had been living people. my gasp only made ramize more alert and he came up to the edge of the pit with me. his expression said it all. this is not what we expected to find in the woods off the road.

there was no open flame in the pit, only the smoldering remains of a much larger fire. if anything, more bodies had been added on top of it after the fire extinguished. could this be where the smart car had come from? it couldn’t have transported this many bodies and the fire wasn’t fresh enough.

inching closer, we saw the source of the bone cracking sounds. a pit bull was in the pit, feasting on rotten flesh. it looked as if it was a roamer itself, not something we’d seen before. there had been no previous signs of wildlife being affected by the disease, or whatever it was. we’d never seen a dog or deer that showed any signs of being the walking dead.

the pitbull proceeded to munch on the bodies, unconcerned if the body was a former living person or not. it hadn’t noticed our presence yet. ramirez cringed and raised his rifle to put the beast down. i held up my hand and stopped him as to not make any noise and alert possible others. i must have made too much noise as the second my hand hit his rifle barrel, a noise came from the woods. we turned only to catch a glimpse of another wild dog leaping at ramirez.

the dog must have weighed 75 pounds, a German Shepard covered in rot and missing flesh but still a war machine in its own right. it leaped at ramirez, who didn't have time to react. it knocked him backwards, teetering on the edge of the pit. the two rolled over each other, the dog snapping at ramirez's head. ramirez still held his rifle, using it to keep the dog at arms length as best he could.i dropped my own rifle and unholstered my knife. a gunshot in the bowl would have alerted the next state over, or been entirely contained within the bowl, who the fuck knows. not worth the risk.

ramirez had the dog pinned down under his rifle but couldn't keep it under control, its mouth snapping wildly at anything ti could bite and shaking its body violently to break free. i lunged on both man and dog and with a mighty stab, tried to hit the dog in the head with my knife. but i missed and hit nothing but dirt leaving my arm exposed to the dogs bite.

ramirez reacted better than i did and shoved his rifle in between the two of us, the dog biting metal and wood first. this gave me a chance to try again which i used more intelligently. the dogs grip on the rifle held its head still enough that i didn’t miss this time.a shallow groan and the beast was dead. but  the fight was not over.

from the woods where the first dog had entered, two more appeared, red eyed and teeth exposed. thier mouths were missing flesh and dripping black ooze. these creatures were far removed from the domestic animals they had once been. neither had tails and their flesh was far from complete.i rolled off of ramirez and lifted my rifle, noise be damned. the first trigger pull reminded me to take the safety off as nothing happened. the second reminded me to murder burns if i ever saw him again as a tootsie roll fell out of the barrel and again no bullet.

ramirez’s rifle was shot after the first dog had munched on its parts. no time to grab for my pistol and my knife was lodged in the firsts head.

alas, from over the top of the rock face gleamed an amazing sight. burns had stepped in front of the setting sun and held high his polearm, dripping with the blood of a thousand innocent somethings. He had returned in glorious fashion, leaping from high above us on a rock ledge over head, spearing the first dog and quickly dispatching the second. He was covered in blood from head to toe and completely naked other than the mud and blood sticking to his skin.


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Friday, May 02, 2014

Matt Barone: amazing individual 

(the last post was september?!?! balls, i'm slipping more than usual)

every now and then i start to feel like i'm an amazing individual but then my current situation knocks me back down to earth. then something innocent happens and i'm right back up there.

its been a long week and i've been running around a lot lately between work and other thing. tomorrow i need to get up early and go judge some little kids. So i came back to town after work and went down to the local bar to grab a bite and have a drink. i think i've been there 4 times this week. not all drinking (seriously, i'm slipping).

so i sat at the only open spot at the bar which happen to be between a nice middle aged lady and some local townie. i ended up striking a conversation with the older lady after she asked me what kind of scotch i was drinking. she had obviously heard my order but i entertained her anyway. she caught me off guard when her immediate follow up question was whether it was blended or single barrel. i answered correctly with a smile which caught her off guard. we kept talking and she eventually opened up that she was an executive VP at a large company here in CT, but mostly that she was now a lesbian.

