# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/09/2015 07:30:00 PM
so i was bothered by an episode of big bang theory last night. it made a lot of sense and so was matter of fact that it bothered me i didn't think of it first.
it was an episode where the penny character decided to quite her shitty job at he cheesecake factory and actually pursue her dream of being an actress full time. a full time commitment to achieving her dream. Sheldon backed her up in an odd line where he suggested they were both dreamers and the only way to achieve a goal was full dedication, the part time crap to pay the bills was a distraction from the goal and of no value. simply getting in the way.
yes, it takes time to achieve a goal. yes quitting your job is probably not the best idea in the world. but Tim's right. i do have a unique opportunity in life right now where i have no ties, no debt, no family, a safe place to crash, no concerns over living expenses and some money in the bank.
working for other people sucks and isn't helping achieve the dream other than paying
the bills. apparently i'm not the kind of guy who can zone out for 8 hrs a day and then go home and do a second job. i need to get better at that though. that's how i'm going to start the dream. paying the bills is mostly only in support of keeping the shitty job that is paying those bills, a vicious cycle.
What's your goal/dream? I agree it is very hard to go after that stuff when 90% of your day is taken up by work. No answers here. It just gets harder the more entrenched you get with kids, mortgage, and other responsibilities.