The Workermonkey


Monday, October 31, 2005

happy shalloween 

back from the other big city, dc. visited my old roommate and some other jmu friends for the weekend, and a halloween party on sat night. good times ensued.

i was impressed at the turnout for a post-graduation house party, and most people were donning costumes. there were your typical things like cats and bunnies and hefner, but there were also the more creative people. there was the farmer/scarecrow/pilgrim with an inflatable sheep in fishnet stockings attached to the groin. there was an 8ft tall transformer, equipped with a shoulder-mounted gun that actually had a red laser and an arm-mounted ipod that played the transformers theme song. there were hillbillies, the dukes of hazard, magnum p.i., and every guy's favorite, little red riding hood. damn she was hot, and the low cut red top left a lot to the fairy tale. and in her basket, mini bottles of whiskey. spectacular.

we went thru a keg and 4 or 5 more cases of beer, plus 2 coolers full of jungle juice. there was beer pong in the basement, a game called cornhole outside (really fun), and the celarium was set up for dancing. my ex never showed which was good, but the other girl i had a thing with did. we were chatting for a while, and i mentioned something about being exhausted lately, and she invited me back to her hotel room to "sleep on the floor," though it was unanimously decided this was not what she meant. however in my incredible state of drunkenness, i didnt know any better and declined, as "i still have beer to drink and golf in the morning." dumbass. and it turns out her hot asian friend annie was also staying in the hotel, so i hate to think about what i might have passed up. so i'm just not going to. besides, i would've been completely useless to them anyhow in the condition i was in. not that that makes it ok.

to conclude it all, my old roommate was grinding on some black chick nobody knew who had a 6yr old kid. she also got too hot dancing, so she took her shirt off. what a shame.

hope you all enjoyed the weekend. time for me to catch up a bit, as i enjoyed it thoroughly.


i forgot to mention how much i love halloween. basically, every girl feels that this day makes it socially acceptable to wear the skimpiest outfit they can find. if only they realized that was acceptable everyday.

By Blogger josh, at Monday, October 31, 2005 1:15:00 PM  

Sounds like a classic good time. I had a party to go to on Saturday evening. However, fridays activities wore me out for the whole weekend. I havn't heard the words, "lets do shots bitches" come from my mouth in a very long time. For some reason i decided it was a hard alcohol night. I spent sat and sun recovering from that night of rumbleminz goodness. Good god.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Monday, October 31, 2005 1:47:00 PM  

Sounds like some fun Saturdays. Mine was also interestig, but i'll need more feeling in my right hand first. Some guy in the army bit halfway thru my thumb nad i broke his rib and popped him in the face Look forwared to details.

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Monday, October 31, 2005 8:41:00 PM  

oh i can't wait to hear about this one

By Blogger josh, at Monday, October 31, 2005 8:57:00 PM  

looks like the kung fu is payin off, like to get the full story man

By Blogger murphy, at Tuesday, November 01, 2005 12:24:00 PM  

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bright lights, big city 

and i'm off, 4 days in the big apple in an attempt to sell things at the chem show. fuck yeah. keep the blog real, i'll be back before anyone notices i'm gone.


ha ha ha, I'm moving in for 4 days.

By Blogger ron, at Monday, October 31, 2005 11:03:00 AM  

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Saturday, October 29, 2005

Remember this on your paranoid evenings.... 

 Posted by Picasa


I wonder if we put Kim Jong Il on posters nowadays would we get our "can do" attitude back? Would Eisenhower get his groove back?

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Saturday, October 29, 2005 2:11:00 PM  

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 Posted by Picasa

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serious for once 

hey guys, i wrote this on the other blog, and since i'm evidently a moron who cant figure out how to copy and paste shit into the blog, i'll have to link it. i think it's important.

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Thursday, October 27, 2005

Sunny FLA 

So I'm finally gettting around to posting up my Florida pics. It was a great trip and I can't believe that branciteam pays the same for a 3 bedroom, 2 bath house that I paid for my single bedroom apartment up at school.

Trip highlights include flying on a plane for the first time. It was great. I was watching the wings flex and watching the cars like ants. Then it hit me that I'm actually qualified and might be building these machines in the years to come. That spooked me out a bit.

The first day I went to the beach. I'll have to blame this on my ex-girlfriend. Until I dated her I didnt give a shit about the beach. Now I love it. The sand made all sorts of cool noises when you walked and the shells were wicked cool. Have a look.

Branciteam sent me up this nature reserve the next day to do some hiking. I dropped him off at work, took out the road atlas and hit the road. The nature and wild life in florida is pretty extreme. Everything lives in Florida. I cant even imagine what lives in the rain forests or the congo. Probably one of anything thats ever killed a human. Check this out, I found a little pine tree that was about my height so I hung my camera on a branch and took a picture of myself.

Those freaking yellow spiders were everywhere! my spider sense was on extra alert. So to combat the situation. I grabbed a stick and swung it infront of me the whole time I was hiking to catch any webs. This was a pretty remote area and I was the first person out on the trail. I felt like a goddamn city boy until I learned that the locals did the same exact thing.

On the ride back to the house I decided to take a little road trip on the way back. I scouted out another route and though I'd see a bit of Florida scenery. I couldn't have been more wrong. The roads were straight and the scenery was pine trees.

I got to take out the ATVs at Tyndall air force base to do a bird survey. It was really sweet. I even spotted a few snowy ploves. Is that what we were looking for? The beach was sweet and abandon. We also found a dead sea turtle.

A day or two later we took a kayak/ canoe trip that will go down in history. If you tried to script the events you would surely fall short. Lets just say that the only way to stay safe was to avoid the canoes. Maybe we all have a bit of an edge because most of us grew up either with a canoe or using murphy's on the river from a young age. Either way it was a live comedy show (alcohol includded). We barely made it to the shuttle back without paying a late fee.

Sorry for the folks on dial up but seriously, isnt it time to get broadband? It was a great trip and it sure was a good time to relax. Other events include some late night tetris playing, drinking a few dutchboys (local brew) and shootin the shit about the past, present and the days to come.


Plovers not ploves, but close. And it was a strict scientific study. And that little pine tree is a Long leaf pine sapling. It has significance which i will not get into here. Glad you got to do some cool stuff and had a good time.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Thursday, October 27, 2005 1:47:00 PM  

Photos with the ATVs look like you went to see him in Alaska in the snowy woods.

By Blogger Damon, at Thursday, October 27, 2005 4:18:00 PM  

i see branciteam gave you one of those US fish.wildlife shirts-score

By Blogger murphy, at Friday, October 28, 2005 11:46:00 AM  

Hurray Justin! A post without swears and one that makes sense in proper English (spare the formatting, but few people bother with that these days anyway) congratulations. Please keep it up.

By Blogger Damon, at Friday, October 28, 2005 1:30:00 PM  

thanks for the encouragement

By Blogger murphy, at Friday, October 28, 2005 4:20:00 PM  

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Wednesday, October 26, 2005


...and so the legend continues. Once again the larger then life Justin Murphy embarks on a cross country van-a-thon to parts unknown. I hear they have snow.. good luck buddy.

tuesday night set back isn't going good. after week seven we're at .500 and there is only one team thats really ahead. last night we just didn't get the cards. i asked the midget for advice. he told me to bid higher. the black guy told me to just bid wildly and it usually works out. we got beat by the black guy and the midget 4-1 a few weeks ago. Some of the people we've met doing this are kind of strange. we've been hanging with this kid dave we played there and then there was the middle aged bar slut who took forever.

the guy at work that i often complain about has surprised me this week. he's been useful and tolerable. today he even surprised me by showing me how he had ordered some stuff i asked him to buy from the right sources and the right material. i've shown him how to do some stuff and he seems to be learning from me. i'm schocked.


where you playin this setback/who are these people?

By Blogger josh, at Wednesday, October 26, 2005 11:46:00 PM  

kevs pub, tuesday nights. we play two random strangers every week in a tournament. tuesdays at habor park stopped at the same time this started so it worked out good.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Thursday, October 27, 2005 8:17:00 AM  

Tino and myself were a team for the first round but I had to bail. Tuesday = sparring night at kung-fu.

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Thursday, October 27, 2005 7:25:00 PM  

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this is cool. check it out.


pfff, old news, i read that yesterday.

By Blogger ron, at Wednesday, October 26, 2005 3:30:00 PM  

me too. but you know what has now been proven false? dick cheney isn't really a robot, he's just controled by small electrical impulses behind the ear, geez.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Wednesday, October 26, 2005 4:47:00 PM  

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a problem solver am i 

hey guys, i wanted to share this with you. i started another blog over the weekend. before you start hatin, know that i fully intend to continue posting and commenting on the workermonkey. you guys were getting sick of the law, but law school is my life until may 2007. so now i have a site where i can spout off about that, or anything else i please. but i'll still be here all the time too.

this goes without saying, but i fully welcome any and all of you to read and/or comment on my posts on the coalm blog.

i hope this is a satisfactory solution to you, as it is for me.

hope all is well with everyone.


Good thinkin Josh. I was getting sick of all that law crap (no offense). Wow, it really is changing your life isnt it? Its drilling into your brain and having little babies. It may be too late.

Its cool to talk about that stuff on the monkey sometimes though. We are all about the variety.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Wednesday, October 26, 2005 2:04:00 PM  

none taken.

and thanks man, appreciate it.

By Blogger josh, at Wednesday, October 26, 2005 3:13:00 PM  

A rival blog! I'm doomed...

