Friday, April 30, 2004
idea #1
# posted by josh @ 4/30/2004 07:47:00 PM
ok, if you havent seen it rent the movie called "the last supper" mid-late 90s starring cameron diaz among a couple other names you'll recognize. never got huge, but is kind of well known. now we obviously cant copy it, but given this site and all, it might give us a good starting point...
the basis of the movie is there are 5 liberal grad school students, very strong on their opinions about politics, abortion, education, etc. they invite people w/ staunch opposing views over for a dinner, feed them well, and debate them about the various topics. tehn, if they can't convince them to change their views (which they usually cant) they kill them w/ poisonous wine. the problem i saw with the movie, is i wish the discussions were a little more in depth. they would just make the main arguments of both sides for, say, abortion, but that would be all. and further into the movie the kids got quicker and quicker w/ the trigger. i wont reveal how it ends in case any are interested, but if you wanna know let me know and i will post that too. now realistically we're not gonna be starting on the big screen, if we can come up w/ something at all, so this might be something we're interested in...especially since their are many good, in depth arguments laid out already in the workermonkey archives, and i'm sure we all have more to come.
just 1 idea of many i'm sure
Wow, I guess all we needed was some motivation.
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/30/2004 07:03:00 PM
I love seeing the wheels churn from more than one person. Now all we need is an idea. Any idea. It doesn't matter what the idea is, its just a starting point, something to get the ball rolling. Everyone should come up with an idea and go from there. It would need to be something new or different. Think of things like "Blair witch project" or "jackass". Those were great simply because they were new and different, and done so cheaply that they seemed very real. Write any type of story you like. Like cop dramas, think of an idea for a cop drama. Like gay porn? Think of a new line for the plumber when he shows up at the front door. Like epic science fiction? Create a series of universe altering events and work backwards. Create the continuity or setting or background and then create an adventure for a character from that. If aliens suddenly appear, write something about how your average newspaper reporter would handle the event. How would it effect his life.
I've read countless comics and each one had something different and brought a different way of looking at the same events to the table. If we ever actually end up creating something the most we could hope for with a first attempt is to sell it to a major company and get credited as writers. But its a start.
I'd love to start a new website but if I'm the most computerly inclined person here we're in big trouble. This blog is a great place to start and in some cases blogs have resulted in getting a publishing deal. heck, even if all we do is tape a series over funny clips of us doing soothing stupid then maybe we could sell them to comedy central. The possibilities are endless.
Sober up, and lets go. Take your time reading this....
# posted by Brancibeer @ 4/30/2004 05:01:00 PM
Alright fuckers. Ive never had the chance to shed my ideas on this "movie" you plan to make some day. You know who im talking to- Murphy the gangleader with the equipment, kolpak is supposed to be the brains behind the production, Ron of course is the stunt man (have you heard about his knee? Hes been practicing), Chump was going to be the producer ($$), Valentin was going to be the chef (hey, theres a chef somewhere in the movie right?) and i think there were a few extras in the mix (haddam neck backwoods boys). Thats about it. Now, youve got me, josh, and occasionally bergan to pitch in on ideas. What does that leave us with? Answer: A big pile of unorganized, chaotic, pothead alcoholics hate people that are stupid, aetheist, young fuckers who dont want to work for a living. Enter stage left- Brancibeer, part supernatural, down to earth, boy wonder. Well, not really, but what im trying to say is....IM IN.
So lets stop talking and lets start doing. Lets throw some ideas around. Seriously, ill have some time to reflect and im willing to put some time into this. Chumps in, Im in, Baronoff is in, Tino is in. I say Barnes cause i think he will dig it (although you will be quite busy with law school dude, good luck and congrats). Not to say that the others wont dig it. Im just saying that Murphy is too unpredictable (what i really want to say is crazy- your losing it man), and kolpak and ron will be too busy with work and school. I will share mine first
Now, this idea does not have to be a movie. It can be anything. Personally i think practically wise, we can rule a move out. What else can we do. Lets start with what we have. I would say we have the beginings to a damn good website here. Weve already attracted the attention of one stranger. Now it doesnt have to be this one, this could be ours. But we could start a new website. I want you all to take a good loock at this " Ebay wedding dress guy". Did you see the counter on that site?! Now this dumbass is starting is own website. Thats how shit starts. Ok, thats my contribution. I got lots more where that came from. Remember, were young, we have lots of time to develop an idea. Lets fucking do this, make a name for ourselves and get rich boys! (and possibly some girl (or two, but no more))
ps I passed the test. Life is good.
i call dibs on the porn scene
# posted by josh @ 4/30/2004 04:39:00 PM
or not. either way. but i think the movie idea is a wonderful one, in all the same seriousness that chump does. i've always wanted to start writing. in fact i did over winter break, but i didnt get too far. and the entries werent flowing into each other. it was more a journal than something to be published. but hey, curt cobain's journal can be found at lots of bookstores today so who knows. if only i wasnt tone deaf.
but i know we're all creative people, and we're pretty damn hilarious if i dont say so myself, which i will, cuz we are. look at some of the crap out there. we can do better than that. it sucks i wont be around but for teh summer, but i'll have email and shit like that, although i would of course wish to be closer to everything. either way.
today was the last day of undergraduate classes for me. feels about the same as any other friday. besides, it doesnt matter, i'll have law school classes next year. class is class, no matter how you dress it up. a toupe room, a professor, students (sometimes bored), papers, tests, grades. chump if the movie falls thru try to design some time machine...i'd like it to be may 2007 if you please. i find law interesting, but enough w/ school already. i just want my life. my life and a cheeseburger. well, off to find that burger.
Happy Days
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/30/2004 12:23:00 PM
In response to josh, I don't have a problem with religion or if people want to believe that they are going to go to a better place when they die. What I have a problem with, is that I don't see how religion is ever taken seriously when we know for a fact that religion has been altered, modified, recreated, and made up to fit the needs and best interests of millions of people over hundreds of years. It is fact that kings and queens changed things about religion to suit their needs. King Henry the XX created his own religion so he could get a divorce. So how can people purposely stick their heads in the sand and ignore the hundreds of years of hard fact and information that we know to be true? Why don't people separate the fact we can prove evolution and the fact that a bunch of fat bastards 2000 years ago wrote a good book. And how can so called true believers alter said book when it is convient and still take it seriously? some of the stuff found in the bible is just sick, but those parts they tend to leave out of serious conversation.
ok, I think I'm finding it hard to get out what I really want to say on the subject because I can think faster than I can type. I find too much information moving through my head to get it all out. I need to focus. One of the best ideas I've ever had involves making a web site that provides a simple way to access information. We've all done research papers and labs and book reports, so why can't I make one website that contains information of every subject like that, almost like an encyclopedia but since its on the internet I could link to everythign and provide millions of research papers and documents supporting each piece of knowledge. sort of like an ask jeeves site but one where the information i'm actually looking for is not presented as web search results. if I'm looking for information on the weight per foot of copper tube (like I did today) it would show me a table that can already be found in may trade publications. Or if I'm a high school student doing research on Viet nam, then it also gives me links to papers written on viet nam and all the different topics contain within that subject.
Its an ugly thing when people get nervous about money. i have a customer who is buying one of our heat exchangers and then selling it to his customer. He made a promise to his customer that the weight of the unit would be below 4000 pounds so that they could use their elevator to get it up to the tenth floor. So the middleman who is my customer has been hounding me all week about every aspect of the project. How much does this weigh, how much does that weigh, is this too long, are there enough baffles, is that space too big. Everything. hes already made the order so no matter what his customer pays him, he still has to pay for our 52,000 dollar heat exchanger. He's getting nervous since the weight is very close to 4000 pounds. We never made that guarantee. He may be stuck with a very expensive paper weight it things go badly. He's getting nervous.
The movie, I'm totally in and anytime someone would like to get serious about it, lets rock. I'm getting in a mood where I think I'm going to like to start writing, if I had people who wanted to make a movie, maybe I could write a movie. I also think it would be a shame if we didn't pool our talents and create something extrordinary. None of us wants to work the rest of our lives so why don't we do something that would set us up forever.
Mel Gibson just made an overly prejudous movie for 40 million. He stands to make 400 million from it.
its this type of thinking that makes be believe that there is no way we could fail at anything we all put our minds together on. No one wants to work for the rest of their lives. No one.
