# posted by Brancibeer @ 4/07/2004 10:06:00 PM
Speaking of fucked. I had the privelage to take my general oral examinations today. For those of you who dont know, i have to go through a Q + A session infront of 3 profs for 2 hours in order to graduate. They can ask me anything about Biology- anything goes. Well they drilled me, and drilled hard, and i didnt pass. They told me i have to come back later in the month. Fuck. They totally ripped me a new one in several places. I had no idea what it was going to be like coming into it. The only advise i got before was "look over your notes". First of all, noone ever told me i was supposed to keep my notes of all 5 fucking years. I dont have them. So basically i flipped through multitudes of bio books to try and make up for it. Didnt help. I didnt study alot of the things they were asking, and totally misjudged what it was going to be like. How am i suppose to name 5 phyla of invertebrates of the top of my head, when i took the class sophmore year? I havent felt this shitty in a long time. I actually broke down and cried afterwords (to myself in my office). I havent cried in years. Thats how bad it was.
Save me your pity. I guess sometimes you have to get knocked down a couple times before you can stand on your own.