Sunday, February 29, 2004
larose goes 0-2
# posted by ron @ 2/29/2004 03:10:00 PM
all time record for streetfighting
so friday night i got my ass whooped by these 5 guys from new york. the details are sketchy, i was drunk and kelly(drunk too) and i were walking back to her room across campus. kelly tosses a beer at a car that was speeding the wrong way around north. i dont know if it even hit the car. anyway, they got out and started yelling. the yelling went on for a bit before they got back in their car. when leaving they tossed a can of oil and it hit me in the head. i picked it up, went over to the car and threw it point-blank back into the car at the driver. they stopped, got out, and all five of them beat my ass. kelly tried to help but also hit a few times. what a pisser of a weekend. alteast i have all my teeth.
One New Priest,...
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/29/2004 12:49:00 PM
every two weeks,
takes two new kids,
and molests them,
for 50 years this has happened.
Only God knows what happened before records were kept.
cram that in your pipe and smoke it.
Friday, February 27, 2004
Another Nice Day
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/27/2004 01:02:00 PM
Its another beautiful day out side. Sunny, warmer than it has been and i'm stuck watching it through a window. Good thing its friday. This must be some kind of world speed record. Saturday i'm having some people over if anyone in that area cares, get drunk, play cards, setback. haven't played any good set back in too long. Watching the people around me at work is kind of amazing. These people are about our parents age but its amazing to see the small routines and little things they do. They've become set in thier ways and do just about everything the same. Same cup of coffee everymorning. Same foods for lunch. Same music. creatures of habit. i find myself falling into that same trap, but everytime i do i try to break it in some way. Change the station, juice instead of coffee, random lunch, different route home from work, something, anything. I beleive once i fall into the trap of a never cahnging routine i'm screwed. i'll grow happy and comfortable with it and then grow resistant to change and fear it. much like the people i work with. they've grown happy and comfortable with what they do, why change it? Now when someone like myself comes along and things change a little there is resistance. a fear of change. Wether it be for the better or worse it doesn't matter. to them change is evil. a problem. if change ever becomes a problem for me i give any one of you permission to put a gun to my head. i think i've lived with a large amount of change in my life. From VT to CT, high school to college, and then an other college. School to work. i've lived in a million different places. constant change for 22 years. maybe the change i fear is the end of change. i fear consistancy. i fear growing roots and settling down. hum... think about that one. End tangent.
I honestly just had nothing better to write today at lunch so this is what you get.
you know what i love about warm weather?
# posted by ron @ 2/27/2004 10:55:00 AM
got-damn. i got nothing. well i got work but you people dont want to hear about that. i did in fact roll one last night, but sadly i did not smoke it. later fools!
Thursday, February 26, 2004
# posted by josh @ 2/26/2004 02:02:00 PM
shit. correction. when i said the nazi's marched thru skokie, ill in 2000, i really meant the kkk. either way, both are assholes
america, the hypocrite
# posted by josh @ 2/26/2004 01:43:00 PM
dont get me wrong, i love the US and there's nowhere i'd rather live than w/in its borders, but chump couldnt have said it any better. everything is getting quite ridiculous. for a free society, we sure do have a lot of censorship going on. janet and justin should be punished, yes. i dont know whether or not cbs, mtv, etc should be. but the nfl should know its taking a risk when it allows mtv to produce the halftime show. what it is is that noone wants to take responsibility for anything. everyone blames everyone else, and so in the end, the govt just decides to censor us all.
look at 75% of our advertising. its built around sex. how about the fucking immodium or one of those anti-diarrhea products' commercials: the guy in the hot tub w/ 2 hot women who think his job making paper is sooooo interesting, but then his diarrhea acts up. using sex to sell diarrhea products! sex is everywhere. it's how we procreate and prolong society. people iwll have to learn about it someday. besides, the radio shit is such bullshit. if you dont like it, change the fucking station or put in a cd. for christs sake. no one is putting a gun to these people's heads and forcing them to listen to stern or anyone else. hello first amendment, freedom of speech. fucking nazi's can schedule marches in skokie, ill, a predominantly jewish chicago suburb, and that's held to be a constitutional exercise of free speech, but howard stern cant talk about oral/anal sex? what the hell is that? hypocrisy at its finest. i'd love to see this clear channel thing go to the supreme court (which it most likely will not) and have them put stern back on the air nationwide. i hope they put him on every station for 23 hours a day. fuck censorship. remember when this nation was originally settled cuz all the protestants wanted to stop having their religion censored in europe? what happened to that?
i often see problems like this, and the gay marriage debates, and wonder how people have made it this far and how people can be so hypocritical. i wonder why i put up with it at times. but is there anywhere better to go? despite these downfalls, i think america is still the best place to be. sure, some of these issues dont directly affect my day to day life, but they still enrage me, as i see others' rights wrongfully being taken away. it just seems that a nation built on democratic ideals and freedom, shouldnt be so hypocritical and censoring. the worst part is they're getting away with it.
now dont get me wrong, everyday citizens are often morons too, its just their stupid decisions arent publicized nationwide. but i see ignorance and stupidity everyday. but then i see it by govt and corporations as well. it makes me wonder, who do i want to represent when i become a lawyer? the obvious answer is myself. the serious answer is those who are in the right, or who are having rights violated. the practical answer is where i can get a good job, which will give me the means i need to live the good life by my standards, as long as i dont infringe on the rights ofothers. so where does that leave me? frustrated and confused.
These people are getting out of control.
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/26/2004 11:59:00 AM
Does anyone here listen to Howard stern? Today clear channel has announced that it will stop broadcasting Sterns show on all of its radio stations. The show was still broadcast today from all other channels, including our own WCCC 106.9, but he’s been taken off the air all around the country. The reasons sited were for inappropriate and vulgar language. Read this article on it from CNN. These people need to be stopped. This nazi like control over the media and what’s deemed appropriate and what’s not is disgusting. Today on my way to work I listened to Bax and O’Brien on Rock 102.1 and they had also been told to clean it up or they would be canned. Their show is in no way vulgar or obscene. Although I don't like him myself, (mostly because he's a retard) Bubba the Love Sponge was fired yesterday by clear channel for "making inappropriate comments". Where do they draw the line? When does this stop? Unless people start tuning off their radios and stop buying the products associated with the stations there is no better form of protest. These people need to be hit where it hurts them the most. Their wallets. We as a society also need to make sure we don't let these things become problems in the first place.
This whole controversy started with Janet Jackson at the superbowl. A boob. One fucking boob caused all this. It wasn't even a whole boob, and there was no nipple involved, that too had been covered up. Then the FCC and congress decided that this was too obscene for we the people to experience. This fucking thing actually made it to congress and representatives from CBS, MTV, Viacom, Clear Channel and any other company associated with the parent company were called before the government and scolded like a bunch of children. Now that the government has put the fear of god into them they come down on everyone, issuing statements that any on-air personalities who cross the line will be fired and so will the general managers of the stations they work for. This is not freedom of expression; this is not freedom of the press. This in no way betters our society.
The point of government is not to tell us what is right or wrong. They have no business interfering in our everyday lives. When the FCC starts over regulating what we are allowed to see and hear in the media, we've lost. This will no longer become a free society. This will be presidents bush's communist America. The scary thing is that people are willing to sit back and let it happen. People rationally sit in their big offices and make these decisions.
Doesn't our government have anything better to do than scold our broadcasters over a partially exposed nipple? There is more sex and skin in any one of the victoria's secret commercials. These are allowed to continue but an accidental nipple slip (although still covered) has brought our country to its knees. If something of this magnitude doesn't at least get under your skin than I feel sorry for you. You’ve lost you soul and have simply bent over and taken a giant one up the ass. We are not mindless drones simply put on this planet to serve our government and pay taxes. And until we the people stand up for our rights this country will be lost to giant CEO's and wayward members of our government. STOP VOTING FOR THESE PEOPLE! Until we change the people who make these decisions we are all screwed and this will not end.
I beg you. Don't vote Bush.
Janet Jackson should be the one scolded for her actions. Not the broadcasting media. Or the American people.
Thank you and goodnight.
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
The state of my state
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/25/2004 12:33:00 PM
Although i've already had a little scuffle with the upper brass here, today is a good day. its sunny, its warm for once, no clouds in the sky, no chance of snow/rain and its comic day. today i'm happy.
Kerry won a bunch of primaries yesterday, did anyone even notice? does it even matter at this point? i think we're all waiting for edwards to drop out and simply give it to kerry. i like that nader is running now but its only going to pull votes from the democrates. not as many as 2000, because i think a lot of people feel like they got burned by voteing nader instead of gore. like me. i'd love to see nader get voted in and i'd love to vote for him but i'm not taking any chances this time. this time we actually have to beat bush. it can't even be close. NO CHANCES! this time its war.
ron, try holding your hand out flat. is it shaking? can you keep it from shaking? maybe its time to cut back on the coffee. screw de-cafe, its even worse for you. what they have to do to get the caffeine out is much worse then whats normally in coffee.
i'm already likeing the side posts.
do you smell it brewing?
# posted by ron @ 2/25/2004 09:14:00 AM
coffee!! alright how many cups per day is too much? 4? 6? cause that about where i am. oh right and my evening pot. so that would make it around 8 a day.
gays-- let them do what they want, just like the jews and all the other freaks. i'll admit i'm a freak too, but it has nothing to do with gayness or religion, more with bikes (i'm actually buying a 3rd next week, and it costs about as much as my car). people need to worry more about themselves and less about others. you got to ask yourself, 'do gay marriages really concern me?' . my answer, no. oh snap, the weddings would be outrageous. i can see it now on TLC, a gay wedding story, sunday at 9. where there is an issue, there usually is $$ and i expect some cashing in on this to occur soon. and TLC has been selling out pretty good lately from what i've seen. or like 'american gay choppers' or something on the discovery channel.
bush bush bush, you know what, i bet he'll get re-elected. its sick and i dont support it but it is a definite possibility. CT will fall to the dems thats for sure. i just got this feeling something is going to happen to sway the vote, although this gay issue may be his demise. i cant believe that his stance on abortion is widely accepted too, but thats just my opinion, i just cant understand how someone can be against pro-choice. you know all this osama talk. i bet they caught him and are fucking holding him so they can announce his capture at a key time. probably not. ugh, the coffee isnt that strong this morning, i need some speed!!!!!!! ha ha ha ha
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Keep it coming
# posted by Brancibeer @ 2/24/2004 02:55:00 PM
Ahem. Let me clear my throat here. So i came to a realization the other day after removing my mouth from a hefty bong. Gay rights. Thats what it all comes down to. What are these people really fighting for. Do they need the sanction of marriage to be bestowed upon them for their own satisfaction? No. There out to prove something to society. They are saying- "Hey, listen, this has been happening throughout history- it wasnt my parents or my upbringing, it wasnt because i grew up near a powerplant for 20 years....its just the way I am. I cant help it, and neither can you. So lets accept it for what it is and get over it."