Thursday, April 29, 2004
deep thoughts, by jack meoff
# posted by josh @ 4/29/2004 09:58:00 PM
so today in my 2nd to last undergrad class ever we were talking about the establishment clause and a case in which someone argued thru the textbooks used in alabama schools the state was trying to establish a religion. one of the criteria they cited that's required for something to be a religion is that it explained the purpose of life, and of our existence. but i ask, is one necessary? i mean, i cant come up w / a good purpose for our lives. the best i can come up w/ is to live on and keep life going. but the idea that we live to keep life going seems kind of circular to me.
what about the idea that life is just a random sequence of events? why is this so hard to believe? of course there will be cause and effect things (this is not in any way to invalidate science, after all, that's how we know what we do about ourselves and the world), but things wont happen towards, or because of, any one overarching purpose. obviously if i bang a girl she'll feel damn good for a long time (cause and effect) but that's not to say we had sex for any purpose, such as sustaining life or cuz it somehow led towards the accomplishment of some other goal of our lives which leads to a larger goal for society or humanity.
i think people have such a hard time w/ that concept cuz they want to believe that they're living for something. but what if we're not? is that so bad anyway? it doesnt change life at all, cuz even if we do have a purpose we dont know what it is. so what difference does it make? you cant work towards something you dont know the contents of. you can just live your life and respond to teh things that happen around you. it seems a contradiction ot me the people who think they're living for some purpose but also have the philosophy ofjust going out and enjoying life as it comes. if you just enjoy life, as i think you should, then you're just appreciating that which comes to you. unless the purpose of life is to enjoy it. maybe, but then it seems we wouldnt do nearly as many things as we do that we dont like. it seems we would just do what we felt like, what brought us pleasure, and we clearly dont just act like that. or maybe we would act like that w/ the exception of interfering w/ others rights, for example, not killing them.
cue the entrance of religion. people are happier if they think that they have some god to live for. or heaven as a goal to reach. boy are these people gonna be pissed when they realized they dont exist. i almost feel bad for them but then i'm not dumb enough to believe in that shit. god/heaven give people a purpose. unfortunately, they try to impose their personal life purpose on others, and we get religious people everywhere telling us what should be censored and what we can and cant watch or hear. hey, if people wanna live for that stuff that's fine, but dont impose your fake life purpose on me. i'm not sure life has a purpose, and until it does i will live my life the happiest i can inside the rules and regulations of society. cuz that's just how i wanna do it. i'm not convinced that's a purpose as much as it's a philosophy of how to live life. why not enjoy it while we're here , cuz i probably wont be too happy when i'm just rotting in the ground.
and some girl in class today was arguing that religion should be taught cuz it's a part of our history. only in the aspect that people have always held some sort of religious beliefs and it's caused many unjust wars, death, hatred, and ignorance. i'm sorry but if you tell me that someone was born from a virgin, and that's part of our history, i'm not so much buying that. or that we all come from adam and eve. if that were the case maybe we'd think twice about criticizing incest so much. arent we all related? maybe it's amazing we dont all have 11 fingers or toes. or maybe that's no more true than a guy who travelled the country with his blue ox. who knows. all i know is i could go for some wings right about now...
Im not back yet...
# posted by Brancibeer @ 4/29/2004 02:27:00 PM
What the fuck is going on here? Ive never seen such an erruption of chatter since the cambrian explosion in the Mesozoic. (Thats a period of time when species greatly diversified). As you can see, im a walking ecyclopedia of biological knowledge right now. Im paler than ever, slightly hunched, muscles weak, head aching everynight, becoming more socially akward. Thats cause my follow-up general oral exam is tommorrow. So this could either make or break me here. I could come away a full fledged biologist with the final nod from the department or i could walk away in shame with my tail between my legs. This has been a hell of a month, and its all ending soon. I see a bender coming up this weekend either way.
Im enjoying all the blogs. I wish i had the time to properly respond to them. I will, eventually. Starting here.....Chump, road rage is real. I to get pissed off at stupid fucking people who cant fucking drive. But all this negative energy is not healthy for you. Perhaps if you can try to live at a level above the anger. Its like those people who say it helps to relieve tension and anger by going in a room and destroying a bunch of stuff. Well, guess what, studies have shown that doing this actually makes things worse (increases those bad hormones and stuff), and in no way improves the way you feel. The best thing to do is relax. Easily said than done, but there are ways. Have some tea, take deep breaths, do some gardiining, whatever. Its all about getting down to the roots of problems.
Chump do you still check your drunkendeath email?
Sometimes but not very often
Back to studying..
news, advice, rambling, not necessarily in that order
# posted by josh @ 4/29/2004 01:22:00 PM
murph, love the movie idea...sucks i'm only around for the summer...maybe i could be one of those characters who appears in random scenes throughout and is just unexplained. or maybe that would confuse everyone. perfect.
chump, i gotta say, there's little i support more than a huge fuck you along w/ flipping the bird to someone who deserves it. after baseball, i think that may be america's second pasttime. though these days, its close. my advice to you, just find some chick and fuck the shit out of her. consesual sex of course, i dont advocate otherwise, but the girl doesnt matter. go ot a bar you dont go to often.
find a hot girl
a busted girl
a fat chick
a skinny girl
a minority girl
an old chick
an illegal girl
a chick w/ glasses
one with a big ass
a midget
an amputee
a midget amputee
and just go bac kto her place and just get down to it. you'll feel better, and she'll feel great and loved and she'll have a self esteem for that night until you dont call her again. not to be used regularly, but you sound like it oculd do you some good
cuz people suck. i've been gettin so ready to graduate here. it's gettin kinda old. some good people here, but no one like the guys from home still...maybe cuz i missed out freshmen year here and never got a core group of friends. either way. but lane and shawn munz came down tues-this morning. i twas great. went out and got shitfaced last 2 nights. no hangovers. best couple days iv'e had here in a while. put everything else in the back of my mind.
other good news, got waitlisted at maryland, so i may have a chance to get in there...closer than usc, and also rated much higher. and more internship opps in baltimore and dc. nice. which reminds me, congrats courtney on your acceptances. so now i gotta wait til whenever in june or july that md lets me know, and i cant get an apt til then, but i gotta have my shit out of my place here in va by july 31. so i'm gonna have to get my shit and get an apt whereever, and move that shit all in a couple days. tough.
also, i've stopped reading the news lately cuz its s o fucking ridiculous. ridiculous stories, ridiculous people. and the united states is supposed to be the best country in the wrold? fuck, what're the other places like. nothing about the news ever makes me happy. all news is bad news now, never anything good. the only good shit is that puffy fake journalism, making stories out of nothing. but as far as real news goes it's always bad. makes you think about that saying, no news is good news. damn striaght. i know i should read the news and keep up cuz it's important, but it's fuckign depressing. people who understand the news become depressed, and that's why we have so much of that shit in our country.
ron, i'm always up for some religion bashing. any time, any day. also did you hear about the priest convicte dof murdering a nun like 20 or 30yrs ago? apparently priests arent just child molesters anymore. that's comforting, or is it
well boys, i'll be home in a month or so, and i'm lookin forward to drinkin, and bbqs.
ask and ye shall receive
# posted by murphy @ 4/29/2004 11:43:00 AM
Barone you are a genious
I do have some good news for you, comic book writers make a shitload of money doing very little work at all. How do I know this? I dont but i only assume--theres gotta be forms just lying around, I mean they are scientists?---they must make a lot because nerds dweebs losers and lameos have been buying them for ever. If you could come up with an original character with a good story you'd be set for life-movies, books action figures, and not to mention fucking videogames.
You'd seriously think about it man,you know more about comics than anyone and take offence when they are not properly portrayed on screen, for example spawn and something about his cape or motorcycle or some bullshit. TAKE THAT PASSION AND PUT IT TO GOOD USE.
anyways thats that. kolpak i will aid in your aprehension of the 'perpetraitors' of slander of your character--or I will ignore your drunken nonsensical blather about fictional events of attacks on your character.
When are we going to get together and finish, start this movie, apparently never. i was thinking next spring after i graduate. We are funny, intelligent people, seriously all of us get together-All of us-and do something once a week till this shit is done and well make a shit load of money. we could make a comic book movie? something in between kill bill and the blues brothers.
Back to reality.
looks like another summer with andy the ass tickler and Viet Nam dave---FUCK
I need your help
all of you
something must be done soon
we will no longer waste our talents
we must stop living in the machine and make our own that works better--one
that includes lots of beer and naked women
hope you've had fun sifting through this nonsense
until next time
Everyone's against me
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/29/2004 08:15:00 AM
ok, today started out mostly how i thought it would. i woke up with a hangover, not bad, i expected that. woke up 20 minutes late, no problem thats better than i had hoped for. but as soon as i got in my car everything went to hell. At the incredibly busy intersection getting onto 91 at country club rd, things usually go very smoothly in the morning. people go one at a time in a nice little rotating pattern. one side goes, then the other and finally the third. but today when my turn came i went across the intersection not worried the crazy lady on my left was going to not stop and try to T-bone my car. then she grabs her cell phone and tailgates me pretty good. fucking wonderful. she pulls up along side of me and begins yelling at me about how i didnt stop at the stop sign and keeps pointing to her phone. i'm assuming she was calling the cops or maybe her psycic friend, i don't know. ok this lady pissed me off but thats ok, my hangover soon took over again and all was back to normal. until i tried to get off the merit. i got stuck behind some lady going 40 on one of the busiest highways ever in the morning. i wasn't tailgating her but maybe i was a little close, i was just doing 80 in the left lane and trying to get off. she starts waving her arms in the car, aparently trying to tell me i was too close. then she decides to slow down to 20 a half mile before the exit. fucking wonderful. we both get off the highway and she pulls up along side of me and just gives me one of the meanest, angriest stares i've ever seen, so i calmly rolled down my window, leaned out and gave her one of the biggest middlefigers i'm capable of and a large "fuck you". so she starts waving her arms and yelling in what looked like an attempt to put a curse on me. cause for some reason this is my fault.
i hate other people. all of them. i hope someones got some good news today cause things aren't exactly starting to look up yet.
