# posted by Brancibeer @ 4/29/2004 02:27:00 PM
What the fuck is going on here? Ive never seen such an erruption of chatter since the cambrian explosion in the Mesozoic. (Thats a period of time when species greatly diversified). As you can see, im a walking ecyclopedia of biological knowledge right now. Im paler than ever, slightly hunched, muscles weak, head aching everynight, becoming more socially akward. Thats cause my follow-up general oral exam is tommorrow. So this could either make or break me here. I could come away a full fledged biologist with the final nod from the department or i could walk away in shame with my tail between my legs. This has been a hell of a month, and its all ending soon. I see a bender coming up this weekend either way.
Im enjoying all the blogs. I wish i had the time to properly respond to them. I will, eventually. Starting here.....Chump, road rage is real. I to get pissed off at stupid fucking people who cant fucking drive. But all this negative energy is not healthy for you. Perhaps if you can try to live at a level above the anger. Its like those people who say it helps to relieve tension and anger by going in a room and destroying a bunch of stuff. Well, guess what, studies have shown that doing this actually makes things worse (increases those bad hormones and stuff), and in no way improves the way you feel. The best thing to do is relax. Easily said than done, but there are ways. Have some tea, take deep breaths, do some gardiining, whatever. Its all about getting down to the roots of problems.
Chump do you still check your drunkendeath email?
Sometimes but not very often
Back to studying..