# posted by josh @ 2/09/2004 03:07:00 PM
kolpak-never have a seen a better, or more abundant, use of the term "ball buster" or some derivation thereof. i did happen to catch a portion of meet the press, and i completely agree with all that you said. it was like watching 2 heavyweights just dancing around the ring. punches were going right by the other guy. official scoring please. it could best be described as groin-grabbingly transcendent. or perhaps just craptastic.
but the news of the weekend that really caught my eye was the american airlines pilot who singled out the christians on his flight, so that the other passengers could talk to them during the flight and discover the correct path to follow. give me a break, this is outrageous. not only should this guy be fired, but he should be locked in a room and forced to listen to a rabbi's service on repeat. or perhaps a buddhist, you choose. this offends me not as someone who may or may not be religious, but as an american. remember the thing called the first amendment, which guarantees the freedom of religion, so that the state may not establish a state religion (since of coruse that was what many people who originally came to the colonies was tryin to escape)? but surely, people like this MUST know better than the framers of the constitution. yeah, i buy that. there's nothing worse than someone trying to force their religious beliefs upon you. they are unrelenting, closed-minded, and obnoxious. if you want to believe heaven and hell, satan and all that, fine. if you wanna believe in nirvana, fine. allah, i dont give a shit. but dont tell me what i should believe, cuz you wouldnt want that to happen to you