# posted by josh @ 4/30/2004 04:39:00 PM
or not. either way. but i think the movie idea is a wonderful one, in all the same seriousness that chump does. i've always wanted to start writing. in fact i did over winter break, but i didnt get too far. and the entries werent flowing into each other. it was more a journal than something to be published. but hey, curt cobain's journal can be found at lots of bookstores today so who knows. if only i wasnt tone deaf.
but i know we're all creative people, and we're pretty damn hilarious if i dont say so myself, which i will, cuz we are. look at some of the crap out there. we can do better than that. it sucks i wont be around but for teh summer, but i'll have email and shit like that, although i would of course wish to be closer to everything. either way.
today was the last day of undergraduate classes for me. feels about the same as any other friday. besides, it doesnt matter, i'll have law school classes next year. class is class, no matter how you dress it up. a toupe room, a professor, students (sometimes bored), papers, tests, grades. chump if the movie falls thru try to design some time machine...i'd like it to be may 2007 if you please. i find law interesting, but enough w/ school already. i just want my life. my life and a cheeseburger. well, off to find that burger.