The Workermonkey


Sunday, October 31, 2004

thought i'd back up my talk 

here's how the electoral college works

in case you were interested...lane, i didnt put it as a comment cuz i don't think you can link in comments

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Friday, October 29, 2004

yea i got to start thinking about that shit soon 

getting a job, moving. well not too soon. but i just cant dick around and then in may will smack me in the face.

just found out today that basically all of the last month and a halfs work is absolute shit. i made a bad assumption about the model and its invalid. fuck. fuck fuck fuck. see what you get when you send a solid mechanics guy to do a fluids man's job. big fucking waste of time. but i can tell you a thing or two about fluid flow now, so i guess the experience is what counts. right?

so i made this trail up at uconn to ride on and its fucking awesome. tons of jumps, steep hills, drop-offs. i got justin j's camera and plan to make a crappy movie for all you guys to see what we do. my new bike rocks! i'd sleep with it if it wasnt metal and awkward. did a wheelie down a hill the other day for over a 1/4 mile at 30 mph.

thats all i got.

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may be of interest to some or all


Irrelevant to this post, but I'm still waiting for my login.

The one man who could instantly stop all al-Qaeda operations against the US with no American casualties in the process is David Cobb, who would stop US support of Isreal. This which would simultanously save a boatload of money and make Osama and millions of other Muslims happy. He'd do that and tons of other nifty things like recognizing and trying to stop global warming (which at last look is to the point where major action within this decade will result in only slightly catastrophic climate change e.g. 4ft rise in sea levels rather than the 40ft we're on course for), renewable energy, a $12.50/hr minimum wage, repealing the PATRIOT act, and medical marijuana.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, October 29, 2004 6:57:00 PM  

so who's waiting?

By Blogger ron, at Friday, October 29, 2004 7:01:00 PM  

that's lane. and i think a lot of what you said there is true, but i'm afraid it's too idealistic. there are so many social, political, scientific, philosophical, legal, and other issues that can't all be solved at once. i do not believe there's a perfect balance that is attainable. especially if it means undoing all that humans have done since our existence. it's easier to create shit than it is to clean it up.

i think who a person votes for (assuming they are an informed voter, an assumption i can make here among us) depends on which issues they see as important--or most important. here's the problem with voting for cobb as i see it: it's not realistic. he will not win. and although i'm not ready to say that he will be taking votes away from kerry (both sides have argued different things in respect to this), i really think that for people whose beliefs may align with cobb, it's better FOR THEIR SAKE to vote for kerry or bush, whoever they see as the lesser of 2 evils. i understand the autonomy aspect and importance of a vote being cast as a representative of your real beliefs, but i guess it comes down to, for me at least, whether it's worth that self-expression to take a vote away from kerry (or away from bush, depending how you see it). not everything that works in the theoretical works practically, and sometimes it's painful to suck it up.

By Blogger josh, at Friday, October 29, 2004 8:19:00 PM  

It's that argument that keeps America a two party system. I think most Bush-haters (and there are lots) are probably Green but will vote Democrat. That's fine, I would too if CT was going to be close. We can't establish a third party in the US because the two we have are so close together, the third would be on the outside, drawing votes from one or the other and thus preventing the lesser of two evils from their view from winning. I can't figure out how it could be done. A very upset population like we have now, could do it, but the risk of leaving Bush in office is too great. I however, will be able to complain about the new Prez no matter what since I didn't vote for the bastard!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sunday, October 31, 2004 9:17:00 AM  

well i think that may be the problem. either there aren't enough people who would vote green or for some other 3rd party, or there are but people are too afraid. but that's kinda what democracy is about. even if a large plurocracy(?) (well anyhow, large minority) likes one thing, tha'ts not enough if more people like something else. many people will be pissed, but did democracy fail? i think the electoral college comes into play too, for example a member of the green party in sc will never amount to anything. people here don't even know how to vote democrat, much less green. but what i'm saying is, as we saw in 2000, popular vote doesn't necessarily win. i'd love to have a discussion about the good/faults of the electoral college, but first i'd need to learn a little more about it

By Blogger josh, at Sunday, October 31, 2004 10:06:00 AM  

plurality! damn, i was close

By Blogger josh, at Sunday, October 31, 2004 10:26:00 AM  

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Wednesday, October 27, 2004

your uniqueness is so unoriginal 

it is kinda crazy if you think about it, that no 2 people ever have the same experiences. ever. the closest is those identical twins who supposedly feel the other's pain, know they're in trouble, etc. that stuff. i can't speak from experience, for as far as i know, no twin. but even they can't have the same experiences. they can't occupy the same space at the same time. as charles bronson would say, no dice.

and some of your comments remind me of the butterfly effect; the theory that every flap of a butterfly's wings has an effect on the world. so theoretically, whether one flaps its wings 4 times or 5 times could have an impact on the way the world turns out. but we'd never know the alternate world of course, only the one which we live in. did a movie on it actually, called the butterfly effect. ashton kutcher's first real serious role. i think the premise behind it was interesting, but it was all about sick/dying people so it was kinda depressing. i think it could've had the same theme with more upbeat stories, but nonetheless worth a look if you have the time.