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Wednesday, October 26, 2005 4:45:00 PM  

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Joke for you 

An old married couple, from Alabama, no sooner hit the pillows when the old man passes gas and says," Seven Points"
His wife rolls over and says, "What in the world was that?"
The old man replied, "It's Fart Football."
A few minutes later his wife lets one go and says,"Touchdown, tie score."
After about five minutes the old man lets another one go and says, "Aha. I'm ahead 14 to 7."
Not to be outdone the wife rips out another one and says, "Touchdown, tie score."
Five seconds go by and she lets out a little squeaker and says," Field goal, I lead 17 to 14."
Now the pressure is on the old man. He refuses to get beaten by a woman, so he strains real hard.
Since defeat is totally unacceptable, he gives it everything he's got, and accidentally shits in the bed.
The wife says," What the hell was that?"
The old man says, "Half time, switch sides"

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Monday, October 24, 2005

A week in the dirty 

When visiting Northern Florida, you may find yourself in an unexpected environment. Your yankee ass has never seen the likes of such biodiversity, social non-progressivness and good ole redneckedness. The lower lattitudes may ooze a tropical climate, but they hold many different dangers. If you decide to go for a little walk, you have to watch out for these:

Be wary freind! If you find yourself hiking on a less traveled trail, you might get caught up with these 7 legged freaks. But never fear, for they are not aggressive and rarely bite humans. But damn, they ARE big and scary and will activate your arachnophobia.

It also may be a good idea to watch out for stationary dangers that could potentially cause pain. Yes, the woods are beautiful, but keep your head up son! You do not want to walk into a vine like this:

If you happen to find yourself wrapped in a tangle of these babies, the first thing you should do is panic. Because goddamn it, its going to hurt.

Nonetheless, if you decide to brave the danger, your trip can be very rewarding. Many things creep and crawl throughout the forest and if you are lucky, you will not step on any coachwips, and you may get to hold your very first lizard (ron):

Warning: never attempt to capture or hold any lizards without a certified somewhat qualified biologist around. Hey look at you now! As you stroll deeper into the woods, you may want to switch to traversing by the water. These springs bubble from deep aquifers and may carry you swifty to great rewarding sights such as this one:

Enjoy the drunk and stoned bitches while you can. Yes, they may be fun to look at, but they can also be very annoying. If your super lucky, a looose top can be a godsend in a shaky canoe. But alas! Enough of the girls! You didnt venture on this trip for them. You want to see nature at its finest. The clear water, bottom-crawling turtles, and the sprawling/ winding creeks:

But don't take my word for it. Ask your very own social circle travler from the rural CT. What do you say ron? How was your trip to visit the ole Brancibeer?


~Brancibeer's bloggin it ole school


nice, i'll make an effort to post up my pics tonight. I havent even unpacked yet.

By Blogger ron, at Monday, October 24, 2005 2:56:00 PM  

It took forever to publish that post because of all the pics. I didnt even think it worked...

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Monday, October 24, 2005 3:00:00 PM  

Simply smashing, mate! I hear Team Zissou is looking for another member....

"Do the interns get glocks?"

"They all share one."

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Monday, October 24, 2005 9:21:00 PM  

"don't point that gun at him, he's an unpaid intern"

"where'd you come from? you look pregnant."

By Blogger josh, at Monday, October 24, 2005 9:56:00 PM  

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On The Duty of Civil Disobedience 

The government itself, which is only the mode which the people have chosen to execute their will, is equally liable to be abused and perverted before the people can act through it. Witness the present Mexican war, the work of comparatively a few individuals using the standing government as their tool; for in the outset, the people would not have consented to this measure. This American government - what is it but a tradition, though a recent one, endeavoring to transmit itself unimpaired to posterity, but each instant losing some of its integrity? It has not the vitality and force of a single living man; for a single man can bend it to his will. It is a sort of wooden gun to the people themselves. But it is not the less necessary for this; for the people must have some complicated machinery or other, and hear its din, to satisfy that idea of government which they have. Governments show thus how successfully men can be imposed upon, even impose on themselves, for their own advantage. It is excellent, we must all allow. Yet this government never of itself furthered any enterprise, but by the alacrity with which it got out of its way. It does not keep the country free. It does not settle the West. It does not educate. The character inherent in the American people has done all that has been accomplished; and it would have done somewhat more, if the government had not sometimes got in its way.
How does it become a man to behave toward the American government today? I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it. I cannot for an instant recognize that political organization as my government which is the slave's government also. All men recognize the right of revolution; that is, the right to refuse allegiance to, and to resist, the government, when its tyranny or its inefficiency are great and unendurable. But almost all say that such is not the case now. But such was the case, they think, in the Revolution of '75. If one were to tell me that this was a bad government because it taxed certain foreign commodities brought to its ports, it is most probable that I should not make an ado about it, for I can do without them. All machines have their friction; and possibly this does enough good to counter-balance the evil. At any rate, it is a great evil to make a stir about it. But when the friction comes to have its machine, and oppression and robbery are organized, I say, let us not have such a machine any longer. In other words, when a....whole country is unjustly overrun and conquered by a foreign army, and subjected to military law, I think that it is not too soon for honest men to rebel and revolutionize. What makes this duty the more urgent is that fact that the country so overrun is not our own, but ours is the invading army.
They who know of no purer sources of truth, who have traced up its stream no higher, stand, and wisely stand, by the Bible and the Constitution, and drink at it there with reverence and humanity; but they who behold where it comes trickling into this lake or that pool, gird up their loins once more, and continue their pilgrimage toward its fountainhead.

Henry David Thoreau

I have a pdf of this and Walden together if anyone would like to read the whole text.


the problem i see with civil disobedience in america is that people would do it for the wrong things (fast food, drug legalization, and the right to be racist).

maybe it's a cynical view of the general public, but hey, they earned it!

ps. this is josh, i just changed my name. dicta is the part of a judicial decision that is irrelevant/off topic, but the judge wants to spout off on it anyway. yes, it's a legal term. get over it.

By Blogger josh, at Monday, October 24, 2005 9:02:00 AM  

I'm sorry, but i just can not read that right now.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Monday, October 24, 2005 12:21:00 PM  

"who would win in a fight? dicta or a hurricane?", "um, is the hurricane named dicta?"

damon, planning a revolution or something? how about this plan....,0,7498979.story

if you lazy asses decide to read it, (josh please read it). its about probate courts in CT and how there are too many and raping people with fees.

instead of fighting it, exploit it. lets start a probate court. I'm sure engineers are qualified to sit as judges.

By Blogger ron, at Monday, October 24, 2005 2:52:00 PM  

i agree with ron, we all know the slimmy/evil/corrupt ways things get done in this country, why not use them to our advantage? before you can change the system you must first be part of the system. the above statement makes me look like a republican. of course, when you want to change things for the worse, it's usually easier then trying to fix things.

civil disobience is not a new concept but it's been beaten into us for a long time. plus the government is getting better at crushing it before it gets out of hand. any form of it nowadays comes from corrupt corporations and people with enough money to just buy what they want. its a fucked up system but if thats the game they want to play then BRING IT ON MOTHER FUCKER!!!

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Monday, October 24, 2005 5:00:00 PM  

ron, interesting article. i do have a few comments (of course). but let me qualify my comments by saying that i do not disagree with everything langbein said.

that being said...
1) langbein (the author, for those who havent read the article) is a yale professor. degrees from harvard, columbia, and cambridge. great. but if you look at his work experience he has never actually practiced. he has only taught. while this might seem like a minor thing, years of probate experience would give him far more knowledge about the system than academia ever could. it really does make a big difference. professors who have practiced can teach things on a more practical level, whereas those who never have deal better with the theoretical side of things. that's not to say these are mutually exclusive, but there's a definite tendency.

2) to a certain extent, it's all a matter of timing. do you want fewer probate courts and a longer waiting period, or do you want more and so you get your shit right away? certainly 12 courts, as langbein suggests, is too few. it would be years before people ever saw anything. so maybe a balance is appropriate. arbitrarily i'll throw out 60.

3) on page 1 he complains of the lack of legal training of some of the judges, but then on page 2 he says "fortunately, many of our probate judges are legally trained." that's just confusing.

4) if you talked to a good tax attorney, he/she could tell you it would be wise to domicile yourself in another state, and could help you plan it and find a state suitable to your needs.

good article though. domicile yourself elsewhere.

By Blogger josh, at Monday, October 24, 2005 6:10:00 PM  

Sorry I haven't yet read the article, but I guess it's just one more reason I am domiciled in VT. Josh as witness and executor of my will should know that I am a Vermonter, now not just for cheaper auto insurance and no property tax on that nice car I used to have. I am not sure about income tax, I may be paying more as a VT resident because the standard deduction is so much lower than CT's. Ah where is this going? When I get back I am thinking about Burlington. It's late and I lost two games of poker tonight. My last win was the last free game we played. Oh yeah, and no lines in the VT DMV, they use common sense not nutty "rules," that make you wait in line 3 times.

By Blogger Damon, at Monday, October 24, 2005 7:02:00 PM  

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Saturday, October 22, 2005

(insert profanities here) 

kolpak, "you fluffing my pillow?"
oh yea baby, oh yea (kolpak)

thats not crazytalk, thats the thing.

so here we go fellows. once again its slapshot season and the hanson brothers are in the lead.

watson, i dont even understand what you are talking about with the computers. please explain and i'll respond if i have time. late r


Nevermind, Ron. I was only surprised by your over-simplistic solution of keeping computers turned off as a response to Holmes inquiry into a damage comparison between lawsuits and computers. Either you intended that everyone turn their computers off (which is not a possibility) or some individuals turn their computers off (which does not solve the problem of all the potential computer systems used if society is to function, i.e. banking systems). I would also respond to Damon that hackers are not the only example of the negative effects of computers. Take the spread of pornography, for example. But that's for another day. And Damon, calm down, buddy. You possibly can't get that angry over a few little friendly jabs.

By Blogger Daddy, at Saturday, October 22, 2005 8:35:00 PM  

1. Post comments where they are relevent.
2. See my past posts, I rarely swear, so it should retain some power among those familiar with me.
3. You are not familiar with me, friendly jabs then? If a friend and a total stranger were to make the same negative comment about the girl you were out with, or some simliar concept, would you not have a significantly different reaction to each?

