The Workermonkey


Monday, January 31, 2005


he must have really paced himself to drink 60 beers, not pass out and piss himself.


Man peed way out of avalanche

A Slovak man trapped in his car under an avalanche freed himself by drinking 60 bottles of beer and urinating on the snow to melt it.

Rescue teams found Richard Kral drunk and staggering along a mountain path four days after his Audi car was buried in the Slovak Tatra mountains.

He told them that after the avalanche, he had opened his car window and tried to dig his way out.

But as he dug with his hands, he realised the snow would fill his car before he managed to break through.

He had 60 half-litre bottles of beer in his car as he was going on holiday, and after cracking one open to think about the problem he realised he could urinate on the snow to melt it, local media reported.

He said: "I was scooping the snow from above me and packing it down below the window, and then I peed on it to melt it. It was hard and now my kidneys and liver hurt. But I'm glad the beer I took on holiday turned out to be useful and I managed to get out of there."

Parts of Europe have this week been hit by the heaviest snowfalls since 1941, with some places registering more than ten feet of snow in 24 hours.


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Sunday, January 30, 2005

!Viva Columbia! 

Its Dirty so very very dirty. Me and Barone hangin out in SC with Baranoff and the dogg santos. on the table for the next day or two is playing risk and smoking bowls. The rumors are true, the South is Dirty. Keep on trucking up in Ct well be back soon to visit, say high to Carl Carlson for us. Expect post cards coming. Post adress #'s if you want one

Well keep you posted, so far so good.

oh yeah we made record time driving through the night 13 hours baby the White van rides again

peace bitch


Carl Carlson
420 AK Drive
Sweet Outdoor, GA 04020

By Blogger ron, at Monday, January 31, 2005 2:12:00 PM  


By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Monday, January 31, 2005 7:39:00 PM  

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Monday, January 24, 2005

Something to lighten the mood  

#6 Posted by Hello


reminds me of the dozers on fraggle rock
keep up the good work little buddies

By Blogger murphy, at Sunday, January 30, 2005 1:20:00 PM  

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#3 Posted by Hello

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#2 Posted by Hello

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#1 Posted by Hello

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i got some the info on mike's funeral/wake

calling hours are wed 5-8pm at East Hampton memorials (here)

the funeral is at St. Bridget's church in moodus 10am thursday (here)

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Sunday, January 23, 2005

here's the middletown press article about mike boule

sad story

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Saturday, January 22, 2005

Closer to Home Tragedy 

Mike Bouclear (boo-klee-ay) passed from this world at 1:30 am friday night.
He was only a few houses away from his own when he slid into a stone wall somehow. The car flipped and trapped him under. His family was there within 10 minutes getting him out, but he was already gone. Services are (i think) Wed. and Thurs. at the funeral home in East Hampton from 5-8pm. That's all I know so far.
My brother was pretty good friends with Mike back in the day, so I knew him fairly well. He's a great guy + will be missed.


wait mike? i heard it was chris????? definitely tragic either way, but i just had to break the news to my sister who dated chris that it was him. who was it i'd like ot tell her for real?

By Blogger josh, at Saturday, January 22, 2005 8:42:00 PM  

nevermind i talked to macunas

By Blogger josh, at Saturday, January 22, 2005 8:50:00 PM  

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How tragic 

American soldiers fire into a car killing the parents of the six children in the car. They were commiting an unforgivable crime - being on the road past curfew. In the soldiers' defense, it was said they they used hand signals to stop, fired warning shots, and fired shots to disable the vehicle, before finally firing fatally. Maybe true, except the part about trying to disable the car, several professional soldiers with automatic weapons can't disable an everyday car? Anyway, a depressing piece of news.

Looking for better feelings away from political news and Iraq, I came across a possibly worse story because the irony; the chances are nil. A 67 year old woman goes into a coma in September after a stroke. It looks bad, her 71 year old husband visits everyday, sometimes up to four times a day. He tells the media he is losing faith. He losses all hope and gasses himself in his garage. Twelve hours later, his wife comes to and askes for her husband. Furthering the irony, this occurs 40 miles from the setting of Romeo and Juliet's similar ending.