i think this idea of no 2 people having the same experiences has an interesting effect on the idea of empathy. cuz no one could really feel for another by knowing what the situation they're in is like. but i think we all experience analogous situations that mirror each other's so closely that it becomes irrelevant except in a theoretical world. just kinda fun to think about. would you want anyone elseto have your experiences?

aight, well time for some bob seger and the SOX game. end it tonight. reverse the curse. what would johnny damon do. why not us. hahahahahaha sorry chump, i know a little part of you died reading each of those.

signing off,

hugh g rection


Speaking of twins- these 2 scored identical SAT scores:

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Thursday, October 28, 2004 1:06:00 PM  

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i never heard this song till today, but damn. full-on attack video on politics - awsome.


excellent link, macunas. not quite something you'd see on mtv i wouldn't think. rock the vote

By Blogger josh, at Wednesday, October 27, 2004 8:22:00 PM  

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Monday, October 25, 2004

the ironic uniqueness of life 

so your are sitting there all nice and content checking the blogger and your feeling pretty good eh? maybe not, but whatever. you can just sit back and say "thats life", and you know what? you're exactly right. thats life. whatever the fuck happens, "thats life". you can sit and think about how what you are doing is special and very unique and you would also be right. i'd bet my parents house that no one else(currently living or past) has ever experienced or done exaclty what you've done or experienced. nice though eh? you can truly feel special and unique in this big fucker of a place called earth.

i was hanging out at brian's house onne day and his cousin said it best. Life's just one big bell curve".

life's unique in the details.

its funny i wrote all that is above this line before i saw brancibeers post. he must have been sitting around thinking like i was. remember that ESP shit we used to think about when we were like 8?

i'm all about fucking up my life right now (not w/ school thats pretty good actually) . but things will be fine, thats life.


"Everything is perfect and just as it should be, because how could things be other then the way they are?"

By Blogger wyldshaman, at Tuesday, October 26, 2004 7:31:00 AM  

What happened has happened for a reason and could not have happened any other way. - Morpheus

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Tuesday, October 26, 2004 3:04:00 PM  

there is some good math to back up macunas' quote

By Blogger ron, at Tuesday, October 26, 2004 4:15:00 PM  

i hate rabbits
go sox
just remember that the dude abides

By Blogger murphy, at Wednesday, October 27, 2004 11:32:00 AM  

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Memories, Dreams, Reflections 

Once and a while we find ourselves all to comfortable in our surroundings. We settle in, and forget our own lessons that we have formerly preached to others. Living home has been good in many respects. Ive been close to family and old friends. Ive been able to let the dust settle a bit after the 5 years of turmoil. Im glad i had this time (dotting the i's and crossing the t's). Ive saved a bit of money and rested my spirit. Soon however, i will be venturing off on my own once again. I will be leaving my comfort zone and thrusting myself into something new. Being home has also left me fate to some bad habits. I watch too much TV, i snack poorly, i take things for granted, i dont read or try to self improve much. I hope that putting myself out on the line will motivate me to change for the better once again.

Soon i will be sitting in my empty newly rented house surrounded by the unfamilar. I will have nothing but what i could fit in my car, and what i can find on the side of the road. I will be utterly alone. I will cry. I will laugh. I will wonder what the fuck im doing. I will be so excited that i wont sleep. Every such similar experience has been wonderful thus far- Africa, college, florida (1). I have many reasons to go. And i have few, but very strong ones, to stay.

Its like learning from a hard breakup, or surviving an illness. There's just something about fucking your life all up, that makes it come out so much better. Ill keep you posted.

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Sunday, October 24, 2004

Politics and Religion 

On Politics:
Lately i have been reading alot while home and watching a little CNN(i like Lou Dobbs) when im at work. I have been trying to deal with or maybe i should say trying to figure out how i should deal with this coming election. Its not so much the President that i fear really, its that in my opinion the worst American president in recent history is about to get relected by the people of America(or should i say electoral college, but this is not the topic of the day). How did are country get taken over by the Ultra-right, what happened? But as i read more and think more about this the thought occured to me that maybe i was really living in a fantasy land.

Let me explain, i really only remeber one other president and that was Clinton, and he was an ok guy. It seemed everyone liked him a democrat, the economy was good and he kept us out of major wars and he was libral to the point that he fooled around in the white house and thats ok with me too. But looking a little further back in are history i see many very conservative Presidents and it seems to be getting worse. I now understand that living in the Northeast im somewhat sheltered from the vast middle of america that is ultra conservative and seems to be pushing this country more to the right.

But i still have faith, faith in the people of America to set things right on November 2nd.

On Religion:
Last month i went to see His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Florida. He gave a public speech and some teachings. One of the main things he stress's is meditation, as it is the basic practice of Buddhism and allows you to find a peace within yourself. Similar to the experience of Yoga that many people are into. Just Relaxing and letting go and being happy with oneself and surroundings. Id say these things transend Religion and maybe are the true point of religion, but people cling to tightly to the doctorines to truely see... or not see, maybe....?

