# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/06/2004 04:18:00 PM
Ok, its been a very LONG day at work, i've had nothing to do so i've been educating myself on the internet. Most of what i've been looking at is political because that seems to be what i'm into right now. I've been doing my own research on both sides of the coin because i'd like to try and stay grounded and not get carried away. I'm also taking most of this information with a grain of salt since i'm not going to bother to check up on all the quotes or reference information.
Heres a link to a site that gives a run down on our presidents little credibility gap. I think its amazing that anyone believes anything he says.
I've also been researching Mr. Bush's apparent military background. It doesn't really exist. he served some time in the national guard, but he was AWOL for a year, skipped 2 years of training for the promotion he recieved and never once came close to compleating any of the training requirments of a pilot. He was given tons of preferential treatment and most of the people he claims to have worked with or taken orders from say that they never met him. When asked what types of duties he performed in the service he responded with: "I can't recall, but i was there." He wasn't. This guy is amazing.
Another amazing thing is the number of anti-Bush websites compared to favorable Bush sites.
I was surprised to see that Michael Moore is supporting Wesley Clark. I read Moores' explaination and it made me think that maybe endorsement have more to do with who you know then what the issues are. Moore mention how he casually knew Clark but as he talked to him more and more, Moore decided to back Clark. What if he knew Bush instead? or Dean? who knows, i'm having trouble following my own line of thought here. thats all for now.