# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/27/2004 01:02:00 PM
Its another beautiful day out side. Sunny, warmer than it has been and i'm stuck watching it through a window. Good thing its friday.
This must be some kind of world speed record. Saturday i'm having some people over if anyone in that area cares, get drunk, play cards, setback. haven't played any good set back in too long. Watching the people around me at work is kind of amazing. These people are about our parents age but its amazing to see the small routines and little things they do. They've become set in thier ways and do just about everything the same. Same cup of coffee everymorning. Same foods for lunch. Same music. creatures of habit. i find myself falling into that same trap, but everytime i do i try to break it in some way. Change the station, juice instead of coffee, random lunch, different route home from work, something, anything. I beleive once i fall into the trap of a never cahnging routine i'm screwed. i'll grow happy and comfortable with it and then grow resistant to change and fear it. much like the people i work with. they've grown happy and comfortable with what they do, why change it? Now when someone like myself comes along and things change a little there is resistance. a fear of change. Wether it be for the better or worse it doesn't matter. to them change is evil. a problem. if change ever becomes a problem for me i give any one of you permission to put a gun to my head. i think i've lived with a large amount of change in my life. From VT to CT, high school to college, and then an other college. School to work. i've lived in a million different places. constant change for 22 years. maybe the change i fear is the end of change. i fear consistancy. i fear growing roots and settling down. hum... think about that one. End tangent.
I honestly just had nothing better to write today at lunch so this is what you get.