And Im all for it. The sooner this whole "gay" thing becomes a normal part of our society, the sooner our society will be normal. What i mean by that. As it stands today- there is still a feeling in society that being gay is wrong (mostly due to religion and old fashion ways-but i wont get into that part). Now this means that these people are being treated unfairly and looked down upon by a large part of society. The sooner being gay is accepted like being black, or asian, the more its going to become less of a deal. The only reason im hesitant about gay couples adopting children (at this point) is because the way society is going to treat those kids. But then again, the more those kids will learn to be accepting, and understand this alternate way of life. So i guarentee you after gay marriages, theres going to be issues with gay adoption coming into light. Its a cylce that cant be stopped. Same thing happened with Black rights. Same thing happened with womans rights. Society- lets stop being stubborn assholes, and realize that society changes, and our views have to too.
Changing topics- Heres another good site. Bush once again.
Oh, and those of you worried about Big Brother better check this out. Read about the "Matrix". Just think, if the govt knew what websites you went to, what you bought at home depot, how much electricty your using..... (chump, im aiming this one at you)
Its hell week. The 2 weeks before spring break. Ill be in my hole for a while....
what people are forgetting
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/24/2004 02:32:00 PM
i agree with josh totally on the gay marrage thing. its much better for society as a whole to let them go nuts. more children will get adopted and people stand to make money off of gay weddings (you don't think gay/lesbians wont have huge massive extravigant weddings?). what bush is missing is that there is no sanctity in marrige. divorce rates are through the roof with more then one in every two marriges ending in divorce. plus the history of marrige isn't exactly the most glorious thing in the world. for hundreds of years marriges were arranged between two people. how special is that? or in other countries like india where you can buy any bride you want for the right number of cattle or the proper dowery. how many people are stuck in loveless marriges because of thier stupid religion? all these people want is to be able to say the other person is thier husband/wife or that they can call themselves married. i'm sure half the gay guys want it just so they can wear the dress. there wouldn't be a problem if the government didn't give such huge tax breaks and incentives for "married" couples. this whole mess is depressing thinking that anybody actually cares one way or the other. i think one of our problems is that we live in a very liberal part of the country where as the midwest and south are very conservitive. fuck the south, we don't need their cotton any more, just their oil.
# posted by josh @ 2/24/2004 01:38:00 PM
remember that time we had a thing called the Constitution, which protected our rights? its funny how it is just interpreted however people want so they can get their way politically. i'm actually takign a class called philosophy of law right now and we talk about theories of constitutional interpretation. and there will be these controversies about how to interpret different parts of it, but it seems to me its pretty clear on some things. one of those is the right to privacy, which ironically isnt even in the constitution, but rather is inferred by such amendments as the 9th and maybe the 14th, saying not all rights are enumerated explicitly there in the constitution. the right to privacy, mainly influenced by griswold v connecticut among others, seems to be a stare decisis precedent these days, one generally accepted everywhere. true, marriage may bring it to the realm of the public, but only insofar as other rights are then delegated to the couples, such as hospital visitation, etc. rights that marriage brings forth to a heterosexual couple. ok thats' all for now, i swear
w's losin votes by the day
# posted by josh @ 2/24/2004 01:02:00 PM
so you hear how w is supporting an amendment to define marriage as between a man and a woman only? he could've at least held off on this or made a vague statement he is so talented at making rather than directly and immediately aligning himself against all homosexuals and those who support them.
even more atrocious and disturbing, polls show that teh majority of americans oppose gay marriage. of course, they can interpret poll results to mean whatever tehy want, depending on sample size, who they poll, etc. if you're not gay, then what the fuck do you care what other people do with their private lives? it seems to me, to be opposed to gay marriage you either have to be either so ignorant, or you must be religious. religious people need to stop worrying about "saving" other people, and start worrying about themselves. mind your own fucking business. i'm so sick of hearing how religions are so certain that they are right. ok, i'll give you the benefit of the doubt if you can prove it. prove it. that's all. oh wait, god spoke to you? good, make him tell me what he told you. oh right, you cant. revelation my ass. i have no problem if people want to have faith in something, such as a religion. but when they try to impose their unverifiable assertions upon others, that's when i have a problem. i'm clearly not that religious. i have friends who are. it doesnt matter to me, just dont try to argue some issue, especially a moral one, with me if all you're going to use to support yourself is religion/god. i will walk away immediately.
the other prominent objection to gay marriage as i understand it is that allowing gays to marry would somehow tarnish the sacrament of marriage. i'm sorry, but if two women or two men love each other, go thru the same process as a man and a woman, what the fuck's the difference? the meaning of "marriage" does not and will not change depending upon who marries. what marriage itself is will remain the same. so they cant procreate, os what. they can adopt. would it be worse for a child to grow up on welfare or living on the streets with a single parent who's a drug addict than it would be for that same child to grow up in a stable, loving household with two parents of the same gender? clearly, not all the cases for adoption are as such, but some are. and either way, these children need good homes. if they can get one from two parents of the same gender who the hell cares. and that's similar (though admittedly not the same) as a child who grows up in a house with a father and an uncle, or a mother and an aunt.
i'd be interested to hear what you guys think about gay marriage and reasons for/against it.
It was sunny this morning.
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/24/2004 12:55:00 PM
it was sunny, now its just gray and awaiting snow. ron, i have a feeling my perfectly timed morning routine would put yours to shame. mostly because it's timed down to when i have to enter the shower and when i haveto be at certain points along my commute, plus i've left a little wiggle room for myself. i'm also sure that where ever i live there will be plenty of tom-foolery and most likely some damage will ensue. maybe i'll just build a "trashing room" to keep people and myself away from any real destruction. but i'm also trying to look for something i can put a little work into and then sell for a profit a few years from now. the house i was talking about wasn't a shack, i didn't get to go inside but the main structure of hte house looked good and the roof seemed like it was new. my parents called the realtor about it yesterday but didn't get an answer. It looked like it would need some exterior work but thats not too bad. the neighbor hood was nice too, it was obvious all the other houses around it had been fixed up at some point.
josh, its too early for you to start worrying about that stuff yet. wait until you've been rejected by everyone before you start to worry. worst possible situation is you become a "Lionel Hutz" type lawyer and work out of the mall. i mean, you could learn to like cheap scotch. and yes, it does make me feel very old when i'm looking for houses, talking seriously about taxes and we apparently have a 5 year reunion for anything coming up. damn. but i am excited about the house thing.
why is our monkey of a president even throwing his two cents into the gay marrage arena? the democrates are going to kill him on this.
I just heard on the radio that tHrOnE is going to be hosting a CD release party at the webster soon. I have no clue what to think of them. good luck i guess.
morning routine
# posted by ron @ 2/24/2004 09:17:00 AM
i've fallen into quite a morning routine. although posting isnt usually in my routine, i though i'd procrastinate before trying to study for my test this afternoon. so every morning i pretty much do exactly the same thing. it kinda freaks me out a bit but i cant see a reason to change it, i mean it works well and the timing is right. like i always start the car just before i sit down to eat because its just warm enough when i get in it and go. i also push the toast down when i flip the egg. and then when the toast is up the egg is done. its like a clock. i could go on but i think you get the picture.
yea josh, schools and applying sucks. it still pretty early and you should be getting more letters. dont get yourself too bummed, its not worth it.
matt, from the way you described that durham house, all i can picture is a shack. dont get a shack, you'll just be fixing it all the time. unless you want to be fixing it all the time, then i guess its what your looking for. besides if you get a shack you know we might trash it. i think i would be tempted, anyone else?
i'll keep it short, i got shit to do.
anyone, nader? i dont think hes going to get nearly as much suppot as last time. who knows how this one is going to play out
Monday, February 23, 2004
# posted by josh @ 2/23/2004 10:17:00 PM
fuck, didnt mean to post that twice. sorry guys. damn, thats annoying.
Matt: Fixed it
yep, definitely monday
# posted by josh @ 2/23/2004 10:06:00 PM
just got a few things to get off my chest. if you dont care, dont read it. i dont care. thats what this site is for anyhow.
well, i got an acceptance letter (my first, and so far only) to south carolina the other day, but today i got my first rejection letter from north carolina. dont get me wrong, it's great that i got accepted to usc, but now the whole unc is starting to give me pretty bad flashbacks. for those of you who dont know, and i'm not sure many (if any) do, when i applied for transfer, jmu was the only place i got into. i think my problem there (or rather, i know my problem) was i aimed too high, especially w/ my gpa coming out of colby. some of these places i think would have accepted me out of high school, but after colby i wasnt lookin so good. but now i can feel it coming back again. a lot of the schools i applied to are like unc or better. sure there are some worse, but i'm gettin that bad feeling again. i know i'm not being very rational since this is only the first letter of rejection i've received, but i thought i had a pretty decent chance for unc considering my grades and all, and the letter came back relatively quickly (2 mos). some of the schools are even the same ones, so that doesnt help.
ok enough of that shit. chump. i'm actually feeling some excitement for you with the whole house search thing. durham is a nice town, and even if it doesnt blow up like you project, you're close to middletown, as well as i-91 which obviously gives you access to much more. i still cant believe one of us is looking for a house. holy shit, are we that old?
i guess we might be. 5 year hk reunion on may 8 from 4-6pm at harbor park. cristina tellechea told me that today. i cant go cuz i'm graduating that weekend, but i figured osme of you might want to go. at the very least i know most if not all of you are doin well, and it'd be a great chance to give a big fuck you look at me now to anyone you didnt like in hs. sorry, thats just my frame of mind today.
i cant wait for baseball season. til then golf is holding me over. when they're both going i'll be in constant orgasm from thurs-sun. lucky erica. as much as i dont like the yankees (sorry chump, it's true) i do like a-rod, and i wouldnt mind seeing him do well, as long as it doesnt interfere with the braves winning the world series.
