# posted by Brancibeer @ 4/19/2004 04:16:00 PM
Im going to cut you. Im going to cut you all. Damnit, its 85 degrees out and ive been sitting in front of a computer for the entire day. Im being taunted and teased by frisbees, and skirts and i just sit here and take it. In this dark, dim, buzzing, florescent room. Human beings were not meant to live like this. One have we done to ourselves? I want to be done with school, i want to be done with school. I really do. Im ready. Ready not to find a job, and work at Home Depot for 25hrs a week. And i dont give a damn.
Im not really in that negative of a mood. Just a little cabin fever i guess. Macunes, i cant believe your brother is going back to school. It kind of frustrates me cause i think that he is wasteing your parents money, and time. Most people seem to get smarter as they age, but him and Otis are the opposite. And if the only reason he is going back to school is for the girls, then that is pathetic. Sorrry dude, didnt mean to be so harsh. I do believe that people can turn themselves around, well see. North Carolina is damn nice too.
I have a job interview next week for a biologist postion in Alaska. Sounds like a cool job, and the pay is great. However, Kim just got a nice job in Tampa, FL, and i was set on moving there with her and just finding somethoing to get by for a while. Im not expecting to get this job, but there are always the what ifs. Ill keep yall posted.