# posted by Brancibeer @ 4/30/2004 05:01:00 PM
Alright fuckers. Ive never had the chance to shed my ideas on this "movie" you plan to make some day. You know who im talking to- Murphy the gangleader with the equipment, kolpak is supposed to be the brains behind the production, Ron of course is the stunt man (have you heard about his knee? Hes been practicing), Chump was going to be the producer ($$), Valentin was going to be the chef (hey, theres a chef somewhere in the movie right?) and i think there were a few extras in the mix (haddam neck backwoods boys). Thats about it. Now, youve got me, josh, and occasionally bergan to pitch in on ideas. What does that leave us with? Answer: A big pile of unorganized, chaotic, pothead alcoholics hate people that are stupid, aetheist, young fuckers who dont want to work for a living. Enter stage left- Brancibeer, part supernatural, down to earth, boy wonder. Well, not really, but what im trying to say is....IM IN.
So lets stop
talking and lets start
doing. Lets throw some ideas around. Seriously, ill have some time to reflect and im willing to put some time into this. Chumps in, Im in, Baronoff is in, Tino is in. I say Barnes cause i think he will dig it (although you will be quite busy with law school dude, good luck and congrats). Not to say that the others wont dig it. Im just saying that Murphy is too unpredictable (what i really want to say is crazy- your losing it man), and kolpak and ron will be too busy with work and school. I will share mine first
Now, this idea does not have to be a movie. It can be anything. Personally i think practically wise, we can rule a move out. What else can we do. Lets start with what we have. I would say we have the beginings to a damn good website here. Weve already attracted the attention of one stranger. Now it doesnt have to be this one, this could be ours. But we could start a new website. I want you all to take a good loock at this "
Ebay wedding dress guy". Did you see the counter on that site?! Now this dumbass is starting is own website. Thats how shit starts. Ok, thats my contribution. I got lots more where that came from. Remember, were young, we have lots of time to develop an idea. Lets fucking do this, make a name for ourselves and get rich boys! (and possibly some girl (or two, but no more))
ps I passed the test. Life is good.