# posted by josh @ 2/04/2004 04:06:00 PM
i read that article chump, and i like it. i do also disagree though, i would not want to rip up my thoughts, or any of yours. but writing this stuff down is therapeutic (as was reading kolpak's poem, thanks buddy). it's ironic you should start this site now, as well as find that article. during break, i got ont he computer one night and just started writing. kinda like the same stuff we do on this site. i dont know if i ever planned on doing it daily, but the thought had occurred to me to take them all after some time and compile it into a journal of sorts, almost my view or philosophy on people, the world, politics, and anything else that was happening during my lifetime.
i also, upon rereading some of my entries here on the monkey, noticed i come off a bit abrasive at times, to say the least. i think this does help ease stress, and i like that people here will listen (or read as it may be) to what i have to say, and also to respond to it with their own thoughts. besides drinking and smoking weed together, i think this may be one of the healthiest enterprises we've all participated in together. i did see the note about other people wanting to post, and while i dont have a problem with that (and certainly with anyone who wants to post but isnt, especially since this list is anonymous to me right now) one thing about the site right now that i do enjoy is the more intimate nature of it. there are what, 7 of us? it keeps the conversation focused on what people want and generally there are only a couple topics, if more than 1, floating around at once.
but like i said, you've done a good job here, and obviously others want in. viva chump, and viva la monkey!