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Friday, January 21, 2005

It was uncut and it was the Bomb 

it is safe to say that last night our funk was definately the P-funk. I have been to Toads a couple of times but this was definately the best. the crowd was awesome. the Wolf rolled a fat cone and we fired that shit up in the middle of the audience. Aparently we were not the only ones who brought joints. The place was baked half way through the show and the band rocked-I was completely funkified-then big George pulled out a bowl and the band got high on stage, or at least higher than they already were.

me (person to be named later) and the Wolf chilled at toads while bergan floated to some other bars in search of punanay, thats pun tang in other words. I was outside smoking a cig-take a moment to realize the irony-and George Clinton came out of the tour bus followed by what looked like a fire extinguisher cloud of smoke coming out the door. he said something about finishing the show and i went next door to get some pizza. good times had by all and all a good night

Me and Barone are off to see the Wizard and Baranoff and the Branciteam, and if there time the hungerforce

completely and utterly funkified

Justin Murphy

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Thursday, January 20, 2005

i'm not sure america needs a third party. if the green party, for example, became a legitimate contender, then if they ever got power they would spend more resources on the environment, ignoring many other factors, just like republicans ignore everything but corporations/the wealthy and democrats ignore everything but social issues/middle class. we need a party that is strong in each area, and divides up resources in the best way. but no one knows how to do this, so each party that gets power uses it to its preferences.

humans get drunk off power. to be a controlling party is to have more power than others. a party in power will first look to its own concerns. no one will ever be happy. i wont say that the 2 party system now is great, but more parties arent the answer either


maybe we need just one party, then we would not have to worry about all this nonsense.

By Blogger wyldshaman, at Friday, January 21, 2005 8:41:00 AM  

monday it is down to the dirty dirty stinky south. we be goin to tear the roof of this mothersucker can you dig are you connected to the mothership-get funkified

me and the red baron are hoppin down the bunny trail in the the Milk cow

By Blogger murphy, at Friday, January 21, 2005 12:22:00 PM  

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inaugurate THIS 

every system of government is inherently flawed. nobody wants to be governed. unfortunately, some sort of organization is necessary to have a "society," if you can even call it that these days. there needs to be structure. without it, we would go back to a hobbesian state of a war of all vs all. we would be base creatures, alive only to defend ourselves from outsiders and eat. people would be too concerned with sustaining life to deal with things like progression, and much of our technology would not be around as it is today.

the problem is never finding the perfect government, but finding one that is good enough. that's the best we can hope for. with the natural flaws of human beings combined with our instinct and desires and autonomy, we could never all be perfectly happy while being governed, a la brave new world.

moore's "utopia" is an interesting read on the subject.

i have constitutional law this semester which i like, because though it deals mainly with the judicial branch and its powers under the constitution, it touches on the other branches a little as well. as close to govt as i'll get here for now.

shit i have class...i'll have to finish later...if i can remember

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i've found out what's the matter with kansas 

i'm reading "what's the matter with kansas" by thomas frank. very good so far, its all about how people in the midwest can vote against thier own interest and why so many people are lashing out at the democratice party. i've been reading more and more political books lately and this one seems to be right down the ally i'm looking for. why are apeople voting against their own interests? it baffels me. people who are negitively effected by the bush administration are still voting for him. it makes no sense.

part of my problem is i don't know how to arguie with them. i've armed myself with facts and logic but that doesn't seem to work. what else do i need? i'm trying to understand these people from the botom up. i'm watching "the O'Reilly factor" at least once a week and tuning into Fox news channel constantly to see how thier coverage differes from the rest of the news. i just don't get it, i see through it, why can't they? why do people believe lies? what makes them trust bill o'rielly more then bill clinton?

i'm slowly but surely looking for a job and i really can't find a connection between engineering and politics which i seem to be obsesed with right now ( i watched 3 hours of hte Rice confermation hearings the other day). shit, i could hav ewritten a better daily show jab at it. they didn't play up the piano lessons part nearly enough, it went on for ever!

i'm fairly sure i'll have a better time finding a job in VT then in Ct or even boston. if that happens i'm planning on taking more classes here but not really in engineering. i was thinking some management classes and something to do with politics or writing. i'm sure i could get a second degree in about two years if i wanted it but then what? i'm a mechanical political science engineer? sure what the hell. what i need is a permanent place of residence where i can set up shop and run for some sort of local government position. shit, i'm sure i could have been a represenitive for charlotte by accident if i ran as Matthew Phillip Barone, enough people around town would mistake me for my father or check my name because i'm higher on the list alphabeticlly. sad isn't it? but these things start from the bottom up and even if the town hall is as high as i get, its still a good thing, the democratic party needs people working from the ground up. thats why the republicans are able to steel the elections. everyone who counts the votes are republicans. all the people who run the elections are republicans. those people need to be democrats, or at least progressives.

i found a site: Its running a contest based on 100 new ideas for the democratic party. they're going to distribute the 100 best ideas to all the democrats at a bunch of levels of government. i'm writing an essay for my own ideas. hey, maybe its a start.


There is a problem with the system. It really only allows 2 parties. No new ideas coming in, or being heard. While your studying politics look at how other "democratic" countries work. With a parliment system or what not. I did this and found out that the US system is basically corrupt and needs to be changed? So that leads me to......

