The Workermonkey


Wednesday, December 29, 2004

he drugged himself and leaned back on the Record button 

Wow i just had to share this....

William Shatner realeased an album this year.

I ended up downloading both that and part of his 1968 album which is fucking hilarious. (think Age of Aquarius style music with Kirk just speaking over it. in his cover of Mr. Tamborine Man he just starts screaming at the end.)

The new one is actually pretty cool...sort of. It was produced by Ben Folds and even has Henry Rollins on it. I went to the webpage and they let you make pictures with Kirk's head

ridiculous. i followed a link to his fan-site.
here's his latest loving message to his adoring fans haha

"I’ve had a wonderful year this year, full of love and success.
I wish you all the same kind of year this coming year"
sounds like he spent about 2 seconds on that one, unlike this one new song of his.
The lyrics are along the lines of
"You're gonna die. Maybe not soon, but you're still gonna die.
Trust me. It happened to my father, mother, all past lovers, king, pope, everybody.
I know what I'm talking about. AND YOU'RE GONNA DIE."
I love music that makes me burst out laughing every 15 seconds

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Saturday, December 25, 2004

everyday is a HO-liday 

i've just caught up on the last week or so of posts. so, depending who you are merry/happy dec 25, xmas, kwanzaa, week and a half after hanukkah, whatever.

i agree with those who claim holidays have lost their traditional meanings, but i also agree with those who find new meanings in them. for example, the last 5 years i've been in either va or sc, more than a stone's throw away from home. so i see the holidays as a good chance to see the family and my friends from ct, still my closest ones. and damon's right, unless you go to mass and pray and celebrate jesus and stuff you're not really celebrating christmas, rather the commercial christmas. i know jewish people who put trees in their living rooms and exchange gifts and enjoy the music. they may have christian families or friends, but whatever it is i think it makes them feel closer to everyone. they are traditions that everyone can enjoy, cuz they really mean nothing, except to businesses to whom they mean profits.

but because these holidays are so recognized, more people "celebrate" these than any other. this is why we dont just celebrate random days in the middle of the year. schools and many businesses give time off. it's a good excuse to travel to see friends and family. and that's what it's become.

theoretically we could do all this anyday and it would be exactly the same, and would have the same meaning for 90% of americans, despite the fact so many claim to be religious. it is the fact that this is when it's most convenient for everyone, because schools and some places of work shut down, that drives this holiday to be so big. and the gifts dont hurt. however, give someone a gift any day of the year and i doubt you'll hear many complaints.

but don't buy me anything. except maybe a beer. or say hey lets play a round of golf (i'll even pay for myself). i don't ask for gifts anymore. no matter how much i strain, there's nothing i want. i'll only ask for something if i really need it. for example, my old wallet was falling apart, so i asked for a new one. little did i know, becky had already bought me one from mexico. perfect. my list is completed. but there's nothing that i really want/need. i have so much already. i usually get money and a gift certificate to golfer's warehouse. and you know what? that's the perfect gift. cuz i dont need anyhting, but i enjoy golf.

anyway, that's about enough. but enjoy the time off if you have it, and enjoy your family and friends. i'll be here all week ladies and gentlemen, and part of the next.


also, i enjoy how ALL of us have been online today. that's great. but hey, friends are damn important

By Blogger josh, at Saturday, December 25, 2004 1:54:00 PM  

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Friday, December 24, 2004

fuck you, merry christmas 

i've been sort of a scrooge lately, but i just watched Elf and found this funny site. i'm going to be in the cristmas spirit just in time to stand in line and return gifts. can't wait for the sobering reality of the holidays. Tomorrow will be another grand family event with the White (mothers maiden name) side of the family expected to arrive at the ass crack of dawn. Every year I get up later and later on Christmas morning. i remember being little and not being able to sleep in anticipation of what lies ahead. then i learned Santa wasn't real. Then I was only faining excitement for a few years until I started waking up later and later each time. first it was 8 o'clock, then 9 and 10. soon i was up til 2 and waking up after breakfast.

I had a sobering talk with my dad today about how each year Christmas becomes just another holiday. no different then Easter or an anniversary. it was kind of depressing but i completely understand. fuck. well, goodbye Christmas, its been fun. I'll return when i have kids of my own or i'm stuck in suburbia with nothing better to do.


i've found new meaning in christmas, much like all the holidays though. i feast and drink with my family. its great, nothing like drinking with the parents and watching saturday night live reruns and south park while gorging on cheesecake, crackers, cheese, cookies, and deli meat.

By Blogger ron, at Saturday, December 25, 2004 12:06:00 AM  

Quick your bitching chump. Its the same thing for all of us you know. NO more excitement, no more enchanment. Duh, your dealing with getting older. You have to find new meaning in things, and take them for what they are. The meaning of Xmas has already been so twisted in our heads. NO kids celebrate the birth of Jesus. They celebrate waking up and getting that phat video game system thev'e wanted for 4 months. Its just getting twisted again, thats all.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Saturday, December 25, 2004 12:15:00 AM  

Same w/ me and my dad today, except it was Curb your Enthusiasm and Da Ali G Show. oh by the wya, he's on channel 18 every once in awhile. In the HK holiday show he sings a duet w/ mrs wagner. it's awsome

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Saturday, December 25, 2004 12:16:00 AM  

We don't celebrate Christmas anyway. The only Christian bits about it are the nativity and Christmas mass. Everything else, the tree, feast, gifts, and everything is from Yule, originally celebrated by pre-Christ Germanic tribes in Northern Europe. That actually makes me feel better about it, since I'm not Christian but I can celebrate with my Christian family in a way that's approved by everyone (since they associate the activities with their religion and I don't feel the need to clue them in.)