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/23/2004 12:40:00 PM
I think "Meet the Press" is going to be one of my new favorite shows. i watched govenor Arnold try to explain how he could repeal taxes and decrease spending in the face of his state going into bancruptcy. Russert seems like a good interviewer too. Its facinating to watch politicians lie and use double speak to get them selves out of a bad situation. and as long as they keep talking they can't let the interviewer get more questions in. it doens't really matter if they answer the question as long as they don't say anything incriminating. I also saw a good piece on ABC with interviews between Kerry and Edwards. It was akward watching them try and explain how they each differ from one anther when their stances are exactly the same. they actually argued about a 7 million dollar difference in some stupid healthcare budget. numbers like that are useless at this point.
I spent my sunday with the parents looking for houses. not as encouraging as i had hoped but i've still got time. we found a nice little place in durham but it needs a lot of work. i'd have to replace a whole porch and take off what looks like an "nigger rigged" addition (pardon my french). who knows, i'm still looking. i like durham, i think its going to blow up over the next few years and what ever i buy now will be worth a lot more. especially if i put a bunch of work into it. i'm expecting on having to do this anyway.
3 breasts would be great. if only human genetics would take a page from chicken genetics and learn how to grow more boobs and longer legs on people. You could turn it into a KFC type person. i'd like my chicks original recipe.
Justin, there were no scalops, i was just drunk and it sounded funny.
I believe that psycology experiment may show some positive results. the patient would have to be blindfolded and deprived of all senses for it to work. leave them in a room and simple ask them to push a button everytime they think someone is in it. every time they sense a person. or give them a simple task to preform while they are supposed to be noticing people watching them. your control would haveto be somehting along the lines of telling people there is someone in the room and seeing if they believe you. i wold also like to see some tricylopes in my life time. genetic alteration seems very likely to happen. The "thinking what the other person was thinking" experiment would be harder because sometimes people say that to be polite or what triggered one person to think it also triggered the other person. its like a mental reaction. very hard to tell.
well, the weather seems to be getting alittle nicer and the days are slowly getting longer. spring is almost upon us and soon baseball will start. sweet tap dancing moses, i'm ready for some baseball.
Saturday, February 21, 2004
3 breasts would be better...for chicks at least
# posted by josh @ 2/21/2004 06:22:00 PM
macunas, that's very interesting stuff...i'd be interested to hear what you and kolpak came up with. i can definitely relate to your examples, but i see how it's so hard to test them and figure out what this kind of sense is and of what it is derived. it would be amazing to someday figure out what it is.
i want to write more, but eh, simpsons/sloth taking over. damnit
The future of psychology
# posted by DJ Booze Piñata @ 2/21/2004 12:33:00 PM
Okay Chump, last blog was hilarious, but I could see where lifeblood of the 'children' was starting to permeate your head what with the increasing frequency of typos. hehe.
So of course, what with the exponential growth rate of technological advances in our time, we can expect to see many startling new discoveries across the entire spectrum of human knowledge. We haven't discovered nearly all of "science" as of yet. Tangible stuff....very peachy. But what I'm most looking forward to seeing progress in during my lifetime would have to be transpersonal psychology.
This field of psych is has not been tremendously explored yet, and for good reason - it would be hard to test the realm of transpersonal psychology with empirical methods, and governments and businesses wouldn't derive too much tangible benefit from funding it. Let me explain:
This is the type of field where we would see the 'sixth sense' come into focus. Intuition is powerful, and there's got to be more behind it that can't just be explained away as like a 'vestigial animal sense' or something.
example #1: People who know each other thinking of the same things at the same times. For instance, "Hello? Oh, I was just going to call you! What a coincidence!" In my experience, an emotional attachment can strongly increase the probability of this happening. Almost as if you might just KNOW that someone is thinking of you just through using the faculty of intuition.
Example #2: Ever experience how people can feel when someone is looking at them? More accurately, feel when somebody's attention is on them? When driving around campus, you might try looking at someone who's back is turned to you, and yet they'll turn around in the direction that attention is paid. A girl walking alone will flit her hair, sensing that eyes are on her. A dude fresh out of the gym will stare menacingly if sensing he's being watched (hehe). This is a very straightforward example of a type of sixth sense in action. Since Kolpak is more of a person-watcher than I am, I ran this by him the other day. We came up with a set of clinical experiments to try and gauge a person's ability to notice when attention is being paid unto them. Obviously, of course, it's kinda tough thinking of all the controls to set for such an experiment, making me appreciate scienticians that much more. Perhaps he or I will post it.
These are just the tip of the iceburg here. The psychologist Jung had a lot to say about this stuff, and these examples are just low-level types of transperson-psi. I dunno how the hell it works, whether we all have a collective unconcious or we're all linked through a bio-electric flux. Whatever. I'm just hoping people do some more research on the Third Eye. I want to see some Triclopses in my lifetime.
Friday, February 20, 2004
Time is not working in my favor
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/20/2004 10:12:00 PM
i'm on a reverse clock here. counting down to non-function. waiting for the rest of the effect. i'm not trying to run out the clock. i'm like a time bomb, waiting to go off. Lets just say the "harvest of male 'CHILDREN' " went well.
come on, its not as perverted as it sounds. you all know what i'm talking about.
really - i'm not michael jackson.
CAUTION: point chump away from face, he's LOADED
Justin, when you read this you'll have no recolection of the three scalops i made you eat while sleeping. bbbuuuHAAHAHAHAH!!!!
ok fantasy baseball is going to work like this. its going to be a rotisary league. you draft a team and then stick with them over the course oft he year. you can change starters and make trades but you are graded on your teams over all stats. EG: the team with tthe most home runsat the end of the season will get XX amount of points for winning that catagory. the team who has the second most homeruns gets a little less points and it continues on for a bunch of offfensive and deffensive catagories. you don't really have to keep up on it but if people are trying to make trades is gets annoying. if you draft a good club you may wnat ot change starters on a regular basis but its not nesseccary. it can take as much or as little time as you want. there will be no over lap of players, each player can only exist on one team. i think the link i gave before will be a good bet because the more people we haveth cheaper it will be. plus we can customise and adjust the leagie as we see fit. Brian: i'm really likeing hte links you've been posting. i'm glad that you're concerned about hte enviroment and how our society is progressing. the conscerned scientits link was greeat. feel asa young engineer that part of my job is simply to change and update the way people approach the technical aspect of things. i should be promoting engineering and try to fight for cleaner technologies, more recycliing and greener energy. there are few constants in this world but science is one of htem. i've been carrying asign to work that says "jesus was a black chick" and waving it at a car i see very often on the highway with a bucnh of bumper stickers that promote chastity, pro-life, absinace and lack of birth control. all of which seem very cathlic to me so i go out of my way to bother him. i think that would be upsetting to a person who is overly christian. i hope its working. at least it makes me laugh on my way to work each morning. crap, this place has not been parentized yet. they'll be coming down with my dog tomarrow. i was hoping to bring my dog into work on a saturday since my parents would be bringing addie down for hte weekend. i've seen my bosses dogs so i figured i'd show them mine when the opertunity arised. i'm not working just visting them while they try to escape thier wife/girlfriends on the weekend. they hang out at work and the country club. i think thats what i'd like ot do. just hang out. right now i seem to be doing most of hte work arunf hte office. i evene haveot confirm orders now beciuase the people who take them get it wrong. it really is like working witht my dad. i'm not sure if i'd want them to meet, it would be like worlds coliding. woman are like apples: naturally sweet, but you still have to cut out the bad spots with a rusty knife. and they smell good. can provide a healthy meal and where planted by someone named johnny. oh shit, mozilla is freaking out so i must depart. enjoy.
good day
# posted by josh @ 2/20/2004 06:24:00 PM
today was a good day:
hell week is over.
it was sunny and nice.
i went golfing. played like shit but thats ok.
it's my friends birthday.
both my cold and ear infection are getting better.
got into south carolina law (at least someone's gonna let me try to practice law).
i raised money to fight heart disease today.
and now i'm watching the simpsons, then cookin a good dinner.
i needed that.
Thursday, February 19, 2004
How many people would never buy a car again if this passed?
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/19/2004 04:54:00 PM
I can't believe this would ever become a reality.
Brian, excelent link.
Time for some political ranting...
# posted by Brancibeer @ 2/19/2004 04:07:00 PM
More lies, and deception from the people who are suppose to be leading this country. Bush is totally fucking up this country. In addition to this, has anyone read how he is now backtracking on his previous statements that his economic plan would create jobs? He originally said that the plan would create 2.6 million jobs, now when asked about that, he evades the question by saying, "This plan is good for the economy". Ok, pull the string and get another generic answer. Also, this whole CIA intelligence failure is amusing too. The Bush administration says the CIA reports were wrong and the CIA says that they never told the administration those things about Iraq being an "imminent threat". Both sides are trying to cover their ass. Someone has got to be lying, and you know whats sick- well never find out which one. It will all get tangled in paperwork and red tape and well eventually blow it off like yesterdays news. This president should be arrested and thrown in jail. I wonder if Bush will do a debate in the coming year. I mean, he kinda has to, but he would get absolutely slaughtered. He cant answer for the things that hes done. Plus, Kerry is an excellent public speaker, and would absolutly rip Bush apart. Kerry should just flat out call him a damn liar to his face. That would be great. But i have a feeling Bush will weazle his way out of it some how, just like he weazled into office, war, and his entire life.
How complicated and time consuming is this fantasy baseball thing going to be? I dont think ill pay more than $10 for it. What system are you going to do? Will i be able to compete, even if i dont keep up all that much?
Hoping to play some setback tongiht at rons. Havent had a decent game in 6 months. Tinos B-day on monday, we should try and get together.