By Blogger wyldshaman, at Thursday, January 20, 2005 7:44:00 AM  

Matt I have the same degree and similar plan, but we do not need Political Science degrees. An engineering degree lets people know you are a problem solver and a good decision maker. So that's an easy in to local government, which is an in to state, which is an in to federal. Kinda my plan, with the initial local positions going while making full time major cash in engineering while saving the planet from global warming, which will be a pretty good accomplishment to run with. Then again I'd have to fake it or to run Green or something because our two parties and useless. Course this plan is going to fail when I marry some Swedish hottie and decide all this work to change America just isn't worth it and don't return.

By Blogger Damon, at Thursday, January 20, 2005 6:44:00 PM  

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Wednesday, January 19, 2005


A guy was driving when a policeman pulled him over. He rolled down his window and said to the officer, "Is there a problem, Officer?""No problem at all. I just observed your safe driving and am pleased to award you a $5,000 Safe Driver Award. Congratulations. What do you think you're going to do with the money?"He thought for a minute and said, "Well, I guess I'll go get that drivers' license."The lady sitting in the passenger seat said to the policeman, "Oh, don't pay attention to him - he's a smartass when he's drunk and stoned."The guy from the back seat said, "I TOLD you guys we wouldn't get far in a stolen car!"At that moment, there was a knock from the trunk and a muffled voice said, "Are we over the border yet?


not mine but i figured i'd spread the funny.

By Blogger ron, at Thursday, January 20, 2005 10:55:00 AM  

I just wish those awards were real, I was thinking today while being among the 5% of so on the highway who were doing nothing at all illegal, that you never, ever, see a cop going the speed limit so what kind of example is that? It's no wonder everyone tailgates, no one signals, people weave all over, and speeds all the time. I wish following to close was the common ticket because that's what causes accidents, not going 150% the limit at night when you're the only one on the road, but that'll get you a ticket for sure.

By Blogger Damon, at Thursday, January 20, 2005 5:57:00 PM  

cops are bastards. talk about a power trip. cops are people who dont wanna do more school after high school, but want power. cops have great power over citizens. they'll push the limits as much as possible, and will occasionally get busted for it, though not nearly as often as they push the envelope. sorry if i offended anyone who knows/is related to a cop...kinda

By Blogger josh, at Friday, January 21, 2005 12:42:00 AM  

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Tuesday, January 18, 2005

yea home sucks 

once you leave you can never go back. things change and evolve when you are gone. then when you return you are basically a nuisance, disturbing the norm of the family. well, thats my take on it. i also sleep on the couch when i go home because my sister stole my room. but just being home and seeing how odd everyone acts disturbs me a bit. someone will complain about something and then i'll offer a few solutions. nothing changes. i'm sure i'm the same way too but i dont notice.
over break i was home and i think i did exactly the same as matt. with nothing to do the next day i stayed up until i was tired. i also drank what i pleased and burned one late most nights. i nearly inverted my sleeping schedule sleeping from about 5 or 6 until 2pm. yesterday (at home), no one woke me and i slept until noon. its hard to break the habit once its formed but being back at school should break me quick.
for those who want an update on my wrist read further. otherwise i'll bitch some more. i'm still the single-handed typing wonder. i saw the doc today to get the cast off. i though i'd be able to move it and actually do things but i was mistaken. it fucking hurts like hell. i have a velcro splint now to wear for my 8 weeks of recovery and physical therapy. 8 fucking weeks! fucking-A this sucks, but i asked and i should recover 100%.l


Personaly I like living with my family. Family is Inportant to me and i believe in the extended family.

In the last half century American house size has doubled and family size has steadily decreased yet people complain they cant live with there family. I dont understand.

This may be due to the farm family structure on my dads side, or possible my own asian influences. I was just thinking about this the other day, historicaly and even today East Haddam had alot of farm lands and this is where my dad grew up, but i cant remember one farm in Haddam. Which leads me to believe that possible the entire life view of people just across the River is different? It upsets me to this day that the Haddam school system in all its glory did not have any FFA class's and i didnt get to take them till i was a senior over here in East Haddam. =(

By Blogger wyldshaman, at Wednesday, January 19, 2005 7:30:00 AM  

dont get me wrong. i love my family and i expect to settle myself close by to them so i can better stay in touch. i think my situation is different because i live out of a backpack when i go home. as i said before i dont have a bed there anymore.

By Blogger ron, at Wednesday, January 19, 2005 9:21:00 AM  

i also greatly enjoy being with my family. part of it is that i don't see them that much, since for the last 3 years i've been in virginia, and now i'm in south carolina. also, it's one thing to see family, but during the day go off to work, or on errands, etc, and it's quite another to be with the family 24/7 like over vacations when people have time off from work/school. don't get me wrong that is great too, but i think it's natural that after too much constant time together any 2 people begin to have problems with each other.

anyway, home is great, and ct has much more than we ever appreciated in high school. whenever i'm back in ct it's always good to be home.