Also the October, 25 edition of TIME was about faith "The God Gene". It talked about how in primitive times faith brought people together, this naturally lead to protection and a shared cause. The most faith driven people tended to do best, and so this "faith gene" became stronger and stronger with us. It was fairly interesting to think about, it lead me to think about some of the great Civilizations of the world, like the Aztecs, Egyptians, and so on....


The faith gene. Huh, i never thought of it but that makes sense. Even if its not an actual trait, the concept can still be applied.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Monday, October 25, 2004 10:45:00 PM  

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Faith Under Fire 

My infatuation with TV can be traced back to my VT roots. when i was younger and living here TV consisted of 3 channels. ABC, NBC, CBS. cable isn't an option here and satilite TV was still a few years off from becoming a reality for us so anything i wanted to see had to be normal broadcast television. on clear days we got PBS. i didn't get to see yankee gams on TV unless we drove to my grandparents house and watched the few ESPN broadcasts. This can explain my infatuation with the radio broadcasts.

When i moved to CT, and cable was common place, it was amazing. blew my mind. Now that i'm back here there are a few more channels on the broadcst spectrum. we get 2 pbs stations, FOX and PAX now over the broadcast airwaves. we have to turn the satelite off inorder to get the local stations so thats what i do when i need to see the ball games. the other night when the game was over, i flipped around the 7 stations now present and stumbled upon a new PAX show. Faith Under Fire. Think, crossfire meets FOX news meets bible as fact. it was interesting. two people arguing about whether jesus would have been pro-choice or for punishing the wicked abortionists. it tried to use facts and logic to deduct the answer but it was creepy because no one was argueing that jesus or religion were false. the whole show was based on the premise that the bible and jesus were hard facts. the next topic was gay marrige and both sides agreed that jesus would crush the wicked sinners who were gay. interesting.

the whole show was odd and creepy. what hit my like a rock in my mental haze was that PAX is a fairly big network who seems to have taken the stand of killing gays and abortionists. now, when fox news lies, people don't get hurt, we just end up with a total dueshbag for a president. when PAX pimps its bible and killing people, someone is going to get hurt. is this legal? this doesn't even follow the church which teaches peace and acceptance. turn the other cheek like jesus, not burn down you gay neighbors house, not murber that friendly doctor next door who preformed an abortion yesterday.

this world is fucking nuts.

one of hte PBS stations also carried the BBC world News. much better then anything you see here in the states. it was obvious that they took a pro kerry stance but the actual news part was so much better. there were actually good stories and un-biases coverage. real journalism. a few of the stories were actually upbeat too.


upbeat news? wow. these days i generally stick with no news.

By Blogger josh, at Sunday, October 24, 2004 11:33:00 PM  

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I am NOT restarting the God arguements here 

Saw an interesting lil' tv special, figured i'd share (cuz if i type it down, i'll prolly remember it better).
You hear about how religion helps people with this kind of physio-phycho healing response, si? Like those articles that say people who pray often manage to come out of illnesses quicker. I guess it's to the extent of getting rid of the stress that negatively affects things.
In an interview with this doc (i forget which...he worked w/ the dhali lama for decades. the one documenting monks who heat thier body temps.) the doc said that it's not religion itself that triggers the relaxation response of prayer, but 2 things:

- the repetition of a word, phrase, sound, or movement (rosary, buddhist chants, etc (3rd century christian nomads around Egypt curled into fetal position and rocked back and forth on thier feet chanting Jesus. bwa haha))

- the disregarding of distracting thoughts as they come in so you keep some kind of purity of focus.

So the healing power of prayer can be boiled down not to the God or spirituality itself, but to the concentration on a single idea for a period of time - positive thinking. Every single culture in the documented history of the world has something like this. Every fucking one. So there must be some merit, even if there is no God.

Hail Warcraft III, full of grace. My thoughts are with thee.

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Saturday, October 23, 2004

WoW man, just wow. 

Tonight, I witnessed something truely amazing. Let me tell you a story.

My parents have this friend named R@?!%* M#^)+ (R.M. for short. (some names have been changed to help the innocent)) R.M. turned out to be a loose bush supporter. R.M. comes over to our house once in a while and just shoots the shit. Tonight he showed up unannounced, no indication, and just walked right in. I happen to hand him a beer because I just so happen to be getting one for myself (wink, wink). R.M sits down at our dining room table and starts talking. R.M. is a native VTer and his family has owned some sort of farm here for generations. Topics of conversation ran from local polotics, to people we each knew who served in iraq, and federal polotics to just plain rumors around town and catching up on gossip from around town. He’s fiftyt, I’m twenty-three.

One of the main things I want to talk about here are how his political views differed from mine. He gets 80,000$ a year from the federal government in his name, because he claims to be a small farmer. Under bushes new laws, he gets to claim that he, his wife , each of his children , and one of his illegal Mexican workers is a small farm. He gets close to 600,000$ a year from the federal government for not doing anything but claiming that each of those people own part of his farm. Guess who he’s voting for.

