# posted by Tino @ 2/06/2004 09:02:00 PM
Well it's a little known fact that G.W. was a spy back in the day. This explains why he can't remember what he did in the services, wink wink. Why G.W., you might ask, because there was a case study done within the united states under the department of statistics that found texans were the least likely to stick out like sore thumbs during covert operations. Plus their smarter than Rand Mcnally and they blend right in with any drunken crowd. Also texans were proven to learn foriegn languages quicker than people from Minnesota or Massachusetts, can you believe it. The bush family's history in the cloak and dagger bit goes way back. Just think even Barbara, sweet old Barbara. Knee deep in a rice paddy in Pyongyang Korea circa 1950 trying to hide her parachute before she is spotted by charlie or whoever.
well i hope this explanation was informative as well as enlightening. Chump if you have any more questions, i be glad to answer them especially ones regarding G.W. or anyone or anything else from texas.
Konichiwa Bitches
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