By Blogger josh, at Wednesday, January 19, 2005 8:21:00 PM  

I think what it really boilds down to is each family's own dynamic. If you think about the fact the people can cohabitate the way that they do is amazing. I mean, in one house you'll have 5 people, each with their own personality, goals, perspective, morals and needs. Each one unique but often more similar than not. Then each of these groups and all the individuals somehow can come together and live crammed together like rats in cage.

Fact of the day;
The Republican party was founded by Abe Lincoln in response to Pres. Fillmores Comprimise Bill that allowed slavery to expand and increased the penalty's for helping runaway slaves.

Thought for the day;
Taxes. Do taxes act as a counter inflationary force by reducing the supply of money available to domestic consumers?

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Wednesday, January 19, 2005 9:52:00 PM  

taxes are an unfortunate nessecity of life. if we didn't pay taxes the government wouldn't be able to exist. they need money to pay workers and do stuff. it how the goverment uses those taxes that problems come into play. when the money is properly used, taxes and inflation can go down. when hte funds are misappropriated, trouble looms. that where we are now. a group of people who want nothing more then the government to fail and corporations ot rule are in power. its a slow process because you do need public support, even if hte public doesn't uinderstand what you are doing.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Thursday, January 20, 2005 1:38:00 AM  

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Monday, January 17, 2005

reason i need to leave my house number 1 

  1. i go to sleep when my dad wakes up. he generally passes out (he's not drinking but i refuse to call what he does falling asleeep) between 8 and 9 at night. there have been multiple occations where he wakes up for work at 3 in hte morning and i'm still watching TV or playing videogames or i'm just generally drunk.

2. seriously, i'm 23

3. a little (i don't want to call it jelously, cause he's my father) but my dad owned his first house at 21. i'm falling behind. Land never goes down in value. That’s the lesson.

4. I hate Word. I can’t fuigure out the numbering system they use instead of common sense. One day I’m going to crush mircosoft and name my product “Fuck Word”, it will be an obvious rip off of MS Word but it will function correctly.

5. I’ve started writing again! Rejoice. I have new ideas and thet final chapters of the so-called high school epic will one day come togeather and my dream will become a reality. With no help from anyone. Fuck you, it’s my book now. MuuuHaHaHaHaHaHa…, it won’t work, my plan for world domination still involves all of you. Damon, I know you hate defense, but you’re going to be secretary of it.

6. if you want to hear something youj haven’t heard in awhile, listen to The Offspring.

7. I haven’t kept any of the promeses to myself I made when I lot my job. I haven’t gottten in shape, I haven’t written 300 pages in the book, I have traveled the world, but that doesn’t count. The company has suffereed from my lose, theyn’ve been through two engineers since I left. I guess theyt have suffered from my leaving. I rock. I have inside information that they are doing worse since I left. That makes me feel good. Fuck’ um. They fired me and I’m costing them unemployment insurance and they are doing worse since I left. Again, I rock. I also haven’t lost one net pound.

8. the challenge. My father challenged me. If I know so much about comic books (I’ve successfully predicted the actual outcome of ach of the last few comic book movies) then I should be able to make some sort of profit from them. Fair enough. I have been right about what is going to happen to catwoman, electra, spiderman 2, and a few other comic movies. Its time to put my money where my mouth is. I still have an online stock brokerage account from freshman year of college,, and its time I actually made money from it. Granted, after 5 years, I’ve finally made money off of my Dell stock. I know a lot about this industry, I’ve been following it for years. I guess its my hobby. If I’m so smart, why isn’t it paying off yet? I’ll get it, just wait.

9. I’ve been stone free for two weeks and its killing me. I love the weed, I love it, but I’m johnesing for a quick fix. I love weed, its killing me not to smoke. I’m replacing weed with drinking and its going to kill me. I’d rather drink 5 beers and smoke then drink 15 beers and pass out. It’s just healthier. Is this moral? Thanks GWB. Ok, mom’s up, time to stop. Which bring me to…..

10. I’m sick of parents butting in about whats good from me and whats not. Mom in sists I’ve had a bottle of wine, a six pack nad a few drinks. When I’ve only had a bottle of wine, 2 beers and a drink the size of somkething out of Cocktail.


Times Have Changed: My dad bought land and built his own house when he was young too. And the thing about it is he never really had a "good" or highpaying job. But back then you could do it.

Just look at all the people you know. Many with masters or bachelors degrees. Who is on the road to owning there own home? What about the people that been working since they got out of highschool? Honestly i dont see how its possible the way prices are today.

I mean anything is possible, but are they really....