Fantasy Baseball
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/19/2004 01:19:00 PM
This is what i'm talking about. if you have something better in mind i'd like to see it.
seriously, its like working with my dad
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/19/2004 12:17:00 PM
franks bugging me about my pants being dirty, i have to treat joe like a child and lay everything out very nice and neat for him and he gives me wrong information i have to double check all the time. talking with diane has become a hassel because her son doesn't want to talk to her. the simple fact that i'm only 2 years older then thier actual son, they still try to treat me like thier own kid. i had to lightly scold joe because hes trying to get me to draw the hoover damn with no guidelines and the only numbers he did give me were compleatly wrong. vent open, steam released.
Josh, i'm on the list already. i made sure to do it before the october dead line. i checked the HUD site. theres only three properties in CT on it, two in manchester and one in waterbury. thanks anyway.
Justin, you still have nothing, pissing people off isn't a skill, its just annoying.
Oh course Gary Barnett (colorodo football coach) got suspended. that was the compleate opposite of what he should have said to the press, what a retard.
I really have nothing insightful or clever to say today. i'll get stoned and try again later.
a useful site
# posted by josh @ 2/19/2004 11:27:00 AM
ron that was really cool...for those of you owning or renting (chump) a good site to know is www.donotcall.gov where you can put your number on a no-call list for solicitors. i know those bastards annoy me when they call. if they violate the no call list it's a minimum $11000 fine. aight thats all for now, i got atest today i really cant procrastinate just yet
# posted by ron @ 2/19/2004 09:17:00 AM
holey black hole batman. I just saw this and like to push science on everyone so look!
i must say i was dissapointed with the wed TV night. chapelle show was alright, dailyshow was a rerun and can you ever expect the colin quinn show to be good?maybe i just wasnt stoned enough. boring post, i havent had my coffee yet. oh well, later
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
# posted by josh @ 2/18/2004 02:40:00 PM
sorry chump, the website to check out is www.hud.gov i used the link button but it got fucked up. anyhow check it out
if wisconsin ruled the country...
# posted by josh @ 2/18/2004 02:28:00 PM
chump you dont want wisconsin ruling the country anyway. the only thing we would be able to eat and drink is cheese and milk. lactose intolerant people like myself would have to emigrate. enough said. maybe its easier for me to take since i've been on the edwards wagon all along. who knows.
also, i would pay to play fantasy baseball.
chump, check out ...it's about buying houses, and to see if you qualify for a grant, which you'd never have to pay back. i dont see any reason not to at least check it out, especially if you dont have to pay anything back. like you implied and the ever-eloquent puff daddy said, it's all about the benjamins.
brancy, cleanse those lungs
Fuck Wisconsin
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/18/2004 01:00:00 PM
i mean really, Dean spent like two weeks there trying to get votes. i don't get it. oh well, looks like it's time to jump on the edwards band wagon until kerry beats him too.
dean loses, maddox signs with the cubs, work sucks today, brian got quarentined, Conan's getting yelled at by canadians.... at least its not snowing yet.
Courtney, its good to see that we didn't scare you off. Was mike a big kid, glasses? i think i remember him but i thought he moved to florida.
Brian, think of all the people who would be disapointed if you didn't drink that coffee. the growers who grew the beans would be displeased that you insulted thier product, the producers would lose out on you enjoying thier hard work in providing you the best coffee around, the person who made that cup would be pissed because their hard work was wasted. no wait, they all got paid for it. no one could give a damn about your shitty cup of coffee. they all made their money and to hell with you. this is the attitude that dominates our social landscape and is one of the reasons our society is quickly flushing itself down the moral crapper. half of the problems i'll be dealing with at work will be because most of the important stuff was only an after thought to getting paid. who cares what happpens as long as i get paid. the problem with this is that it's going to cost more in the long run and usually ends up being a giant headache. and i agree with you on the glory hole. i tend to believe that there is no glory in the glory hole, only the clap.
Ron, negative ion generators. i think i'll be ok with the smell once the weather warms up and i can just open the window some more. plus i'll be moving out before it gets too bad.
# posted by Brancibeer @ 2/18/2004 12:28:00 PM
It was about 11am. I was on the 4th floor of my building in the lab working on the computer. I heard the noise outside. A big loud gushing started from the construction area adjacent to my building. I didnt really think much of it. Those kinds of noises happened all the time. The construction is constantly noisy. So i continued my work then eventually retreated to my office to do some paperwork. Emerging from my office around 11.45, i noticed a unusual still silence in the hallways. Hmm. Went down a flight of stairs to get a signature from a prof. Again the hallway was deserted without a soul in sight. I now noticed that all the doors that are usually open were closed and locked. At this point it kinda felt like a twilight zone or something. After realizing that the building was completely empty i went to a window. I noticed long strands of that yellow police tape completely encirlcling the building i was currently in. I was inside the quarentine. Interesting. I had better get the fuck out. So I grabbed my stuff and hauled ass out. Talked to a police officer outside the line and he questioned me why i was coming out of the building. I explained to him my confusion and he abrubtly said, "Didnt you hear people running around in the hallways telling you to GET OUT!?" I said, "no".
Apparently the loud gushing was the main gas line that the construction people hit. I wandered about outside for a bit admiring the amount of mass confusion that this even reaked. There were police and firemen giving conflicting instructions. Helicopters flying overhead. People running in confusion. Traffic began to line the streets while students and pedestrians were wondering what the hell was going on. A reporter stopped me and i told her my story. She asked me my name and revelved in the info i was giving her. She asked me, "how did you get out??". I said i walked out and went under the tape....sorry. I was tempted to tell her i scaled the building using my own clothes as a rope.
My 12.30 class is most likely canceled. Which is good. But now im in the library without a lunch, and my lungs kinda hurt......seroiusly.
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
i'm with brian
# posted by ron @ 2/17/2004 08:50:00 PM
sometimes you do things just because you can or they are there. this is not a bad thing, but some self control must be used at times. as for the bitching, if my understanding is wrong let me know, arent blogs for that? this one is tame, i mean you ever read some of the other blogs, those fucking crack addicts pour their lives out on the page.
the glory hole, come on, if thats the one and only reason you hang out with girls then i feel sorry for you and the girls you hang with.
chump, did you get a second air purifier yet? probably should dont want to take any chances ya know. i've been reading about the children online in my free time also, its pretty cool
i'm in for fantasy baseball up to 20$
for all around storrs, see ya wed night, you know where, when and why. 'show charlie murphy your titties. i'm rick james biatch.'
Of Coffee and Pot part I
# posted by Brancibeer @ 2/17/2004 05:16:00 PM
Sitting in my endanged species act discussion today, it hit me. First ill give you the background info: I was in the computer lab around 3.30 today struggling with my genetics writeup. Another grad student whos just an aquaintance of mine was walking around the room. He runs the computer lab as a job, and he was helping another student with computer problems. As he walked by me, he says jokeingly, "Is there anything you need help with sir". Since he said it in a type of flight attendent like tone, i responded, "oh, a cup of coffee would be great". I was obviously playing on the situation and did not really want a cup of coffee. We both had a short laugh and resumed our own business. About 5 minutes later he comes back and plants a huge cup of coffee in front of my face as im busily typing away. I sort of abrubtly laugh in shock as he walks away, and stare at that coffee which is staring back at me.
Now the point. What do you think i did? I drank it biatch. Even though i didnt want it and was completely satisfied without coffee, i indulged anyway. It was right there without effort and without consequences. I drank it mostly cause i knew the feeling it would give me, partly becuase i said what the hell. Heres the analogy: You are hanging out just doing whatever. Now remember the feeling when you are fully content on not smoking or drinking. You are not planning on getting stoned, drunk, or altered in anyway- you just are. Suddelly somebody surprisingly breaks out a bowl or a joint. What do you do? You smoke it biatch. Mostly cause you know the feeling youll get, partly cause you say what the hell.
Coffee and pot man. Coffee and pot...
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/17/2004 04:55:00 PM
this was your own fault boston. now go pay nomar whatever he wants and watch manny ride out his contract, pedro get hurt, schilling pick up their slack and the yankees steam roll over everyone.
What happened to titles?
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/17/2004 12:19:00 PM
ok remember this first, you all had to ask permission to get on this site. no one made you do it. anyone of you could have taken the route john bergan did and simply decine the invitation. if you don't like what happens here you can personally suck on my balls and enjoy it. i can't believe that i might have to treat my friends like children. and i can only imagine how much pot was involved when that was written.
Brian, excelent link. i'm going to enjoy it. the best part is the section compiling what each company owns.
this baseball season s going to kick ass. it's going to be a summer to remember, wether the yankees implode or not, or even if the red sox contend, toronto and baltimore will make things interesting and tampa will be a giant pain in the ass. there was a report today that maddox might sign with the yankees. i'm surprised it took this long. pitching is really the only hole to patch up so there it is. The NL is going to be a mess. it lost a bunch of stars in the off season and no team is really that much ahead of the rest. AS for fantasy baseball, if we don't pay for it we're stuck with the crappy points/trading system we used before. if we each throw in like 10 bucks we could get a very nice system with everything customisable and we can do whatever we want. thats why i ask if people are willing to pay. there are prizes when you pay. is that what you want to hear?
ok let me get his straight. Uconn hoodie + Moby dick + money = meaning of life? i think i see. warm/comfortable, large, uncatchable object (whale) plus a lot of money gets you anywhere. See George W. Bush.
today seems to be do or die for dean. well, good luck.
Does this site show up kind of funny on anyones computer? it's come to my attention that sometimes the side stuff gets moved down to the bottom depending on you resolution/text size/window size. let me know if anyone cares.
# posted by Brancibeer @ 2/17/2004 10:58:00 AM
Kolpak, when you write something, try to make sense. Or Tino, or whatever. And dont diss what we like to talk about, if you dont like it then shut up. You talk about your life, we talk about ours. We dont complain when you write some poem, thats not even really a poem, and doesnt even have anything of credible interest in it.
Alright, lets make good, one turn of the cheek deserves another...
Everyone this is a good site that keeps the press honest. Chump will most likely enjoy it the most, the rest will glance at it once and never again.