i don't care about the lesbian part (not exactly easy on the eyes) so i kept asking about the business end of things. she obliged but kept injecting about the lesbian thing. it took me a minute but when i told her about having a roommate and his two kids it confused her, she didn't' take me for gay apparently but the roommate and kids part confused her (i need to get out of here).

anyway we straighten that part out and she slipped in:

"good, its too bad she's a lesbian but i know the perfect girl for you"

"she's not curious is she? sounds like fun"

best line of the night. we kept talking and she started picking my brain about climbing the corporate ladder. she really wanted me to get an MBA and it was odd but she kept stressing the fact that i need to be married to move up and that's really what they're looking for at the upper levels. they want that tie/consistency in people. i tried to stress its more about trust when you get that high but she would actually know better since shes there already. nope, she was very clear that its about the fact that there's another person in the world that doesn't think you're a total douche. her being gay didn't matter because she was in a good gay relationship with kids but it also mattered that it was a good one with kids. her point was don't settle for a bad relationship just to check that box and it might seem odd but I'm totally on the right track.

i agreed and she seem like she was a person cut from a similar cloth with a few more years of wear and tear. she continued on that she thought of her self as a bit of a match maker and that was her intention for continuing to pick my brain. apparently its obvious i'm single and she needed the entertainment for the evening. we exchanged cards and i told her to go nuts. can't hurt right?

the whole conversation left me feeling pretty good about my self. she essentially ended the conversation with reiterating that i'm amazing and that i now know what i need to do with my life. (she had 2 martini's while i was there). it was really nice to hear that there's a person out there in a position i'd eventually like to be in thinking i'm doing the right thing or at least on the right path. it was a really good ego stroke for a pit stop at the local watering hole.

Apparently, ordering salad and a scotch is the key to success.


oh fuck balls, why is google inserting adds into my post!?!?

not cool google, not cool.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Friday, May 02, 2014 8:31:00 PM  

So, did you hit that or what?

By Anonymous BB, at Tuesday, August 05, 2014 10:42:00 AM  

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Friday, September 20, 2013

Moving On, Moving Forward 

so once again i find myself moving on and taking another new job. hopes are high once again. today was my last at eppendorf, i've basically been on the matt barone goodbye parade all week making sure i connect with everyone i'm leaving. my exit interview was this morning at 11 and then i walked out, had lunch with a bunch of hte gang and right now i'm just killing time until they all get out and join me for a few drinks tonight.

i played this one completely classy and professional. no F bombs this time. i guess you could say i'm growing up. well, only a little.

while i say i'm killing time, i've been surprisingly productive. i had to order my new iphone online because everyone in the area is sold out of gold ones. i ordered myself some personal business cards. signed up for Startup Weekend Hartford. took care of all my facebook/twitter/linkedin/email needs and cleaned all those up. this is mostly part of the new project i'd like to force myself to get moving on.

i'm typing this on my new laptop, a little samsung chromebook. i needed something mobile i could work on and type with. so far i love it. its working out great. i've picked up some other odds and ends in my attempt to be a mobile professional, the new phone will be part of that, i've got a decent set of headphones, i bought a nice little moleskin notebook and a new box of my favorite pens! gee! the business cards were close to hte last step, i still need a good messanger bag for all of it but i've been researching those and i'm close to pulling the trigger on one. i was hoping i could get my sister to pay for it. no such luck.

as much as i'm starting a new job. i'm hoping to start a new life. i've been pretty barebones and commitment free the last 6 months or so. its time to move forward. better job to pay the bills. start my own job on the side. buy a house for crying out loud, its time. tim's been great for putting up with me but it's time we both become adults. or something more closely resembling adulthood. or maybe just drinking less, that seems to be helping so far.


Just make sure the next place has a spare room you can rent for $600 a month...