Some of the people they knew were in Iraq and Afganistan. Both of them came back alive. One was missing a nose and the other perfectly normal. The man who lost his nose had it blown off by a mortar and was scheduled to go back in less then a month. The man that came back OK went to Manitoba with a friend of his. When the guy had gone off to war, his best friend had told him that when he came back alive, they would go hunting together. It turns out the friend of his happens to be the guy who’s building our camp on the lake. They talked about him for a few minutes and then I made a joke about how it was funny that he would want to kill something as soon as he got back from the war. Not funny. We drank a bunch of beers and R.M. just barged in the door when he showed up. Total redneck. Typical old school VTer. Acted like her owned the place. It was funny to watch. I was supposed to show my parents ferinhyte 9/11 tonight but he side railed that mission.

R.M. told stories of people who we each knew commonly around town. What struck me odd about this was small town polatics. Everyone knew each other. My parents could pull out people and places from twenty years ago and they were all on the same page. they were gone for 10 years and it was as if they hadn't misse danything. or as i it didin't matter. the same people still lived in town and the same people were stilll talked about around town. gossip. It made me think of what we’re going to think of haddam in 30 years when we all move back to the area. It makes sense. We’re all comfortable with the surroundings. We all have positive memories about the place. It seems natural that we may, some day, be drawn back to this place we came. Just thinking.

I’m doing a lot of small chores around the house. I finished moving dirt today. I moved 12 wheelbarrows full of dirt around our drive way to smooth it out. Looks good. Went down to see our camp being rebuilt. Its going ot kick ass. I’m thinking of living there for a while. Once its done no one is going to live there. My parents want to wait a few years before they find something in florida and live there half the year. It’s a sweet sot on the lake 35 minutes south of Burlington. We named our dog after the town it’s in. also it sounds as though I could get a job easily up here. (Damon, call me. General Dynamics, and NRG(45 people) are hiring up here again.)


oh yeah,

europe's going to rock

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Saturday, October 23, 2004 1:50:00 AM  

sounds cool man. i still want to organize a journey up north to see the place.

if your in ct for the weekend come watch the series a my place. no yankees shit talk i promise

By Blogger murphy, at Saturday, October 23, 2004 10:25:00 AM  

yeah that sounds great chump...i gotta get up there too

By Blogger josh, at Saturday, October 23, 2004 1:57:00 PM  

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Friday, October 22, 2004

thank math for friday 

get it? math is god. anyway stupid joke. so whose with me about giving mothernature a slap in the face for this bullshit weather. seen the forcast? not even going to break 60 for a week with lows down to 34. fuck this no fucking fall as usual. these fucking seasons are changing quicker than ever. the global warming is fucking things up. you remember when fall used to last more and 3 weeks right? and winter ended in march, not fucking april. i just saw "the day after tomorrow" and although it extremely accelerates the weather patterns, its based on actual weather simulations.

well this post went to shit. i totally spaced out on what i was going to rant about besides the weather. well thats not entirely true, i was going to rant about kelly, but i decided against it. i guess its just best not to say anything sometimes.

anyone doing anything tonight?


I'm free tonight and looking for something to do.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Friday, October 22, 2004 3:27:00 PM  

Were drinking over here at my place

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Friday, October 22, 2004 4:23:00 PM  

posibligh trip to cojones for some 'ritas' and senorita's boom skakaklakakakakakakaakka boom
go sox

By Blogger murphy, at Friday, October 22, 2004 8:02:00 PM  

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Thursday, October 21, 2004

cue the world series 


i may not shave until the series is over. i mean, WWJD (What Would Johnny [damon] Do?

something weird/interesting has happened. macunas, maybe your psychological background could help. or any of you who've done anthro or sociology extensively. i'm starting to like all the hometown teams (sox, pats) more and more. and i mean in the last month or so, not just since the pats won the superbowl. my guess is this: being here in a place i despise pretty much makes me appreciate home, and gives me more pride in it. like i saw someone write something on the blog to the extent of "who cares about uconn football" or somethin. maybe the night of the debate. but i love it (of course i've always been a big uconn fan). regarding baseball specifically, the people here who are [on occasion] stupid, rascist, exclusive, sexist, etc are the people who comprise the braves fan base. quite frankly it's disgusted me, and it's been driving me away from the braves. baseball's my favorite sport, i need someone to cheer for, so what's the next logical step? the hometown team of course. the sox (yanks are not part of new england, and they suck, so fuck em. also i lovethat steinbrenner paid out the ass for a-rod so he could win another world series, and a-rod went to ny to win one, and they lost. the irony, and the situational powerlessness of money).

i dont know. i'm a little confused, honestly. it might be a good experience to live down here where i don't like it. build character. all i know is i've never had such pride in ct/new england as i do now. maybe that's what it's all about

fuck up the nl no-names. wouldn't even know the nl was still playing by watching the games and sportscenter lately

go sox

fuck sc


ps. don't try to get me for bandwagoning if that's what you're thinking. the braves are probably the 2nd most successful franchise behind the evil empire. i may be leaving that behind for the hometown

By Blogger josh, at Thursday, October 21, 2004 2:43:00 PM  

[I don't want my own profile, hence anonymous, but Matt this is Damon, send me an invite again please]

I know what you're saying Josh. I never liked New England so much until I went out to crappy central PA and realized our ocean, mountains, and having more people than livestock makes it a rocking place. And I don't like CT, but when I'm outside of it and someone from Jersey is trashing it, some pride wells up for defense.