By Blogger Damon, at Monday, October 24, 2005 1:35:00 AM  

hehe, nothing like posing while nearly blacked-out eh?

By Blogger ron, at Monday, October 24, 2005 3:05:00 PM  

this site wouldn't exist with out it ron

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Monday, October 24, 2005 4:18:00 PM  

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Friday, October 21, 2005 2.0 released 

It's free, generally works with MS, can save files as .pdf, and makes sense. For example, to change the size of paper you are working on: '/format/page' not '/file/page setup.' Great office suite in Linux, but worth a look if you're on Windows too, given the above advantages.

Here's a short notice from PC World

Here are the Bittorrent links


damon if you really want to get fancy about typesetting use WinEdt and MikteX.

example: to write the fraction 1/2 so that the 1 is over the 2 the command is $\frac{1}{2}$

and if you want a space anywhere: \vspace{0.5in}

simple eh? none of this auto format crap

By Blogger ron, at Friday, October 21, 2005 9:01:00 AM  

I've never heard of either of those, I hope you're joking. I have not tried Latex, but from what I've heard it's the best program for technical documents but it is supposedly hard to learn, so maybe I should start playing with it so I can use if for my thesis.

By the way I didn't say anything about fancy typesetting, but I use OOo exclusively and generally submit assignments in pdf unless doc is asked for and so far I've aced them all, so apparently no problems.

By Blogger Damon, at Friday, October 21, 2005 9:37:00 AM  

yea, start fucking with LaTex now, its more of a typsetting mini-OS than a program.

MikTex is a program package that includes all the style files and packages. also buy the book, LaTex by leslie lamport, about 30$ new.

oh, email me for the crack for WinEdt if you like. winedt and miketex are made to work together although you dont need either to do latex documents.

have fun:
\sigma=\frac{12 \eta_{\mbox{\tiny{eff}}} \phi }{P_a\delta^2} \omega

By Blogger ron, at Friday, October 21, 2005 10:00:00 AM  

thanks for fixing the window size.

i have nothing intelligent to add on the topic of the post. not even if i wanted to.

By Blogger josh, at Friday, October 21, 2005 11:02:00 AM  

I looked around a bit at LaTeX, no thank you. I really can't see the big advantage to be gained while climbing that learning curve. Yes equations in OOo are just as big a pain as in Word, but I'm not doing that too often.

By Blogger Damon, at Friday, October 21, 2005 11:33:00 AM  

i'm telling you that its worth it. I have tons of templates and examples. its not as bad as youthink

By Blogger ron, at Friday, October 21, 2005 11:55:00 AM  

lawsuits definately do more damage. computers only suck as much as you use them. never go online, problem solved

By Blogger ron, at Friday, October 21, 2005 3:57:00 PM  

Well, ron, I have to question that logic. Surely, computers are used for very significant things in your life without you ever touching a computer being that much of society's workplace, as well as government, depends on them. I know what a computer won't do. It won't get you recompensation for losing a limb in the workplace or having a heart attack because of a negligently-made drug. What you fail to admit and understand is that a lawsuit is a valid and civilized remedy that will assist you to gain what is just when you've been wronged and to pay when you're the wrong-doer. Or are "wronged" and "just" terms too non-empirical to justify even a secular legal system?

By Blogger Daddy, at Friday, October 21, 2005 4:28:00 PM  

my computer gives me blow jobs. you?

let me tell you that was a tough program to download. let me tell youlots of viruses

By Blogger ron, at Saturday, October 22, 2005 4:18:00 AM  

We were comparing options for typing good looking reports, how is that "greedy" and why draw comparisons between hackers and lawyers, shut the fuck up! Not everyone has something relevant to say to each topic.

By Blogger Damon, at Saturday, October 22, 2005 1:37:00 PM  

they settle right next to the republicans

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Sunday, October 23, 2005 10:42:00 AM  

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To summarise this CNN article in a highly suggestive way:

"...there was a concerted administration effort to illegally divulge Valerie Plame's CIA identity because her husband publicly questioned Bush on the Iraq war. The central figures in the investigation are White House deputy chief of staff Karl Rove and I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney. Both Rove and Libby talked to reporters before Plame was unmasked...Further complicating Bush's plans are investigations of former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, on conspiracy and money-laundering charges in Texas, and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist for stock transactions...Veteran Republican strategist Charles Black said 'I haven't noticed, for the most part, anything unusual going on,'"


Oh cite a blog for evidence, that's strong. I didn't read it though, because I don't really care either way. I don't know much about the current case either, I only check US news sites about once a month so I don't know what's happening, I just thought the word choice in that CNN article could be arranged in a funny way. From the bit I've seen I think the news is mostly bad for Republicans and the public is leaning away from the party some. This is good news for everyone really. All branches of government on the same side, either way, is dangerous. So hopefully the current trend will lead to a reduced majority, or even loss of Republican majority in Congress at the midterm.

By Blogger Damon, at Saturday, October 22, 2005 4:25:00 PM  

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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Party at Greggs' Saturday nite in northford 

Well, the tile explains that one.

Ron/Brian, I can't figure out how to change the page back so I'm looking in your directions. I can't figure out that fucking template anymore.

is anyone else having trouble getting into hockey this year? Hell, I'm having trouble finding OLN just to watch the games. Comcast recently changed the station lineup so now I can't find any of the fucking channels. i also find it kind of odd that comcast's channel line up cluster fuck came around the same time the NHL started up again, since, well you know, comcast lost a big bid to get the TV rights to the NHL, so now they're fucking with OLN. maybe it's more then just a halfbaked conspiracy theory.


its spelled with a G, night

By Blogger ron, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 1:27:00 AM  

blo me

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:13:00 AM  

Won't make it to Greg's unfortuntely. Gotta DJ a high school dance in east hartford. My mom said there's like 3000 students there and they're all black or hispanic.

"Hey kids, I brought Nirvana

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:48:00 PM  

or maybe a little donny osmond to kick things off

By Blogger josh, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:56:00 PM  

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Baby boom nine months after storm 

The storm that swept over southern Sweden in January, leaving thousands without power and destroying swathes of woodland, has finally brought some good news: a baby boom.
Couples in the Borås area clearly found plenty to do in the darkness that followed "Storm Gudrun": the birth rate in the town during the past week is twenty times higher than in the same week last year.

“Many people were without electricity for a long time, so this could continue well into November,” midwife Louise Loubelo told Swedish Radio.
Last week – nine months and one week after the storm – saw 63 babies born in Borås hospital’s maternity unit, twenty more than during the previous week

The Local - Sweden's News in English


Yup, thats classic. I beleive they have correlated the same to many other disaster type events.

Bowchika wow wow

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Wednesday, October 19, 2005 4:35:00 PM  

It kinda makes sense biologically if you think about it. "Shit! The world is ending! Procreate! Procreate!"

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 9:01:00 AM  

or a simple, "lets bang before the candle burns out"

By Blogger ron, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 2:35:00 PM  

or a simple, "bang this candle or I'll end you"


By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 4:58:00 PM  

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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

some things i never thought about 

the good points are highlighted

A letter from the Porn Stars of America
Reply to:
Date: Thu Sep 08 18:54:28 2005

Dear Men of Craig’s List:

The membership of the National Federated Union of Porn Stars wishes to register an official complaint and related Cease and Desist request. Your incessant searching for a “girl who fucks like a porn star,” the somewhat similar “girl who sucks dick like a porn star,” and the unending fake posts regaling how “she took my spewing cum all over her face like a porn star” are interfering with the conduct of business in the legitimate porn industry. A recent study concluded that the prevalence of these requests and reports have in fact begun to convince a startling proportion of otherwise normal women that they should and must behave like porn stars. This is still a trend in its infancy but gentleman, should this phenomenon reach critical mass we, the real porn stars of America, will be sh!t out of luck, not to mention jobs.

Evidence to support the emergence of this trend include but are not limited to:

1. Brazilian wax “technicians” report a 5,000% increase in business over the last year. This flies in the face of reason and we cannot understand why so many otherwise normal women are paying someone to mercilessly rip out their pubic hair with hot wax. We are here to tell you that being bound and gagged while having a complete stranger shoot cum all over our faces while being focked up the ass by another stranger is a goddamned walk in the park compared to the pain and humiliation of kneeling on a paper covered table on all fours in a closet sized “salon” room while an uppity bitch clucks disapprovingly while ripping the hair from your asshole with hot wax. And while we, the porn stars of America, get paid to do both of these things, your girlfriends do not.

2. Speaking of ass fucking… Now guys, we know you love the ass fucking. Love to see it, love to think about it, and you love to pretend that you are doing it. But consider for a moment what the world will be like if all the normal women out there catch the “porn star fever” that is beginning to spread and begin ass fucking as a matter of course. Sure, you may enjoy that now but how will you feel when, as you start to lose your hair and thicken around the middle you finally settle down and get married? You will then be all but guaranteed to wed someone who has ass focked every man she has ever dated. Do you want to live in that world? We didn’t think so. Please, for the love of God leave the ass fucking to the real porn stars of America.

3. Fake Boobs. All us porn stars have them. It’s pretty much a prerequisite for the job of American porn star. We understand your primal fixations and we are not going to bother you by over thinking them. We are here to meet every one of your infantile ‘I want to suck my mommy’s tit’ unexamined needs. And we’ll even do it while we’re shoving our hairless assholes around some strangers cock. But your girlfriends are all caught up in the spreading “porn star fever” and are now seeking breast augmentation at alarming rates. Seriously, how sexy is it going to be when you have to take your future wife, who has been focked up the ass by every man she ever dated, to the hospital to remove her ruptured and toxic fake boob? Leave the fake boobs to us and appreciate your woman’s normal gorgeous tits.