By Blogger Unknown, at Friday, September 20, 2013 7:04:00 PM  


about fucking time.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, September 24, 2013 2:23:00 PM  

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Sunday, September 08, 2013

mind = blown 

i started taking a course on on web development and I've probably learned more in a hour of lesson 1 than i have in years fo fucking around on the internet myself. a whole bunch of stuff now makes more sense to me. i'm thinking this should be a standard part of all high school curriculum these days.

the course itself is cool and prety easy to follow and learn with. i like that i's a bunch short youtube videos with some interaction. great way to keep my focus on it or i'd be playing games will the videos run and learn nothing. MAKE ME LEARN! good work udacity.

it's taught by a kid who build reddit and hipmonk, which makes me think he has the credibility, but at hte same time i've failed in life that this kid is so much better at things i've grown up learning and using. it makes me feel old. apparently i'm going to keep having this feeling. it seems to be happening more and more often lately. fuck.


Its like when Caesar wept when he saw a statue of Alexander the great, realizing that by the time Alexander was his own age, Alexander had already subjugated most of the known world and had declared himself a god.

By Blogger Unknown, at Monday, September 09, 2013 12:53:00 PM  

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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

working, at work 

today there was probably a good two hour stretch where i was busy as hell, working, just not working on work stuff, but working on my own shit. i transferred an old 401k, made a doctors appointment, printed out several books i had downloaded (5, two more for tomorrow), um, collected some office supplies, responded to personal emails, etc. i certainly looked busy and was, i just had nothing that they pay me for to show for it. fuck em. i'm excelling at my one hour rule.

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

day 2 

i'll let Tim speak for my progress, tonight was get drunk and think. it seemed to work. i had some good ideas.

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Monday, August 19, 2013

a first step 

i made a first step in the right direction today. i made myself an office in the basement. sorry command central, but it had to end eventually. you had an excellent run.

i had a good thought at work today. i had my headphones on and was rocking out, i'd gotten an incredible amount of work done today while just wearing headphones and being left along to do my thing. i have one of those under shelf lights at my desk that i love for creating a nice bright work space at my desk. i was productive. so i stopped.

fuck them, i don't have to be productive to collect a paycheck. i just have to show up. i wiped out my note pad and began furiously scribbling a semi-plan to make myself an office, in Tim's basement. i also made another good decision. at least one hour of work, for myself, on their dime. everyday. fuck 'em. i'm working for me now.

after work i stopped at a lowes, picked up a piece of whiteboard, some light bulbs and moved the electronics into the basement as an office. i now have a physical space. i just ordered some other supplies on amazon as well. everything else i will steal from work. fuck 'em.


OMG! We're 5% of the way to having a normal house.

By Anonymous T, at Tuesday, August 20, 2013 2:17:00 PM  

Also, we should only communicate through the Workeymonkey from now on.

By Anonymous T, at Tuesday, August 20, 2013 2:18:00 PM  

humwwwm..... that might violate rule #1, people - see the white board.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Tuesday, August 20, 2013 11:25:00 PM  

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

new post. moving on. 

the workermonkey isn't dead, its just been on hiatus. that's my fault. i will always take credit for this sites success, and it's failure. its on me. moving on.

i want to start my own business. i have a bunch of ideas and i hate what i currently do for a living. i'm closer to re-booting my life than i am to staying where i'm at. i'm just not happy and i'd rather not repeat the same pattern over and over again. it's not working.

time to move on.

and forward.

this may take some time. and it's going to have stops and starts. i may succeed and i may fail. but i'm going to try my ass off. i'd much rather bet on myself. i have more confidence in myself after one night of drinking and thinking than i do in most Americans after a year of trying to get to know them. i don't want to play politics, i want to succeed. success has never been measured in making people happy..quite frankly, it's always been measured in the opposite.

at this point i'd rather live like a hobo and work towards a brighter future. i'd rather try and fail than hold the status quo.

hold me to this. encouragement is the key. and i can always use a swift kick in the ass.

my biggest problem is that most of the work i'm thinking of involves the internet and a heavy amount of IT work. i can apparently outsource all of it. i might need a guide in this aspect so i don't get burned though. either way i'm going to blunt force my way through it.i WILL be successful.

kick me in the ass. motivate my lazy bastard self. hold me accountable. i've mentioned this in the past. it's not happening. ask me about progress. ask me where i'm at. why haven't i done X, where is Y. abuse me until i have answers. be relentless. staying on task i s my issue. there are lots of video games that need my attention. they can wait.

right now i'm unhappy enough that i'd rather quite what i do for a living and work on anything else. good or bad. i hate hte people i work with and for which seems to be a good pattern, one that hasn't changed. life isn't worth it. there's no reason to act like the other 90% of the population when i'm not them. the average life obviously isn't for me. its not working.

but i have some skills. and motivation. i'm young enough and i have no ties and i have a little experience behind me that i can do just about anything i put my mind to. i just need to pick one to put it against. any one.