I was thinking about not shaving too, though mainly a good excuse for laziness.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thursday, October 21, 2004 5:34:00 PM  

You guys are making me nervous considering im moving to the deep south.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Thursday, October 21, 2004 7:49:00 PM  

damon, need the email address again. i've inadvertantly lost all of them.

i've never understood why NEW york is not part of new england. it would only make sense.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Thursday, October 21, 2004 8:45:00 PM  

i wouldn't be too nervous brancy. i dont know much about the exact place you're moving to, however, i get the general feeling (from travelling there and also word of mouth) that florida is a little different from the rest of the south. it's much more of a tourist place. all the attractions draw people from all over the world, as do the many golf courses. unless you're really in the middle of nowhere, i wouldnt' worry. another distinction is that SC is a traditional southern, good-ole-boy state. it's different from places like virginia, and florida. in fact, in my classes here i'm learning of laws that SC still follows that no other states do. i think the state has a hard time letting go, and i'm not confident that many others are like it. maybe parts of tn, ky, al, ms, ga, but i'm not sure it would extend to fl, if that helps

By Blogger josh, at Thursday, October 21, 2004 10:01:00 PM  

Matt I need an invite also

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Friday, October 22, 2004 11:53:00 AM  

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Suck it suck it suck it 

What better way to beat the Yankees than to make history and come back from an 3-0 deficit on Micky Mantles birthday? And Barone was trying to tell me that Yankees fans have more class than Bostons. Yeah right, did you see how all those arrogant bitches were throwing stuff at the sox players? What class. Fuck you Yankees.

Sox all the way!






By Blogger murphy, at Thursday, October 21, 2004 12:17:00 PM  

well, what can i say. all my fears heading in to the season came to frutition in this series. yanks never had any startin g pitching. el duke carried the team down the stretch and blew his arm out for the playoffs. lieber was decent. muesina is just not an ace. brown got hurt and vasquez fell apart. good pitching beats good offence every time. giambi's a duesch and killed us having to get tony clark (who fucked us good) and john olerude. torre over used the bullpen during the season to lock up the devision title. rivera, gordon and quantril (who were 1,2,3 in appearences this year) were burned out by october. loiza?!? are you kidding! i bet cashman gets canned, stienbrener spends too much money to fix the pitching but pedro and lowe are never an option. i guess we could throw a lot of money at pavano and maybe we entice al lieter to cross town. who knows.

fucking sox

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Thursday, October 21, 2004 1:21:00 PM  

with all this $$$ going to be spend on pitching where oh where is beltron going to go? ha ha ha ha ha

By Blogger ron, at Thursday, October 21, 2004 2:05:00 PM  

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Wednesday, October 20, 2004


here is a letter from the administration that we got today:

UConn Student Baseball Fans!

Many members of our campus community are caught up in the excitement of the
incredible series between the Red Sox and the Yankees. Given our geographic
location, the fan base is pretty evenly split on campus. Please be sure that
your excitement for the series and support for your chosen team does not
translate into inappropriate behaviors at the end of tonight’s decisive game.

Let’s show our pride in UConn and enjoy the game responsibly!

John R. Saddlemire
Vice President for Student Affairs
University of Connecticut

roits anyone? eh, i'll read about it tomorrow if it happens. as another note they are offering uconn students free admission to the soccer game tonight.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2004

i'm immortal, but now a 1/4" shorter 

yea, so saturday i went out for a nice ride with my buddy and i'm bombing down the trail. everything is going fine except for i'm going into this corner a little too fast, no problem i get on the brakes, (note: just the brakes on my bike probably cost more than most bikes people buy so you bet your ass their damn good), hit a jump a little awkward then the last thing i see is the ground and the base of a small tree coming towards me. then i hear a loud "THUNK", and i'm laying on my back with my teeth clenched for some reason. suddenly i realized that i'd just landed directly on top of my head. i lay on the ground for a few minutes and figure out i'm good enough to get up and go home. I was pretty dizzy and couldnt see good for a few minutes. i spend the next two days on the couch and go see a doctor on monday. after taking some x-rays they though that i might have a broken neck so they did some more tests. turns out i'm fine. just stiff and bruised as fuck. today i can turn my head pretty far and the muscle relaxers are decent (they just make me tired). thats my story and i'm sticking to it.

BB: nice going man, i'll be sure to come visit as much as possible.
anyway, go sox!


Sounds like a serious one. Slow down dumbass, or you wont be able to use that expensive bike of yours ever again. Glad to here your ok.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Tuesday, October 19, 2004 11:00:00 AM  

i'm joking about being 1/4" shorter.

By Blogger ron, at Tuesday, October 19, 2004 5:07:00 PM  

whats that make you ron an even 3"? thats okay its the girth that matters ahahahahahaah

By Blogger murphy, at Tuesday, October 19, 2004 5:42:00 PM  

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Monday, October 18, 2004


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Sunday, October 17, 2004

if you're bored 

some of this shit is hilarious

we might think about the porno for bibles thing, considering our love of religion. check some of this out when you're bored...and don't worry it's got pictures to breakup that mundane reading.