Look guys, the real porn stars of America have always been there for you. And we want that relationship to continue. We all know that even if this ill-considered craze overtakes the nation that most of you will still be sitting at home alone stroking one out night after night. And let’s be honest, you need us for that. And in a very real way, you need us to be different from the women that you work with, different from women you are neighbors with, play pub trivia games with and yes, you need us to be different from the women you date and fock. Our value is linked to the fact that we do things that normal women don’t do. Our value is also inextricably linked to the fact that you will never fock us. So you can see how turning all these normal women into pseudo porn stars kinda ruins it for everyone. So please, do your part to stop the “porn star fever” from spreading. Tell your woman you love her tits and her pussy just the way they are and then fock her, but not up the ass, until she cries and begs for mercy. Let’s keep the earth on its right and proper axis and keep the porn stars of America on the Internet and the real women in your bed, if you’re lucky.

Thank you,

The membership of the National Federated Union of Porn Stars


God Bless them

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Wednesday, October 19, 2005 11:38:00 AM  

"What so proudly we the twilights last gleaming...."

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Wednesday, October 19, 2005 12:42:00 PM  

that was beautiful

By Blogger murphy, at Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:31:00 PM  

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All Forward 

A week of rain, a wedding and a going away party. Its good to see everyone again but im off once more. back west for the next year, friends and family aside, CT licks my asshole.

What has happened to this Blog? all i see is posts from Damon, Josh and Matt. im not saying that you're guys posts are drawn out boring rants that have no begining or end. Im not saying that at all-you guys are at least keeping it alive. if it were not for you we'd be reading comments from sherlock " I like to smoke pole" Holmes. and listen to the occasional funny post by brian or ron. but dont worry I'll get to them next.

Im sorry Holmes I dont even know you and it is unfair that i assume you and Josh are riding the perverbial hobbie horse. Its just plain unfair. Josh, I still love you man. I didnt mean all that stuff i said about lawyers. Its noble really. Wanting to be part of a system that complicates itself so much that people devote their lives to study of law, spend thousands of dollars to learn the in's and out's and ultimately fuck the people who dont know any better ie. everyone. but thats another story and mostly about politics.

Hello? am I ranting-good heres some of your own fucking medicine. read on bloggers because you've got nothing better to do.

Damon, hope your doing fine-that is all.

Ron, Its been good to see you, dont really have anything to say quasi mean or funny other than you should get some fucking bike pads before you kill yourself FUCK. we'll get back to you later.

Brian, sorry to hear about Kim. Broads are fucking crazy, all of them, some just hide it better than others. There's alot of loose puss runnin round MT as long as your drunk and not picky-lot a hotties too but those make a take an hour or two of work before your plowing them out. Hang in there man. hope its not too soon to say this but i never liked her anyway. In fact i never liked any of your girlfriends. except that pirg chick...cant recall the name. keep on living.

Matt Barone. what is stopping you from tearing this post apart and starting from scratch. what loyalties can you possibly have at this point. no helpful suggestions for you on what to do but fix it and do it soon before its too late-were dying and we need some good reading.
Hope you and kolpak can work out your differences and live in harmony-i recomend prostitute night, worked for the odd couple?

Kolpak, good times and great oldies had by all i am sure of that! you must lead the pack on this one take hold of the few and make them into the many, dont leave any behind and send for me when the troop is assembled. get out of ct it sucks the life out of you and turns you 40 and then you are useless to me. trust me for once, please.

Tino, I know you and kolpak probably dont read this anymore but you know the score man, aces in my book. shifty bastard.

Ill end this shitty post in saying that you are all assholes

but your mothers love you anyway

Love Murphy

Ps let me know if anyone wants to come out to ski this winter-free pass and free lodging in exchange for buying the beer for the duration.

suck my balls


always good to hear from you murph. keep enjoyin the wild wild.

By Blogger josh, at Tuesday, October 18, 2005 11:32:00 PM  

the only literature ive read in the last 6 months is playboy, Northwest river supply and some spy novel by ludlum. Im a god damned raft guide and I demand some respect. nice to meet you holmes

By Blogger murphy, at Wednesday, October 19, 2005 11:09:00 AM  

"How many assholes do we have on this ship?" - Spaceballs, Lord Helmet

Not that I take offense to you calling CT a shitty shit hole, but i sorta do. Just because you can go off the wire for extended periods of time, doesnt mean that everyone else is rotting away in static dumbness. I agree that "getting away" from it all can help put perspective into ones life and breathe new energy into you. But Murph, you got to hop back on the bus at some point, you know it. So be carefull which bridges you burn and who's lives you insult. I'm glad your living it up, but that doesnt mean that everyone else is idle. We all have different goals and perspectives...sometimes much more than getting laid everynight. Biiiitchhh.

ps. Its all good.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Wednesday, October 19, 2005 11:51:00 AM  

Are you kidding me? I heard the nicknames of some of these bitches out west Murphy - you know I gotta call you on that shit.
Squirrel Mouth
The One With the Man-Build....
Murphy's got no time to waste on women so he fucks retards. You've just encountered the Zing of the Day.

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Wednesday, October 19, 2005 12:38:00 PM  

not squirrel mouth it was 'chipmunk with a beer gut' and my brother fucked her not me. I was fucking the 'war pig'. yes the 'Gardiner Goggles were on but the chicks were not all beat-I think

By Blogger murphy, at Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:09:00 PM  

short round was not mine either. Branciteam the post was all in good fun, sorry if it pissed anyone off-pussies. In regards to rejoining civilization and hopping back on the bus, i dont see that happening.

If youre still in Fla in May im coming to get you and take you with me to the dark side

By Blogger murphy, at Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:18:00 PM  

I'll be waiting...with a shovel....or a packed bag...or both.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:58:00 AM  

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This Lawyer Humor is getting to me... 

My sisters a lawyer. My ex-girlfriend is soon to be a lawyer. I've had a lawyer and I've talked to many. I know your type fellas. Sometimes I loooaaatthhe you....


yeah, i'm getting that feeling in general (see last law-related post). no wonder many lawyers become cynical. good thing i got an e-ticket, printed it out, and boarded that plane even before law school. if we're gonna be perceived as bastards, we might as well be them (it's not always the other way around, contrary to what some might want to believe).

you need help? of course i'll help you...for $650/hr! oh, you're insolvent. how awkward this must be for both of us. well, good luck!

By Blogger josh, at Tuesday, October 18, 2005 10:42:00 AM  

assholes are everywhere but I'm sure there is some sort of gaussian distribution that proves more of them are in law.

By Blogger ron, at Tuesday, October 18, 2005 12:29:00 PM  

good old sweeping generalizations. that's like saying more minorities are custodians, or somethign horribly racist.

but shit, if i'm gonna be classified this way for life, i'm gonna live up to it. earn my title. in other words, i'm not sure how many are born assholes versus how many are created.

By Blogger josh, at Tuesday, October 18, 2005 1:11:00 PM  

*or something ELSE that's racist. my point in including that example is that it's horrible

By Blogger josh, at Tuesday, October 18, 2005 1:19:00 PM  

do I hear the waaa...bulance coming? ha ha ha ha. speaking of assholes......

By Blogger ron, at Tuesday, October 18, 2005 5:50:00 PM  

go lawyers? dont think so, no matter how hard you avoid it you will become part of the ooze. once the money starts rolling in it will be easier to rationalize your being.

Honestly, why do you want to become a lawyer? Its obvious niether of you are revolutionarys. put on your running shoes and start chasing ambulances.

So for now fuck off

Ps. who is this holmes character

By Blogger murphy, at Tuesday, October 18, 2005 10:27:00 PM  

enter #1 asshole!......

easy murph. he's one of josh's boys

By Blogger ron, at Tuesday, October 18, 2005 10:35:00 PM  

Enter another one of Josh's law friends...Wow, Murphy, when speaking about the 'money rolling in', are you talking about the prosecutors or admin lawyers that bring in 40K a year. Law school may teach you a few things about false assumptions. Of course all lawyers are rolling in denaro and all law students go on to practice law. "Ooze" may be more properly defined as stereotyping arrogant fools that think they know everything.

By Blogger Daddy, at Friday, October 21, 2005 2:01:00 AM  

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Monday, October 17, 2005

i'm going to hell for even posting this* 


*if hell exists. otherwise, it's smooth sailing for my offensive self.

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Sunday, October 16, 2005


a friend of mine and i had a lengthy discussion about philosophy and religion last night. here are some questions we had and/or tried to answer. feel free to weigh in...or not.

1) are people inherently selfish? if so, how are you defining selfish? if not, why not?

2) is it wise to have faith in things? and if you're talking about something other than faith in god (e.g. human generousity), is it really the same kind of faith? why do you think most people have faith (in either god or something else)?

3) if god giveth and taketh away, is he an indian giver?

4) do priests have a free ticket to heaven (or at least out of hell)? even the naughty ones?

5) if i'm right on the fence, how do they decide if i get to heaven? where is the line? to i take a heavenalayzer test? do i have the right to refuse it? whose constitution do we use? if i blow a .075 will they round up and let me in?

6) what is the role of choice in our lives? if god has predetermined our lives, can we still choose? if so, what of personal responsibility?

7) is it ever rational to believe in god, or is faith the only way?

8) can we believe in science, which involves the unknown? a scientific expert can argue things i cant fathom. should i have faith in his proof? is that a different faith than faith in god? even if i cant understand how he got there?

ok, well just some ideas we had fun tossing around. i thought some of you might enjoy thinking and/or writing about them. cheers.

one more: wwjb (what would jesus blog)?


i may or may not respond to comments regarding this post. my goal wasn't to argue one side or another, just to throw it out there for people to think about, and maybe see where people fell on the spectrum.