10 years ago i wanted this blog to be a place where i ranted about the world. now i want it to be a place about moving towards an end goal. a finished project. i want to find the time to work on it. i may end up quitting my job to do just that and force myself to be better. to do something.

we aren't bad people, we're very good people. we can do great things. we can do more. its time we achieve that. fuck yeah. hold me accountable. what's my next action item?


Jesus titties fucking Christ, its been 5 months since our last update. NOT ACCEPTABLE. hold me to a better standard.balls.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Thursday, August 15, 2013 11:01:00 PM  

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reverse order 

turners out i had some posts in que when i posted the last one.

please read them in reverse order.i published some old ones after the newest. good luck. please don't hate me.

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jack cutter: book 1 

folsom prison was known for it's lackisdasical rules. (look this up, other than johnny cash, what is it known for? focus on the negative) inmates were granted freedoms otherwise withheld from prisoners at other facilites. more yard time, less digging into shankings, more money floating on yard brawls. there were two bookies who held an uneasy peace in the name of profits. no one made money by people dying. fewer inmates to bet on the fights.

other than the occasional yard fight, the only real break from the well oiled routine of prison liffe were the occasional "classes" taught at hte facility. these classes weren't so much for hte inmates as there were a way for outsiders to gain college credit, lines on the resume or give a little back to societyt after being caught speeding too many times or breaking a blue law.

yard tie was strictly timed and started at 11:30 every day before lunch. prison doesn't allow for much freedom no matter how lax the rules are so everyone got a little antsy right before the yard opened up.starting at 11:20 the inmates could feel the buzzer about to go off. it was ingrained in thier routine over the years. almost as an unatural alarm clock. they knew it was coming.

when the smoke alarm went off at 11:27, everyone was ready to get outside and see the sun. the inmates were worked up into a frenzy thinking they would have an extra 3 minutes of yard time becuase someone had set their cell mate on fire.the only question being who snapped today.

it was a relativity ordinarily exit to the outside "exercise" area that day. the guards were perched high above the inmates along the walls of hte prison with a good vantage point in case everyone one got a little excited and decide to riot. it wasn't un heard of, it happens from time to time in a prison. when you're locked up for life, beating someone to death is jut one form of entertainment.

what caught the inmates attention was the hot air balloon along the wood line as they exited the building. during a fire alarm the guards all had assigned areas to check and ensure there were no burning inmates. during normal yard time the guards are spread about he yard watching to ensure the race wars don't get out of hand. during a fire alarm, they are spread about he building following procedure looking or stray inmates and trying to find hte source of the fire. this leave the inmates less supervised than normal.

the first thing most of hte inmates saw as they exited the building was the glare of the sun high in the sky. this time of year the sun was at it peak in the eastern sky. it was normally clear with few clouds in the air unless a strong storm was coming though. most inmates just shielded their eyes and looked at the ground to avoid the glare. very few saw the hot air balloon just over the tree line.

they had seen one of two balloons over the years but they certainly weren't common. usually it was a balloon that had strayed too far from the convention or group of weekend balloon enthusiests. prision isn't a vey exciting place with very little change so the sight of a coulorfull hot air balloon spread amonst the inmates quickly. the baloon hung over the tree line for a few minutes while everyone entered the yard. it wasnt' a very big sapce, not much bigger than the baseball diamond and basket ball court next to each other. what caught most people attention was when the ballon started moving away from the trees.

there isn't anythign else ot look at in the yard, during a dfire alarm ther ewere no basketballs released, not baseball being thrown around. the guardws were inside and the inmates were out in teh yard waiting for the offical yard time to start and get a few extra minutes for hte alram.