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Friday, October 15, 2004

I got a job 

I think. WEll, its pretty sure, she said she just has to check with my references then I got it. I dont see why that would stop things though. Whoa. Time to get my shit together i guess. I have to be there ASAP too, which doesnt give me much time. There = panama city.
Looks really nice and apartments are cheap. Maybe i could live on the beach.

So how do i leave 23 years of my life in a couple of weeks?


wow, congrats brancy! it may be a tough transition, but if you love your work it will be just fine. it's tough being away from all your best friends, trust me, but you'll find ways of getting thru it until you can see them again. and if you love your job, all the better. good luck and keep us updated!

By Blogger josh, at Friday, October 15, 2004 12:52:00 PM  

Congrats Brian!!! Juat becareful down there, beware of loose women and pickpockets.

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Friday, October 15, 2004 7:28:00 PM  

Panama!... Pana-ma-ha eeeeyyooooww!!

be careful of the crabs on the beach and in the bush

ketiss.... buuuussssscccch

now your pres. and gov. are gonna be bush

good times man take it easy

By Blogger murphy, at Saturday, October 16, 2004 5:38:00 PM  

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Thursday, October 14, 2004

Fuck, shit piss ass 

had a nice long post

now its gone.

fuck dial up.


type in word, then connect and post. Saves frustration dude

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Friday, October 15, 2004 10:45:00 AM  

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Good Afternoon Mailbox heads 

so Vt is relaxing so far, i've been helping figure out hoiw to put the camp togeather with my parents and trying to find things i don't even think of with my mom like bathroom fixtures and cabinit styles nad showers. i had no idea showers cost so much. right now i'm pushing for a shower with like 25 shower heads. it'll use approximitly 32.7 gallons a minute and have its own pump strong enough to power wash an elephant.

Think i'll be coming down tomarrow for the weekend. we should all get togeather somewhere for yanks/sox. go yanks. Sorry Josh, the braves never had a chance. West virgina made uconn look like a bunch of amatures.

at night i find myself staying up late and doing bong rips on the porch, then coming inside to watch adult swim. sealab kicks ass. i picked up the first season on DVD. i watched it in the car on my lab top on the ride up. fine work.

the debates do nothing but anger me now. bush lies around every corner and people still seem to believe him. i have to change the channel because i start yelling at him. how does he get away with this? are people in the country really that stupid?!? i believe they are. kerry won all the debates, the only close one was the second. after last nights debate i watched a republican claim that bush won all three of the deabtes because he "stuck to his principles" and "our economy has turned the corner". i think someone didn't get the memo, those were last months talking points.

republicans are slipping.

also i've seen an over welming increase of in the number of campaign ads on TV. maybe its just VT but they weren't showing this many in CT. Kerry took a few more shots at bush lastnight. he saved some new ones for each debate. the democrates really prepared him very well for these. he looked good, spoke well aned never looked flustered like bush did. the saved a few punchs for each one of hte debates. Last night it was cheneys gay daughter and how bush lies about the number of jobs created.

where's my hockey? the owners are going to get hurt in this one.

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Wednesday, October 13, 2004

the skinny on fatties. and nobody likes a fattie. 

Just came from an historian's presentation on the accuracy of some of the things in DaVinci Code. First time I ever seen the Dodd Center actually filled. I tried looking online for this kind of stuff but it was mostly priests' websites defending thier position with facts of thier own (which are prolly true, i just wanted all sides of the issue). Figured I'd jot em down while they're fresh, since most of my religio-post info came from that book.
The Official Historian Position: they have no idea whether or not Mary of Magda carried on a bloodline w/ Jesus (the documents of which are the actual Holy Grail, not a chalace). She definitely wasn't a whore, that's for sure. She most likely was the favored apostle.

Most of it was about the Nag Hammadi (collection of documents found in Egypt circa 1940s). It's pretty much a collection of gospels that weren't included with the big 4. Gospel of Mary, Thomas, Phillip, etc. they were written in the 3rd or 4th century; the ones we know were from 1st and 2nd. They weren't included because they didn't synch enough with the Old Testament and didn't talk about the crucifixion. the one from Thomas is not much of a gospel, just a catalog of things Big J was heard to say. i wanna find that one - it prolly sounds Buddhist.

It most likely was not Constantine's unification that excluded the other lost gospels, it was the christians themselves in 1st-2nd century who established for themselves what they wished to believe. Everything followed from that. So the meek inhereted this or that. great.

I asked whether the book was accurate about the early Christian absorption of the lesser religions and they're icons/symbols - the 8Ball said "Outlook is Positive". Since the Christians became the conquering culture, the rolled right thru the pagans and subsequently took over their shrines and temples, especially in the Medditerranian. They just adopted thier symbology and holidays/traditions to make the (forced) transition that much easier for the losers. Thus Egyptian sun-disks became halos, the Asian cruciform symbol (swiss cross) got modified, they asked "what does our new God look like?"
"Err...long white beard, large and powerful old man style. Zeus. Just think Zeus."
"Yes, Father."