By Blogger josh, at Sunday, October 16, 2005 12:38:00 PM  

ummm karl, you mind if i just play through?

By Blogger josh, at Monday, October 17, 2005 1:00:00 AM  

These are tough to write answers to, more appropriate is the long discussion you mentioned. Probably under the influence of mind altering substances. Anywho:

1. Yes, people have to think of themselves most often, otherwise who is going to tell me I need to use the bathroom, or I'm thirsty? No one else cares about my career or retirement, and why should they, it'd take too long to explain my needs, and keep them updated as they change. So after spending most time thinking about ourselves, as long as we're not out to screw others, or hopefully even unwilling to hurt others too much for our own good, then being selfish in this way is ok. People just vary in that willingness to hurt others.

2. Yes, if I didn't have faith in gravity, then it'd be tough and scary to walk. By that I mean I trust a concept that I don't fully understand and cannot see, because I have experienced its effect constantly and predictably to the point I have no doubt it will continue. Any argument to apply that same reasoning to religious faith would be laugable. Having faith in something because of what was written in a time period when they were wrong about most everything, is, to put it lightly, not wise.

3. N/A

4. I'd hope not, but since I don't know much of church rules, I don't know, and since I don't think there is a heaven, this one is really N/A too.

5. See #4

6. We may do whatever we like within the bounds of societal norms and tolerance. Otherwise we'd get jailed or lynched. But even if our lives were predetermined, what difference does that make? It 'seems' like we make choices, so we think things through, weigh options, try to predict outcomes, and make choices. If someone knew the eventual outcome in advance, but we did not, does it matter? Nah.

7. So far there is no logical or rational way to prove God's existence. No history, or events, or explanations can do it. There is of course the possibility that a god's existence will be made very obvious to us heathen when he/she/it comes down to make judgement. At which point (assuming we are free of mind altering substances,) god can be rationally believed in, but it would really be too late then wouldn't it?

8. Ah this one is pretty good. Because without being able to understand a scientist's reasoning and methods, I would just have to take his word for it. And maybe he's deliberating trying to fool me. But I think that's unlikely, and if it were true, many more scientists would publish counter arguments denouncing the first one. Unless of course, this all happens in the US, and the first scientist works for the Bush Administration, and those subsequent rebuttals were stiffled, edited, or just didn't make the news that day. In that case, we all have good reason to be skeptical (that and the nonstop marketing of crappy products.) This is not like faith in God because if I sat down with the scientist, he could probably make me understand the concepts, if not the details, and could probably convince me that nothing fishy happens in the actual proof. There is no analogy to this in religion.

If anyone didn't notice, or previously know, I am an atheist.

By Blogger Damon, at Monday, October 17, 2005 10:54:00 AM  

Why can't the law school idiots stick to the great topic? And where is everyone else?

By Blogger Damon, at Monday, October 17, 2005 4:04:00 PM  

me? can't be talking about me.

i think everyone else has died. the blog is ours, damon!

ok my word verification was so fucked up looking that i got it wrong. honestly, arent there enough normal words?

By Blogger josh, at Monday, October 17, 2005 4:44:00 PM  

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

By Blogger josh, at Monday, October 17, 2005 4:44:00 PM  

1) yes, people are inherently selfish, it's instinct to think of yourself first. survivial stuff. plenty of people just learn to watch out for number one. either way, yes.

2) i see faith and trust as the same thing, but i don't trust information based on faith. damon nailed this one. religious faith is more about control and obedience. it also implies a certain amount of fear to keep you in line, (do that and go to hell) i've lost track on this one.

3) yes, god is an indian giver

4)well, the book doesn't really say NOT to touch little boys...

5)i have a better question for this one... once you get into heaven can you be a total jerk, do you still have to be good? can you kill pregnant babies on PCP all day?

6)this one's a big excuse. god made me do it! it was gods will that made me rob a liquor store and run from the cops. wah wah wah...

7) no, it is never rational. the only evidence is faith. science and material things can be proven. faith is just that.

8) can i believe in the law? i've never read the law books. should i have faith in your proof? believing in god requires a "leap of faith", you need to forget all the logical stuff you've ever known and just believe. all the logical stuff you use everyday can be traced back to some sort of life experience that taught you something.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Monday, October 17, 2005 8:39:00 PM  

1) Yes I think people are inherently selfish, and also should be. At the point whereby it runs over others that selfishness may start to suck. But that's not definite. Accumulating more than one needs could be a sign of both egoism and foresight. Whether the ego is good or bad depends on one's school of thought. Dali Lama or Ayn Rand?

2) Yes it is wise to have faith in things. Taking some things as granteds makes for a faster more productive life. It's stereotyping on a huge scale: I assume that gravity will always act the same because I have never seen it act otherwise (to use Damon's example.) I also assume that all Ecuadorians love to play vollyball.

I think it's a similar type of faith with religion. People look for answers, so they trace causal relationships in the manner they've been taught to (thru religious or scientific avenues.)

3) Yes but I would blame it on the Tetons.

4) See #5.

5) I think Heaven was meant as allegory from the start. It's a metaphor for an ideal state of oneness within ourselves. I guess "being on the fence" means being "mostly self-actualized". And the constitution of Djibuti is good enough.

6) We have all the choice in the world. Limits: genetics, environment/circumstance, psychology, Djibuti.

7) Ask Pascal.

8) Science and religion tend to use thier own structures of logic on which they base their arguements. No matter how much empirical evidence one's hypothesis has, however, you're usually working on the assumption that there's no unperceived factors and your "proof" is not just a "devil's ruse". Or as I like to call them, "the white honkey's lies." A scientist still uses faith. He trusts that the small corner of The Unknown that he's working on will be annexed from Faith by Science once he's got what he thinks are the answers. Assuming his sensory organs are working, they're still limited. There's some philosophical issues I could bring up with this but that'll prolly be a post in itself.
See: Hume, Descartes.

Good U2 song.

"Something real solid can ground me with instinct.
To feel before I think,
think before I know.
Know before I act,
and act before I grow."
- Hot Water Music, "Old Rules"

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Tuesday, October 18, 2005 5:37:00 PM  

alright! someone picked up on the reference in #3!

By Blogger josh, at Tuesday, October 18, 2005 7:57:00 PM  

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Thursday, October 13, 2005

what is the best set of 3 songs found consecutively on any album, ever?


i said any album ever, but yes, let's exclude greatest hits, anthologies, and box sets.

By Blogger josh, at Friday, October 14, 2005 11:36:00 AM  

2 Skinnee J's - Supermercado

6. The Whammy
7. You're A Champion
8. (718)

llarry, who are you and how are each of three sets of songs all the best?

By Blogger Damon, at Friday, October 14, 2005 2:25:00 PM  

I, as most of this blog's participants, and its original creators, am one of Josh's crew from high school. Of course that is phrasing it in a Josh-centric manner, but this blog is not Josh-centric, despite it's recent invasion from his former and despised law school (oh was that out loud?) All the same, he maybe told you about it, so I guess there's some good reason for you to post here. Even if it's to start fights, right Holmes? Seriously we tried to get friends with opposing viewpoints to post regularly, but they mostly don't. Come on Johnny, we need you too. And let's get Joe and Shawn on here, then it'd be pretty even come mid-term elections. That is if there are any Republicans left to vote for when the leadership gets hauled off to jail. I like to start fights too.

By Blogger Damon, at Friday, October 14, 2005 3:14:00 PM  

what's wrong with a josh-centric world? i mean, once we had a geocentric view of the universe, then heliocentric, maybe this is the age of josh-centric. man i'm such a conceited asshole. i hate me as much as you do right now. haha. ok, enough of that.

the answer to the question (oh, how objective of me) is ben folds, rockin the suburbs:
1. annie waits
2. zak and sara
3. still fighting it

however, not far behind was modest mouse, from good news for people who love bad news:
2. the world at large
3. float on
4. ocean breathes salty

i thought long and hard about someone like the boss, or dylan, but many times there'd be 2 awesome songs then a dud.


By Blogger josh, at Friday, October 14, 2005 5:29:00 PM  

man i sound like such an ass in my last post. i might be, but not for those reasons. sorry, i think this brief is slowly killing me. i'll be back to normal by next friday.

By Blogger josh, at Friday, October 14, 2005 5:31:00 PM  

i'm just abrasive in general today

By Blogger josh, at Friday, October 14, 2005 5:43:00 PM  

Generally Firefox blocks the popups on this site, but sometimes they get through. The current one is especially clever as it comes up in Swedish. And since we are all picking more than one best see also self titled Sublime:

1. Garden Grove
2. What I Got
3. Wrong Way

To bad Santeria is on a bit of an island later on the disc.

By Blogger Damon, at Saturday, October 15, 2005 11:35:00 AM  

ooh that's a good one damon

By Blogger josh, at Saturday, October 15, 2005 1:37:00 PM  


By Blogger Damon, at Monday, October 17, 2005 2:45:00 AM  

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a med school blog you should probably check out. some hilarious stories here, as you might imagine. pap smear anyone??

