# posted by josh @ 4/30/2004 07:47:00 PM
ok, if you havent seen it rent the movie called "the last supper" mid-late 90s starring cameron diaz among a couple other names you'll recognize. never got huge, but is kind of well known. now we obviously cant copy it, but given this site and all, it might give us a good starting point...
the basis of the movie is there are 5 liberal grad school students, very strong on their opinions about politics, abortion, education, etc. they invite people w/ staunch opposing views over for a dinner, feed them well, and debate them about the various topics. tehn, if they can't convince them to change their views (which they usually cant) they kill them w/ poisonous wine. the problem i saw with the movie, is i wish the discussions were a little more in depth. they would just make the main arguments of both sides for, say, abortion, but that would be all. and further into the movie the kids got quicker and quicker w/ the trigger. i wont reveal how it ends in case any are interested, but if you wanna know let me know and i will post that too. now realistically we're not gonna be starting on the big screen, if we can come up w/ something at all, so this might be something we're interested in...especially since their are many good, in depth arguments laid out already in the workermonkey archives, and i'm sure we all have more to come.
just 1 idea of many i'm sure