So this proves that the winners not only write the history books, but the BIBLE.
"Oh my God - they killed Gnosticism!!" "You bastards!!!"

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bush is good, except george w. 

i hope they red flagged us. fuck that. bush sucks. did you guys know i'm training terrorists right here in my tiny columbia apartment? holy fuck. think you know someone. they can chekc my library records all they want, i dont have any. at least not any active ones. if they find that i checked out "everybody poops" in the fall of '88 i'll let it slide. everybody poops you say? i kid you not.

rather than checkign the library records of handsome yet disallusioned 20-something such as ourselves, the gov't could be put to a better use, like ridding the south of pre-civil war sentiments. good god. i'm just happy i'm not black down here. and you'd think w/ so many black democrats maybe the south would come to its senses and vote democrat once in a while. but they have measures to stop that. this guy in my law school class is also a sc representative (liek being in the ct general assembly) and he told me a story where a republican candidate put up fliers in black neighborhoods saying that if you have ever gotten a traffic violation or have failed to pay child support, and something else, that if you tried to vote you'd be arrested at the polls. jesus christ.

i had mon and tues off, so i went up to jmu for the weekend. what a different world than here. gettin out of sc asap

i'm beginning to think that family guy thing is true, where peter's ancestor is drinkin against the general of the southern army during the civil war. he wins, and says no slaves, and teh southern guy says fine but we still dont have to read books. where's the govt here to fight racism and the other shit? oh yeah, the gov't is part of the shit.

if canada wasn't so cold it might be a good place to move. nationalized healthcare. cheap prescription drugs

fuck that. fuck conservatives. fuck religion. fuck south carolina. fuck bush. fuck the cia. fuck oil. fuck kobe bryant.

tim sorry about your job
go sox

i'm out


Wow, Josh, you need to get out of there I think it might be affecting your sanity. Have you tried applying generous quantities of hallucinagins?

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Wednesday, October 13, 2004 7:04:00 PM  

not as such, tim. instead i've been busting my ass to keep up and learn all this shit so i get good enough grades to get out of here and to somewhere i like better. like quohog, ri

By Blogger josh, at Thursday, October 14, 2004 2:10:00 PM  

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Monday, October 11, 2004


do you guys really think any bit of this site has been red flaged? office environments do monitor internet use yes, they did at the DEP. and i'm sure they will most of the places that we will work at. cant fuck around. i'd like to overlook the child thing, but that just isnt funny and it will get you on a watch list.

matt, you think your firing might have something to do with running the monkey at work often? i mean if they did read it they might be a little pissed only furthuring the gap between you and the owners. just a thought.

tim, so were you axed because of the monkey? or because of performance? i'm getting mixed responses. you say they were extra strict about the drug references, then you say that you failed performance? combination of both? did they read the monkey? anyway hope you find something soon.

the more i think about how this world operates the more i realize how fucked up this place is and how pretty much every single person has their own agena/plan whatever you want to call it. i got mine, thats for sure. i mean, i'm still hanging out up here at storrs, still in school. i could have gotten a job right when i graduated, saved a ton of loan money and probably be getting a fat check right now.

-side thought
i must say that i havent been smoking with nearly the regularity that the ron of the past is known for. sometimes i want it, sometimes i have absolutely no desire for the green. it comes and goes, but i feel it coming less and less.

so some nights, like tonight, i sit here after a days work and think if i'm doing the right thing. i realize that i must be, because i'm not entirely unsatisfied with my life, choices and things of that nature. i have things that need improvement for sure.

-side thought
ever have one of those nights when you get a buzz or smoke, go to the bathroom and ask yourself in the mirror, "what the fuck are you doing?" ha ha ha ha. come on be honest.

i'm a bit distracted tonight, its late and i havent eaten yet. and with that i'll leave you with this:

life is full of choices fellows, and the ones you make today have a direct outcome on tomorrows events. nothing is without its effect.


My lack of clients got me terminated, the website just made them nervous, with all the shit going on in the security business they watch every new person like hawks.

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Monday, October 11, 2004 10:16:00 PM  

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Not mentioned: Europe, Kung fu, DJing, some crazy bitch says 'eat shit' in my voicemail. 

Damn Looney that sucks. If I'd known you were feenin' for clients I'd have gotten off my ass about that consultation. Nuts to that; you can be my advisor during your tenure w/ the next company in line.

Mruph: good job w/ the rugby. You'll get back to your prime after it kicks your ass a bit. Then we'll all be in our prime cuz we'll have to stay on our toes around you.

Dr. Klopick - the man, the metaphor. best songwriter we got, i figure he'll write the campaign diddies for Josh. (God, I can only imagine....). here's some crap i wrote at the parking garage because concrete is so inspiring.

I hope I keep my sanity
long enough to apprehend some inner logic.
Before I'm caught by disease or pride or unharnessed impulses.
Infatuation the vice-grip neurosis choke-hold.
I'm bound to break free in fits and starts
sending my mind forward or up
while the world stops for a moment.