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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

of all the things you could walk into... 

today we started the review at work, we finished around 6 and then mike and i took the inspectors out to dinner. we got back to the office at about 8:00pm and i went back inside to finish some work for tomarrow. this guy i work with sometimes stays late and other people have told me he's looking at porn and stuff afterhours when he thinks no one is there. so i walk in the front trying to make as much noise as possible so as to alert this guy to my presence. i open the door and i see him hurrily jump up and look over the wall of his cubical at me. he looked a little surprised and a little out of focus - as if he was sleeping and i woke him up. i didn't think much of it but he left within 5 minutes of me coming in. after he had left i went over to his computer and looked in his recently viewed web pages, because, well, i'm just currious, and people have told me he's doing it so i need my own proof. but i found he had been looking at porn on some yahoo site like 10 minutes before. it wasn't very good but there was a lot of it. all pictures.

now i have my own proof, and can truly belive, this guy is a duschebag.


hahaha nice one. working late, how ambitious! that's what you get for working late i guess, subpar porn

By Blogger josh, at Thursday, October 13, 2005 10:33:00 AM  

as a follow up to this story, today when i walked in i was second person in the office and this same guy started getting all riled up about shipping something, then told me it was my job to figure out how to ship this giant tank. i told him i wasn't going to do it and that it was his job, he started bitching about how tall it was and how it won't fit under some bridge, and just just plain told him i didn't care, its his job. then i walk out in to the shop and see that the material for my project just got here yesterday when the project was supposed to be done on monday. plus all the pipe is unmarked and has no material certs, so it's usless to me and it needs to be rejected. this guy had 3 weeks to get some 6" steel pipe, it took 4 and now it's going to take even longer. fuck this guy, i'm so sick of him. i'm going to have to order my own material because he's fucking usless. fantastic.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Friday, October 14, 2005 8:32:00 AM  

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Tuesday, October 11, 2005



Yeah no kidding

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Tuesday, October 11, 2005 9:35:00 PM  

Good lord! Well, the owner is pretty hot anyway. I dont know if i could dig the squirrel fetish though....

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Wednesday, October 12, 2005 9:24:00 AM  

i don't know, i mean, i'd do her, but i'm not convinced she was ever that hot.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Wednesday, October 12, 2005 12:28:00 PM  

It looks like shes got some nice un's

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Wednesday, October 12, 2005 1:09:00 PM  

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macunas, roughin up 12 yr olds, i like it. glad to hear you're still with kris. she's a cool chick.

i know it's random, but anyone down for the turkey day football game? i know you are. probably the next time i'll be home. should be at our place this year, not in baltimore.

visitors are welcome down here once brief season dies down. probably better in the spring anyway. some nice golf courses in the area, cheap too. not that there are lots of other attractions here, but you never know. we might end up half cocked dry firing handguns in some stranger's attic bedroom. that's just how i roll.

aight, i gotta get some sleep. PEACE in the NORTHEAST


ok i'm with matt, i can't stand this wider page. can we put it back?

By Blogger josh, at Tuesday, October 11, 2005 11:23:00 AM  

me too, narrower please, was it Ron on a 21" high res display that wanted it wider?

By Blogger Damon, at Tuesday, October 11, 2005 4:49:00 PM  

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Monday, October 10, 2005

monday drop off 

mondays are usually like mini wednesdays, a smaller hangover from the weekends debaughery and a little hectic because, hey, it's monday. today just sucks. the inspector was here today, spent the morning going down a checklist to have everything ready for tomarrow and wednesday. plus, just about nothing seems to be getting done in the shop that needs to be, my first two projects that are in the shop have both been delayed 2 weeks, so i need to make calls telling people that this stuff is going to be late. plus i'm just slightly retarded today, ths weekends hangover it impeding my basic motor skills. its going to be a long one. but the wedding was fun, so it was worth it.

who changed the width on the main colum on the front page? i know it keeps things towards the top more but then you lose the side. whatever. go yanks, just one more for now. i like seeing the increase in blog related activites, more conversation is better. once this review stuff is over i'll have a little more time to write stuff at work.

I am Batman.


i hear ya matt. once my appellate brief is done (oct 21) i'll be back here spitting nonsense more often. not that it's been that drastic a falloff, but still. a great procrastination device (fortunately and unfortunately).

but seriously, check out hte harriet miers blog. anyone following it at all should find it hilarious.

By Blogger josh, at Monday, October 10, 2005 1:18:00 PM and Kris were half dead all day...shouldn't have switched to Hurricanes at Ski's house.

Kristen dropped her phone somewhere around the Thayer triangle last night and it was found by some bike youths. Someone else called it and some girl answered and said "it's mine now, asshole". They answered when I called and we negotiated a trade-off at the green in front of Ski's. Kristen got her phone back and the 12-year-olds kept thier bikes.

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Monday, October 10, 2005 9:55:00 PM  

matt, are you harrassing little kids again?!? don't you remember what happened last time? these things never end well...

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Monday, October 10, 2005 10:10:00 PM  

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Saturday, October 08, 2005

holmes found this, and now i pass it on to you. it's spectacular.


hahahahaha fabulous

By Blogger josh, at Sunday, October 09, 2005 10:28:00 AM  

"Badurday" ahahaha

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Monday, October 10, 2005 9:48:00 PM  

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a thoughtful (or not) treatise on something (or nothing) in particular 

well, i'm about a third of the way thru brief-fest here. 1 week down, 2 to go. research all day and night. good times. i know this sounds sick, but in a way it's kinda relaxing. leisurely finding relevant cases and forming arguments, while listening to some pretty chill music. maybe i'm entering the right profession after all. and no, i havent been smoking the trees i can usually be found hugging (that one's for you, holmes).

in other news, one of my friends informed me tonight that she had a sex dream about me, and i was fantastic. some things never change.

it's been raining nonstop since yesterday morning. kind of a blessing. it suppresses my golf urges for now.

evidently people here, professors at least, are anti big corporations. i went to crim pro the other morning w/ a dunkin donuts coffee and my prof asked me if it tasted the same here as in boston (i was wearing a sox hat). sure does. then tonight my friend informed me that 2 profs said something to him about dd when he came in w/ coffee from there the other day. maybe they're just anti-dd.

give ski my best tomorrow

made plans to go down to dc area for a night the weekend right before halloween. my old jmu roommate and his brother are having a halloween party at their house. i wonder what i should be. maybe i should be pedro from napoleon dynamite. i can grow a shitty mustache, get a shirt that says "vote for me" and use the slogan "i'll make all your wildest dreams come true."

back to figuring out what constitutes marital property in a divorce.

there are no right angles in my life

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Friday, October 07, 2005

Good for Earth, Good for Economy 

I wanted to post some links so I needed a new post.

First a nifty Saab 9-5 that can run on gasoline or E85 - 85% ethanol. When burning ethanol, it gets the same mileage but 24% more power so it's fun too.

I also want to point out that electricity from wind and biomass is competively priced with fossil fuel power right now and could soon be cheaper as natural gas prices continue to climb. Once again distributed power production requires many owners and workers all over the country to invest, build, and maintain the structures. Biomass gets rid of waste or can be grown, again providing jobs, and both technologies emit no net CO2. I haven't found a concise chart on the web to link to, but feel free to search, I know you will not find any that show renewable power to be too expensive (except solar PV, that is too expensive.)

My parents pay a few extra bucks a month at their house in CT, really I mean about $4 I think it usually is, to buy 100% renewable power from new wind, biomass, and hydro. Whoa those four dollars going to state and regional businesses instead of international fuel companies is really crippling my parents' budget and destroying the American economy.

While you don't believe in global warming despite melting ice, Bush says reducing emissions will hurt the economy, and that's the word of god. That doesn't need proof? The Union of Concerned Scientists, says that even with the Bush Administrations' own numbers, getting 20% of our power from renewables by 2020 would save consumers money.


Saddly, the Saab you mention is not yet available for sale in the US. We in Minnesota (E85 capital of North America) would love to try it out. If it works well here. it will work well everywhere.

See for more on E85 in Minnesota.

By Blogger Unknown, at Friday, October 07, 2005 7:40:00 PM  

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some of these are pretty funny.

that is all.

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If you were not jealous yet 

As I now live with Swedes rather than foreign students, I am gaining more insight into the culture. One housemate is not from Sweden, but has lived here for sometime and confirms rumors I had heard that Swedes' nightly goal is to quickly get drunk pregaming, then go out and find someone to bring home. They treat the person as a stranger in the morning and repeat. Further, there is a particular bar where this is known to be the only reason to be there, so since everyone is one the same page, she says it is as if you arrive and ring a bell, and they come running and panting at your feet.

Of course that's not my style, but if anyone wants to see this great city, I would be happy to point them to that bar.


does said bar have a healthy section?

hahahahahaha i'm an ass

By Blogger josh, at Friday, October 07, 2005 1:48:00 PM  

Probably couldn't impress you, but I don't know I've never been there.

Actually you might dig my housemates, and luckily, they aren't my style either.

By Blogger Damon, at Friday, October 07, 2005 2:14:00 PM  

Can we get some pics? And I will serioulsy consider your offer some point in the future. How much is a plane ticket anyway?

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Friday, October 07, 2005 2:32:00 PM  

Sometime soon a friend will copy hundreds of photos to my hdd, so I'll pick some whenever that comes. Don't hold your breath. My one way direct from Newark cost $435, and my roundtrip for Christmas to JFK with a stop in Helsinki adding two hours cost $482.

By Blogger Damon, at Friday, October 07, 2005 3:50:00 PM  

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A message from Senator John McCain 

As a member of the Stop Global Warming Virtual March on Washington, I very occasionally receive emails such as the following.

Dear Fellow Marcher,

Recently, a number of my Senate colleagues and I traveled to Canada and Alaska to witness the devastating impacts of global warming on the Arctic. We left even more convinced of what we already knew: global warming is real and it’s not some future phenomenon – it’s here now. The impacts are visible if we just open our eyes to them. Visit my travel log to learn more about the consequences of global warming that are clearly visible today.

Just as in Canada and Alaska, the impacts of global warming in other areas of the country are real and they are happening now. This week, the March is stopping in Buffalo Creek Minnesota. Read more about the impact of global warming on Buffalo Creek.

I’m marching so that we don’t hand our children and grandchildren a world vastly different from the one that we now inhabit. The March is almost halfway through its yearlong virtual tour around the United States. Our voices are amplified by the power of over 130,000 other voices marching together!

Visit to read more about my travels and details about our current stop at Buffalo Creek.

Thank you for the joining the March, and adding your voice to the many speaking out to raise public awareness of the urgent problem of global warming.


