# posted by josh @ 4/20/2004 05:09:00 PM
quick response, i know. i check the site at least 10-12 times a day. and i wouldnt be too worried about your memory. if you dont remember it's only from smoking the earth, so really the earth is actually to blame.
anyhow, i will be coming home in the beginning of june to live in ct for teh summer and hopefully work at teh same camp i did last year. in may i will still be down here, first a little celebrating, but then trying to find an apt for law school. it's about 95% certain i'll be at teh university of south carolina for that. but i need to find a place to move some of my junk cuz my lease here ends july 31. so short answer, from june-middle of aug i'll be home in ct. where are you all gonna be??
hotter than a $25 rolex. i'm out!