# posted by Brancibeer @ 2/16/2004 10:53:00 AM
Coffee is great. Im still working out the alalogy in my head, but somehow its related to the feeling i get when i smoke marijuana ciggarettes. I get motivated. For instance: today, im going to get some shit done. Im going to start on my genetics paper, my plant paper, and go to work. Then tonight im going to play raquetball with RPL 3000, smoke a doob with RPL 3000, and then whip the RPL 3000 in fooosball (after i whip him in raquetball that is). Its going to be great.
Chump....We need to do a fantasy baseball again! A good one too, not that bullshit one you tried to play with all of us that sucked. I like the stockmarket type. You also seem to be slacking on this site. Put up a new survey or something damit. You got to keep us wanting more.... Maybe those kids are keeping you busy. I hope that you can find some property to buy. Thats the way to go man.
Ron, i liked your most previous post. Very elegant. I dont think i beleive in that parrall universe stuff either. But there is a paradox and something has to give. But then again, we dont have all the information just yet. Maybe if we drink enough coffee we can figure it out. I was trying to explain the theory of relativity to Kim the other day, when i realized i probably could have majored in physics. Theres a lot of math and shit, but i think once you get past a certain point it gets easier. Kind of like a guitar. It just becomes natural. All that shit is really quite interesting. Although i think biology is great, and theres physics in biology (and vice versa). The two compliment eachother nicely. Mabye someday once i have my comfortable living style ill take some classes and maybe get a degree in physics or something. (yeah right)
I saw "waking life" yesterday. I enjoyed it although the whole things kinda made me sick and dizzy. I recomend it to those who havent seen it.
Josh, i think its great that you make an effort to keep in touch. You were always the one to send a whats up email once and while or something. Your the only one whos really outside the "CT group" as of now, and your the only one who really cares to keep in touch. Like Joe for instance, what the fuck is he doing? Probably punching himself in the face due to the fact he fell in love with another girl.
Courtney, hope we all havent scared you away. Youve got to expect to take some heat in the boyz club.
Kolpak, heard a little bout your job. My god. I wouldnt be able to deal with such troubles, but im glad that others can.
Macunes, when do we get to meet this Mary Jane, weve all heard so much about?