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
I believe.........
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/28/2004 11:01:00 PM
that people should be able to live thier lives.
a person should not be forced to get a library card in order to vote.
people belive different things and that for one reason or another no one is right.
i can fly
american people should have enough moral fortitude to not vote for who ever the media proves to be its darling.
i'd like to believe that people watch the news with a grain of salt and make their own opinioins about different topics.
i've had too much too drink
there should be more stand up comedy on comedy central and more music videos on MTV
the the writen word should not be for "intelectuals" but everyone involved in any form of the democatic process.
i believe that the people running our country have my best intrests at heart, even though it never appears that way (fuck bush, he is against everything i like and for all the stuff i fight hard against.)
i'm going to be late to work tomarrow.
people should not be held acountable by the fear that they may be sentanced to hell, jail, purgatory or public broadcasting because they think differently than me.
that while this is MY SITE i've given othjer people an opertunity to express themselves and releive a little stress in the same manner that i do.
tough crowd with colin quin is the same thing as "politically incrrect with phil lamarr"
that i could pull out some random off beat quote from a movie that only i've seen, or comic or a magazine artical or a small TV quote and make it look like i'm a fucking genious.
in 45 days, something very obscene will happen around the olsen twins.
wanda sykes is not funny
no one reads the "arts" section of hte paper except gays and people whose name appears in it..
its too late and i have to sleep now
I'd like to think that i'm open to other people and other ways of thinking and doing everything. I try to approach stuf with an open mind and experience new things. I can't be right if i don't understand where everone is comming from. its hard to judge a man unless you'vewalked amile in his shoes. if i cna't walk a mile in his shoes i'll do the next best thign and listen to the story that man has to tell. I think this get to thepoint of my next topic. latly i've been feeling a need to "move on" or start over. ever since i've graduated i've felt a need to start over. i've succeeded, i graduated, got a job, been able to hold it (now 8 months), i hav e a car, a job and an apartment. i didi it right? i'm not looking for kids or a wife yet. why not improve myself and start over. college only took 4.3 years and i got a degree and a job in it. why not take 3.2 more years and get an other degree. or why would i ned another degree? i like comic books, i've bee nthinking that maybe i should start tryingto find somehthing in that. my mechanical engineering degree will only take me as far as printing in that field so maybe i should start writing comics. i like to write this stuff and always say how easy it comes to me, we ll holy shit, if it comes easy then maybe i should put my money where my mouth is and do it. i've read enoug ho them and know a lot about hte medium and what i like. maybe i'll start there. i can disect the medium and construct a charactor from tht eground up or break an existing charactpor down to thier basic roots. Spawn is a book that has sruggled over the last few years, maybe i can return it to tits roots and revisit the heven vs. hell idea and grow on that. it seems to work. look at the numerous examples like daredevil, powers, watchmen, captain america, "4", batmans' "hush", and sandman.
i'm looking to buy a crappy old lap top that is a direct replacment or close to it for my 5 year old desktop. if anyone knows some one looking to offload a notebook computer let me know. good battery is key.
Good night!
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/28/2004 06:41:00 PM
(one shot)
I’m not exactly in a good mood right now. I’ve got an inspector who seems determined
to get me to fix the wrongs that have been created at my company over the last 20 years.
None of which I have time to do or the desire to do them. If he over steps his bounds, hes
replaced by an inspector who won’t. But he’s clever and has more time to avoid his lack
luster marriage than i do. Next, I’m arguing with Joe because after twenty minutes of
clam, under control discussion, i’m unable to explain the concept of a “box”. I’m also not
going to waste my time making frivolous drawings that take time so that only he can see
them in full size. Plus, no matter how you do it, 1.315 - 0.322 + 0.625 does not equal 1.5.
i can’t draw it any differently, i can’t add or subtract anything else. its just not going to
fit. After 45 minutes of “cool down” time, i can still leave work with a smile. I’m actually
amazed at myself for this. Until the ride home, this is when it all goes to shit. Some
asshole in the right lane decides its a good idea to pull out in front of me while hes going
45. Trying to kill me doesn’t make me happy. Still OK though. when I pull up to the
stop sign at the end of the off ramp, I’m flipped off by a woman driving an SUV and
talking on the cell phone while she blows through a stop sign. THATS IT!!
(two shots)
During my “cool down” time today I managed to check out the usual suspects of internet
sites that I visit on a daily basis. good. While rolling down the list of headlines on the
right I’m amazed to see this string of events that are considered news worthy:
Kerry defender blasts Cheney as 'chicken hawk'
Madrid train bomb suspect indicted in 9/11 attacks
High court hearing 'enemy combatants' cases
Music industry sues 477 more file sharers
Toddler found alive 30 hours after crash killed father
Elton John calls Idol vote “racist”
Bush campaign “says something negative about kerry’s military records”
Kangaroo awarded medal of honor
What? mudslinging, war, terror, getting sued for listening to music, horror story,
American idol. bush criticizing medals of honor, and a kangaroo getting one. a kangaroo.
seriously. a fucking kangaroo. I’m torn, either Kerry’s medals are meaningless or bush is
such a retard that a kangaroo could get a medal before he does. at least the kangaroo was
below the American idol story. I think this is a positive.
(three shots)
I wish I could show you all the article I read in scientific American about how choice and
awareness makes people depressed. I really think that they summed up how I feel
sometimes very well and why I can really see no reason that people can walk around very
happy all the time. These people scare me. the ones who always have a smile on their
face and nothing seems to get then down. even when they shouldn’t be happy they still
smile. I know of at least one case in my life where I’ve met a person who was really
messed up but delt with it but just acting happy. there was no winning with this person.
i’d be surprised to hear that this person hasn’t broken down or gone nuts yet. the only
people i know who truly walk around all day with a smile on or can really say they are
totally happy with life are complete morons.
(four shots)
people so dumb that it amazes me they make it through the day without falling down
more. but you know what, I envy these people. no matter what happens they are still
happy. like a dog wagging its tale, they are happy. blind, unknowingly, truly happiness.
(five shots)
but you know what. I still have nothing to complain about. I live in America, I’m white, I
have a good job and a little money in my pocket. I still get up every morning to the
ungodly sound of a buzzing alarm clock and stick my face in the relentless machine I call
society. And to what ends? what keeps me going? its hope. hope that tomorrow will be
better that today and that by some incalculable chance that my actions will make it better
for myself or someone like me. I can’t fix the worlds problems for all the stoned energy I
exert trying to, but I can fix some of the little things around me and thats a start.
(six shots, and a nice little joint)
I deal with my problems. maybe not in the best way possible but it works for me. booze
and drugs have been working for millions of people for hundreds of years so why not.
things will be better, weather I’m lying to myself or not. so far society has done nothing
but show an over all upward trend. technology continues to progress no matter what
those fucking religious conservatives think. with any luck I’m going to change the minds
of religious people and help their subsequent children by doing so. over the next few
generations I’d like to think that religion is going to do away with it’s self but that doesn’t
seem to be the case. our population is growing and its the people with a lower intelligence
that are growing faster and it is these people who are more easily drawn to religion.
they’ve already gotten a president elected that has the same fucked up views they do so
anything is now possible.
I’d love to continue but I feel that I need to change subjects
(I don’t know how many shots anymore but I’m on my second tequila drink)
Those fucking Yankees are driving me nuts, muessena has got to snap out of this funk and
pitch better. my fantasy team is sorely lacking quality pitching even for the guys I have.
but they’ll come around. its still early in the season no matter what anyone says. its nice
to see that Texas, Baltimore, San Diego and Cincinnati can enjoy a love affair with first
OK, if you think I sound a little off kilter, you’re right and there is a very good reason for
it, I’ve been having a slight health problem that can be found here that has been fucking
with me the last few months, but rest assured I’ll be OK and I’ve been working with my
doctor to fix the problem. I hope you all enjoy the new layout of the site and that it will
help put an emphasis on the content instead of the odd little bits I decide to put o nhte
side. I think each of you will be surprised what pops up when you type “workermonkey”
or “multipurpose workermonkey” into any search engine (some of those are things i’ve
posted on message boards where “workermonkey” is my board name (the best is the
political posts ending up on the “Clark for President” sites (that and i’ve been in contact
with the person who owns workermonkey.com)(no i can’t have it))).