Senator John McCain

If you follow the links, look at the pictures from Glacier National Park in Montana. And before you give me that natural cycle theory, think that those pictures span 87 years. It takes thousands of years for the ice age cycles to make noticeable changes. Take a look at that same time period in this graph. You must at least admit there is a correlation, while I will admit that correlation does not mean causation. But given that we knew for decades that certain gases trap the sun's radiation to warm with earth, I cannot fathom how people cannot believe we are causing climate change. Increasing the concentration of an atomospheric gas by 30% in less than 100 years must have some consequence.

The discouraging thing is that the only way for people to live fully sustainably, that is to have no effect whatsoever such that the environment would be unchanged over infinite time, would be for the vast majority of the population to die, and the rest to be nomadic hunter gatherers. Large wind farms slow the air behind them and create little microclimates that change the percipitation in those areas. Hydropower plants prevent the natural flooding and level changes that nourish the banks and pull food into the water. They also heat the water slightly and can reduce dissolved oxygen. While burning biomass does not increase CO2, it does emit NOx.

Sorry to bring this up again, but it's pretty much my job, literally, and I just wanted to pass along Sen. McCains links.


You enviro-zealots just dont get it. Take the Bush adminstrations point of view: The ice caps are not melting! America is LIBERATING the water from the ice. We are spreading the word of freedom around the world! (joke courtesy of The Daily Show)

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Friday, October 07, 2005 1:52:00 PM  

Yes overhyping potential issues is a problem. Maybe after our discussion of laywers, we should go after reporters that exaggerate things to make the ADD afflicated, overstimulated population take notice. Anyway, you compare a story about global cooling to the international consensus that lead basically the entire world but us to ratify Kyoto?

I've been a bit annoyed by the typos in the lore too, but never mentioned it.

By Blogger Damon, at Friday, October 07, 2005 2:13:00 PM  

I fixed most of the typos when i had "the power". Some found/ find them endearing... I find them ignorant (ha ha)

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Friday, October 07, 2005 2:27:00 PM  

Ironically I had previously typed a comment about how stopping global warming would not hurt the economy, but decided it was irrelevant to the argument. Well now it's time has come. But first, it is true Kyoto does far too little. You make a good point that we need to do more. Did you look at those glacier photos? How is reducing oil imports that are at record prices going to stifle our economy and expend hundreds of billions of dollars? Why not give Bush a reacharound while your kissing his ass. Our CO2 is mainly from transport so how about this? Ethanol is similar to gasoline and can be burned by several cars already sold today, their drivers generally don't even know. It is grown in America bringing distributed jobs to farmers, processors, shippers, and retailers and keeping those energy costs circulating in the American economy. Although it has a lower energy density than gasoline, it has much higher octane so a turbo can even things out. Ethanol is also much cheaper than gasoline, but it is currently subsdized so its real cost is vague. Its liquid so forgot all that nonsense about the needed hydrogen infrastructure and chick and egg problem.

By Blogger Damon, at Friday, October 07, 2005 4:03:00 PM  

I take it that quote was presented as accurate representation of your opinion. Then I will take your word for it, as I do not know otherwise. Clearly I assumed it was Bush's rhetoric on the cost of reducing emmisions where you got the "stifling our economies and expending hundreds of billions of dollars," since that is the only place I have heard it. You did not say what makes you think that.

And 78 problems higher on this list? Major global problems? What might the criteria for this list be? Well "major" and "global" knocks out the vast majority of issues discussed in America. Power and resources inequalities might be the only other "major global problem" aside from global warming. Surely feel free to make up claims here, since I know you must be tired from having to back things up and use logic in class.

By Blogger Damon, at Saturday, October 08, 2005 6:43:00 AM  

The first two links are the same. The guy is promoting his Copenhagen Consensus group to the Telegraph. The only additional information in the Telegraph is the cost, which he calls the "best guess" pulled from "plenty of literature," but naturally which guess is best is subjective, and he did not reference that analysis. Numbers given without access to the calculations and assumptions are worthless because changing the assumptions in future economics analysis can give you any result you want.

The Copenhagen Consensus' ranking of world issues is based on the following question “What would be the best ways of advancing global welfare, and particularly the welfare of developing countries, supposing that an additional $50 billion of resources were at governments’ disposal?” So their result is only relevent if that is your goal. Pesonally I think that's a rather specific goal, and is not mine. Also, it is obvious that investment in reducing CO2 emissions will not cause visible changes right now. But that's exactly the problem, because greenhouse gases last so long (30 yr for CO2 I think I read but I'm getting lazy here.) So if we wait around to make the investment in the same fiscal year that it will save us (you know typical gov't and corporate thinking) we are going to have some problems. This article says that even if CO2 emissions had already stopped, we would still be looking at an 8 in rise in the sea level. Studies I have read into (not this one) take into account the increase of antartic ice that your NASA article mentions. Though even they do not deny warming, "You can see with this dataset that what is happening in the Antarctic is not what would be expected from a straightforward global warming scenario, but a much more complicated set of events," Parkinson said. Groundbreaking! We don't fully understand the earth and generally oversimply models of it. True. Anyway says mean rise varies from 13cm to 94cm in 2100. What is that going to cost? If the UCS says we'll save money by 2020 using renewables, and some others say it will be $150b a year (clearly it will go down - but I don't know for how long this is supposed to be) then the reality is that it'll probably cost more at first (like those crippling $4 my parents pay) and eventually, 2030 maybe, get cheaper - but no matter what it cost, it's cheaper than having cities go underwater.

I said you were being dishonest about Bush? "I will take your word for it, as I do not know otherwise."

By Blogger Damon, at Saturday, October 08, 2005 12:54:00 PM  

Ok good, sounds like we're done. I just didn't know why you quoted that article. "Here is someone's opinion." So I was clarifying if it was being presented as your opinion. Anyway seems we've put forth the arguments and the defense and/or prosecution, whoever was who, rests.

Oh yeah and the European Space Agency launched a satelite yesterday to definitively measure ice volume for better modeling of climate change. The two problems are 1. They lost contact with it within hours of launch. 2. Very accurate measurements today are just today's measurements. We cannot calculate rate of change from that. 135 million euro well spent.

By Blogger Damon, at Sunday, October 09, 2005 10:21:00 AM  

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3000 updated 

not that there is anything significat to update anyone with but I just havent posted in awhile and after a few beers tonight it seems like a good idea.

I'll start you off with one of my favorite fightclub quotes:
"We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact."

i'm dissapointed with what TV has taught me. where are these laguna beach girls? why wasnt I given a bmw for my super sweet 16? and why am not getting laid daily by hot bitches? putting my tv/media inflated sexaul expectations aside i'll elaborate on something else......

with the exception of johnny (for no better reason than he posted last) , I'm sure we are all slowly and surely fitting into the system. whatever you want to call it, we all have bills to pay and ... well fuck what else are you going to do? grow some fucking money? I though so.

So there we have it. get a job. what next? choose a career. choose a family. choose a big fucking television choose washing machines, cars (barone, this is all you eh?, well atleast car and TV).... alright you see where this is going. our society is set up in a way that we are just tunneled into the workforce. I'm not saying that this is anything bad, we all should have to do some work to enjoy some fruits. I'm just saying that this is the road we are following.

the root of this is earning money to live comfortably (or uncomfortably if you desire, but that usually takes some $$ also). i cant really see how you argue this point, if you can then lets have it. i think my cynicism is starting up again.

relating this to my life, i'm currently on the job search. hmmmm. what to do.... ? so far i've done nothing except write a few cover letters and a few different resume versions. for some strange reason i'm afraid to apply to places because i'm undecided on what my job priorities are and therefor might make a wrong decision, or just take the first offer i get. i'm going to use my week vacation to think about what i need/want in a job.

other news:
-older sister is getting married friday. should be an excellent time of getting loaded and dancing.
-ski getting married sunday, should be an excellent time also except that i have to catch a flight at 6am on monday to go see branciteam. cant get too roudy but then again the friday night debauchery might ruin a few days of my life.
-stilll sleeping in the tent. i'm not complaining, actually its kinda fun.


What did that poster say that Macunas had in his room in Willi Oaks? Choose a big house, choose a dishwasher... Matt can you post that if you still have it?

RPL coming to visit the dirty deep. Should be a good time. I'll make sure you get some sweet tea.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Friday, October 07, 2005 12:06:00 PM  

ron - give your sister and ski my congrats.

good luck on the job search, and dont compromise your most important principles (there generally must be at least a little compromise somewhere). you'll get something good.

sweet tea is awesome. do it up.

By Blogger josh, at Friday, October 07, 2005 12:13:00 PM  

Oh yeah...I'll find it cuz I probably still have it.

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Saturday, October 08, 2005 4:38:00 PM  

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Thursday, October 06, 2005

baseball picks: so, how'd i do? 

Way back when, before the season started i made a bunch of picks about how the upcoming baseball season was going to play out. lets see how i did;

AL east:

not to shabby here, i got the yanks and sox pretty much nailed except i expected too much from pavano/wright. i was dead on for the sox and i did mention roberts was going to have a good year but only a sentance before i said sosa was going to be sweet. you win some you lose some. i nailed the ray's too and what was going to happen to pinella.

AL central:

well i said good things about the white sox but put them in third. minisota had way too many injuries to do anything. i nailed cleveland. KC and DET are gimmies.

AL West:

my best division, I nailed this one to the T. and i did say the A's would be a decent threat for the playoffs, it wasn't until the last two weeks of hte season that they were eliminated. gee, beltre was a bust in seattle? who'd have thought.

i think i did pretty good this year. (turns, toots own horn), fuck yeah.


matt, i must give you 2 thumbs up on your picks. you should be up there at espn w/ gammons. screw kruk.

you also probably dont remember me bitching about losing cabrera, but i did. and i stand by that bitching. i like renteria, but i like cabrera more. then renteria went to have a below average year hitting (for him) and made the most errors in the al (or maybe mlb). renteria hit for a better avg, but cabrera's fielding was way better. pitching and defense, pitching and defense.

nice job matt.

