# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/19/2004 12:17:00 PM
franks bugging me about my pants being dirty, i have to treat joe like a child and lay everything out very nice and neat for him and he gives me wrong information i have to double check all the time. talking with diane has become a hassel because her son doesn't want to talk to her. the simple fact that i'm only 2 years older then thier actual son, they still try to treat me like thier own kid. i had to lightly scold joe because hes trying to get me to draw the hoover damn with no guidelines and the only numbers he did give me were compleatly wrong. vent open, steam released.
Josh, i'm on the list already. i made sure to do it before the october dead line. i checked the HUD site. theres only three properties in CT on it, two in manchester and one in waterbury. thanks anyway.
Justin, you still have nothing, pissing people off isn't a skill, its just annoying.
Oh course Gary Barnett (colorodo football coach) got suspended. that was the compleate opposite of what he should have said to the press, what a retard.
I really have nothing insightful or clever to say today. i'll get stoned and try again later.