By Blogger Damon, at Saturday, December 25, 2004 10:21:00 AM  

ron, i understand you new found joy in the holidays, it nice to see your family at least one day ayear, even if its forced. you'll start to notice that the things you took for granted, like the cheeses, deli meats, ect., are now something to look forward to.

brian, it has nothing to do with getting older, why does the simple joys of things have to be taken from us for the sake of personal growth? i still enjoy a clever gift or even something i wasn't expecting under the tree. i'd rather not have to give people lists of things i want and then see which ones they picked. i myself try to give gifts that people weren't expecting or something they may not have thought of. i'll do my research and see what my sister have ben listening to/watching/ reading/ talking about and then decypher some sort of gift from it.

macunas, Da Ali G show is awful, i'm amazed if found its way into your house.

Damon, i find my self more detached from the religius part of christams every year. i learn more and more about christianity every year nad find mew ways to despise it. the happy holidays/merry christmas things is killing me. i now look at people who say merry christmas with a judgemental eye. also i learned this year that jesus really wasn't born on december 25th, but that this day was taken from the old pagan holiday for the winter solstice. oh yeah, the shortest day of the year was only a few days ago. golly those few days seem to make up the 6 minute remander in time we throw away each year, added togeather for the last few thousand years, yeah, its a couple of days. christianity would do better to allow the disassociation around christmas to get more people to celebrate it. part of the rason its so popular is because of the time off people get from work/school so the tradition continues. plus, we all need something to rally around at least once a year to give gifts and celebrate. imagine what our economy would be like if we didn't thoughtlessly give gifts every year.

whatever, i had a good christmas. happy holidays

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Saturday, December 25, 2004 5:23:00 PM  

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Courtney love fest due out in January 

Hey - court's back in town but she lost everyone's number but mine. Cuz i'm unforgettable, you fuckfaces. Try typing the sequence 860.635.3294 and she might end up on the other end of yer telly. Also - I too have no plans yet for New Year's. Murphy's is still a front runner, although i think even he would agree that brainstorming other options is a plus.


unless everyone is coming up here, i'll be on my way down for the excitement. all we need is a place to congregate. lets focus people.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Friday, December 24, 2004 9:16:00 PM  

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Thursday, December 23, 2004

Its xmas all over again 

Ive been away from the blog for a while. I feel out of it. I have nothing to add in comments, its like im outside looking in. But whatever.

So, home for the holidays. Spent the day with RPL, and Kolpak and a little Macunes. My head hurts now from the days activities. These old habits die slowly. Can't beat the ole fellas though. Nothing like it.

Florida is pretty good. I've met a couple similar to myself. They share the same political views, social veiws, but come from totally different backgrounds. They are different, but refreshing it times when i need it. I was thinking the other day about how we as humans, change over time. And if you could actually realize that change, or see it as it happens. Harder than you may think. For instance, you can remininsce and think back 5 years ago and comprehend how much you changed by comparing yourself to your present state. But can you look at your like today and comprehend how you changed in the last 5 days? This would imply that change happens continually over time. But it could also happen in spurts. This reminds me of a theory about how evolution happens- slowly over time (gradual change), or in sudden bursts (punctuated equilibrium). Gradual change usually takes the precedence, but there is always doubt. Anyway, i was talking about changeing- yeah so, i think i actually saw myself change in an instance of time the other day. It was wierd, but enlighening. I can not explain it, or remember how i came to realize it, but i knew it to be true.

As far as the whole Bush reelection thing. I've just been acting as if I'm walking through a bad neighborhood- keep your head down, dont get involved in any eye contact, ignore anything thats happening around you, and just keep walking till its over. Its hard when you see the news with that face on it though. Evenso, I just keep walking and hope that it will be over soon.


Ha ha! I just read the post! That pretty much everything ive been wanting to get out and organize into an angry hate post for a while now. Good find!

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Thursday, December 23, 2004 11:22:00 PM  

Hey Branci, Id like to bullshit with you while you are back up here. But i dont know you number, but i think you have mine, so give me a call and leave a message. Thanks.

By Blogger wyldshaman, at Friday, December 24, 2004 9:31:00 AM  

Merry Christmas Brian! It's good to hear you're well.

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Friday, December 24, 2004 12:30:00 PM  

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guess who's back, back again 

cozumel, mexico
grand Cayman island
ocho rios, jamaica

the cruise was sweet. we didn't get to spend too much time in cayman or jamacia but it was real cool. got bombed in mexico, we went into town and got loaded at senior frogs and um... the one below it, crazy charlies maybe? i don't remember. i stole a stapler and a staple remover, thought it was ironic. i was throwing the staple remover at paul and kept missing him from 4 feet away, just too drunk, so greg threw it and nailed paul in the face, hilarious, he was bleeding and everything. the roommates i had were not what i expected. megans brother wasn't able to make it so one of gregs cousins, paul, came. he's 19 and kind of a punk. he was alright but we had to buy his drinks the whole time. Megans friends who came where two people i've never met so i was thinking maybe they were a couple of her hot friends. sadly mistaken. one of the girls was someone megan had met at her massage therapy school, she had a boyfriend and was kind of cute but a little wide (not fat, wide, you could take a 1" slice out of the middle of her vertically and put the halfs back togeather to form a normal person) the other girl was her fat friend, both 20.

it was funny to see how everyone handled the time away from home. none of hte people i was with (with the exception of megan, who still started to tire towards the end) had not really gone off to school or spent any time away from home. once the cell phones stopped working, they became lost. the home sickness bug set in quick for them.

didn't get to spend too much time at each of the stops. mexico was the longest, we left cayman by 4 and jamacia by 3. the days at sea were a little long but not unwelcomed. not quite as much to do on the boat as i expected but i filled the time well (there's a sauna who's ass i couldn't kick).