A Treatise on the Human Nature of Samson
# posted by murphy @ 4/28/2004 09:58:00 AM
why why why why are old books always call the treatise of this or that
just name you fucking book something original. Old knowitall bastards.
anyways good luck with your grad school courtney sounds like your doing better than most of us...but we'll get there soon enough
I feel like i've been going to college for 10 years now. Kolpak and Barone are both working, Ronny and B2 are getting the masters and im sitting here typing this bullshit when i should be writing papers----'maybe if you used some of those papers for writin instead of rolling doobies!'----poor chris farley. its sad when someone that talented throws it all away on drugs and booze-and pizza.
im not stupid im just lazy. I took a test this morning and i know i got an A but i didnt start studying until last night after i learned the Sox were rained out----by the way go sox yankees blow---i procrastinate too god damn much. Im telling you its the weed man. i cant get away from it, between hank and jenny and flores i smoke almost everyday.
anyways enough bitching. feels good to write though even if no one reads it. Thats the great thing about this shit, you can blather about nonsense and no one tells you to shut the fuck up. its a very good way to relieve stress. thank you barone
the plan is to move in with jenny and flores next fall and its not that i dont want to but i fear i will never have time to myself--not to mention the chapelle shows and constant blunts. but who gives a fuck if it doesnt work it doesnt work.
my dad is coming to town at the end of may alert the local authorities and take the proper precautions-4-10 Murphy's will be in one location at one time
1) put any pets you may have indoors for the duration unless you want them to be part of a Druid sacrifice.
2) keep your arms and legs inside the car at all times
3) hide the following: weed, beer, booze, gasoline, tires, women over the age of 14 and under the age of 75-seriously, kolpak i look in your direction
4) Most important of all do not under any circumstances feed any of us after midnight or get us wet
oh yeah hang a cross over your bed you we dont attack you in your dreams and if one of us does get a hold of you the only way to get free is to answer me these questions three
i think dmitri is planning some party on the 6th on middletown island so talk to tino if the insanity tickles your fantasy
Beware! Beware!! BEWARE!!!!
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
nice job with the site matt. now a rant
# posted by ron @ 4/27/2004 11:34:00 PM
i am in a peculiar state of mind tonight. although my semester is not over, it is winding down. i took a final yesterday in the class that i was worried about doing poorly in. the final went ok for all who are interested. after this semester is officially over i will only have 1 more class and one or two papers (thesis) to write for completion of my masters. this will put me in what i would like to call brancibeers shoes. whats next? (just kidding brian, good luck on your test friday)
so my rant. i have alot of shit on my mind and i dont really have a subject for it. i'm not happy about alot of whats happening around me in both a local and global sense. the first instinct is to run, run like hell to british columbia or something. where i could live out my days riding my bike and working for whatever factory around there needs an engineer. this move might be done in haste and all the consequences have yet to be explored or thought about. the local situation would change dramatically, but the global still exists. the afterrmath of this war is going to have negative effects on our generation. the US is losing alot of respect and allies. i believe that in the years to come countries that used to be our friends are going to make things difficult for us, it could be trade, support or something else. i dont like bush, i dont like kerry. to me they both seem like dirty rotten self motivated assholes. wow, this ties in nicely with the local situation.
speaking of dirty rotten self motivated assholes, i'm one. i used to consider myself self-less. but i've be thinking about myself, my actions, the consequences, and realizing that everything i do is pretty much selfish. here is an example you guys can try, insert an action or something that you chose (or chose not) to do in the blank "doing _____ will make things easier or better for me". see what i mean, watching the tube, washing the dishes, taking a shit. i mean fucking everything has a selfish motivation. alright i'm getting a little off the path here because its getting into philosphy here and basically i dont know jack. i've been trying to tone up my decision making, but this has got me depressed that all my actions are selfish. end of story. i need to get out of my lab more.
saw terminator2 on the tube last night. awesome movie, in my top 5 all time. anyway i love the premis of it. the machine that becomes self awared and when the humans get scared and try to pull the plug and it fights back. ha ha ha. it reminded me of this summer when kolpak and i would sit by his pool (wasted of course) and think about thinking. it lead to some good stuff. good times. if only we can invent a transistor that says "maybe", instead of on/off or yes/no. i'll get my army of nano-bots in my lab working on it right away. here is a good link for those still reading at this point. they try to take a scientific approach to all the "fringe science" stuff happening.
other things bothering me:
1)this site was more fun when we were bashing religion day after day.
2)there is too much mental illness in this world (on TV i saw like 100 anti-depressant adds last night)
3)everyone thinks they are a victim of something (me, i'm a victim of my sexy mullet-like helmet head hair)
4)my fucking knees
just kidding, about the sexy hair part. i look like one of my cousins from upstate new york. i've been wanting to get a truck lately too. maybe its the hair......
Monday, April 26, 2004
real cost of the war
# posted by murphy @ 4/26/2004 12:25:00 PM
i dont know how to make this a link so just copy and paste
this shits got to stop
response #4567-00
# posted by murphy @ 4/26/2004 10:03:00 AM
yes yes yes no no no no and hell yes
i agree with brian. i always am checking to make sure that no one is looking before logging on. its a pain in the ass. maybe just get hot chick and put her on top of the site as kind of a poster girl. make her wear a bikini or something. just dont have a naked chick spread eagle on the site. I mean arent we a little off topic with the camel toe thing?
once again Barone i am sorry for you loss of a good baseball team. i dont know what these guys did with the yankees but ill try and help you find them
cain's in town and not much is getting done except smoking and smoking.
i am pleased to say that i boycotted all worthless springweekend events including standing around with a bunch of losers (x-lot) and walking threw the woods and then standing with a bunch of losers (carriage house and celeron) fuck uconn.
i almost got run over by an old guy in a large truck
he was 75 plus and swerved in front of me, slammed on his breaks
at the next stop sign he got out like he was gonna do somethin and yelled at me
we argued for a couple of minutes and he went to kick the 'Black ass; i yelled at him and he got back in his truck
i would have fought him but he was super old and i would have easily killed him and it wouldve been manslaughter cause hes so old.
anyway i love you too courtney
and i also love breakfast burritos and chocolate milk
in conclusion see yall round
lets burn some wood sometime this week
Sunday, April 25, 2004
# posted by josh @ 4/25/2004 11:15:00 PM
i see your point brancy...i do enjoy the porn though, keepin it interesting chump. but maybe if you could put it at the bottom or something? just a thought
Porno recall
# posted by Brancibeer @ 4/25/2004 10:47:00 PM
IM having second thoughts about the porn on the site. I find myself having to look around and be paranoid when checking the site. I propose to have a yea or ney vote on this subject (survey would do nicely). Any seconds?
Thursday, April 22, 2004
# posted by josh @ 4/22/2004 12:39:00 PM
yeah i meant that secretary's thing for yesterday. today is earth day. damnit, i dont even know what day it is. haha
What am I supposed to be celebrating?
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/22/2004 12:05:00 PM
As josh has noted, today is "administrative assistant" day. So I bought Lucy a card and some chocolates. (hey, I know whose bread to butter around here) But today is also "bring your daughter to work day" and "earth day". So if a had a daughter I'm supposed to bring her to work and have her watch me celebrate the woman I work with answer phones and have her plant a tree. All in the same day. What kind of message is it to little girls that they should be happy to be secretaries? Maybe this is some kind of crazy plot by the bush administration to undermine women. Wouldn't surprise me, they already want to take away a woman's right to an abortion.
I saw the blender article, its was horrible, half of those songs should be taken off the list. Also, did you catch how the list is going to air on VH1 as a prime time special? gee more list shows from VH1, how creative. next we'll see "behind the lists" and "top ten worst behind the musics".
I took a ride through the blogs that are listed on the side of the main blogger site yesterday. i stumbled upon a republican blog that blasted kerry's military record. it was disturbing how wrong they were and they even went as far as quoting a newspaper that got the story wrong too, kerry has all his military records posted on his website and these people still want more. they ignore the fact that bush still hasn't released all of his or the fact that bush cheated his way out of the war but Kerry was shot three times and got three purple hearts. Some how this adds up t Kerry not being ttough on terrorist and bush being the only one who can solve this problem. Maybe I'm the stupid one but this just doesn't' make sense to me. I was amazed at how ignorant they were and how wrongly they could misinterpret facts and news stories.
A few interesting quips from yesterday:
I had a very frank conversation with a man named frank
I unknowingly insulted a handicapped woman at lowes when she misheard me say "hammock"
I enthusiastically flipped off an elderly woman going too slow in the left lane
The last three times I've talked to Samm Clegg she's had some sort of trouble with the law.
If i had bought the hammock I would have had to replace my couch with it
administrative professionals of the world unite!
