# posted by josh @ 4/20/2004 11:41:00 AM
a little anal sex never hurt anyone
so if judges can just be pulled then why bother having a democracy? and by the way, since when did state legislators have any real power? i understand this is a longshot, but it's ridiculous. maybe i should go into gov't then have everyone who isnt a braves fan killed. that'd show all you bastards. i know that sounds ridiculous, but how different is it besides the fact that killing is illegal? i dont like it, so i ban it. jesus christ i'm leaving the country if it stays like this. soon our only rights will be to sleep at night and suck our own dicks. all sex, especially teh missionary position, will be illegal except on the third tuesday of every even month. of course, coincidentally,on those days the terror alert will be on orange, so we wont be able to leave our homes. well except for the republican president, cuz he knows the truth and the real warning color is i-take-it-up-the-ass pink, which means that everything is ok and the president is railing his wife's ass. but that's ok, cuz they're heterosexual and married. and republicans like religion so much too (figures). dont they realize they're stifling their own? priests' livlihoods depend on sodomy with little boys. talk about turning against your own. maybe liberals and moderates will be ok after all........