In jamacia we went on a river rafting tour. Real good, one of our guides brought over a leaf and said that if we smell it too much it will get us high (it was allspice). Megan asked if there was anything we could get to really get us high. The guy looked at us and said “we’ll take care of ya mon, don’t worry”. The guides were supposed to be takeing the groupe of 50 or so people down the river safely, like keep them awayfrom the edges and stuff. Out of 10-11 guides, there were constantly 5 of them around us at all times, giving us the vip trip down stream. While floating down the river the group made a stop and we all got beers to drink while floating. That’s when we got a nice little bag for 50$. A little farther down, another guide came up to us and said we got ripped of, he’d do us better for cheeper. We met him at the end in this little hut were we got another bag of the same size and stuff for 20. good enough, we had about a 1/3 of an ounce for two days at sea. The guides treated us like kings the whole time, it was really funny. When we got back to the boat, paul rolled a massive cuban blunt and we all got baked! A cruise ship can be one of the funnest places on earth when ripped. I saw a vegas show, played blackjack and videogames, saw a comedian bomb, had unlimited access to all the food I could think of, and the hallways moving is an adventure all in its own.

Is anyone else completely devoid of the christmas spirit this year? I could truly care less about the holidays at this point. I skipped thanksgiving this year and didn’t miss much. I had a turkey club sandwhich in amsterdam. Good enough for me. I’ve been getting bothered by religion lately. This whole “merry christmas/happy holidays” thing is mind boggeling. If those lunitics ever showed up out side my store and boycotted me I’d shoot every last one of them. It’s just not right. Its helping to taint christmas for me. I really think we’d all be better off celebrating it on a random day every year of in the middle of summer. This whole holiday season crap gets worse every year.

The religion thing is getting me because I just finished reading two Dan Brown books dealing with religioni (angels and deamons, the devinchi code). Both very good books. They help to re-enforce a lot of things I’ve always critized religion for. I’ve always known the church was crooked and creepy, these give me more reason to think so. The symboligy lessons in these books are very fascenating.

Anyone calling my house anymore seems to need to identify themselves right away, my family is getting bad at taking messages. All I get is “someone called”, no more. Tank empty.


Where to next?

By Blogger wyldshaman, at Friday, December 24, 2004 9:32:00 AM  

seeing as how i've covered a good chuck of europe and taken a cruise, i've covered a few items on my "to do" list, next up is some kind of safari or jungle excurtion. of course, these maybe the only vacations if get to go on for the next two years or so, so we'll see.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Friday, December 24, 2004 8:44:00 PM  

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Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Side Effects 

I once listened to this guy talk about drugs. . . .

He explained to me that there is no such thing as "side effects", there are only effects. Some are good effects, some are bad effects, but all are effects. I think this is very funny. When they say "side effects", people tend to put them over there in another place, thinking "thats not what the drug does, thats just the side effect".

So lets listen to good old whats her name said, Miss Penny i think, "Drugs are Bad, Dont do Drugs"

For me there is no line between legal, illegal, over-the-counter or under-the-counter. They are all bad. There is no money in cures so guess what little reasearch is done. But a drug that has little effects other then you keep wanting/needing it, well now thats a real money maker. Kinda like coffee, id say.

And Ron and everyone else, maybe we shouldnt talk bad about the Military-Industrial Complex too much on this site. You never know who is watching. Hold on someones at the door...........


Right on

By Blogger Damon, at Thursday, December 23, 2004 9:14:00 AM  

a side effeect is only an acceptable defect in the drug, or something they don't want you to focus on. if a new drug causes the growth of more nipples or something they'll work it out until that stops. if it gives heart attacks to 10% of the sample population after 10 years, thats acceptable.

they don't cure anything because its better for the bottom line to keep people sick. cancer patients make them the most money just trying to stay alive. all the drugs and treatments and prolonged agony keep the money rolling in.

i kind of like to think of all drugs just as medication. sometimes speed can be used responsibly to get a paper done or pot may help you get over your bulemia. who cares, governments wouldn't be able to control hard drugs if they were thought of as medication. look at oxycotton.

its too late, the military is already on to us. we're all terroists don't you know?

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Thursday, December 23, 2004 8:30:00 PM  

reminds me of that Dead Kennedys song 'Trust Your Mechanic"

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Thursday, December 23, 2004 9:29:00 PM  

i cant agree with the idea that they are keeping people sick to make money. there are alot of people practicing good medicine and are truly devoted to fighting disease and sickness. there are alot of drugs that help people and have minimal effects, we use these drugs regularly. other drugs are a bit risky, apparently doc's across tha nation arent informing patients about drug risks enough. vioxx, case and point. who's fault? who knows.

By Blogger ron, at Friday, December 24, 2004 12:43:00 AM  

doctors don't get breifings on new drugs, they get a little info on them and whatever they may read in a medical journal. if independant groups don't study these drugs, the negative effects never become known. docters can be kept in the dark just like engineers.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Friday, December 24, 2004 8:42:00 PM  

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good old us war machine 

-all we need is more US military satellites, right? what the fuck is this 1970? i look around at whats happening these days ane alot of things seem more backwards than ever. even despite all our technological breakthroughs and incredible wonder drugs, people are more fucked and worse off. like all these scares with vioxx, celebrex, bextra, and now alieve. hey dumbasses, every drug has side effects. take a bunch of tylenol and drink a 12 pack, goodbye liver and life. and people think tylenol is the safest drug in the world. the fact is, that if tylenol were to be developed today, there is no fucking way it would be availible over the counter. so ones got to wonder what is it exactly that the FDA is doing these days? are they letting unreasonibly dangerous drugs on the market for drug companies to make money? are they regulation anything? another thing is that these drugs are developed without doctors knowing basically. they only hear about new drugs when we do, through advertising. so they see 80 year old people dancing on TV and say, "hey doc, i want some celebrex to go and dance." the doc says hmmm, havent really heard much about that one, let me call you back. studies "look" good, and its been approved, docs says sure, isnt technology and developement great?
it is great, and sometimes things like this happen. if it Is truly dangerous then its good to get it pulled. i dont know the whole drug/FDA story but everyone should realized that drugs do have their price. using combinations of drugs get insanely complex. so now alieve might get pulled. seriously, whats next cigatettes? ha ha ha. they think about pulling a incredibly popular pain reliever because its linked to some other drugs that are linked to heart attacks is a good idea? what about the millions that use alieve?