Then the phone rings.

And the party picks up its pace without abatement.
I'm winning the race that I'm too smart to be running.
Going thru the weekend activities every day.
Like my life was an analog tape with no calendar anyplace.
I'm like a bastard and a Buddha chained together
with loose philosophies my only innattentive tether.

So I had this dream where this bangin' girl (she actually works at the uconn co-op. you'd know which one if you've seen her. you'd just know) was hanging with me and we got along great (which we actually would NOT). The weird thing was she had a tatoo of an entire month of a calendar across her back........I guess that'd be erotic if i were like Chronos the god of Time or some shit but I'm not so it was weird. I also remembered something someone in my dream said: "You are McDonald's. You are the Early End Boss." Make a song outta that one. Jeez. It'll sound like a Cake song, i guarantee it.

By the way, my phone was dead all weekend for anyone that called.


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Sunday, October 10, 2004

The Monkey, Open For Business 

blog on my friends, blog on.

i'm glad to see the world didn't end without the blog for a week.

go yanks.


Hey guess what!!! I lost my job!!!! Hurray to failure! Drink up......

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Monday, October 11, 2004 9:23:00 AM  

Ny the way I ask Matt to take out all my posts because I got in trouble at work for "Violating Internet Policy". I had a master plan to avoid termanation. However in the end it was my poor slaes performance that got me canned. You need to aquire 10 clients in 8 week or your out. I had two in six weeks, with only two propects booked in the next two weeks. So;
1) There is no market reception tommorrow night, so don't bother showing up (unless its to imberrass them).
2) I got to sober up and find a job
3) Anyone know where I can find a job with benefits?


By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Monday, October 11, 2004 9:31:00 AM  

damnit tim! i was looking forward to a free dinner. you know being a student doesnt leave me much time to cook.

oh well, sorry to hear you got canned. hope you find something soon.

By Blogger ron, at Monday, October 11, 2004 10:46:00 AM  

i can't help but feel slightly responsible. Of course its kind of hard to understand how our random rants can be seen as detrimental to society or how this site can set off a red flag along the lines of porno, kiddie porn, slave trading, and terrorism. i'm curious as to who whould have to make the decision as to wether this site is good or bad. My guess is that its just a computer program that scans it for bad words like shit, fuck, whore, pussy and childsex. oh well, lesson learned, now tim can join my slowly growing rank of the unemployed. good luck tim.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Monday, October 11, 2004 4:09:00 PM  

Actually it was the drug references, the security is extremely anti-drug. They equate any association with drugs a money laundering risk.

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Monday, October 11, 2004 6:05:00 PM  

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Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Bienvenidos Los Poopy Pantelones 

well i had my first rugby practice on tuesday and it was fun. i took a elbow to the eye and someone stomped on my hand with a cleat. Life is good.

i am grossly out of shape but im going back tommarow and i am playing in Vermont for their team on saturday. nothing like trial by fire. or i should say retrial, or maybe misstrial

ecsu rugby is finally becoming a reality-BACK TO HOUSE OF PAIN!!!!

anyways go sox


oh yeah--hey Mr Spunkmire-whats the deal with fucking shit up
now we got big brother on our ass

I love wet shaved pussy
and i hate dubya

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Tuesday, October 05, 2004

its funny 

because all of us went here to check if we could make a new post or something and we are still typing to each other despite the main site being down.

i might be in town this weekend. so maybe a campfire at my house one of the nights.

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Monday, October 04, 2004

Same here 

The one person who could possibly fix it, is out of contact without internet for the time being.

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Sunday, October 03, 2004

i read you murph, but i also can't read the main site

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whats up 

i can add but i cant view the main site
something is wrong here if anyone can see this call me

our blog is in jeopardy

423 2820

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Friday, October 01, 2004

the Cuervo Gold and the Fine Columbian 

you know it, you love it, "it makes tonite a wonderful thing."

Yes i finally broke down and bought a Steely Dan cd. i have listened to realing in the years about a thousand times already. Usually you get sick of a song after a while but not this one baby! Its the new theme music to Ole' Bessie-the white and black minivan that looks like a cow-and all the mexicanos of Willi have been hearin it pumpin.

For those about to rock, i salute you- Branciteam came through with another dep sponsered covert operation-lime green rests quietly in the bear cave, mingling nicely with the spider webs and the futon- I love it when a plan comes together and i pitty the foo who dont like the lime green.

last night=good times good times=brain fog
last night=brain fog shhhhhhwwwoooooosh..........

good times had by all, kolpak was missed however i think we (i) drank his share for him
barone-you are a worthy apponent, my drunk fighting skills need to be honed, im out of practice since me and bergan dont live together anymore.

take it easy everyone

and as my grandma says: smile, peace, its time to be happy.


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By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Friday, October 01, 2004 11:26:00 PM  

Yes, that was good times. Felt great to all get together like that.

Looney- I cant give you any definite answer, but count me in. Im assuming well get a free dinner and stuff? And give us more information of what this is! Do we get to make any speaches? The only reason i cant say for sure is cause its on a tuesday...

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Saturday, October 02, 2004 10:27:00 AM  

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