# posted by DJ Booze Piñata @ 2/17/2004 12:33:00 AM
I am reading Moby-Dick by Herman Melville.
I purchased a new UConn hooded sweatshirt earlier today.
I paid a large sum of money to debt-collection agencies.
I'm getting pretty close to the meaning of life here.
Monday, February 16, 2004
# posted by Tino @ 2/16/2004 11:38:00 PM
Tino is turning 23 on Monday.
23 is a whore of a year. That's why we should be mandated by the tri-beta clan to purchase and use a prostitute on our 23rd birthdays.
By the way, stop the whining. Fuck you guys. WAA i'm a baby, waaa i'm a sally sissy pants, waa I crapped my pants, waaaaaa my life is so complicated. I go to graduate school and my girlfriend is such a bitch. I hate to break it to you fellas, but all girls are bitches. The only reason why we stay with those chachis for one reason, the glory hole. Thank god for the guy who invented alcohol. Cool it down there or you're going to die. Good that's exactly where I wanna go.
Or you'll do what.
You don't eat your feedback. Words don't bother me actions do. Call the cops. Call the cops mother fucker. Yes this is 12309 Ventura street. He is standing in my door, I told him to get out, and he tells me he' s going to put me in the psycho tank. For making my production here which, is a science fiction production. Now get those cops over here I'm about to kill him. I hope you're recording this.
This is not tino, this is Kolpak!
I mean what I said, cause I'm reich beich.
gaddamn brancibeer
# posted by ron @ 2/16/2004 09:16:00 PM
whooped my ass once again in raquetball. well it was a good fight but in the end he got the best 2 out of 3. do you guys hate shaving? i do, i've run out of razors and i keep forgetting to buy them. i have this one i've been using like 2 months not and i think it hurt bad enough that i'm going to buy some tomorrow or wed. i also hate spending money so its a battle.
i'm in for some fantasy baseball, matt set it up and sent me an invite.
i think we scared off courtney.
grad school is hard, sometimes i feel i should have done something else. but science had its way and i'm here now. stupid chemical reactions making me learn. aah well. seems the quater-life crisis is apon us. there isnt anything we can do either. alright, my 9:30pm coffe is almost gone and so am I.
procrastination is king
# posted by josh @ 2/16/2004 02:34:00 PM
chump--i take exception to the raymond comment. i love raymond. everybody does. but i agree it's just getting ridiculous now. the best bet might just be to ban tv altogether. just abolish it and go back to the days before teh television, where all information was transmitted by radio, print, and/or regular mail.
i have so much to say that i cant even get any of it out.
ron--the whole predestination/free will dichotomy has been something that has been very interesting to me as a philosophy major. we've discussed it in several of my classes, and there's no clear cut answer of course. i tend to lead towards free will for several reasons, some weightier than others:
1) i simply would like to think that i can act freely
2) i dont feel any greater force pulling or pushing me to act in one direction or another
3) perhaps free will/determinism is more about personal choice than everyday activity
teh first 2 are simply my experiences and observations, and therefore might not amount to much as an argument. but i think the 3rd one has some merit, in an existential realm. i agree with you that scientifically, it's easy to see the cause and effect in nature. but i feel like when i'm confronted with a decision, i can choose to act in one of several ways, as long as i'm not being forced by someone/something to act in a certain manner. now, there is debate over whether in a certain situation the neurons in your brain will always fire the same ways thus causing you to act the same in each relevantly similar situation. but if i am at walmart, it seems to me i can choose to buy a cd, i can choose to buy something else, or i can choose to buy nothing. of course there will be many factors to this--how much money i have, if they have what i want, etc. or another example being i can choose how to spend my time. i can do my work, i can be lazy and watch tv, i can go out to eat, but i dont feel there's anything guiding my actions that will make me do one thing or the other. just something to think about
brancy--yeah i always try to keep in touch, cuz it seems to me that despite the fact i've made soem real good friends here at jmu , the guys i will always be closest to arethe boys from home. i've known you guys for years, and i still havent found people i relate to better. as far as joe goes, last i knew he was painting inside houses (as it's too cold to do exterior work now) as well as running his "own business" thru that entrepenurial bullshit scam. basically he just goes to cult meetings and stuff for it, i dont know what he actually does per se. and i guess him and jeremy have gotten frank roped into it as well. and yes, joe is still madly in love w/ amanda, although he sometimes refers to her as the wife like she's a burden, something he never did w/ any of his previous obsessions. whether this means she's the one or he just recognizes how badly he falls for these girls, i dont know. but they dont have plans to break up, so who knows.
on a final cheerier note, i think it would be great to do a real fantasy baseball league this year. i know it takes a lot of dedication to switch guys around for starting days and stuff. maybe we could find a league where you just get 9-12 guys as starters and you ca nobviously trade during the season, but you need not rearrange your lineup everyday based upon who's playing. maybe like where you have 2 guys at a position plus pitchers or something. i dont really know what kind of things exist out there. just thinking that that might get more people to be involved and have a closer race. also, i wouldnt be opposed to paying for a better fantasy league. my buddy here at school does this league (for football though) where they pay every year, but there are cash prizes and stuff. also, they keep the same players year in and out and have a draft each year. i dont know if that's available for baseball.
aight i'm sick and i got 3 tests this week, so time to drink some oj and hit the books
oops.. i forgot politics
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/16/2004 12:46:00 PM
i saw the democratic debate last night. is someone paying sharpton to be comic relief? that look edwards gave Al when he said his first priority as president would be to get Osama was priceless. I want to support dean but hes getting killed. his policies work but hes not comming across the right way. Kerry is definatly running a much more formula like campain. he's playing the part very well. Edwards is a little creepy because i still think he's hiding something. maybe he's a Klan member or something. or an Illuminati. Kusinich os just an angry little man, although i liked what he had to say in the debate. his physical appearence and his demenor willl prevent him from ever being president. sorry man.
If people are going to go nuts everytime someone gets offended on TV, our broadcasts will degrade into nothing but constant publick service anouncements concerning the publics lack of respect for rats. or nothing but one government run sation that will never paly anything close to controversal. Fuck the indians, what outkast did was fine. Janets boob was just stupid. and now CBS will never air anything again. it'll be all raymond all the time. fuck.
I Love Talking Baseball Again
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/16/2004 12:06:00 PM
Ok, somewhere between josh's and brians post i had the same idea brian did about fantasy baseball. i agree that we should upgrade from the free-points-based-system that we used before. but that would involve spending actual money on it. I did some very minimal research and found one i could start a league with that would cost 100 dollars for all of us. if anyone else can find a descent fantasy sports site let me know.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA A-Rod's still a yankee. I'm going to miss soriano but he's swung at his last low and away slider in pinstripes. Showalter will beat that habit out of him if its the last thing he does. I'm not worried about A-rod moving to third. i'm worried about jeter making a few errors at short and opening up a whole new can of worms. The yankees now have one of the greatest lineups ever assembled and at this point you could almost pick names out of a hat for a batting order. posada is going to hit eigth. 8! holy crap. I'm still worried about the pitching. theres no left hander in the AL east which is kind of surprising. The yankees still need another starter. Brown and liber will both spend time on the DL this season no matter what you think. Hopefully the bulpen will keep us in games. we'll score a million runs but it means nothing if we give up a million and one. look where this phylosophy got texas. If this trade had happened a few months ago, Kaz matsui would be a yankee too. This all looks so good now but i wouldn't be surprised if everything blew up in the yankees face. same with boston. Pedro and schilling will both spend time on the DL too. Boston fans can do nothing but keep quiet in all of this. you had your shot at him.
Justin, i'm not a fucking library.
yes i am slacking on the site, but i really don't know what else to do unless i get some hosting.
Its amazing how much we all think alike.
Ron, i can no longer say our degrees have anything in common besides the title.
If anyone hasn't seen the kids recently, you'll be in for a surprise.
273 million? i'm sure those numbers are doctored but the NHL is still in trouble. contraction may be a real fact of life when the current agreement is up. and i'm serious when i say that there may not be an NHL next season. a lot of these guys have set up contracts in other countries where hockey is doing well. no one is going to get Jagr numbers but even he doesn't deserve that. ok thats enough lunch time babel. enjoy.
A cup of "Induced Ambition"
# posted by Brancibeer @ 2/16/2004 10:53:00 AM
Coffee is great. Im still working out the alalogy in my head, but somehow its related to the feeling i get when i smoke marijuana ciggarettes. I get motivated. For instance: today, im going to get some shit done. Im going to start on my genetics paper, my plant paper, and go to work. Then tonight im going to play raquetball with RPL 3000, smoke a doob with RPL 3000, and then whip the RPL 3000 in fooosball (after i whip him in raquetball that is). Its going to be great.
Chump....We need to do a fantasy baseball again! A good one too, not that bullshit one you tried to play with all of us that sucked. I like the stockmarket type. You also seem to be slacking on this site. Put up a new survey or something damit. You got to keep us wanting more.... Maybe those kids are keeping you busy. I hope that you can find some property to buy. Thats the way to go man.
Ron, i liked your most previous post. Very elegant. I dont think i beleive in that parrall universe stuff either. But there is a paradox and something has to give. But then again, we dont have all the information just yet. Maybe if we drink enough coffee we can figure it out. I was trying to explain the theory of relativity to Kim the other day, when i realized i probably could have majored in physics. Theres a lot of math and shit, but i think once you get past a certain point it gets easier. Kind of like a guitar. It just becomes natural. All that shit is really quite interesting. Although i think biology is great, and theres physics in biology (and vice versa). The two compliment eachother nicely. Mabye someday once i have my comfortable living style ill take some classes and maybe get a degree in physics or something. (yeah right)
I saw "waking life" yesterday. I enjoyed it although the whole things kinda made me sick and dizzy. I recomend it to those who havent seen it.
Josh, i think its great that you make an effort to keep in touch. You were always the one to send a whats up email once and while or something. Your the only one whos really outside the "CT group" as of now, and your the only one who really cares to keep in touch. Like Joe for instance, what the fuck is he doing? Probably punching himself in the face due to the fact he fell in love with another girl.
Courtney, hope we all havent scared you away. Youve got to expect to take some heat in the boyz club.