alright i dont know why i'm ranting about the drug industry and the FDA but it pissed me off a bit that everyone is freaking out and getting scared when all of this crap was known about the drugs to begin with. people really arent taking responsibility these days and its getting worse. i'm a bit guilty of this also, when i go to the doctor and he tells me to take something, i do. he went to alot of school and i trust his judgement, i expect the same from people who i will be working for if i should ever design a critical part.

the new rocket to put military satelittes into space really send me over too. so much money is used in all the wrong places. just imagine what could get done if wasted money was put in the right places? cancer- cured, energy crisis- nonexistant, war in iraq-over. i lost my steam. later.

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so yer telling me theres a chance... 

this post will be the forum for giving ideas for new years eve. we have not had a really good party/event in the last couple of years and im sick of paying 20 dollars to get into a bar in hartford or new haven.

i originaly wanted to have a party at my apt but i dont know who i can scurry up during break, especially females. jenny's freind is having a party at her house but i know thats going to be lame. let me know if you want to have it at the apt. lots of beer and good music never failed us before. find some women, i leave that part to bb and macunas.

plan b. Poppy rented out the top floor of Kevs pub in middletown for halloween, maybe we could get together and do something like that. a little expensive though

anyways id just asume get cocked at ronny's and play gran tourismo all night -you fuckers figure it out

damon, ive been skiing since before those school ski trips in elementary school so i think i can handle anything around, i would probably need a couple of runs to work up to it me being a little 'rusty'


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Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Skiing Deal 

This trip might be tough to join and might not be worth it, because I'm only skiing a 1/2 day. Sugarbush has tickets this friday for $5.50, but my family celebrates on Christmas Eve, so I have be be on the way back by 1pm. Also I'm going north around midday Thursday to my brother's place in Northfield Falls.

So that you can find out about these deals quickly too, I get them from the Sliding on the Cheap newsletter

I'll let people know about future trips too, several will be to Mad River. For reference I've skied since I could walk and can ski about anything in the East. I haven't been afraid at the top of a trail since I was about 10. Yeah I sound arrogant (as usual) but my point is I like steeps, and moguls, and ski fast, so anyone may or may not enjor skiing with me.

Blogs' been awful quiet lately, maybe I'll post some amazing notes from Popular Science if I get the time. Speaking of the time, it's almost bed time for your 40-something father, good night kiddies.


Merry Christmas and Happy Hannuka Every One from the Looney's. (Sorry to hijack your post Damon but the lousy bastard chump is unreliable)

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Tuesday, December 21, 2004 10:41:00 PM  

No problem Tim, and I second those sentiments! I would add the simple, if overly PC, "Happy Holidays" since I'm an athiest and think most people on this blog have weak if any religious ties.

By Blogger Damon, at Wednesday, December 22, 2004 6:46:00 AM  

I can appreciate that. However, I hate political correctness. I'm tired of being pushed around by PC thugs (to quote Miss Hoover). My whole point being, if you don't celebrate my holiday or the holiday of my chosen deity, then get bent. (Except you guys, even if you are all a bunch of heathen)

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Wednesday, December 22, 2004 9:46:00 AM  

christmas was santa's birthday right?

By Blogger ron, at Wednesday, December 22, 2004 10:05:00 AM  

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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Venetian Waitress 

I just found a scrap of paper that had a song on it I wrote just as Matt and I were leaving Venice. Forgive me please but this must be shared.

Venetian waitress - I'm a little less homely than you.And when that's the case I get more leeway on what I can do.

Well she turned my way with eyes like she wanted me.And she was a perfect vision of androgeny.
But she met the specs on the female checklist and served me and Matt our continental breakfastat
at a European version of fast-food that they call Brek.

You can tell Americans from the sneakers.
We can have the slowjams bump over the storefront speakers.
I can freak a eunich like I got no problems
You can move in with me back in the hostel.
And with the ballgag, we don't need no safety words.

Venetian waitress - we can learn the ways of the Lord.
But we'll do it on the sly because you're busy with the mopping floors.

I went into the bathroom, boy it was nice
with no lock on the door I was caught with my pants down thrice.
The art on the wall showed a screaming guy and one girl on the can.
And a slave holding master's head 'cause she was vomitting. (vom-eh-TAN)
Brek you've got the stragest water closet.
You can trump McDonald's anyday on the art tip.
City of canals and gondolas - Brek's the place and not McDonald's 'cause
your androgenous waitress likes me and that's just irregular.



By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Wednesday, December 15, 2004 7:10:00 AM  

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AAAAAAHHHHH no bike!!!!!!! 

i'm having a bit of trouble here. not riding has made me bi-polar. if i'm not wallowing in despair because nothing can fill my desire to go out and ride, i'm edgy, short tempered and rude. i've tried a few things like taking a walk, cleaning things but in the end i'm just angry i cant be riding. reading does relax the mind however. but i cant read all night. boozing helps a bit but i'm on a holiday budget here and i just had to replace two broken shocks in my car. (fucking car is going to get burned when i get a job). playstation hurts the wrist so GT3 isnt happening.


check out motor.wmv in this link

By Blogger ron, at Tuesday, December 14, 2004 4:07:00 PM  

So that means you can't enjoy free skiing at Attitash this Friday or $5.50 tickets at Sugarbush next Friday. I think I already mentioned those, but too good to pass up, everyone take those Fridays off and join me, so far doing that skiing by myself, maybe with my brother on Christmas Eve.