By Blogger josh, at Thursday, October 06, 2005 9:44:00 PM  

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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

occupational hazard 

i forget where i was the other day, but i overheard some people talking smack about lawyers. as a smart, sophisticated, incredibly good looking future lawyer, i have to take exception to that. now be aware, i'm not talking about lawyer jokes. a joke is a joke, and jokes are funny, unless they're bad jokes, in which case it's not funny at all. i'm talking about people who truly despised lawyers.

yes, there are unethical lawyers. but there are unethical teachers, engineers, chemists, dog catchers, tree huggers, squirrel get my point. anyone from any walk of life can be unethical. if we were all perfect we wouldnt need god, right? err what?

my point is lawyers perform a service without which the world would not function so smoothly. as do engineers, biologists, teachers, insurance agents, custodians, basically anything, with the possible exception of the squirrel molester. i'd like to see one of these people defend themselves in court, or sue someone else without representation. sure, you can handle the traffic ticket or whatever, but what about if you're convicted of burglary. or maybe you want to sue your insurance company. yeah, good luck with that.

but then there are those evil, horrible lawyers who defend the worst criminals, like murderers, etc. well sorry, but this country was founded on the belief that everyone can get a fair trial, regardless of what is alleged against you. when there's the possibility you might lose life, liberty, or property, you have a right to representation (it's more complex than that, but that's the main idea). what about the cases where the defendants are innocent, and their attorney helps them remain free? oh, you didnt think about those cases before you called attorneys money-grubbing assholes, did you?

i just find it very closed-minded and neanderthal of someone to criticize another's occupation (though i'm sure there are exceptions, as with any general rule. politicians? though i think with politicians its not their job we're criticizing as much as how well they do it, and there's the issue that they inject themselves into the limelight, etc). i'm sure we can all think of some occupations which perhaps are unnecessary (maybe make unnecessary goods...but then these people still need an income to survive so where do we draw the line), but i think a great deal of examination must be performed before we mock their occupation itself. conversely, i think it's quite easy to criticize the job someone is doing. and that should be done, for the betterment of the worker, his coworkers, his company/enterprise, society at large (too far?). but those are my philosophy roots speaking out again.

if you made it thru this schizophrenic post, i'm impressed. congratulations. i'll state the point briefly for those skimmers among us: next time someone tells you that your occupation is worthless, or unnecessary, or stupid, or anything, tell them to do some research, print it out, read it, then shove it up their ungrateful asses.

vent over and out


i think of lawyers like i think of cops. there's never a good reason to interact with one.

if life is good and everything is going great, what do i need a lawyer for? i'm not being sued, i'm not in need of sueing anyone. and what good reason is there to see a cop? someone stole my car, i got caught smoking weed, the guy next door got drunk and pissed in my pool. never a good reason.

sorry josh, that stereotype isn't going anywhere.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Wednesday, October 05, 2005 7:52:00 PM  

i know it isnt. but there are plenty of reasons to see a lawyer that arent bad. just a few examples:

1) having your business comply w/ environmental standards (planning to stay out of future problems)
2) tax planning to save you, your family, or your business money
3) a will so a court won't decide who gets your shit (or who gets to decide when to pull the plug)

there is far more to practicing law than litigation. unfortunately, it's not glorious, and they wont make any tv shows or movies about it. legally speaking, the people who write shows like law and order are idiots. and the general public normally doesnt expend the energy thinking beyond what they're told by tv.

i'm beginning to see how attorneys could become cynical and money-grubbing. if people arent gonna like you, might as well hit them where it counts...their pockets.

By Blogger josh, at Wednesday, October 05, 2005 10:52:00 PM  

Josh your comment proves the point I was going to make. Lawyer are "necessary" to write and read ridiculously incomprehensible legal documents. Mainly they are translators. Otherwise you would use and Environmental Engineer for 1 and an Accountant for 2, people who know the subject, rather than the government's spin on the subject. And for 3, shouldn't it be enough for me to write "Damon's will: When I die, Travis gets everything, unless he's dead too, then liquidate my estate and donate the cash to the Green Party. Josh shall carry these wishes out." But in a real will, it takes four pages to say that.

By Blogger Damon, at Thursday, October 06, 2005 2:29:00 AM  

damon hit my response to a T, except amanda gets everything instead of travis.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Thursday, October 06, 2005 8:12:00 AM  

it's not the fault of lawyers that lay people cant understand laws. and not all lawmakers are lawyers, so it wouldnt be right to say that lawyers are responsible for the confusion to begin with. besides, people who "know the subject" dont know how to resolve disputes with others who "know the subject" (which is ironic really, since if they both know the subject shouldnt there be more agreement on teh topic of dispute??) if they both really knew the subject, there wouldnt be these problems. or maybe the subject needs to be more clear, so maybe these "experts" should get on that. surely lawyers dont create ALL these fields. if people are sloppy with language in rules and regulations, disputes are inevitable. and 2 "experts" from the same field can reasonably read the same vague regulation differently.

holmes brings up a good point about wills. just cuz you want your stuff to go somewhere, doesnt mean that other people dont have claims of rights to some of it. despite what people like to think, it's not all so cut and dry. the law isnt just a bunch of clear rules, and lawyers do much more than simply find which law to apply to the present situation.

this doesnt even get into dishonest people that intentionally try to elude laws for personal gain, sometimes at the detriment of others.

By Blogger josh, at Thursday, October 06, 2005 11:47:00 AM  


By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Thursday, October 06, 2005 1:07:00 PM  

I didn't say lawyers were responsible for confusing documents, just that they deal with them. I honestly wish the whole of US law was the Libertarian Party's basic idea which is something like "Everyone is free to do whatever they please so long as they do not infringe upon the equal freedom of others." But whoa, who gets to interpret that in each situation? Maybe if whichever-religion-is-right's deity came here and did some seriously miraculous stuff so we were all convinced (or killed) then it could do it for us and we'd all be happy, free, and equal (and will have someone to ask when that meaning of life question comes up!) Ha, I sound like I've already partaken in the weekend's mind altering substances.

By Blogger Damon, at Thursday, October 06, 2005 3:13:00 PM  

How long has the law profession been in existence? I'm sure it's been around in various forms for many centuries, if not a thousand years. It probably happened whenever judgements started getting passed down from civilians instead of military commanders or King Soloman or whoever. Anyways, cash settlements = good. Blood settlements = bad.

The virtue of confusing documents is that they're NOT to be confused. If they weren't ultra-specific then things would be too ambiguous to be efficient. Then we'd be like the Congolese Republic or something.

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Thursday, October 06, 2005 5:55:00 PM  

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By Blogger ron, at Wednesday, October 05, 2005 1:55:00 PM  

...monkey called for witness is too embarassed to admit that man is his descendant

By Blogger ron, at Wednesday, October 05, 2005 1:55:00 PM  

It's their kids Holmes. I would say that is very pertinent to their own.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Wednesday, October 05, 2005 4:54:00 PM  

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Monday, October 03, 2005

here comes the story of the hurricane... 

thursday night. the place is blondie's. drinkin with law students, undergrads, townies, and one pussy 3rd string pittsburgh steelers tight end. the night's a little past the high point. it's somewhere between 1230-145 (hey, i said drinkin, cut me some freakin slack!).

i'm talking to one of my friends and a couple others near the bar, when this girl and her friend approach. she looks at me and says, "hi red sox fan, what's your name?" naturally i reply. i can tell by the way she slightly tipped her head down and gave me the puppy dog eyes that she wants me to ask her what her name is, so i humor her. "i'm katrina, like the hurricane." now it's obvious she'd been waiting to break that one out for a while, but hey, it's funny. and also ironic, cuz she's short and thin, a small girl. i still think she might've fared better with something like "hi, i'm katrina and i'm a category 5 lover," but her line was amusing enough.

we continued talking near the bar for a while (i'd ballpark it at 10-30mins). it gets pretty loud in blondie's, so half the time i was nodding and smiling. all of a sudden, i realize that my friends are nowhere to be seen. now my friend nikki had some friends visiting, and i know they wanted to dance, so i figured they went to fast eddie's. so i went there for the rest of the night, ran into my golfing buddy, and all was well.

well, at one point in the conversation, the hurricane and i established that we're actually in one of the same classes. i had that class this morning. it turns out, not only are we in the same class, but she sits DIRECTLY in front of me. i guess she's one of the girls i dont yet recognize by the back of their heads. so i said hi to her today after class, and asked if she caught the sox game yesterday. she bashfully replied that she had. it's debatable whether she remembers thursday night at all.


is that my wife in the last one.....

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Monday, October 03, 2005 7:32:00 PM  

I see you are using Holmes style of hotlinking random words. I'm not sure if i like it.

Damn it, I also want to look at all those drunk naked girls, but i'm at work...

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Tuesday, October 04, 2005 8:54:00 AM  

yeah, i'm testing that style out. i kind of like it, but i'm not sure yet. it's certainly more conducive to some posts than others. admittedly, i'm not sure this is one of them.

By Blogger josh, at Tuesday, October 04, 2005 10:33:00 AM  

Oh yeah, and how about, "Hi, I'm Katrina and i blow hard."

Anyone else?

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Tuesday, October 04, 2005 10:38:00 AM  

"You may not know me, you like drownings and starvation?"

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Tuesday, October 04, 2005 1:12:00 PM  

ah! Way to piss on the anthill. Now i actually feel bad....

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Tuesday, October 04, 2005 3:22:00 PM  

i'm not sure that i did. or if i did, it was a while ago (when it happened)

By Blogger josh, at Tuesday, October 04, 2005 10:03:00 PM  

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