# posted by josh @ 4/22/2004 11:30:00 AM
it's your day! happy administrative professionals day, or as it used to be (and should still be) called, secretary's day. i remember when secretary didnt used to be a bad word, like stewardess. but now they're administrative professionals. well i'll tell you what, call them what you want, but if my administrative professional isnt giving me head under my desk on her lunch break, she wont be my administrative professional for long. hahaha that's so horribe, i like it. but seriously, it's not like today has been dubbed "the homosexual awareness and support day for celebrating diversity" and instead we call it fag day. i mean honestly, people need to be less sensitive. this politically correct phase is getting way out of hand. soon the only words in the english language we'll be allowed to use are proper nouns and verbs. try conveying a message with that: lindsay suck dick...shit. mary eat cock...shit. katie lick little joshbarns. close enough, it'll have to do.
i'm actually in a pretty good mood today, its just that i'm not politically correct at all myself. and i dont know why i have blowjobs on my mind, but that doesnt matter. maybe cuz its secretary's day, who knows. so how you all doin? havent heard from some in a while. murph? kolpak?
so it's lookin about 95% sure right now i'll be at univ of south carolina law in teh fall. so i've been checkin out stuff about columbia, could be a nice little city. avg temp of 65. 116,000 people, about the size of hartford or new haven. seems to have ample dining, culture, nature, and golf. could be aight.
did any of you see the article about blender magazine's top 50 worst songs ever? starship's "we built this city" was #1. i'm sorry but i rock out to that shit. or at least i can think of about a million worse songs than that. they also had some billy joel (we didnt start teh fire) and beatles (oh bla de oh bla da) and simon and garfunkel (sounds of silence) on the list. i would like to know who works at blender, cuz there were some good songs on their 50 worst. they shouldnt take outtheir anger on the world just cuz they never had friends in high school and got a job at a music magazine where they get paid for writing their opinions about stuff. that's why they have video game cafe's at the mall. but then again , i'venever been much for opinion pieces unless it's written by me...i think for myself
well enjoy secretary's day everyone! and while you're beatin off today, try to think of a secretary. i think that'd be a nice gesture
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
recall on the rpl model #3
# posted by ron @ 4/20/2004 08:33:00 PM
-possible knee failure during mobile activities, see dealer for replacement immediately
i've decided that as soon as its economically fesible i'm going to have all my joints and whatever else they can do replaced with metal/composite implants, not really. i crashed my bike sunday and hurt my knee. saw the doctor today and luckily all my ligiments are intact (although by my limp you wouldnt know it). i shall design new stronger ligiments incase of future accidents.
brian, maybe its the lack of smoking mother earth that caused the earth day screw-up. matt, good to hear about the skirts at your place, storrs is crawling with them.
i have a bad feeling about the energy issue. i believe that nothing will happen until it absolutely has too. there just isnt a market for alternative energy. fuel-cells are falling flat or their fucking face. its not even really an alternative energy and look whats happening there. answer, no market. why is any business, with the sole purpose af making money, going to dump money into something that isnt needed. its basically wasting resources (money). face it, things will get worse until they completely break down. everone is aware of it, there are councils that have deal with this issue, everyone knows the day will come when oil is no more. its up to people like us who are going to have the spending power do do things to change the market to our needs. if we want it then someone is going to build it and make money off us. its a time tested formula, and everyone is satisfied. matt, get a windmill and solar panels. i sure as hell am. and then show it off, make stat sheets on how much you invested, how much you saved. make the market change to our needs. and if we want alternate energy then it starts with us paying for it.
sorry for the market rant. one of my profs here always brings the market aspect into the picture. i could make you a kick ass mousetrap, but if it cost 100$ due to research, materials and developement who the fuck would buy it.
I almost forgot how happy summer makes me
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/20/2004 06:43:00 PM
All I have to do is walk out my front door to appreciate how the skirts come out on nice days. This place is crawling with hotties! where were they all winter?
ok, in response to the last few days of post: Matt, good to see mike is going back, maybe SC is the kind of change he needs, a fresh start if you will. I'd say go ahead and move down there with him but I'm not so sure our everloving liberal views fly that well in the south. Brian, any job in alaska is going to pay great, its like the midwest, they can't get people to more there. every one of us could move to the midwest and find good high paying jobs. Josh, that sucks, the ticket only added insult to injury. Also i think you may want to think about getting some type of clerking/law internship again instead of working at the summer camp, especially if USC isn't somewhere you want to go. Brian, after reading your earthday post i was so inspired that i went into the shop at work and asked one of the guys to cut down the tree in front of our building. Its dead anyway but I thought it was kind foe ironic that my only contribution to earth day would be the destruction of nature. i spent at least a good hour and a half arguing politics with my bosses today. I've managed to persuade Frank to change his mind on a lot of things but Joe is very thick headed and way too republican/stubborn. He called me a pussy for using the argument that people are dying in Iraq. Plus the inspector was there today so I accomplished nothing. The inspector again suggested I fire someone until I talked him off his high horse and showed him some of the welds again. I find myself trying to defend him to Joe/Frank and then trying to keep him at bay. Maybe i should just let him be a prick and get himself fired. Its too bad cause hes a nice guy but i can only deal with this fucking code. Today i stumbled upon a tiny little paragraph (Division 8, section 2 UHX-11.4.2 to be exact i think) that says i have to mark each heat exchanger with a phrase along the lines of "over pressurizing this unit can cause it to fail". I think that itss kind of self explanatory since i already tell people that in 3 other places and very specifically on the nameplate attached to the vessel.
Brian is right about the energy thing. Our society is growing by leaps and bounds, faster than ever before. (i tried to find a world population counter but was unsuccessful in finding one that i could place on this site) Our energy usage has already gone way up and its only going to get worse as we have more people and more demands for it. Seeking out other forms of energy production will be a massive frontier in the next century. (frontier? century? in the same sentence? i must be stoned at this point) I see alternative such as hydro electric as being a very viable option in the near future but as technologies progress, solar and small personal wind turbines are going to be huge! My parents are planning on remodeling our camp and i'm going to try and get a wind turbine in the back area of the property plus some soral panels for hot water running on the roof.
OK enough of this babble, i'm going to throw a lawn chair down in the parking lot and watch the skirts go by.
in response to brancibeer
# posted by josh @ 4/20/2004 05:09:00 PM
quick response, i know. i check the site at least 10-12 times a day. and i wouldnt be too worried about your memory. if you dont remember it's only from smoking the earth, so really the earth is actually to blame.
anyhow, i will be coming home in the beginning of june to live in ct for teh summer and hopefully work at teh same camp i did last year. in may i will still be down here, first a little celebrating, but then trying to find an apt for law school. it's about 95% certain i'll be at teh university of south carolina for that. but i need to find a place to move some of my junk cuz my lease here ends july 31. so short answer, from june-middle of aug i'll be home in ct. where are you all gonna be??
hotter than a $25 rolex. i'm out!
Im mistaken
# posted by Brancibeer @ 4/20/2004 02:13:00 PM
Ok, so my memory doesnt serve me correctly (hmmm..). Earth day is April 22nd not 20th. Well the main point is still valid.
Josh good to see you getting riled up. Oh yeah, meant to ask you, what are your plans for the summer? Where willl you be residing?
from democracy to authoritarianism...
# posted by josh @ 4/20/2004 11:41:00 AM
a little anal sex never hurt anyone
so if judges can just be pulled then why bother having a democracy? and by the way, since when did state legislators have any real power? i understand this is a longshot, but it's ridiculous. maybe i should go into gov't then have everyone who isnt a braves fan killed. that'd show all you bastards. i know that sounds ridiculous, but how different is it besides the fact that killing is illegal? i dont like it, so i ban it. jesus christ i'm leaving the country if it stays like this. soon our only rights will be to sleep at night and suck our own dicks. all sex, especially teh missionary position, will be illegal except on the third tuesday of every even month. of course, coincidentally,on those days the terror alert will be on orange, so we wont be able to leave our homes. well except for the republican president, cuz he knows the truth and the real warning color is i-take-it-up-the-ass pink, which means that everything is ok and the president is railing his wife's ass. but that's ok, cuz they're heterosexual and married. and republicans like religion so much too (figures). dont they realize they're stifling their own? priests' livlihoods depend on sodomy with little boys. talk about turning against your own. maybe liberals and moderates will be ok after all........
My odes to Earth Day
# posted by Brancibeer @ 4/20/2004 11:08:00 AM
Its April 20th. If my memory serves me correctly its Earth day bitches. And another fine day it is! Ah yes, but instead of whining and complaining about how im in front of a computer once again, i will be more positive. The earth. What does it mean to you? Well the answer is fucking everything! It is the growth medium of which we sprout from. We take from it and put into ourselves. So i asked kim the other day what she thought was going to be the biggest innovation/ technology change of the 21st century. You know, like, for the 20th century, you could argue that the discovery of nuclear energy, or increased mobility, or the industrial revolution was the greatest event that changed the world. Well, she didnt really have an answer. Now, I pose this question to you all today. I have mine which i shall share.
Sometime in this century, we are going to have to make the switch off of oil. What takes its place with likely be something similar to oil (being a limited resource), or something creative and sustainable. I feel this will be a huge fork in the fate of humanity. Large comanies could drive the market much like they do now. All they want to do is make money, and the easy thing to do would be switch to another oil type source. Or, we could be smart and suck it up for a while, and make an enourmous change in our lifestyle to move to a sustainable source. It might be shitty at first, but remember the automobile in the 1920s and now look at it today. This new sustainable energy will lead to discoveries unheard of. But, society as we know it will have to change drastically, and im not sure if we can do that.