By Blogger Damon, at Tuesday, December 14, 2004 6:55:00 PM  

i got fridays off and ill definately go with
call 3778833

By Blogger murphy, at Tuesday, December 14, 2004 7:07:00 PM  

thats right, no skiing for ron. dare you ski with murphy? (crazy fool)

By Blogger ron, at Wednesday, December 15, 2004 2:20:00 PM  

hey damon. sorry i did not get back to you ive been puking and shitting my brains out for the past 48 hours-i got my skis from back home and i need to get them tuned up but next week is cool

ive been skiing since elementary school. the last couple of years ive been boarding instead but ive done the black diamonds before. just give me a couple of runs to get back into it and i should be good.

let me know whats up

By Blogger murphy, at Saturday, December 18, 2004 10:22:00 AM  

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Monday, December 13, 2004

holiday beer 

so its that time again when we all truck it out to the stores and wait for hours in line to buy stuff for our families and friends. personally i believe that my family would reather not put me through that but i do it anyway.

the main purpose of this post is to ask the all importnant question

new years plans? i've had a few sketchy years, i'm hoping not to add another to that list.


two words ronny
mechanical bull!

oh yeah and do your shopping online-if the stuff doesnt arrive on time just print a picture and wrap it in a box and put it under the tree-they can wait

By Blogger murphy, at Monday, December 13, 2004 11:52:00 AM  

hmmmm wedding ring or finger?
thats a tough one-what an honorable man
too bad they lost the ring afterwards-MORONS

By Blogger murphy, at Monday, December 13, 2004 12:24:00 PM  

That guy's an idiot. A wedding ring is just a piece of metal. And they can't grow fingers back (yet). Although we know he can't be too smart. He got married at nineteen. Ass.

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Monday, December 13, 2004 11:31:00 PM  

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Thursday, December 09, 2004

Thank you very much Mr. Zulu, warp speed when your ready 

i dont know how i stumbled across this one but we have a title for the movie and a cover for the case


its weird man real weird
as far as i can tell their no porn involved in this site but you might want to turn the volume down when you open it ahahahaahah


Thats fucking crazy

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Thursday, December 09, 2004 11:29:00 PM  

yeh man it is crazy. the funny thing is a guy i worked with at the DEP this summer used to alway say that shit. he be like lets cruise the beach and look for some...
i figured i look on google to see if it was a site and sure enough-mr zulu that crazy bastard

anyways hope this brightens your day or maybe tommarows being its allready 230 in the am

later nightcrawlers

By Blogger murphy, at Friday, December 10, 2004 2:21:00 AM  

Stardate 6753 49.......The crew speaks of mutiny unless Young Wet Bitches becomes link-of-the-month.

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Sunday, December 12, 2004 11:39:00 PM  

what do you mean "as far as i can tell their no porn involved?" click on it dumbass, porn ensues!!!!!! oh wait, jenny must have installed net nanny so justin cant see dirty pics. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

By Blogger ron, at Tuesday, December 14, 2004 6:05:00 PM  

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things to do before inauguration 

1. get that abortion you've always wanted
2. drink a nice clean glass of water
3. cash your social security check
4. see a doctor of your own choosing
5. spend quality time with your draft-age child
6. visit syria, or any foreign country for that matter
7. get that gas mask you've been putting off buying
8. hoard gasoline
9. borrow books from the library before they're banned - constitutional law books, catcher in the rye, harry potter, etc
10. if you have an idea for an art piece involving a crucifix, do it now
11. come out, then go back in
12. jam in all the alzheimer's stem cell research you can
13. stay out late before the curfews start
14. go see bruce springsteen before he has his "accident"
15. go see mount rushmore before the reagan addition
16. use the phrase "you can't do that, this is america"
17. if you're white, marry a black person; if you're black, marry a white person
18. take a walk in yosemite without being hit by a snowmobiler or base jumper
19. enroll your kid in an accelerated art or music class
20. start your school day without a prayer
21. pass on the secrets of evolution to future generations
22. learn french
23. attend a commitment ceremony with your gay friends
24. take a factory tour anywhere in the US
25. try to take photos of animals on the endangered species list
26. visit florida before the polar ice caps melt
27. visit nevada before it becomes radioactive
28. visit alaska before "the big spill"
29. visit massachusetts while it's still part of the union

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oohh i ate the future sandwich 

my past self had the superhuman foresight to see the munchies approaching in the near future. past self made a sandwich and attached a note. He put it in a place future self was sure to find the sandwich. present self is happy with past self's fulfilling prophecy. the note was not important.

i though of something to say bout the ssandwich so i left a little bit infront of the keyboard. i went out side and smoked, when got back i had forgotten about the sandwhich and ate the little piece. now i forget the reseaon i left the sandwhich. fuck.

Matt, talked to greg, everything's cool. I'm going to be in haddam thursday and friday, my plane leaves saturday for the second part of my "Ultimate-Slacker-Vacation-Extravaganza!" sweet sweet sunshine ladies. this cripiling drpressive weather, as nice as it is, is getting old. i'm heading south. finished my christmas shoping today, i'm ahead of schedual. I've defeated the spainish, ruined the chineese and pillaged the english today. the development of synthetic fibers proved to be more useful then i had imagined and i wiped out the spainish. cought up on some world news and read a little about wine today.

first of the year i'm moving on to finding a job. thus, i'll be stopping all tree related activites. Justin, perhaps the gardener should stop by?

and the casual man stood up in his bathrobe and slippers, and shouted firmly "fuck this, i'm going south!"

