# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 8/15/2013 10:50:00 PM
Tim, Mike and I woke up early and started packing some equipment and supplies for a few days on the road. we had some guns and ammo but not too much, better to leave that at basecamp. we packed enough food for 4 days on the road, that gave us a good distance of two days out and two days back. the truck would eat up a lot of gas but we have plenty to spend for this trip. it'd be worth it. we'd have people colleting extra leading up to this for us. we should be in good shape as far as survival goes unless something crazy happens or we come across another "hulk" zombie.
Jesse and ramirez were keeping the business running with lou keeping everyone occupied and entertained. the influx of new people was slowing down so everyone was starting to get to know one another. the bar would be fine, the few goons we had would be able to keep it going and if they hadn't drank all our booze by the time we get back, the place would still be standing. the extra people we'd emplyeed to fix up the basement and build the garage would be paid in food and drugs. or we'd just kill them to keep it a secrete, that was yet to be determined. can't be too safe.
the box truck Jack had gotten was loaded and ready to go. we left around day break and headed north. we had a few maps around that showed us it was a little more populated in that direction and we figured we'd have better luck f finding a brewery or microbrew pub. once we got out of the "over-picked" zone around the complex we'd have a better chance of finding an abandoned gas station or library that might have some kind of tourist map of the area.
the weather was still a little bit grey everyday but it was certainly bright enough to get around and keep the roamers at bay. the roads were clear enough to travel on at a decent pace without having to move many cars out of the way. it was fairly rural where we were headed, it was best to stick to the back roads now. the highways were littered with burned out cars and roaming gangs and desperate people. most of the travelers we had at the complex made it there because they avoided the roads altogether. at this point, the supply of people dumb enough to travel by highway must be dwindling.
the first 2 hours were quiet and uneventful. we passed farm house after farm house and didn't see any movement of anything. most of the animals were either zombified or hunted for food at this point. it was slim pickings. if we found any of these farms with actual livestock still there we decided it would be best to pick them up. perhaps start a farm of our own. man can't live on fruits and vegetables forever.
we stopped at hte next quite farm we came across. it was time for lunch and the truck needed to be gassed up already. in the middleof the day a fire was safe from roamers and a hot lunch was always a little setteling. we found an old colonial house with a pair of barns behind it that looked safe. we pulled in and pulled the truck up to the corner of a barn to create a little corner that would be safer. burns jumped out and got to wrk on teh fire. Tim got to work fueling the truck and prepareing lunch. we didn't see any activity but you still never feel safe being outside of hte car. i grabbed a gun and a machete and looked inside the barn. not much here, mostly old haybails and farm equipment. plenty of pitch forks, horse saddles, a small tractor and such. i found an old rusty bear trap and a few saw blades i thought would be valuable and threw them in the truck.
lunch wasn't much more than bread and potatos with an onion fried in the pan. good enough. we ate quickly and decided to check out hte rest of hte house and the other barn. the other barn looked like it was used for cattle but we didn't see any. no bodies or dead animals in sight. it was fairly big and we took a couple of old metal milk jugs we found that looked like they'd hold liquor. the building was fairly empty, it was hard to tell if it was abandoned before the event or not. it was still fairly clean and there was no sign of any struggle or leftover livestock. we headed into the house after the barn.
the front porch of hte house looked like it had been emptied at some point. there was no furniture or anything on it. odd. we opened the front door and the smell hit us immediately. something was dead here. something was not kosher.
"damn it that stinks"
"shut up, you'll draw more" the walkers were drawn to the noise, talking while clearing ahouse could get everyone killed, this tytpe of tension kept us all on our toes. at this point it kept the group sharp and remined everyone that stepping out of line, maiking a sounds, firing a shot, that could get you kllled. it didnt' take much now a days and we'd all lost people to some random act.