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chapter 4 

new beginnings
seattle, wedding
surprise guest upon return

mass exodus, just one after another
work isn't the same and i hate it
miss you
meet the parents, whew, that went awesome
that got ugly quick, i don't' under stand how people can flip like that, times 2
it's finally over, clean
moving forward
back and forth weekends
looking again, this time a new area, new beginnings.
it doesn't matter where. it matters that i'm with you.

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day 36: the search for brewing equipment 

Tim, Mike and I woke up early and started packing some equipment and supplies for a few days on the road. we had some guns and ammo but not too much, better to leave that at basecamp. we packed enough food for 4 days on the road, that gave us a good distance of two days out and two days back. the truck would eat up a lot of gas but we have plenty to spend for this trip. it'd be worth it. we'd have people colleting extra leading up to this for us. we should be in good shape as far as survival goes unless something crazy happens or we come across another "hulk" zombie.

Jesse and ramirez were keeping the business running with lou keeping everyone occupied and entertained. the influx of new people was slowing down so everyone was starting to get to know one another. the bar would be fine, the few goons we had would be able to keep it going and if they hadn't drank all our booze by the time we get back, the place would still be standing. the extra people we'd emplyeed to fix up the basement and build the garage would be paid in food and drugs. or we'd just kill them to keep it a secrete, that was yet to be determined. can't be too safe.

the box truck Jack had gotten was loaded and ready to go. we left around day break and headed north. we had a few maps around that showed us it was a little more populated in that direction and we figured we'd have better luck f finding a brewery or microbrew pub. once we got out of the "over-picked" zone around the complex we'd have a better chance of finding an abandoned gas station or library that might have some kind of tourist map of the area.

the weather was still a little bit grey everyday but it was certainly bright enough to get around and keep the roamers at bay. the roads were clear enough to travel on at a decent pace without having to move many cars out of the way. it was fairly rural where we were headed, it was best to stick to the back roads now. the highways were littered with burned out cars and roaming gangs and desperate people. most of the travelers we had at the complex made it there because they avoided the roads altogether. at this point, the supply of people dumb enough to travel by highway must be dwindling.

the first 2 hours were quiet and uneventful. we passed farm house after farm house and didn't  see any movement of anything. most of the animals were either zombified or hunted for food at this point. it was slim pickings. if we found any of these farms with actual livestock still there we decided it would be best to pick them up. perhaps start a farm of our own. man can't live on fruits and vegetables forever.

we stopped at hte next quite farm we came across. it was time for lunch and the truck needed to be gassed up already. in the middleof the day a fire was safe from roamers and a hot lunch was always a little setteling. we found an old colonial house with a pair of barns behind it that looked safe. we pulled in and pulled the truck up to the corner of a barn to create a little corner that would be safer. burns jumped out and got to wrk on teh fire. Tim got to work fueling the truck and prepareing lunch. we didn't see any activity but you still never feel safe being outside of hte car. i grabbed a gun and a machete and looked inside the barn. not much here, mostly old haybails and farm equipment. plenty of pitch forks, horse saddles, a small tractor and such. i found an old rusty bear trap and a few saw blades i thought would be valuable and threw them in the truck.

lunch wasn't much more than bread and potatos with an onion fried in the pan. good enough. we ate quickly and decided to check out hte rest of hte house and the other barn. the other barn looked like it was used for cattle but we didn't see any. no bodies or dead animals in sight. it was fairly big and we took a couple of old metal milk jugs we found that looked like they'd hold liquor. the building was fairly empty, it was hard to tell if it was abandoned before the event or not. it was still fairly clean and there was no sign of any struggle or leftover livestock. we headed into the house after the barn.

the front porch of hte house looked like it had been emptied at some point. there was no furniture or anything on it. odd. we opened the front door and the smell hit us immediately. something was dead here. something was not kosher.

"damn it that stinks"
"shut up, you'll draw more" the walkers were drawn to the noise, talking while clearing ahouse could get everyone killed, this tytpe of tension kept us all on our toes. at this point it kept the group sharp and remined everyone that stepping out of line, maiking a sounds, firing a shot, that could get you kllled. it didnt' take much now a days and we'd all lost people to some random act.

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