By Blogger wyldshaman, at Tuesday, January 18, 2005 8:37:00 AM  

Actually Chump, I'm surprised that none of us own our own home. With interest rates as low as they are you could concievably afford a decent starter home. For example, I don't know if any of you know my old roomate Big Mike, but he owns his own home (a 4 bedroom, 2 bath) and its half a mile from uconn. His mortgage is 400 dollars a month. He rents the house out for 1600$ a month. Now I can't do the math in my head but his profit is roughly 600$ a month(100$ escrowed a month, each, for insurance and taxes). Now the best part is mike can write the full mortgage cost off his taxes because its an interest only mortgage ( he plans and reselling his home when property values rise. Most investers would tell you that income generating properties that you designate as primary residences are more effecient this way.)
In any case, there is no reason other than laziness and poor credit scores holding any of us from living in a house.
I think what really hold us back is the level of commitment a house carries. You have to much to lose if miss a payment, there are no maintanence crews, your stcuk there for at least five years if you hope to turn a profit.
What also might be holdiong some back is that they can't afford their dream home, so they are allowing property values to ever inflate while they 'save' up.
Really, though, tpo ever own a nicer home you gonna need to buy a starter home ( a euphimism for low income housing). 1. Banks are going to trust a first time home owner with the large mortgage needed to finance the home. 2. Owning a home is one the most effective forms of investment. Land rarely deflates its value (unless you exploit all the oil under it), Fixtures and the house it self will depreciate slower than inflation erodes the value of the dollar, and finally you can right off the interest on a mortgage for a primary residence. Add that to the general upward trend in home values (due to population growth, so your threat is war and disease).
Or build a home. My cousin Pat is 24 and he a foreman for a landscaping company. His wife works partime in a coffee shop. They have a 3 yr old kid. Their combined pre-tax income is under 36,000/yr. He just built a home in old lyme, Ct. With a building loan of 100,000$ he was able to build a 400,000 dollar home. The key, cheap labor. Only one person really needs to anything, everybody else works for the price of 30pack and a case of hotdogs (if you have an irish family that is ).

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Tuesday, January 18, 2005 9:42:00 AM  

big mike got some $$ from an unfortunate tragety. i think all of us would rather not own a home than collect on life insurance. jesse said it right, times are changing. with the exception on tim, people are marrying late and getting more education. (even tim married late, my parents were married at 20!) its wrong to compare your world to your dad's and expect to follow in his steps. more older post grads and 21-30 year olds are living at home these days than ever.

By Blogger ron, at Tuesday, January 18, 2005 11:02:00 AM  

while i was working i had started looking at houses, but then the job ended and that went out hte window. one of hte best thing any of us can do while we're young is buy a house. tim's right about being stuck there for 5 years. and if i had wanted to build one from the ground up, you'd all be suckered into doing work on it. losts of keg parties at an unfinished house. i'd try to bribe you all with beer.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Tuesday, January 18, 2005 2:12:00 PM  

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fuck you capital one 

boycott capital one!

i know none of you give a shit, but i dont give a shit about that! read the article, it makes NO sense how we lost! yes, we won the championship, but we want more! all we want is what we deserved!

capital one is running things like the bush administration--nonsensically. if that's not a word i dont care, cuz you get the point and i think it makes it quite well. while i am upset by this, there's no need to do anything rash, as we did win the game, against the very same montana. i thought about punching the wall, but then i remembered what someone long ago once said. it was jesus. he said "ow, my hands."

well if i wasnt going to hell before i certainly am now, but that doesn't bother me cuz even if there were a hell i think you have to believe in it to end up there. but let's nto get all theological.

one of the funnier things i've read lately

this is exactly what i was talkin about when i said that political correctness has gone too far. shutup people, this is funny. and i did the online poll, and when i did 84% of people agreed with me. overwhelmingly shows this lady is beign way too sensitive, though it makes you wonder where those other 14 or so % come from. and yes, there was a small percentage who clicked on the damn question to put I DONT KNOW. what is wrong with these people? it's a voluntary, online poll. no one is making you do it! the "i don't know" or "not sure" answers should be constitutionally banned from voluntary online polls. if you answer i dont know, then there should be consequences (can you see the framers rolling over in their graves the more i write?). even if the person clicks i dont know just to see the poll results, this is moronic. why dont you just THINK about it for 2 seconds and form an opinion of your OWN. that's part of why everyone's so stupid, they don't think for themselves. you dont even have to get off your lazy ass for christ's sake!

ok that's enough for now, have mlk day off, as i guess sc finally decided to see black people as more than 3/5. bond marathon is on, and maybe a little bond on xbox

and remember: if you can't beat them, just slander them until the mindless majority believes you


I'll see you in hell. I'll be the fuzzy one wearing the straight jacket.

(For those of you who don't know me that well, I am an overly furry sasquatch and I've suffered from an unidentified mental disorder [likely alcoholism.] And my racist employer did not give us MLK day off.)

By Blogger Damon, at Monday, January 17, 2005 5:21:00 PM  

i didn't realize i was getting the day off until last week. even then i thought it might only be 3/5 of a day off, in which case i'd have some afternoon classes (or morning, depending on which part was off). imagine my surprise, the whole day!