Kolpak, heard a little bout your job. My god. I wouldnt be able to deal with such troubles, but im glad that others can.
Macunes, when do we get to meet this Mary Jane, weve all heard so much about?
in all seriousness...
# posted by josh @ 2/16/2004 10:06:00 AM
chump, while i definitely agree teh yankees got a great deal w/ a-rod, and it might make them pretty much invincible, there is a concern about a-rod moving from shortstop to 3rd base. i know he's one of the best professionals in the league, the 2003 mvp and all, but the 2 positions are very different. i wouldnt be surprised to see some problems there, especially early on in the season. as someone who has played both, you have a lot more time to think about things at short, whereas 3rd is very much reacting to the ball instinctively. it would be as if he played shortstop on the infield grass rather than regular depth. it'll be something he has to work on, but i think through spring training and practice he'll be fine. he is a-rod, probably the best player in baseball. damn the evil empire.
but on a happier note, it is great to start hearing about baseball on sportscenter. as soon as baseball tonight is on again i'll be all good.
Sunday, February 15, 2004
# posted by josh @ 2/15/2004 08:45:00 PM
a-rod and jeter, being best friends, will be too busy ass raping each other to be effective offensively or defensively, thus giving the division to boston. here's how it looks
AL East --boston
AL central --kc (but does it matter?)
AL west-- oakland
AL wild card-- ny
NL east-- braves baby
NL central--houston
NL west-- san fran, though the dodgers will give them a run
NL wild card--st louis
go ATL
I hate the yankees
# posted by ron @ 2/15/2004 08:40:00 PM
goddamn a-rod. goddamn red sox can close the deal. damn damn damn
i saw Donnie Darko last night. good movie. the deleted scenes helped me understand it better. but i recommend that as your next watch.
the onslaught of complexity in our lives has to be a direct result of transitioning out of school, taking on more responsibilities, and moving into the workforce. like this friday brancibeer and i sat down and had a good talk and smoke with tim looney. he's doing well for all wondering, but as an example his life and plans are incredibly different from mine. everyone is branching in different directions. there isnt anything wrong with this, but i am noting it more and more, even in myself.
saw this time travel thing at uconn on friday too. there is a prof here doing time travel research. but anyway he made me wonder about parallel universes and the choices that govern our lives. i dont believe in that parallel crap. its just an excuse to avoid the predestination and free will paradox. which brings me back to my plug at non-linear dynamics.
alright, stop reading here if you dont want to hear about some non-linear stuff i'm doing.
in non-linear dynamics the 'system' is modeled through equations, non-linear ones. an example would be weather or, population models. so when these systems are modeled there needs to be a set of initial conditions. like the initial temp or the starting population. based on these conditions the system reacts differently. in non-linear systems completely different responses can be achieved by very-slightly different conditions. say the initial temp is 49 degrees, then the model shows a tornado develop, if the temp is say 49.5 degrees then there is sun. something like that.
relating this all back to life.....so what i'm saying is that what happens 'now' is because of what just happened, and what just happened is a result of what happened before that. now the governing system of our existence is probably much too complex to ever model, let alone ever find the right set of initial conditions to match. i'm not claiming we dont have free will, but how can you prove we do? (damn sounds like a lawyer wrote that huh?)
with wording like that i should write AMSE code, right matt?
i forgot where i was going with this next, probably something like claiming no responsibility for my actions because science made me do it. ha ha ha . i should try that one if i ever get in trouble bad. i could bring in proofs and examples it might be fun. alright, too long of a post and i dont think i can save it to say what i originally intended it too. later
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/15/2004 02:51:00 PM
Suck it boston.
Saturday, February 14, 2004
my valentine has 3 aeortas
# posted by DJ Booze Piñata @ 2/14/2004 11:56:00 PM
I'm convinced after hearing it that "empire state human" by the Human League has got to be the worst song ever written, although back in the 80's it must have still had the commercial viability of songs about girls and thier milkshakes or something.
For the fellas w/ valentines or just ass in general, God bless. Me, I got the pixelated afterglow of a day full of like downloading music and not much else. Me and Mary Jane been busy. To celebrate the holiday we been gettin' down and only occasionally coming up for air.
Seriously, Hallmark and I have got to talk. They scheduled thier "love day" commemoration smackdab in the middle of when it's frostiest. Now granted, most times an event calls for a card, I make it out of crayon and make it very abnormal. Still, to imply that I should feel some kind of sentiment for a special somebody when it's clearly not my season? Preposterous. Instupituous. My proposal: the government, in collaboration w/ the chocolate & gift card industires, changes Valentines Day simply to Tino's Day, giving no clues or suggestions as to how this holiday should be celebrated.
Valentine = Evil Ante. beat that
Friday, February 13, 2004
Link to funny videos
# posted by Brancibeer @ 2/13/2004 03:18:00 PM
Check these out. I like "Greatest Hits" and "IMagine" the best.
enjoy your weekends
# posted by josh @ 2/13/2004 01:27:00 PM
brancy, i hear ya. you definitely have way more stress in your life now than i do, but i got a bit myself what w/ my classes (obviously nothing like yours), waiting to hear from law schools (i thought waiting would be easier than this once i got all the apps in), and of course also the relationship thing. it's tough, some days are worse than others. and i know the feeling of not getting involved in things you want to. there have been numerous conferences or contests where you submit a paper that i've wanted to do, but tehy always seem to come up at the worst times. you'll get thru it all though, and i'm not just sayin that cuz i'm having an optimistic day for some reason. i know you, you'll be fine.
chump, that is quite ridiculous, this last year or so. a house, damn. i cant even imagine. i'm so anxious to get there too, and sometimes it bothers me that i've got at least 3 more years before a place like that. but i'm lookin to get my own apt for law school somewhere. not the same, but closer. also, on the page w/ all the posts there is a picture link to the dean campaign. is that intentional on your part? just curious. it'll be good to see your sis and parents, but it will be interesting to hear what they have to say abotu the kids. maybe they'll wanna light up and you'll have to tell them to be patient. stranger things have happened (see your post for today).
well i'm gonna finish packing...heading to chapel hill this weekend to check out unc law. takin erica w/ me. it'll be a good weekend. i'm bringing no work, or minimal work, and i'll just make up for it/pay for it next week. and i will. but maybe this is the kind of weekend i (and maybe you too brancy ) need. even got a hotel w/ a pool. should be lovely. go out to dinner for vday and have a whole meal of food. good times. well have a good one guys, be back sun or mon. happy friday the 13th
The Daily Lunch Monkey
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/13/2004 12:19:00 PM
What up with Clark? now thats he dropped out of the races he's jumping on the Kerry bandwagon. I guess he's hoping for a VP nod. fucking loser. i hope they both lose. I added the blogger button on the right as per tinos request so that it's easier to post from the site. My sister is coming down from VT today for the weekend, she's got monday off so she's going to visit. Nextweekend i've been informed that both parents will be visiting. great. It will be fun to see what they say togeather about the kids. The point of this trip will be to begin the "Find Me A House" sweepstakes. i've got 2-1/2 months before my current lease is up.
holy crap. i'm going to be buying a house, worrying about my taxes, focusing on work and doing some gardening. i'm growing up way too fast. this is scary. thats it, this weekend i'm going to chucky cheeses with a fist full of quarters and a bottle of scotch. It's where a 22 year old adult can get drunk and act like a kid again.
6 months ago i woke up drunk on a random couch to a phone call. and now i sit here. this past year of my life is absolutly undescribable.
Need to rant a little
# posted by Brancibeer @ 2/13/2004 12:06:00 PM
Im stuck in the computer lab for the majority of today. Im running analysis' on all this population genetics crap. Im using programs that my professor created and essentially only he understands. He gives us these projects, and the entire class really has no idea what all these numbers and variables mean. It feels like Im holding a sharp knife in a pitch black room while stabbing randomly, hopeing that maybe ill hit an artery. Worse of all each anaylsis takes like 15-30 minutes. So im just sitting here and waiting for it to finish. And when it finishes, i have no f-ing idea what it means or how to use it. This is not what i call learning.
This is a very stressfull semester for me. #1) The classes. #2) Finding jobs/ career #3) Relationships. Its difficult to find time for everything. I find myself turning things down because i just dont want to add to my things to do. I wanted to present at this conference (Northeast Evolutionary and Ecology Conference), but i decided against it cause i just didnt have the time to put into it. I only see my girlfriend like once a week and that is getting to both of us. And when we do see eachother we are all stressed about school and what the fuck is going to happen to us once school is over. Drama, i hate it. Why must woman be so dramatic!!! Why? This is the way it is. Thats all there is to it. Why look into things and stir up all these emotions. Its like they want something to be wrong. I really cant stand it. Christina was such a no-nonsense no drama girl i think she spoiled me.
I dont see my friends or family enough . I havent played a good game of setback in over 2 months. I havent even been to a party in well over 3 months. I need to change the oil in my car. This is a very negative day....
Thursday, February 12, 2004
really just one of those days
# posted by josh @ 2/12/2004 07:45:00 PM
so nothing about today went well or as planned. nothin big or tragic, just lots of little things you know. actually my friend angela's grandmother had surgery today and that went real well. maybe i should be happy about that. ok, 1 thing went right. my computer freezes on a regular basis, i havent gotten enough sleep this week, i have too much work for my last semester, and i'm goin to north carolina this weekend to look at unc law. oh and i feel a headache coming on...sweet
and i'm convinced girls are irrational. in fact there's little evidence, if any, to prove otherwise. it doesnt have anything to do w/ erica though, that's fine. but we're goin to nc this weekend, so i figure i'm a nice guy, and i wont get to buy her flowers for vday when we're down there, so while she's at class today i'll get her some and put them in her room. well, her grandlittle in her sorority tells her she's gettin flowers delivered for herself (or someone she's gonna give them to) at erica's house. they are not roommates. i ask you, why would she not get them delivered to either her house or her recipients house? why a 3rd, random ass house? the reason i even care is cuz then erica came home, saw the flowers and assumed they were the other girls. she was of course happy when she learned they were actually from me, but that first initial shock/surprise was totally killed. fuck. i go out of my way and try to do somethign nice and i get fucked. this seems to happen a lot. evidence of a benevolent god (or any god at all)? i think not. but i dont wanna go off on god and religion now. dont have time, it's time to make some dinner. i'm starving. yeah later. have good weekends everyone, catch you all sun or mon!