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Wednesday, December 08, 2004


Hey fellas! Its been a while since ive checked the site (since i left). Looks like shit is happenening as usual. Well the reason ive been able to check it tonight is becuase im actually in a hotel in Tallahassee. I have not touched the website at work (where i have my only internet access), eventhough im tempted. Anyway, i only breezed thru all the posts, its just too much to take in. Im in Tally because im going to be in a training for the next 2 days. Pretty sweet, its all on FL's buck- nice hotel, meals etc. The job is good so far. Its busy, and well, its a job. I have my routine everyday, and i dont get to do much else. Having a house with Kim is sweet. Its fun to find stuff for it and make it your own. The place is big and there are endless possibilities. Its hard once you get stuck in this routine you know. Makes me realize that i dont want to do this shit my whole life. But for now its cool. Ill pay off my loans and realize what i really want to do with my life in the future. Panama city is alright, i found a diner that has dollar drafts all day everyday which is good. Its nice to be close to stuff and not have to drive far. I still want to check out the nature around here cuase FL is a spanking cool place. Takes a while to learn and apprecieate it though. I hoping to do that soon. Lots of rednecks and hillbillys around though as expected. theres always the good and bad.

Well doobies, ill be home on the 23-28 for xmass so i hope to see some of you. I will also try to get internet soon in my place so i can keep up on the monkey, but first things first as far as expenses go. And in case anyone doesnt know i got a cell phone. Ask RPL or someone for the #.

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Dear Matt 

Yo Ferraro called looking for yer ass and he doesn't know what your home # is. I'm pretty sure most of us don't so I told the man I'd post for him. Given that you're going on that cruise on Saturday, I'd get on that. Let him know.

In other news I just landed something at the Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce. It's only part time temp work that I got thru Mazzotta's agengy, but it's a good start and it's finally something that's sort of related to my degree.

I'm sorting thru my music library right now trying to figure out what stuff I can include in my dj sets without weirding out, alienating, boring, or offending audiences. That actually narrows it down like a lot. Like a lot. umm that's all

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I am about to go where no man has gone before-except looney brian ron chump damon josh macunas kolpak tino and very nearly-ronnys little sister 

thats right ladies im back!

after all these years, through all the strife and hard times as a young brother from the Ghetto has to... im sorry i was whatching that movie Boyz in da hood. and i got caught up in Lawrence Fishburns speach...

anyways...tomarow is my last day of college classes. I will, barring some blues brothers like mishap where fifty cops from Chicago start chasing me and i got to ge the money to the orphanage.... Damn it Jenny-turn off the TV, justin distracted

one more day, one more week of finals and then all hell breaks loose. All those that live in Nebraska know what happens when theres more than one Murphy with no responsiblities at one time-thats okay ban from Omaha Watershed Basin lifted 2009 woooo hooooo!!!

today i got a n extension on that paper that i was supposed to hand in-naturally i got right to work...on the twelve pack of sam and jennys christmas 'trees'

in conclusion eat your school, do do sleep, get your eight hours of drugs and stay in your vegetables

keep the eye of teh gi joe cause noing is half how you saw the planet

peace to bitches

im in love with young wet bitches

In conclusion "May God Bless America and No where Else!"

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and happy holidays to you 

i dont know whether i should like this cuz it's sacreligious or hate it cuz it praises dumb celebrities. i'm so conflicted.

also, why is W a wise man? someone messed up, bigtime


thats great.

By Blogger ron, at Wednesday, December 08, 2004 1:05:00 PM  

i saw that too,it was nice it made me laugh....

bush heathy, hes weathy .. definatly not wise
though this joke should come at not a suprise
but one ... that pokes fun the worlds underbelly
poor taste, ba humbug, its stinks and its smelly
what those thumb up the ass fools say on the tele
just because the ol pope dont like the picture infront of his eyes

By Blogger murphy, at Wednesday, December 08, 2004 8:03:00 PM  

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small peanuts rookie 

i had a big cup of expresso tonight and i'm zippin like a monkey with its tail on fire. i think i'm going to swing my schedual a bit. stay up wicked late and come in around 1-noon. that way i eat lunch when i get up instead of making it every morning. the lab and building are really quiet at night so i can actually get some work done if i'm motivated to do so.

my car is trying to fuck me. now whenever it gets below freezing one of the rear shocks freezes solid. fucking car. i hate you! if you were only a truck.

i also rolled up a huge tree tonight and had that with dinner. ha ha ha ha i was ripped for about 3-4 hours. i was looking at my watch and was thinking "man, its only 7. i got some time to kill before i can do anything. " i thought about going to the student union to watch some tv but i though everyone would tell i was stoned so i just walked through it.

this post is going nowhere quick. i'm freaking out because i cant ride my bike and it now feels like my existance is utterly worthless. biking>>down, drug usage>>up. i got to find a second back up hobby, i see a pattern here. i need some gran turismo 4 action and my wheel at my apartment stat!


little before 2:30 and still kickin! boyeee!

By Blogger ron, at Wednesday, December 08, 2004 2:23:00 AM  

This is your preachy 46 year old father here. I bet the lab is just as nice and quiet at 6am, why not check it out? It's healthy and productive to sleep a lot and earlier. It's 8:30pm the night after you posted and I'm about ready to brush the teeth and hit it. The bed that is, as I've kicked the alcohol and you know I wasn't big into anything else. And yeah Ron you need another hobby, it's called skiing, and you already have the skills and stuff. Friday 12/17 free tickets at Attitash, Friday 12/24 $5.50 tickets at Sugarbush. $33 tickets at Mad River as long as my 6 advanced purchase tickets last, or buy your own before 12/20 That's my low budget skiing plan, cheaper than your new bike every other week summer hobby so let's go. (free lodging for Sugarbush and Mad River too, working on pay-the-cleaning-cost only for Attitash for $2 a day) oh yeah and I don't even drink coffee, regressing back to straightedged almost!