By Blogger josh, at Monday, January 17, 2005 5:51:00 PM  

3/5 bwa haha. I think the brothers would approve.
I had to work all day too. I also just did 65 stupid knuckle pushups in kungfu and for some reason my stomach hurts.

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Monday, January 17, 2005 8:26:00 PM  

ok, i live in Vt and personally know the guy who created the VT teddybear company. his wife was my kidergarden teacher and i played little league with his son for a few years, we were in the same class. my parents were friends with him and how he started out was a true american success story. now a days he's faded into oblivion, he's divorced, lost his company to the "board of directors" when he developed a coke habit. he's now just a local legend and i have no idea what he's doing now. but hte bear is just funny and there is a real big controversy up here because of it. its been in the paper (we only really have one) and people are talking about it. i don't see a connection between mental health and a person in a straight jacket but i understand why maybe 0.000000001 percent of the population could be upset. fuck um.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Monday, January 17, 2005 9:06:00 PM  

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Friday, January 14, 2005

thank god! PUN INTENDED

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Thursday, January 13, 2005

burn it up! 

its fucking hard to get back into the work/school schedule. especially after sitting on my ass for a week watching TV, smoking and taking perks. for those who dont know i had surgey on the wrist that wasnt broke on 12/1 (back a few dozen posts), thats where the perks came from. it sucks, masturbation is at an all time low and morale is falling more rapidly by the day (possible connection?). the booze and smoke fight it well but is an uphill battle for a cynic like me. and my cast is stinking like hell. colonge just aint doing it anymore.
on the side of good, i got a sweet job here at school that will take car of my money situation until i get a serious job. and it will afford me to get some more shit for my bike, if i can fully recover that is. if thats the case then i guess things might be looking up.

take that uconn!

self portrait Posted by Hello


if i didn't know any better i'd say you were standing infront of the epcot ball, nice pic.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Friday, January 14, 2005 11:33:00 AM  

By the end of the joint, it WAS the epcott ball.

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Friday, January 14, 2005 7:09:00 PM  

Ron, did you photo shop that or were actually somewhere on campus?

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Saturday, January 15, 2005 4:02:00 PM  

thats not even officially me. i dont do things that this picture is suggesting.

By Blogger ron, at Monday, January 17, 2005 12:04:00 AM  

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Tuesday, January 11, 2005

The Power of Prayer

In Jerusalem, a female journalist heard about an very old Jewish man who had
been going to the Wailing Wall to pray, twice a day, everyday, for 60 years.
So she went to check it out. She went to the Wailing Wall and there he was!

She watched him pray and after about 45 minutes, when he turned to leave,
she approached him for an interview.

"I'm Rebecca Smith from CNN. Sir, how long have you been coming to the
Wailing Wall and praying?"

"For about 60 years."

"60 years! That's amazing! What do you pray for?"

"I pray for peace between the Christians, Jews and the Muslims. I pray for
all the hatred to stop and I pray for all our children to grow up in safety
and friendship."

"How do you feel after doing this for 60 years?"

"Like I'm talking to a fucking wall."


Amen brother, eh I mean white man.

By Blogger Damon, at Tuesday, January 11, 2005 4:58:00 PM  

hahahahahahahaahhahahaha that's great. also, the other comment about brothers. classic

By Blogger josh, at Tuesday, January 11, 2005 7:32:00 PM  

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Sunday, January 09, 2005

something you might appreciate 

tonight i went to dinner with some "friends" here. anyway, my friend charley is married to an italian woman, stephania. and by italian i mean actually from italy, accent and all, not just italian-american. anyway, we were talking about language at dinner, and she mentioned how shocked she is about some things that americans can't or don't say. here's an example:

she was at a friends house and they ordered pizza from a delivery place. the uniforms for the place were black. the delivery man was black. her friend asked her to give the guy the check, and stephania said "where is he i don't see anyone. it's pitch black outside." an obvious mistake, but after she paid the guy and he left her american friend gasped with disbelief.

such oversensitivity tied to political correctness. in italy, it's not offensive if it's not meant with malice. something else she said was it's weird how some people won't call people black. in describing a person they will tiptoe around that, or maybe say african-american. she found this really odd, especially since people call her white, not caucasion. so what's the difference??

why, in america, do we place such importance on the actual words, rather than their meaning? if it's meant to be offensive, or said with malice, that's one thing, but why do we tiptoe around certain words or phrases or descriptions.

it limits the ways we can say what we mean. we're so uptight. don't get me wrong, i think racial and gender equality are important, but i don't think changing what we say is the best way to achieve it. and let's face it, affirmative action is just reverse racism/sexism quite often. i dont necessarily have an answer, so maybe i'm not being helpful, but i think our speech has been limited in a ridiculous way and i'm not sure why.

ok well trailing off and i got class tomorrow

peace in the northeast


I never really liked the whole tiptoeing scene myself. It took awhile, but I concluded that the hippest way to nonoffensively refer to coloreds is "brothers" or "sisters". It kind of calls forth the whole 60's black empowerment thing, as well as our common human respect for one another.

