# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/13/2004 10:45:00 PM
by G.W.Bush [yeah ha!]
I hate these days. Days I have to answer for my actions. Answer to these filth mongers, whistle blowers, and jews. (That’s right I said jews!) I shouldn’t have to answer to anyone, I’m the fucking president! I still have 2 freebies left. I’ll take out anyone who steps over the line and gets in my way. I’m gonna kill all them dirty a-rabs, Iraq is only the beginning! I’ll get my hands into all of those oil reserves. I should be back in the oval office wiping my ass with the environment and free speech. Not out here appeasing the masses. I’ll just talk pretty and play the game. I’ll spit big words and vague phrases like “terrorist threat” “madman” and “we’ll win the war on terror”. I’ll dismiss any negativity about my tenure and ignore the tough questions. “we can’t let a few insurgents disrupt our resolve for a free Iraq” Keep the people happy. I wish I didn’t have to make them happy. If I didn’t need them to vote and pay taxes I’d have most of those damn non-believers sacrificed in the name of Jesus. I loved “The Passion” biatch! I’ll use the war to distract them from the other things I’m screwing up. Mercury in the water? Sure, we’ll just add more, I’ll lie about jobs and artificially inflate economic numbers to justify my means. Never apologies. Never accept responsibility! Delegate blame like I do everything else. Oh well, even if I loose I’ll be handing the presidency off to good old Skull and Bones number 374, John Kerry.
Screw the poor, long live the rich!
I hate him so much, but everytime I hear him talk I have to envy him. That lying, useless, smirky bastard actually got elected. And could still get re-elected. I could lie to the country like he does. I may even be able to do it with out that evil smirk. The Problem I’m seeing is that I must be stoned, because he’s starting to make sense. When you look back on the war in iraq in 20 years and we control it and its some weak puppet of a democracy, isn’t that better than is was? Who cares about the deaths, it hasn’t been that many. Maybe a few hundred lives? Who cares, we would have lost that in training accidents anyway. I’m worried about the money and what else is happening. We’re spending tons of money on this stuff and companies like Halliburton have already been caught cheating the government out of millions of dollars. I hate him, but I’m so jealous that he gets away with it.
In a bit of different news: Marvel has started a new imprint “Icon” in order to make their A-list writers and artists happy. They gave Bendis and Mack a bunch of money and let them keep their creative freedoms in order to keep them in house. I think it’s a good move, but I hope its just not a reward type system and its lets marvel give lesser known creative talent a shot. I see Icon being a way to close the doors on Epic and keep Joe public from sending in scripts of a classy Maddrox the multiple man vs. Thanos match-up. Marvel keeps everyone happy and gives their editors a break from reading millions of proposals. I see Image suffering a lot just because Powers was one of their strongest titles. Their marketing and sales programs don’t allow them to profit any more or less from higher selling books but it does give them a little class since titles like Spawn and Witchblade have fallen off in sales steadily over the last few years. Maybe some of the more well to-do Cros-gen books could end up there, the company is going under and el cazador has been a good title. Ok, I promise no more comic stuff for a while.
If you thought waiting in line 2 weeks to be the first on your block to see the newest star wars was bad, The recent announcement of Star Wars coming to DVD has already shot it to the #1 selling pre-order of all time even though it doesn’t get released until September. Geeks love their shit.
House hunt, not going so well. I’m going to extend my lease here for a little while longer until I can find something.
And as the great spring monsoon of ott 4 slips its way into the night, I must bid you good night.