I leave you with the boiled frog analogy. If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water it will jump out immediatley. However if you put a frog in a pot of luke warm water then slowly heat it up, the change will be too slow for the frog to notice until its too late and damaged to escape. Point: Society is marinating in a pot of warm water, and we better get the fuck out before its too late.
Get outside. Look what we have. Think where its going. Take a deep breath. Exhale slowly. Enjoy it. Save it. Earth day bitches.
Monday, April 19, 2004
18 days, 20 hours, 6 min, 3 seconds...
# posted by josh @ 4/19/2004 04:38:00 PM
til i'm done.
macunas, welcome to the dirty south, where beer flows like wine, and beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of the capastrano. the girl/guy ratio here at jmu is 60/40. and all the girls are fucking hot. there are a bunch from ct, and while we would've definitely considered them hot there (definitely better than anything hk had to offer no offense courtney) they are shit here. they are some of the uglier girls. admittedly a lot of the hot girls are from jersey, but a ton are from va and nc. but i do agree w/ brancy, hopefully mike can turn things around. and i guess it would never hurt to bang some hot chicks while he's at it. ahhh so tasteless
as for me, it's looking more and more like it'll be the university of south carolina law school. the rejections flow in like it's their job. i guess it is. and on top of that i get a reckless driving ticket for 81 in a 65. so what, i like to speed. and i will continue to speed. fuck that, i dont endanger others no matter what anyone says. if i couldnt handle 81 i wouldnt go 81. and when i get too many points and my license is supsended i hire a driver, and order him to go 81. and if he doesnt then he's fired. and if he gets his license suspended he gets a handsome bonus, and i fire him for someone w/ a valid license. what makes speeding dangerous is everyone slamming on the brakes to not get pulled over when they see a cop. i think most people can handle themselves, well you know, except women and asians. haha i'm kidding. or am i. asians chump, ASIANS.
time to go, must shower and work on a paper...last work of my undergraduate career, sans finals. but who cares about those. finalize THIS!
Ill burn it down...
# posted by Brancibeer @ 4/19/2004 04:16:00 PM
Im going to cut you. Im going to cut you all. Damnit, its 85 degrees out and ive been sitting in front of a computer for the entire day. Im being taunted and teased by frisbees, and skirts and i just sit here and take it. In this dark, dim, buzzing, florescent room. Human beings were not meant to live like this. One have we done to ourselves? I want to be done with school, i want to be done with school. I really do. Im ready. Ready not to find a job, and work at Home Depot for 25hrs a week. And i dont give a damn.
Im not really in that negative of a mood. Just a little cabin fever i guess. Macunes, i cant believe your brother is going back to school. It kind of frustrates me cause i think that he is wasteing your parents money, and time. Most people seem to get smarter as they age, but him and Otis are the opposite. And if the only reason he is going back to school is for the girls, then that is pathetic. Sorrry dude, didnt mean to be so harsh. I do believe that people can turn themselves around, well see. North Carolina is damn nice too.
I have a job interview next week for a biologist postion in Alaska. Sounds like a cool job, and the pay is great. However, Kim just got a nice job in Tampa, FL, and i was set on moving there with her and just finding somethoing to get by for a while. Im not expecting to get this job, but there are always the what ifs. Ill keep yall posted.
Back w/ a vengence!
# posted by DJ Booze Piñata @ 4/19/2004 02:25:00 PM
North Carolina was fucking sweet. And when i say sweet i goddamn mean it. Sunny and 75 day and night. My brother is now officially gonna go to East Carolina University. He just needed the right motivation to get psyched for academics.
Por ejemple:
The girl:guy ratio down there is instupituous. It's absolutely flabbergasting. It's like they all compete with each other for how hot they can be. I hung out with some of the hottest girls in my life in the 2 days I was down there. Either they keep all the unattractive girls in a closet during open house weekend or they just get mistaken for guys. I swear, a dude could just go around and grab asses with impunity because there's thousands more girls than guys.
Thinking of moving......
Friday, April 16, 2004
#1 johnny damon
# posted by ron @ 4/16/2004 01:38:00 PM
cool link. baseball hair. i especially like the Ross Grimsley one. "Ahh, baseball in the early '80s: cocaine, bad uniforms and the white-man 'fro." -later
# posted by josh @ 4/16/2004 01:10:00 PM
hahaha good taste ron, tha'ts my favorite one too
well it's beautiful here, out for an afternoon 9, then northern va for the weekend, then back early sun for 18! sweet weekend. i needed it
Thursday, April 15, 2004
the rpl300 strikes back
# posted by ron @ 4/15/2004 10:00:00 PM
this link is really funny. uconn is looking for other students to rat people out for breaking shit after the basketball games. my favorite is the one kid passed out by the fire. fucking great. reminds me of highschool and the boyscout land. good stuff
thats all i got folks. matt where is that survey? i'm interested.
i thought of something to say
# posted by josh @ 4/15/2004 05:46:00 PM
i think i said it best when i said fuck motherfucking piece of fucking shit optimism and fuck anyone who tells me otherwise
fuckin a
# posted by josh @ 4/15/2004 05:26:00 PM
i guess i must be too aware myself.
another rejection letter, one at a place i really thought i had a good, solid chance for. would've been in dc too, a real good place for internships, jobs, etc.
fuck i cant even talk right now i dont know why i'm on here . fuck
Did someone say "odd weather"?
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/15/2004 02:33:00 PM
This morning it was dark and cloudy, then it pored. A lot. After that was snow. It actually fucking snowed today. right now, its bright and sunny out and approaching 60. i don't get it. Maybe later i'll see a tornado sweep through a hail storm followed by drought.
i read an article today in the latest issue of Scientific American titled " The Tyranny of Choice". It outlines how people who examine their decisions more are less happy than people who get the most out of each decision they make. It shows how an over whelming amount of choices in todays society can make people who are aware of all the choices more depressed. the more aware of whats going on around you the more hopeless and second guessing a person can be. there was a little test that they gave people to see what side of the fence they live on. its in a side bar so i suggest you look at it if given the chance to read Scientific American. I scored a 5.8 out of 7. According to their results that makes me clinically depressed. Their explanation of the so called "Maximizers" (people who scored high on the test) also follows my pattern of decision making. when all put together, it doesn't paint a pretty picture for me.
This is a brief response to bushs address the other night by Al franken:
US troops and Iraqi civilians are dying because of Bush's mistakes. The fact that he couldn't -- or wouldn't -- admit a single mistake wasn't a "slam dunk." It was an insult.
Then there was a question as to why President Bush wonÂt appear alone before the 9/11 commission, as requested. As you may recall, heÂs bringing a friend: Vice President Richard Cheney. Why is he bringing Cheney?
BUSH: Because the 9/11 Commission wants to ask us questions, that's why we're meeting. And I look forward to meeting with them and answering their questions.
The reporter  amazingly  then followed up. ÂI was asking, he said, Âwhy you're appearing together, rather than separately, which was their request.Â
BUSH: Because it's a good chance for both of us to answer questions that the 9/11 Commission is looking forward to asking us, and I'm looking forward to answering them.
Well, that settles that.
When it comes to the press conference as a whole, conservative commentator William Kristol sums up quite nicely:
"I was depressed," said Kristol, one of the war's most vocal proponents. "I am obviously a supporter of the war, so I don't need to be convinced. But among people who were doubtful or worried, I don't think he made arguments that would convince them. He didn't explain how we are going to win there."
This proves everyones point that Bush is a retard who avoids questions and direct responses.
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Sloshing through the drudgery of democracy
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/13/2004 10:45:00 PM
by G.W.Bush [yeah ha!]
I hate these days. Days I have to answer for my actions. Answer to these filth mongers, whistle blowers, and jews. (That’s right I said jews!) I shouldn’t have to answer to anyone, I’m the fucking president! I still have 2 freebies left. I’ll take out anyone who steps over the line and gets in my way. I’m gonna kill all them dirty a-rabs, Iraq is only the beginning! I’ll get my hands into all of those oil reserves. I should be back in the oval office wiping my ass with the environment and free speech. Not out here appeasing the masses. I’ll just talk pretty and play the game. I’ll spit big words and vague phrases like “terrorist threat” “madman” and “we’ll win the war on terror”. I’ll dismiss any negativity about my tenure and ignore the tough questions. “we can’t let a few insurgents disrupt our resolve for a free Iraq” Keep the people happy. I wish I didn’t have to make them happy. If I didn’t need them to vote and pay taxes I’d have most of those damn non-believers sacrificed in the name of Jesus. I loved “The Passion” biatch! I’ll use the war to distract them from the other things I’m screwing up. Mercury in the water? Sure, we’ll just add more, I’ll lie about jobs and artificially inflate economic numbers to justify my means. Never apologies. Never accept responsibility! Delegate blame like I do everything else. Oh well, even if I loose I’ll be handing the presidency off to good old Skull and Bones number 374, John Kerry.
Screw the poor, long live the rich!