So I read it 4 times...
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/12/2004 12:26:00 PM
And it still doesn't make any more sense. Should I be worried that the Illuminati are still in Virginia? Maybe New England should succeed? maybe i'm just too sober at the moment to get it. damn work.
Ron: the fall out is that i now have to re-create our welding program, hope for the best that the ASME code gods tell us the heads we've been making for 20 years actually meet their stupid code (this is going to require a new code addenda and I maybe asked to write it since i brought up the problem, FUCK!), and i have to re-write our entire Q.C. program in my liking. Essentially I now have a ton of work to do because the people who did my job before me fucked it all up. Great huh? At this point I'd rather tell the code to go screw its self and focus on getting customers in states that don't require code vessels. I'm also trying to get a grip on what would happen if I just ignored them and didn't do any of it. They cost us a ton of money and hassle each year for this stupid code and I really can't say it does anything more then prove we're not a bunch of scumbags who make crappy products. But i honestly can't say the code does that. The loopholes and favortism towards large companies is amazing.
and i'm with you on the t-shirt. i went running the other night and gave up because its too fucking cold out. I like winter, but fuck this. Josh, when I'm running this place in 2 years i'm moving south and hiring a bunch of dumb, cheap, illegal workers. I need you to make it look all sparkly and legal. Until i can replace them with robots. ron, i need some robots.
i'm not forgetting the birthdays, i'm just ignoring them. sorry.
Josh, your dollar is in the mail.
Justin, I've talked it over with my dad, the tax thing isn't going to work. All it would do is take the cost of the comics off of my total yearly income that my taxes are figured from. It would actually work better if I put all my money into a 401K and got into a lower tax bracket. If i buy a house i'm going to save a bunch of money on taxes and everything else. anyone have any houses for sale?
baseball is so close I can taste it.
Don't you love the way Bush plays the people? He was called out on his military records so he released proof. The only problem is the proof proves nothing but every bush supporter in the world can now say that he proved he was there. The more I try to hate this man the more I see him doing exactly what I would do. Congratulations Mr bush, you're going to win again. I only wish I could cheat, lie, steal, kill, and treat people like crap in the same fashion you do. If this election is even close I'm going to find him and not kill him, but copy everything he does so that I may someday follow in his dictator like footsteps.
Read it a couple times...
# posted by Brancibeer @ 2/12/2004 11:56:00 AM
I think i would get along well with this guy. He might just be as stoned as i am.....
Begin transmission:
Department of The More Things Seem to Change the More They Really Don't Change Because They're Pretty Much the Same Anyway Even If It Looks as If Things Changed (But They Didn't, or Haven't) (I think the French put it better):---
An important component of the American psyche is the recurring terror that furriners are twisting our innocent minds (Richard Hofstadter's "The Paranoid Style in American Politics"): commies, bolshies (late1920s), Ayrabs, Catholics, Jews (I pick these at chronological random), and so on (I myself worry about those Norwegian bachelor farmers in Lake Woebegone).
At the end of the l8th century, we were of course as unsure of ourselves--who we really are--as we are now. The perceived threat then came from a mysterious (& probably nonexistent) European group, The Illuminati, based of course in France, and filled with revolutionary and vaguely Catholic notions. Politically the group was useful, especially in New England, because it could be used by us Adamsite Federalists against them free-thinkin' Jeffersonian Republicans. (Note that less than 2 decades later, and after Jefferson's election, New England seriously considered secession.)
So: In an article ( New Engl. Quart. 76: 356377, 2003) on the New England Illuminati, C.C. Bradshaw quotes the Connecticut Congregationalist Minister Jedidiah Morse as boldly claiming "that he possessed a list of names exposing dozens of Illuminati in Jefferson's home state of Virginia" (p. 360).
And what does that bring to mind?
P.S. As far as I know, there's been no further mention of the list.
Carl W. Schaefer
Dept. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Univ. Conn. U-3043
Storrs CT 06269-3043 USA
860 486 4455
FAX 860 486 6364
did someone say coffee?
# posted by ron @ 2/12/2004 09:05:00 AM
all cranked up and ready to go. work that is, in the library. anyway, yea what the hell is going on, i though brian atleast would know that courtney's birthday is saturday. courtney, i hate v-day too, but thats just because its your birthday. ha ha ha i'm just kidding, i hate it for all the same reasons every guy, and you hate it.
so i saw maya angelou last night. it was a very empowering talk. she did some poems and told us a bit about her life, but mainly she played the role of the mother telling us, or asking us, 'what are you doing in college, what are you going to do with your life?' and proceded to explain to us how our lives and our actions could significantly change the world. it sounds kinda lame when i explain it but trust me it was really cool to see and hear.
if any of you get some free time and feel like learning something cool, try looking up non-linear dynamics and chaos theory. its awesomely cool stuff, and it has a suprising amount of relevance and practical applications (unlike all those stupid math proofs).
matt, what was the fallout of the AMSE inspection? did you guys get fined or anything?
josh, screw you and your quasi-golf weather, its only mid-feb and i'm ready for a t-shirt.
Wednesday, February 11, 2004
Helloo Yentlemen. and Lady,
# posted by Tino @ 2/11/2004 04:33:00 PM
Happy Birthday to Brian, ( I know i'm a couple days behind), and of course to you Courtney. It must be weird being so old and senile. But some day i'll be as old as you two and will know what it is like. some day like 12 days from now. whatever, you get the point. anyway people with february bdays are much cooler than people with out. or thats just what i like to think.
Brian i'll send you that package of "oops i crapped my pants" as soon as i get it in the mail.
Viva la monkey
American Society of Mechanical Engineers...
# posted by josh @ 2/11/2004 01:51:00 PM
pay up chump, i want that dollar!
sounds like everyone's doin well, from kolpak regulating to macunas and his wet dreams. that's good to hear. dont go to california brancy, if you gotta go out west i'd rather see you in montana or alaska. hey, maybe you can find john's brother out there. happy birthday courtney.
chump, i should be your lawyer. true, i may not have the know-how or experience yet, but we could make it a learn as you go type of thing, haha. or you could just wait a few years. hopefully by then you'll be high enough in the company to move it south, cuz i'm not sure i wanna go back to ct.
it's been beautiful out here lately, well at least the last 2 days. hopefully this is a sign of good things to come, and that the stupid groundhog was wrong. frankly, i just want to golf. gettin my march issue of golf magazine in the mail today probably didnt help either.
so i guess i dont have too much to say today for a change. i am good. erica is good. school is school. my roommates girlfriend still sucks. the dirty south is still dirty. yeah, that's all i got for now
Happy Birthday Courtney!
# posted by Brancibeer @ 2/11/2004 12:48:00 PM
Im still older than you (mentally and phsically)
Yesterday was like anal rape on PCP
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/11/2004 12:22:00 PM
Ever have to go through an ASME audit? I'll give a dollar to anyone besides Ron who knows what ASME stands for first of all. The insurance company that handles the ASME stuff we do came in yesterday for our yearly audit. I spent half the day arguing politics and semantics of the ASME code. The other half we spent going through everything we do with a fine tooth comb. The code is so general, vague, and has enough loopholes in it that I could probably make everything out of paper and still pass it if I worked for a major company. Since I don't work for a company who can hire people to control that ASME board, I'm screwed. Politics has screwed all engineers. I'm starting my own code, with strippers, and blackjack. Written by engineers, and no lawyers, EVER! A.S.M.E.: Always, Sometimes, Maybe, Eventually. That's what I was told 4 times yesterday. I hate politics when they fuck with my engineering. Ok, enough about work.
Damn it Dean, what the hell happened? He still has a chance, remember he is still ahead of Edwards. And now that Clark is out of it, a lot of those votes will go to Dean and Edwards. March 2nd will be the real super Tuesday because of all the primaries, I think that's when it will be a two candidate race.
This is the fucked up news of the week. A collar bomb? Holy shit these people are getting more creative.
Anyone notice the two, back to back car bombings in Iraq? One was aimed at US military and the other was at Iraqis (spelling?) waiting in line to sign up for the new Iraq army. That's how you fight a gorilla war. Attack them before they even get into the army. Defenseless and now scared to join. Beautiful work gentleman.
I think justin is going to supply me a route to read as many comics as I want while not paying for them and then passing them on. Its called a charity tax write off. Beautiful.
Today is a good day, its sunny and warm out. I'm happy. Although yesterday it isn't hard to beat.
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
10 minuter
# posted by Brancibeer @ 2/10/2004 03:46:00 PM
Kolpak, you need to move to the mid-west and shake things up a bit. Start spreading your anti-Bush propaganda around. Grow a mullet and and drive a tractor for a living. YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU DAMIT!
I only have 10 minutes to write here. Chump your doing a hell of a job with those kids. We are all so proud of you. Its quite fun once you get into it eh? Ron, it seems like you always write after downing cups of coffee. "Its Great!" Well i have to agree, I LOVE IT, I LOVE COFFEE (are you all getting the Dave Chappell imitations?) Speaking of... i was thinking about how pot is kind of like caffeine. They both do something to your brain. And i bet if caffeine lasted as long as THC did, it would probably be illegal too.
Josh-i also read that article about the pilot. Thats crazy. Damn conservative christians (aka Bush voters). Courtney, ill say what i want. Im just busting you about writing so much. I actually was surprised about the quality of your writing (you can take that as a compliment)
Macunes- good for you for sticking to morals. I agree you shouldnt let your balls steer you the wrong way. Find quality, not quantity.
Brancibeer- Been looking more seroiusly at jobs. Really trying to get and apply for them. Kinda scary. Im applying to places in Montana, CA, Alaska. I think Alaska would be really cool. Never realized how far up it is. I mean holy shit- theres US, Canada, and then Alaska way the fuck our there. How did we ever aquire that as a state? Where ever i go, its going to be rough, but an adventure none the less. Going to suck being away from family and friends, but there are the advantages too. Samson, time up... Oh one more thing- has anybody noticed/ think that Murphy is getting dumber? I can barely have a conversation with him anymore. That kids on the pot.....
