# posted by ron @ 2/15/2004 08:40:00 PM
goddamn a-rod. goddamn red sox can close the deal. damn damn damn
i saw Donnie Darko last night. good movie. the deleted scenes helped me understand it better. but i recommend that as your next watch.
the onslaught of complexity in our lives has to be a direct result of transitioning out of school, taking on more responsibilities, and moving into the workforce. like this friday brancibeer and i sat down and had a good talk and smoke with tim looney. he's doing well for all wondering, but as an example his life and plans are incredibly different from mine. everyone is branching in different directions. there isnt anything wrong with this, but i am noting it more and more, even in myself.
saw this time travel thing at uconn on friday too. there is a prof here doing time travel research. but anyway he made me wonder about parallel universes and the choices that govern our lives. i dont believe in that parallel crap. its just an excuse to avoid the predestination and free will paradox. which brings me back to my plug at non-linear dynamics.
alright, stop reading here if you dont want to hear about some non-linear stuff i'm doing.
in non-linear dynamics the 'system' is modeled through equations, non-linear ones. an example would be weather or, population models. so when these systems are modeled there needs to be a set of initial conditions. like the initial temp or the starting population. based on these conditions the system reacts differently. in non-linear systems completely different responses can be achieved by very-slightly different conditions. say the initial temp is 49 degrees, then the model shows a tornado develop, if the temp is say 49.5 degrees then there is sun. something like that.
relating this all back to life.....so what i'm saying is that what happens 'now' is because of what just happened, and what just happened is a result of what happened before that. now the governing system of our existence is probably much too complex to ever model, let alone ever find the right set of initial conditions to match. i'm not claiming we dont have free will, but how can you prove we do? (damn sounds like a lawyer wrote that huh?)
with wording like that i should write AMSE code, right matt?
i forgot where i was going with this next, probably something like claiming no responsibility for my actions because science made me do it. ha ha ha . i should try that one if i ever get in trouble bad. i could bring in proofs and examples it might be fun. alright, too long of a post and i dont think i can save it to say what i originally intended it too. later