I hate him so much, but everytime I hear him talk I have to envy him. That lying, useless, smirky bastard actually got elected. And could still get re-elected. I could lie to the country like he does. I may even be able to do it with out that evil smirk. The Problem I’m seeing is that I must be stoned, because he’s starting to make sense. When you look back on the war in iraq in 20 years and we control it and its some weak puppet of a democracy, isn’t that better than is was? Who cares about the deaths, it hasn’t been that many. Maybe a few hundred lives? Who cares, we would have lost that in training accidents anyway. I’m worried about the money and what else is happening. We’re spending tons of money on this stuff and companies like Halliburton have already been caught cheating the government out of millions of dollars. I hate him, but I’m so jealous that he gets away with it.
In a bit of different news: Marvel has started a new imprint “Icon” in order to make their A-list writers and artists happy. They gave Bendis and Mack a bunch of money and let them keep their creative freedoms in order to keep them in house. I think it’s a good move, but I hope its just not a reward type system and its lets marvel give lesser known creative talent a shot. I see Icon being a way to close the doors on Epic and keep Joe public from sending in scripts of a classy Maddrox the multiple man vs. Thanos match-up. Marvel keeps everyone happy and gives their editors a break from reading millions of proposals. I see Image suffering a lot just because Powers was one of their strongest titles. Their marketing and sales programs don’t allow them to profit any more or less from higher selling books but it does give them a little class since titles like Spawn and Witchblade have fallen off in sales steadily over the last few years. Maybe some of the more well to-do Cros-gen books could end up there, the company is going under and el cazador has been a good title. Ok, I promise no more comic stuff for a while.
If you thought waiting in line 2 weeks to be the first on your block to see the newest star wars was bad, The recent announcement of Star Wars coming to DVD has already shot it to the #1 selling pre-order of all time even though it doesn’t get released until September. Geeks love their shit.
House hunt, not going so well. I’m going to extend my lease here for a little while longer until I can find something.
And as the great spring monsoon of ott 4 slips its way into the night, I must bid you good night.
Monday, April 12, 2004
i need a TV
# posted by ron @ 4/12/2004 11:09:00 PM
the goal of the night, fix my fantasy team. i failed
after searching for about 2 hours through players, calling matt once and looking at a few other sites i cant find any players to add or drop from my fansaty team. arg, i need a TV so i can watch baseball tonigth everyday, and sportscenter. worst of all, its late, i'm tired, i didnt get any school work done, and my team is still shitty. fuck. goodnight
Sunday, April 11, 2004
the streak is over
# posted by josh @ 4/11/2004 07:33:00 PM
Friday, April 09, 2004
to fridays
# posted by ron @ 4/09/2004 01:23:00 PM
josh i'll agree, fridays are inherently good. so this one isnt really anything special. i will measure this fridays goodness by talking a ride around campus and counting the skirts. many=good. it also looks like there are many pre-frosh touring the campus todfay. it might be a good day for the "hide your daughters" chant. ha ha ha ha.
all the evils of the week are forgiven in the hopes of just one night of relaxation! thats what fridays are really about.
# posted by josh @ 4/09/2004 01:10:00 PM
good friday. a perfect excuse for many students to skip class, though i'm sure hardly any of them were at church. my guess would be catching extra sleep, heading home for the weekend, or being hungover cuz they were drinking til 2 or 3am on none other than their holy good friday.
and why is it good friday? personally, i tend to like most fridays. there are probably 45-50 good fridays a year. they should just call it god friday, that's clearly what they mean anyhow. what's making today good for me is that i'm going golfing. also i dont have class tomorrow. it's got nothing to do w/ any supposed savior dying and resurrecting for me. what about non-christians? why does this friday have to be good for them? i'm personally glad we had class today, as a state institution, cuz if we didnt it'd be a little too close to the establishment of religion here.
ok well i love me some afternoon golf, i'm out. what a good friday!
Thursday, April 08, 2004
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/08/2004 02:32:00 PM
i would appear as though i've deleted the lower half of the side bar from the template. i have no back up so its going to take me a while to fix it. i don't know how it happened or why (my guess is drinking/drugs played some sort of role in it) but i'm going to VT for the weekend so it will ge tput off even longer. suck it.
Brian, that sucks. at least you get another chance at it.
Ron, it sounds as if you're two steps away from leaving the English language in favor of using numbers to communicate.
Josh, its still too cold here for golf, fuck you, i found a frost on my windshield this morning.
I'll return on monday, over.
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
fuckin yankees
# posted by josh @ 4/07/2004 10:17:00 PM
jeter fuckin sucks. he's 1-11. i want him off my damn team. but then one of you will pick him up and he'll have a stretch where he'll go 495-497. fuckin yankee bastard. even enrique wilson's helpin me out more than him. too busy suckin arods dick. did i call that one or what?
anyway, sucks about the work ron. and the snow for that matter. my work load hasnt been too too bad lately, more like life decisions i gotta make. law school and the like. i'm getting frustrated cuz really i'd like to fast foward my life 3 years and be out of school looking for a job or having one. i cant wait for that. education, always gettin in the way.
otherwise life is good. workin on the golf game. instructors are very helpful, 2 club pros teach my golf class. i'm struggling to adapt to a correct swing, but my old swing will kill my back, or so they told me. too bad, i was shooting low 40s for 9 w/ it. but when i use the new swing and hit it well its even better. just gotta get consistent. thats what life's about anyway, consistency. but i'm definitely gonna wanna play this summer if any of you would be interested. got some money saved up for it even.
keep livin boys, good to hear from you all. i'm out for 4/7/04
So long self worth..
# posted by Brancibeer @ 4/07/2004 10:06:00 PM
Speaking of fucked. I had the privelage to take my general oral examinations today. For those of you who dont know, i have to go through a Q + A session infront of 3 profs for 2 hours in order to graduate. They can ask me anything about Biology- anything goes. Well they drilled me, and drilled hard, and i didnt pass. They told me i have to come back later in the month. Fuck. They totally ripped me a new one in several places. I had no idea what it was going to be like coming into it. The only advise i got before was "look over your notes". First of all, noone ever told me i was supposed to keep my notes of all 5 fucking years. I dont have them. So basically i flipped through multitudes of bio books to try and make up for it. Didnt help. I didnt study alot of the things they were asking, and totally misjudged what it was going to be like. How am i suppose to name 5 phyla of invertebrates of the top of my head, when i took the class sophmore year? I havent felt this shitty in a long time. I actually broke down and cried afterwords (to myself in my office). I havent cried in years. Thats how bad it was.
Save me your pity. I guess sometimes you have to get knocked down a couple times before you can stand on your own.
dismal mood in the vibrations lab
# posted by ron @ 4/07/2004 09:07:00 PM
yup thats right vibrations lab, my research involves shaking things. fun huh? its pretty cool, but i'm not doing anything like that now.
it was snowing this morning when i got up, how fucking great was that? i was so pissed.
so uconn 2 titles. after watching the womens game last night i saw atleast 2 bonfires right on campus. it was great this dude had 9 cops chasing him and everyone was cheering. he got it in the end. too bad. when one fire was put out, someone lit another someplace else.
so the dismal mood is that i'm trying to do some homework and its fucking way over my head. seriously, some of this math shit is an indoor sport mean only for those who have the passion for it. ha, you like that? i dont think i could go see that movie, i think i'd get beat up because i'd find the rentless beatings absolutely ridiculous and laugh. from what i have read/hear no man could ever survive that, oh right hes god. i forgot.
i think i'm going to make math my religion. so when i say bless you i really mean that you should appreciate the positions/velocities/ and accelerations of the particles coming out of your nose. i could do some modeling of that you know. simple of course.
i was at a seminar last week and to show you how simple engineering models are, there was this guy modeling the combustion chamber of a gas turbine (jet engine). the model was a liquid/vapor, legrandre's .. .. . blah blah, ok the point is it tracked these 1 million or so particles of fuel, burned them tracked their positions/temp/ and other stuff. but it was basic in theory. and by that i mean it wasnt as complicated as it should have been to really model whats going on. some real life phenomena were purposely left out. it took 1 week to run on 90 super computers at Berkley. damn.
matt, thats interesting about the speach. it is very possible that the station was going to cut anyway after the speach and not air the Q&A session. also give me atleast until sunday to make some changes to my team before you clean up the undrafted. i'm totally fucked in school and wont have time to look at it until later. later fools.
Before I forget this.....
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/07/2004 03:40:00 PM
I'm listening to WCBS 880am out of new york waiting for the yankee game to come on the radio and there is an emergency press conference from our good friend donald rumsfeld. After his long winded speech, they opened the floor for questions from reporters, one of the first questions was from a lady who pointed out that other countries were going to be removing their troops and that some other country was demanding protection from us for theirs, and then asked if the situation was getting out of control in Iraq. Before rummy could finish his "ummmmm...." response WCBS cut the feed and started the yankee broadcast. I just thought it was very conviently timed. Thank you WCBS for not letting me hear rumsfeld stumble over his own words and avoid the question. I think I need more of this censorship in my life.
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
"Luckily, people like this keep us in business."
