# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/07/2004 03:40:00 PM
I'm listening to WCBS 880am out of new york waiting for the yankee game to come on the radio and there is an emergency press conference from our good friend donald rumsfeld. After his long winded speech, they opened the floor for questions from reporters, one of the first questions was from a lady who pointed out that other countries were going to be removing their troops and that some other country was demanding protection from us for theirs, and then asked if the situation was getting out of control in Iraq. Before rummy could finish his "ummmmm...." response WCBS cut the feed and started the yankee broadcast. I just thought it was very conviently timed. Thank you WCBS for not letting me hear rumsfeld stumble over his own words and avoid the question. I think I need more of this censorship in my life.