Wet dreams may cum.
# posted by DJ Booze Piñata @ 2/10/2004 10:52:00 AM
Ron - this title has nothing to do with you, honest. But i like the describing of the "lightning in my brain" effects of coffee. Just remember - lightning also makes people twitch all over if they get a big enough dose of it. Umm......I seen it.
I only caught the last 2 minutes of Meet the Press....didn't see enough ball-busting or groin-grabbing.
I had a couple interesting dreams last night. (at the risk of starting a whole potentially boring or interesting thread here....) In one, Dean just won the presidency. Then I backtracked....waitaminute....did he win the Dem nomination yet? Oh...I'm not in reality.
In the other dream I kept on meeting some very nice girls at a hybridized version of ECSU/UConn. I would meet one, get off to a great start, and then she would be talking to some other guy for a second so I would kill time talking to or meeting another girl. Then the first girl would get jealous and not continue with me. So I continue with the second girl and the same thing would happen! Repeat ad nauseum. I'm telling you, this dream was just a spree of failed great starts.
I've become kinda picky with who I get involved with. I've learned that a fleeting impulse for companionship or gratification can leave you making awkward and hasty exits just before the post-intercourse cuddle. Always unfortunate but still usually pretty funny, hehe. Watch for the butterflies, boys. If they ain't turning loops in your stomach when you're around her, then she ain't the dime worth spending on. This line of thought would be much more apt like a year or so ago when I was actually getting action. Now I just get even. Even more retarded ahaha I'm gonna stop.
Monday, February 09, 2004
speaking of ball busting
# posted by ron @ 2/09/2004 06:44:00 PM
not really, but heres my thoughts
how many takes did they get to do on the interview?
did the president get a final say in if it got aired or not?
did he get to decide what got aired?
did he have prior notice of the questions?
were they trying to dismember him or was it a friendly interview with tough questions?
damn, i wish i watched it. it would have been interesting to see.
brian, happy 23rd, damn your old, ha ha ha.
kolpak hows the new job?
matt, the children?
i got tickets today to see lewis black and dave attell at uconn. it was 40$ so it better be good. i imagine it will be they, always amuse me on TV. enough internet i got work to do. i swear i could get twice as much done if i didnt have the internet. for the most part, i waste my time on it. other times it saves my ass. damn you technology, and damn you cell phones!!! everything is too damn convenient, pre-packaged and idiot proof. anger rising!!! or too much coffee, can't tell, either way i have to go.
the weekend news
# posted by josh @ 2/09/2004 03:07:00 PM
kolpak-never have a seen a better, or more abundant, use of the term "ball buster" or some derivation thereof. i did happen to catch a portion of meet the press, and i completely agree with all that you said. it was like watching 2 heavyweights just dancing around the ring. punches were going right by the other guy. official scoring please. it could best be described as groin-grabbingly transcendent. or perhaps just craptastic.
but the news of the weekend that really caught my eye was the american airlines pilot who singled out the christians on his flight, so that the other passengers could talk to them during the flight and discover the correct path to follow. give me a break, this is outrageous. not only should this guy be fired, but he should be locked in a room and forced to listen to a rabbi's service on repeat. or perhaps a buddhist, you choose. this offends me not as someone who may or may not be religious, but as an american. remember the thing called the first amendment, which guarantees the freedom of religion, so that the state may not establish a state religion (since of coruse that was what many people who originally came to the colonies was tryin to escape)? but surely, people like this MUST know better than the framers of the constitution. yeah, i buy that. there's nothing worse than someone trying to force their religious beliefs upon you. they are unrelenting, closed-minded, and obnoxious. if you want to believe heaven and hell, satan and all that, fine. if you wanna believe in nirvana, fine. allah, i dont give a shit. but dont tell me what i should believe, cuz you wouldnt want that to happen to you
Sunday, February 08, 2004
# posted by josh @ 2/08/2004 09:01:00 PM
happy birthday brancy
Friday, February 06, 2004
Bush's credibility gap explanation.
# posted by Tino @ 2/06/2004 09:02:00 PM
Well it's a little known fact that G.W. was a spy back in the day. This explains why he can't remember what he did in the services, wink wink. Why G.W., you might ask, because there was a case study done within the united states under the department of statistics that found texans were the least likely to stick out like sore thumbs during covert operations. Plus their smarter than Rand Mcnally and they blend right in with any drunken crowd. Also texans were proven to learn foriegn languages quicker than people from Minnesota or Massachusetts, can you believe it. The bush family's history in the cloak and dagger bit goes way back. Just think even Barbara, sweet old Barbara. Knee deep in a rice paddy in Pyongyang Korea circa 1950 trying to hide her parachute before she is spotted by charlie or whoever.
well i hope this explanation was informative as well as enlightening. Chump if you have any more questions, i be glad to answer them especially ones regarding G.W. or anyone or anything else from texas.
Konichiwa Bitches
I reccomend that every body read this article.
New Study Explains How Pot Kills Cancer Cells
Viva la monkey
Credibility Gap
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/06/2004 04:18:00 PM
Ok, its been a very LONG day at work, i've had nothing to do so i've been educating myself on the internet. Most of what i've been looking at is political because that seems to be what i'm into right now. I've been doing my own research on both sides of the coin because i'd like to try and stay grounded and not get carried away. I'm also taking most of this information with a grain of salt since i'm not going to bother to check up on all the quotes or reference information. Heres a link to a site that gives a run down on our presidents little credibility gap. I think its amazing that anyone believes anything he says.
I've also been researching Mr. Bush's apparent military background. It doesn't really exist. he served some time in the national guard, but he was AWOL for a year, skipped 2 years of training for the promotion he recieved and never once came close to compleating any of the training requirments of a pilot. He was given tons of preferential treatment and most of the people he claims to have worked with or taken orders from say that they never met him. When asked what types of duties he performed in the service he responded with: "I can't recall, but i was there." He wasn't. This guy is amazing.
Another amazing thing is the number of anti-Bush websites compared to favorable Bush sites.
I was surprised to see that Michael Moore is supporting Wesley Clark. I read Moores' explaination and it made me think that maybe endorsement have more to do with who you know then what the issues are. Moore mention how he casually knew Clark but as he talked to him more and more, Moore decided to back Clark. What if he knew Bush instead? or Dean? who knows, i'm having trouble following my own line of thought here. thats all for now.
Thursday, February 05, 2004
Through The Thunderous Haze Of A Misty Bong
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/05/2004 06:22:00 PM
Today's topic seems to be the gay marriages in Massachusetts. Who cares? And what exactly is the problem with this? Is not like gays and lesbians suddenly morph into an unstoppable Godzilla like figure when they get hitched, unless there's some sort of ceremony that I don't know about.
Here's a shocking bit of news. This makes all the war-for-oil people happy.
I've got nothing here, slow news day. And I'm being distracted by moving images.
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/05/2004 01:54:00 PM
Work is slow today so I'm starting to get kind of bored. Courtney, what the hell are you talking about? I'll give you an other post to redeem yourself before I berate you. Josh, that was perfect. A smaller group of people does keep the conversation more focused. The original intent of this site was to avoid having to email my drunken rants. I found that I was able to allow other people access and from there everyone else jumped on. I'm looking into making the site three columns with a second blog as the third column. This may not work because I don't know enough about HTML or coding webpages to figure it out, and frankly, I don't care. One of the things that makes this site work is that we all know each other, we're not faceless, unaccountable, internet rumor mongers. Anyone whose ever spent time in any type of open public internet forum knows exactly what I'm talking about. Ok, now that I've stopped my hours of staring blankly at my computer screen and started typing, a load of work drops into my lap. Figures.
foul ball (strike two) HA HA HA i'm so clever
# posted by ron @ 2/05/2004 09:03:00 AM
courtney sorry to hear you feel unwanted here. thats not the case you know, we are just bustin chops. i mean kolpak writes some crazy bullshit sometimes. everyone has their own opinions and arguing about them is fine. seriously your post sounded like you were totally pissed at all of us. just remember to take everything with a grain of salt.
i think i could live on coffee, any of you? i mean you get a few cups in you and its like lightening running through your mind. i love it. although legal, i have found caffeine has the worst side effects of any drug ive ever taken. like after drinking 4 cups a day all week if i dont have any on the weekend i develop a headache that will last for like 2 days. it sucks, but like most drugs, you just keep doing them.
that penguin baseball is really amusing. good link. i got edwards as my president, lets keep our fingers crossed i guess. although i feel its all a waste of time, money and media coverage. more mars pics and stories!
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
Choose your canidate and smash a penguin....
# posted by Brancibeer @ 2/04/2004 05:28:00 PM
Find our whos your man in 2004
I got Kerry.
Also check out penguin baseball. I got a 303
Just practicing my links.....
come to think of it, this does ease my stress
# posted by josh @ 2/04/2004 04:06:00 PM
i read that article chump, and i like it. i do also disagree though, i would not want to rip up my thoughts, or any of yours. but writing this stuff down is therapeutic (as was reading kolpak's poem, thanks buddy). it's ironic you should start this site now, as well as find that article. during break, i got ont he computer one night and just started writing. kinda like the same stuff we do on this site. i dont know if i ever planned on doing it daily, but the thought had occurred to me to take them all after some time and compile it into a journal of sorts, almost my view or philosophy on people, the world, politics, and anything else that was happening during my lifetime.
i also, upon rereading some of my entries here on the monkey, noticed i come off a bit abrasive at times, to say the least. i think this does help ease stress, and i like that people here will listen (or read as it may be) to what i have to say, and also to respond to it with their own thoughts. besides drinking and smoking weed together, i think this may be one of the healthiest enterprises we've all participated in together. i did see the note about other people wanting to post, and while i dont have a problem with that (and certainly with anyone who wants to post but isnt, especially since this list is anonymous to me right now) one thing about the site right now that i do enjoy is the more intimate nature of it. there are what, 7 of us? it keeps the conversation focused on what people want and generally there are only a couple topics, if more than 1, floating around at once.
but like i said, you've done a good job here, and obviously others want in. viva chump, and viva la monkey!