# posted by Brancibeer @ 4/20/2004 11:08:00 AM
Its April 20th. If my memory serves me correctly its Earth day bitches. And another fine day it is! Ah yes, but instead of whining and complaining about how im in front of a computer once again, i will be more positive. The earth. What does it mean to you? Well the answer is fucking everything! It is the growth medium of which we sprout from. We take from it and put into ourselves. So i asked kim the other day what she thought was going to be the biggest innovation/ technology change of the 21st century. You know, like, for the 20th century, you could argue that the discovery of nuclear energy, or increased mobility, or the industrial revolution was the greatest event that changed the world. Well, she didnt really have an answer. Now, I pose this question to you all today. I have mine which i shall share.
Sometime in this century, we are going to have to make the switch off of oil. What takes its place with likely be something similar to oil (being a limited resource), or something creative and sustainable. I feel this will be a huge fork in the fate of humanity. Large comanies could drive the market much like they do now. All they want to do is make money, and the easy thing to do would be switch to another oil type source. Or, we could be smart and suck it up for a while, and make an enourmous change in our lifestyle to move to a sustainable source. It might be shitty at first, but remember the automobile in the 1920s and now look at it today. This new sustainable energy will lead to discoveries unheard of. But, society as we know it will have to change drastically, and im not sure if we can do that.
I leave you with the boiled frog analogy. If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water it will jump out immediatley. However if you put a frog in a pot of luke warm water then slowly heat it up, the change will be too slow for the frog to notice until its too late and damaged to escape. Point: Society is marinating in a pot of warm water, and we better get the fuck out before its too late.
Get outside. Look what we have. Think where its going. Take a deep breath. Exhale slowly. Enjoy it. Save it. Earth day bitches.