By Blogger Damon, at Wednesday, December 08, 2004 8:26:00 PM  

sleep is for the weak. ha ha ha ha ha ha. but seriously i get sleep, my schedule is just shifted later by about 5 hours than most people. or more like 9 hours in you case.

lab sucks in the morning at 6 am (well 6-8 might be cool). but after that too many people and too much bullshit during regular working hours.

By Blogger ron, at Thursday, December 09, 2004 3:01:00 AM  

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Tuesday, December 07, 2004

its about time for chapter two 

take a breath... and go

four pages into a fifteen page paper, i decide to take a break. And in my break from writing what do i do? type some more on the blog.

tonight was interesting, i made a pot of coffee with many too much grounds, sprinkled some cinnamon in it and drank the whole pot. paper due in the pm of tommarow-possible extention if hippie professor checks his email

11pm rolls around and ive got the 'ronny shakes'-i have entered a state of mind in between awake and asleep-my body for all intents and purposes-aside from fingers roaming the board-is asleep, but the brain is being slapped repeatedly by the caffine to stay awake and somewhat alert.

trouble typing like im drunk, stomach ache and general sense of euphoria setting in(like that card game grass macunas used to have)

pondering the antimotion of the room-spins set in, ive felt this combination before, shrooms with out the happiness and adventure

wondering you are why i dont sleep, zombified i am like

i am now sleeping, my head is down and eys clsed.
deep relazation takes place electronic slurring of words
noise in the backround of jen snoring soon it will all be over hand in their little guddy rest

mst slept too many cogge grounds in the stomach
hope this gets thorough murphy going on autopilot,. see you later

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good news! 

i post lots about stupid or horrible things people do, so i wanted to share some nice news today

this person is a model citizen. too bad about everyone else

also, hilarious


i would have taken the 40 grand, sorry fellas. see the story about the lady who ran over 2 kids after a golfball hit her suv?

By Blogger ron, at Tuesday, December 07, 2004 8:22:00 PM  

you wouldnt have taken the 40 grand if you were involved in the murder and felt guilty about it-anonymous tipsters are always somehow involved-how would this guy know anything other wise.

He does wrong, feels bad, does right feels good

simple-columbo solves another

ps-going to convert basement into a 'daycare' center for 'the children' in need of supplies and experienced professional in 'child development'

By Blogger murphy, at Tuesday, December 07, 2004 10:16:00 PM  

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Monday, December 06, 2004

war, the band, reunion party 

"why can't we be friends [even though you sexually assaulted me]?"

it's amazing, some of the victims saying they want to return to the church. i understand that "the church" doesn't mean the same structure necessarily, but don't you think these people, if anyone, would've found another spiritual outlet??? if something were to happen to them or family or friends the second time around, i'm not saying they'd deserve it, but...

honestly, you don't need "god" as defined by christianity, judaism, buddhism, hinduism, islam, or anything else to be spiritual/religious. luckily none of this has ever happened to me so i can't know for sure, but i'm pretty damn sure i wouldn't be returning to the association/corporation that molested me. yeah i called religion a corporation. in some respects it is. you have to learn from the past or else you'll never progress. like me, i don't lend anything to the mexicans downstairs from me anymore. that's a whole other thing though, i'm not gonna bust open that whole bag of marbles just yet. it'd take too long to clean up

but my point is this: if henry ford didn't learn from mistakes, he might've made the same ones over and over again and may not have seen a car in his lifetime. progression involves learning. sometimes, giving things/people more than 1 chance may be appropriate (apply the old 3 strikes rule). but some situations are different. to me, giving an already questionable system another chance after it molested you, literally, is moronic. but i'll guarantee you, if one of these people has a kid who is molested, or a grandkid, nobody should feel sorry, but so many will. how many times can we feel sorry for people who make the same mistakes over and over again? little mistakes are ok, but 552 mistakes for $85 million (and that's just the 2003 case in boston, this present case exceeds it, though numbers have not been publicly announced) are NOT ok.


pray at your own risk

by entering this church you hereby agree that you will waive all potential liability against said church for any sexual misconduct which may occur by any of its officials, or by jesus himself. the church is not responsible for any sexual arousal, enjoyable or otherwise, you may experience. violation of this contract exposes you to potential liability to the church, and an eternity in hell for your soul upon your death.


well i think my point is that if these clergymen are their leaders in religion--have studied for years or whatever to gain their positions--and they're no better off than an average person (or worse off as it may be w/ the molestings and whatnot) maybe these victims are on the wrong track. tehy're supposed to be moral leaders. why don't people go to drug dealers for legal advice? cuz they know it won't be good or even valid, if they get anything at all. now obviously all clergy don't molest, but it's also not an isolated incident.

i understand that an affinity for molesting kids isn't necessarily correlated w/ being unwise or having any other negative characteristic. but these people aren't just anyone. they're supposed to be the people communicating about god and morals and stuff. isn't that what religious people claim; they get their morals from religion? well if you're religious, and you believe that, then you find out these people are molesting kids, you damn well better rethink your ideas. besides, if people truly have connections with god then what do they need these middlemen for anyway? shouldn't they be obsolete? if you need god, why do you also need someone else? surely they can't think these people have special powers or anything. unless it's the power to undress a kid in .0042 seconds

By Blogger josh, at Monday, December 06, 2004 9:28:00 PM  

i have to agree with Josh on this. People are drawn closer to their religions in time of crisis. in this case however the religion and church itself is causing the crisis and the Parishioners continue to follow blindly and its sad but 'at their own risk'

By Blogger murphy, at Monday, December 06, 2004 10:28:00 PM  

thats funny. some people are hopeless. fuck'em

By Blogger ron, at Tuesday, December 07, 2004 10:37:00 AM  

if they're dumb enough to go back, they deserve to get molested again. fuck 'um.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Tuesday, December 07, 2004 11:29:00 PM  

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Friday, December 03, 2004


normally this means nothin. i'm in sc, people are lame i dont like it. but TONIGHT, tonight is different. had an exam this afternoon. then prof said meet me at delaneys pub after, open tab on me. allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllrighty then. that's all i need to hear. i needed this. i gotta be honest, booze helped me like these people more. good night. drunk by 8pm. it works. its been a while though. and i' m now somewhat a lightweight, so you know what tht measn, i'll be my own cheap date this winter! score.

aight watchin resevoir dogs and other movies then getting LOTS of sleep cuz 2 exams to go until the bling bling baby

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The mighty casey has just struck out? 