"come on, man...where can we score some rock?"

"I dunno....go talk to those brothers - they probably know."

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Monday, January 10, 2005 11:16:00 AM  

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money v1.2 

I used to see money as a "root of all evil" kind of thing, but it was an undeveloped reasoning that brought me there.
People used to settle personal disputes with blood. Then money was substituted in for that, conveniently enough. So instead of giving a flock of sheep in exchange for harming another's daughter, one could just give the representation of that sheep value, which could be exchanged for anything else. So money came to represent "anything we want". To many others, it stands for the hard work that they put in to get the money in the first place.
Read Atlas Shrugged for more on the issues of money as representing the best of what's within us. It's partly to blame for turning Bergan capitalist. (If Che Guevarra were alive right now, he'd be rolling in his grave....because he'd be buried alive.)

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A commodity that is legally established as an exchangeable equivalent of all other commodities and used as a measure of their comparative market value. - The American Heritage Dictionary

Money fasilitats the exchange of goods and services. The problem insues when people give money an intrinsic value and then try to gain it as if it had such value.

My point here is that money does not bring one happiness nor should one think thus.

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Saturday, January 08, 2005

Treatise on Success 

I'm not sure if any of us are qualified to ask "where did I go wrong?" It's just too soon. You'll receive that qualification if you're a failure at age 35. Just look at Dave Chappelle: he's very successfull now, but what was he doing at ge 23? According to his autobiographical skit, and I quote: "I love marijuana^"
I've been thinking about this lately. Growing up, we knew what people did when they were our current age or younger since we had been through that already. We had a good idea of what people over 35-40 did with thier time, because we had the opportunity to observe them. I always kind of wondered what people in thier 20's and early 30's did with thier time, since they weren't as visible. I now have a better idea. Of course there are a number of workhorses, gogetters, and young career upstart enthusiasts. We hear about them because they are an intelligent minority that has its ambitions synchronized with the production of social capital. They are the example that society would like many to follow, because they are the producers.

Perhaps Looney can clarify this sometime, but (as an example,) Republicans usually consider themselves "production-side economists". They prefer the business to the consumer, because the business fuck there goes that train of thought. oh well.....Supply-side economists act preferentially to the moochers of society. God bless me, I'm just talking out my ass here. I'll just leave this paragraph anyways so someone can rectify it.

Sooooo by and large many people around our age are not "successes" by any means, if you were to define success as money, fame, power, stability, numerous girls jerking my donkey dick, etc. (trust me, if i had that last one, my internal monologue would be shouting SUCCESS) But personal success can be measured by such a variety of criterea that you can be a winner without even realizing. Success is finding a new friend. Success is getting complimented. Success is learning a new skill, just for the hell of it. Success is unjamming your Deagle just in time to catch a goddamned kraut right between the eyes when he exits his bunker. Then throwing down fisticuffs on the rest because we don't use bayonnets anymore. I got your goddamned war right here, Captain.


success seems to be something everyone wants. so...

success = happiness

if you are happy or if something makes you happy, then that's a success. now there will be those who doubt, citing people who strive for sadness, angst, etc. but don't you see? these emotions are what make them feel comfortable, and we are most happy when we are comfortable. to these people, pain is happiness. it's like s&m without all the sex.

so if weed makes you happy, if work makes you happy, if whatever makes you happy, then you are successful.

what's more of a success than happiness?

By Blogger josh, at Saturday, January 08, 2005 3:13:00 PM  

happiness and money have a connection to a certian point. you have to maintain a minimum lifestyle that makes you happy. it all takes $$$$$$.

By Blogger ron, at Saturday, January 08, 2005 8:12:00 PM  

yeah it's funny cuz everyone says money can't buy happiness but i think i'm with you ron. let me decide that for myself, people. one of the best things is being able to live comfortably and support yourself and your family if you have one. why do you think people work so much? they need to provide. money plays a role and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. people just don't want money to matter because they see it as representing greed and selfishness. well you can also see it as representing sustaining life.

it depends if you see the glass as half empty, half full, or realistically, realistically being why the hell did someone use such a big fuckin glass if they didn't want/have that much milk??

