# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/29/2004 08:15:00 AM
ok, today started out mostly how i thought it would. i woke up with a hangover, not bad, i expected that. woke up 20 minutes late, no problem thats better than i had hoped for. but as soon as i got in my car everything went to hell. At the incredibly busy intersection getting onto 91 at country club rd, things usually go very smoothly in the morning. people go one at a time in a nice little rotating pattern. one side goes, then the other and finally the third. but today when my turn came i went across the intersection not worried the crazy lady on my left was going to not stop and try to T-bone my car. then she grabs her cell phone and tailgates me pretty good. fucking wonderful. she pulls up along side of me and begins yelling at me about how i didnt stop at the stop sign and keeps pointing to her phone. i'm assuming she was calling the cops or maybe her psycic friend, i don't know. ok this lady pissed me off but thats ok, my hangover soon took over again and all was back to normal. until i tried to get off the merit. i got stuck behind some lady going 40 on one of the busiest highways ever in the morning. i wasn't tailgating her but maybe i was a little close, i was just doing 80 in the left lane and trying to get off. she starts waving her arms in the car, aparently trying to tell me i was too close. then she decides to slow down to 20 a half mile before the exit. fucking wonderful. we both get off the highway and she pulls up along side of me and just gives me one of the meanest, angriest stares i've ever seen, so i calmly rolled down my window, leaned out and gave her one of the biggest middlefigers i'm capable of and a large "fuck you". so she starts waving her arms and yelling in what looked like an attempt to put a curse on me. cause for some reason this is my fault.
i hate other people. all of them. i hope someones got some good news today cause things aren't exactly starting to look up yet.