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/06/2004 02:40:00 PM
quote of the year found in this story.
"The FBI obtained a search warrant.
"I don't think there's anybody in law enforcement who would think a defendant would be that stupid to keep a dead body in a storage shed rented under his own name," District Attorney William Fitzpatrick said. "Luckily, people like this keep us in business.""
That's it, Fuck winter, Spring is here
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/06/2004 12:19:00 PM
And I think I've had enough with talk radio, time for more music. The talk radio does nothing but get me all riled up and angry. I get upset when I hear how shitty the world around me is and then thinking about how I really can't change it. I guess I could if I was motivated enough, but I'm not. I read a good quote the other day about how intelligence leads to negativity and then a desire to change the world around you. I think I've covered the negativity part pretty well and the desire to change things is slowly escaping me. Now I'm just becoming distracted with other things in my life. So I guess the next step is apathy. Bring it on!
Macunas.... your indecipherable words are like poetry.
Its sunny out, spring is here (although the temperature has yet to succumb to springs death grip on seasonal activity) I saw the buds popping out of trees today and I'm going to go home and drink a cold beer while watching a Yankee game. Life is good gentlemen, life is good.
# posted by DJ Booze Piñata @ 4/06/2004 12:56:00 AM
ahahaha who wasn't here at UConn tonite?.......josh, courney, ummmm
bonjour, courny, i mourned thee before ye was schooled by a tutor.
I bet you're the type of chick fallin for dudes that are neutered. (bwa)
oh my gosh it's josh fallin for pot he's molesting the bottoms of cereal boxes.
I bet his platelet tectonics could blood clot somewhat; technically, Tulane's not a college.
ahahahago cuonn
# posted by josh @ 4/06/2004 12:24:00 AM
Sunday, April 04, 2004
free agents
# posted by josh @ 4/04/2004 06:32:00 PM
chump, how do i find all the free agents no one drafted...i might wanna pick up 1 or 2 of those losers. thanks.
Friday, April 02, 2004
# posted by josh @ 4/02/2004 12:28:00 PM
so in a couple of my classes lately we've been talking about the notion of legal moralism. that is, the idea that laws can (or should) be made restricting individuals' rights to do certain things because, though they may not cause any harm, they are immoral. but how is it determined that these things are immoral? well, according to this principle, it's things that the majority (or perhaps democratic majority) find to be immoral, extremely offensive, or disgusting.
and someone brought up the issue of gay marriages in class. it is indeed a case of legal moralism. but what's most shocking to me is, that if this all goes thru and it's banned, then theoretically WE are in the minority here in supporting gay rights/marriages. that's shocking to me. mainly, i think cuz i live in this little college bubble, where most people are more liberal than conservative, and there are so many groups/clubs devoted to equal rights and treatments of various groups. but also look at connecticut where we grew up, it being a more liberal state comparatively. it just doesnt make any sense to me, as we've discussed at length, how one could or would want to (based on reasons other than crappy religion) ban gay marriages. and my view is quite possibly the minority! this kind of scares me, i mean i knew our country was going to the shitter, but seriously. just something frightening to think about
Thursday, April 01, 2004
Air America is a go
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/01/2004 01:42:00 PM
I'm listening to the new liberal radio with al franken, and so far its not that bad, but i'm sure most people don't listen to talk radio.
i think its thursday
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/01/2004 12:28:00 PM
ok, i'll settle the fantasy baseball stuff at some point, but i'm still learning it too.
this is insane, one step closer to outlawing abortions. the reason the bill took so long to get through to the president is because the republicans were waiting until they had a resident crazy enough to sign it. all they have to do now is say that a woman is attacking a fetus or that she is a terrorist and it'll prevent abortions. i see this as a massive loophole for these religious nuts.
anyone seeing south park lastnight should have throughly enjoyed the hitler connection.
Stern pulled a good one on everybody this morning, pretending to go off the air. a bunch of news stations reported it as breaking news that he was removed from the air waves for being indecient. now they all have to retract the one piece of news they've been waiting to hear for so long. I saw an interview lastnight on MSNBC with Al Franken and a couple of republicans, i've been kind of skeptic about how Howard Stern talks about how people are always out to get him, until i saw how this Al Franken interview turned into a defense of howard. The lady asking the questions started talking about how stern is so bad and one of the conservitive republican guests swore up one side and down the other about how he was corrupting our children and so on. it was amazing that people could turn a show like that into a personal attack on some one who isn't there. the more i listen to stern the more credibility i have to give him, i'm starting to see how what he t alks about is affecting the rest of the media. Al franken was taken off guard by all of this and just let those idiots rant and rave until they shut up. there really is no talking to the religious conservitives. i'm hoping the "Air America" network is going to come to CT, maybe i can get the broadcast out of NY. i'd rather not label myself as liberal but i do seem to share most of the same views.
Heres an ecaxt transcript from the show, not quite how i remembered it, but i had been drinking:
NORVILLE: But what about the bigger issue, Mr. Liddy?
LIDDY: What about—what is the bigger issue? OK, O‘Reilly is embarrassment to my side. I‘m sorry. What can I say?
LIDDY: But bear in mind that while he does tremendously well on television, Matt Drudge has published numbers in radio, and he just doesn‘t do well in radio.
FRANKEN: He doesn‘t.
LIDDY: And that is just the way it is.
But the point of all this is, Howard Stern, because he is very intelligent and very bright, could change his format tomorrow and succeed. If you choose to do that, well, OK. If you live by the sword, you die by the sword. But if you don‘t have to do that. And Al Franken is so talented that he wouldn‘t have to do that, and I have never heard him resort to that sort of thing at all.
NORVILLE: Michael, one of the things about radio, it‘s not like you can just pitch a tent and expect people to come. Just because Air America has had this incredible publicity push, and I have never seen anything like it, that doesn‘t necessarily mean the audience is going to follow. What‘s the secret?
HARRISON: The secret is to sustain that audience, to evolve and to be able to do it minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year to build a sizable audience.
Unlike television or movies or even books, radio success comes over a
long period of time. And I think the biggest challenge facing Al Franken
is to be able to enjoy going into that room six months from now for three
hours talking into the microphone and still feeling fresh and invigorated
by the process.
FRANKEN: Today, after—we did the first show on the network today.
I got out of the studio. They cracked champagne and I said, OK, we got to prepare for tomorrow. We have Hillary Clinton tomorrow.
FRANKEN: And the way I feel like, this is my job. And I enjoyed it today. I enjoyed talking to Bob Kerrey, who was—it was an actual like newsmaker interview. I enjoyed the comedy that we did. I‘m going—after I do the show, I‘m going back and writing.
NORVILLE: And you‘ll be working for tomorrow‘s show.
FRANKEN: Absolutely.
NORVILLE: You have got a Republican administration in right now.
There‘s an election in November.
FRANKEN: Yes. Yes.
NORVILLE: You‘ve got a great target that‘s easy for you to aim at.
FRANKEN: Absolutely.
NORVILLE: Come November, if there were a change in the administration, what does that do to the message, the mantra, the venom that will occasionally be spilled on your airwaves?
FRANKEN: Well, from your lips to God‘s ears. Believe me, we are still going to have Tom DeLay, we are still going to have a Republican Congress, probably, and we are still going to have the Rush Limbaughs of the world. And they‘ll be saying...
NORVILLE: Because Limbaugh has remained successful even though his people are in Washington right now.
FRANKEN: Yes. And so you always have the other side to talk about, and you have your own side to talk about. If President Kerry isn‘t doing what we want, we will be talking about that. But mainly...
NORVILLE: One of the things that gets me, and, Mr. Liddy, I would love to hear your comments on this, too, is this notion that there‘s a line, there‘s a line down the middle, and you are either on this side or that side and you are either for us or against us. I don‘t think I come from that land, and I think I speak with a lot of people in saying, I agree with some of what Al says, I agree with some of what you says.
Yet there seems to be no place for those of us who find ourselves in the middle.
LIDDY: Well, if it‘s OK for me to speak on this, we have people calling in constantly who are on my side of the fence, and they are—the Democratic base is united. The Republican base is not. And it‘s because of the business of the greatest increase in entitlements since Lyndon Johnson came from a Republican president. It‘s because of the business of the illegal aliens, the possibility of amnesty and everything.
These things and saying that he would sign if it came to him the extension of the gun ban, those things alienate the people on my side of the fence. And they call in and we talk about it. And I am quite sure that if people on Al‘s side of the fence call in offended because of something that some of their people in government do, he will air it and discuss it.
FRANKEN: I think that the people are calling in, the Republicans that are disillusioned with Bush, should probably stay home.
NORVILLE: Well, we are going to let that be the last word.
The great thing is, there‘s lots of voices out there. There are lots of channels on the selector. And if you punch enough buttons, you will find something that you are going to agree with.
Garble Garble garble!!
# posted by Brancibeer @ 4/01/2004 11:33:00 AM
Yes, the masses have spoken again. The stoner crew (ron, murph, me) agrees that we dont understand a damn thing about this fantasy baseballl! Riot! Riot i say!