By Blogger josh, at Saturday, January 08, 2005 8:42:00 PM  

money is the road to success because it can allow you to find what makes you happy or give you the freedom to explore new things until you find it. what you do with your money plays a big role. if you decide to help the homeless or feed the hungry, great. if you decide to use that money to allow you corporation to continue dumping toxic waste into the ocean, well, thats not going to make you happy. unless you're sick.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Saturday, January 08, 2005 11:10:00 PM  

I wouldn't nessacarily say that republicans prefer "supply side economics" (also Supply side = production side). Most probably wouldn't know what that actually is. And consumer side doesn't nessacarily give any preference to "moochers" since it takes money to purchase, and a job to get money. (unless you're rich or are spending with debt). As far as being "successful". If a person has their health, freinds, and is contributing more to society that they take, then irregardless of any fast-track get rich quick scheme (like gainful employement) then they are enjoying success, especially if they are content.

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Saturday, January 08, 2005 11:38:00 PM  

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if i had something to say, i'd say it. 

god i love vodka. i can't say i'm educated. can't say i'm worldly. can't say in'teligent. can say i'm smarter then the average bear.

i see people succed every day. my first thought is why not me?!? where did i go wrong?

ok, i had a whole big speach written, but i've been drinking and i forgot it.

until an other day!!!!



God you're drunk.

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Saturday, January 08, 2005 1:38:00 PM  

yeah i was. it was one of those mornings where you wake up and pray there isn't a pile of dead hookers in the living room or you didn't set the house on fire. i don't remember posting that but i'm amazed at how good the spelling and grammer are.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Saturday, January 08, 2005 11:15:00 PM  

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Thursday, January 06, 2005

home, if you can call it that. i don't 

well after 2 days of driving thru rain and snow i'm back in sc. awesome. just outside the city limits it started pouring. how foreboding.

classes start mon. that means buying books tomorrow, then DOING HOMEWORK this weekend. but hopefully the weather will hold off for some golf. 60s baby.

good break, good to see everyone. to those of you i didnt see...damnit, next time.

shit i got nothin i'm too tired from driving. later

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It's been too quiet 

I generally don't feel the need to start posts, but I like to comment. Since no one is posting, I have nothing to do. Here's my useless post, let's get this started.

First, tell me if you think I'll get fired or promoted:
The project manager is an idiot. He is always talking about safety, the company motto is "safety sets the pace," and he's known far and wide for overfocus on safety. He tests tech's level of safety by asking what the safety topic that came with this week's paycheck was. I often question what knowing that has to do with being safe. You could always memorize those few words, be great in his mind, then drive to work eating and talking on a mobile and looking for a CD in the passenger footwell while going 83mph in the breakdown lane with your lights off in a snow squall in the dark in a truck you haven't maintained or inspected in five months, but you knew the topic! You must be safe! (fyi, most topics don't apply to this project)

So Mr. Safety wants to hold a quality meeting because we're generating absolute crap in terms of data. He annouces it on Tuesday for 8am Thursday, and notes the weather may call it off. I get up 6am this morning, check 3 forecasts and it looks like while we're in the 2 hour meeting, it is supposed to change from snow to freezing rain. I leave the manager a message saying I could easily make it to the meeting but am not comfortable with what may happen while we're there. He leaves me a message saying that's my call, but everyone else was there, we live in CT - this happens all the time, the world doesn't stop for snow, he went early enough to the meeting place to call it off if the conditions were bad, and the meeting was important. Nevermind that none of that addressed my one concern; does knowing the safety topic supercede holding a random meeting the morning of a named winter storm that is expected to worsen? Anyway, I've already butted heads with him and got a similar I-don't-understand-your-point-but-you're-wrong response, but I've also had a safety suggestion email passed on up to the VP and made into immediate policy. So does the project manager sack me because I'm a troublemaker, I say what I think, and don't care to respect his dumb ass? If so, does his supervisor (who is smarter) reinstate me? Make me (someone with 1/2 a clue about leadership) the project manager? Probably not, nothing happens, but the manager gets a little more mad at me. Which is cool, because I want to demote myself soon since the tech's just got a big raise and make more than we do, but don't have to put up with this nonsense. So far all I know about the roads today is the one tech who left me a message about where he was working couldn't make it up a hill, got stuck, got pulled out by a plow truck, and went home.

Also, great deal on wifi I'm ordering as I write this:
Netgear 54g Cable/DSL router with firewall and PC card free after rebate

Giants looking to improve, and that last play was magic; rookie QB audibles, veteran RB scores the game winning TD and wraps up a team record all in a mere 9 feet.


although san diego gets our first pick, that one play droped us as many as 10 spots in the draft. i guess the disapointment can be off set by knowing that eli is still god and reinstiling confidence in everyone who was starting to turn on him for not winning right away. and fuck warner, he knew what he was getting into.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Friday, January 07, 2005 12:20:00 PM  

damon, isnt it time you stop these "tech" positions and get a job that requires you to use that fine penn st. education? just kiddin, you should have told your boss that you civic had sweet rims on it and you didnt want to come in because the salt might damage them.

By Blogger ron, at Friday, January 07, 2005 11:02:00 PM  

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