First things first. Ill try to clean up the language a little, i did not realize it was keeping people from enjoying the fun. so thats that

Barry Bonds used the cream steriods without knowing what they were? He obvoiusly knew what he was doing. Did he just find a tub of an unmarked creamy substance and said, hey lets rub this stuff all over my body-and see what happens. He knew what he was doing and if these reports are true than he is gonna have some splainin' to do. Josh is right, there probably will be an asterisk next to his name. Its too bad.

Professional sports is at an all time low right now. This is what happens when athletes get paid rediculous amounts of money to play a game-players will do anything to get an edge and make more money. whether its steriods or corked bats its all about the money.

greedy bastards

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baaaaaaaaaaaaarry, baaaaaaaaaaaaaarry, baaaaaaaaaaaaarry, YOU SUCK

rat bastard cheater


home run king my ass
- 73 my ass
- passing aaron? i think not, at least not legitimately

the nba and nhl have already been ruined. don't take mlb down too.

god damn society

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Thursday, December 02, 2004

old people are racist 

ever notice how some people can just ignor normal generosities? like offering some one the benifit of the doubt when something breaks or saying please and thank you to someone doing a job you counldn't stand to do. you can't yell at the guy just doing his job, it gets you nowhere. he can't do anything, he's doing his job and refering to the manuel to "deal" with you. if a lastic surgeon ask's you to a party, are you expecting fake titties? off topic, but i would expect a few. what better way to learn about wine, then to drink alot of it? i'm on bottle two tonight and i just smoked a little dubie. talking about the social graces, i've been reading the clublife blog, there are some people who just see the worst of humanity on a daily basis. who should be subjected to that!? our country should spend more time preventing damage to our younger populance, rather then dealing witht the prob;lem lather on when the cost is much higher. we've become a reactionary society where it's not a problem until its too late. odd link. i'm too drunk to continue this lovely conversation so goodnight lladies and gentalmen.

oh old people are the most rcest people you'll ever meet. talk to your parents about older people and what they were like to them. for us, people over 80 live in a time when segration was legal. our parents lived when there were people who knew a time when women couldn't vote. unfortunatly social change is very slow. its too bad because that means your a republican. one of the biggest things i learner on my trip to europe is that we need to be more european. to bad most americans see that as weakness to the U.N. and the french. ramble, ramble, ramble.

i don't remember the quote to place here.

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yea, wrist isnt broke! 

boo, i got to go lefty for 2 weeks. you know what i'm talking about.

tuesday night i had arough landing and tweaked my wrist, it didnt hurt and i kept riding. wed night i hit the small warm up jump and upon landing i've had serious pain since. i'm also typing one handed so i'm keeping it short.

my car is also awesome to drive. third gear is the hardest to hit using the left hand. the alignment is shot too so as soon as i let go of the wheel it goes right. i'll be lucky if i dont end up making my car 3-tone by the end of this.

giambi is a biatch. bonds should go down too. i fuckin hate that ear ring of his. and i hate sosa's kiss/crossheart/look at sky crap too. and the hop. fucking i love it when he does the hop on fly outs. hahahahah fucker!

pedro to the mets? i say sweet! ny needs the mets to be stronger.

no bike no tv make ron go something something.........

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yankee doodle druggy 

well, giambi came clean...bonds and sheffield should be next. now i was never really a huge giambi fan, mainly cuz he was on the yankees (didnt really even care when he was on the A's), but honestly, steroids. i mean tons of players use them i'm sure, but its supposed to be about the game. yeah so maybe they take them so they can hit more hrs and thus make more money. if so, then he deserves the public humiliation he's getting now. also, there will be added pressure now when he returns to play, knowing the whole baseball world is watching him w/o steroids wondering how good he'll be. watch him crack. bonds can be next. then his hr record will have an asterisk beside it. so we'll go back to mcgwire, who should also have an asterisk cuz he was taking then legal drugs which are now banned. so we're back to 61.

maybe i just have a vivid imagination. or maybe i just blew your mind


Nice title Josh.

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Thursday, December 02, 2004 12:35:00 PM  

giambi does suck, he never really was that spectacular. as far as bonds-he'll never crack. that guy never loses his cool. theirs not gonna be any asterisk either cause you cant prove he takes them or took them unless you catch it in the blood stream and that muther fucker is not taking a piss test.

just like you said-it would cost him millions-he gonna break the Hammers record and when he does he will be untouchable
then he'll be president and legalize steriods ahahahahhhaahahahahahaahhahaahahahahahhahaha

damon, if this post has too many swears for you im sorry fuck fuykc fuckf fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckf cukf cfukcufckfuckfuckfukcfukcfukcufkcufkcufkcufkcufkcfukfufkcukfucfkcufkcfuckfuf off bitch

just kidding man-but seriously your a stand up mother fucker ahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaahahahahahah

inhale and .... hold it ..... hold it....

that all for me folks later

By Blogger murphy, at Thursday, December 02, 2004 3:50:00 PM  

sorry bout that man. you know i love you damon
ike turners sorry baby, itll never happen i promise


By Blogger murphy, at Friday, December 03, 2004 4:40:00 PM  

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where is everyone?

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