# posted by josh @ 4/09/2004 01:10:00 PM
good friday. a perfect excuse for many students to skip class, though i'm sure hardly any of them were at church. my guess would be catching extra sleep, heading home for the weekend, or being hungover cuz they were drinking til 2 or 3am on none other than their holy good friday.
and why is it good friday? personally, i tend to like most fridays. there are probably 45-50 good fridays a year. they should just call it god friday, that's clearly what they mean anyhow. what's making today good for me is that i'm going golfing. also i dont have class tomorrow. it's got nothing to do w/ any supposed savior dying and resurrecting for me. what about non-christians? why does this friday have to be good for them? i'm personally glad we had class today, as a state institution, cuz if we didnt it'd be a little too close to the establishment of religion here.
ok well i love me some afternoon golf, i'm out. what a good friday!