# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/11/2004 12:22:00 PM
Ever have to go through an ASME audit? I'll give a dollar to anyone besides Ron who knows what ASME stands for first of all. The insurance company that handles the ASME stuff we do came in yesterday for our yearly audit. I spent half the day arguing politics and semantics of the ASME code. The other half we spent going through everything we do with a fine tooth comb. The code is so general, vague, and has enough loopholes in it that I could probably make everything out of paper and still pass it if I worked for a major company. Since I don't work for a company who can hire people to control that ASME board, I'm screwed. Politics has screwed all engineers. I'm starting my own code, with strippers, and blackjack. Written by engineers, and no lawyers, EVER! A.S.M.E.: Always, Sometimes, Maybe, Eventually. That's what I was told 4 times yesterday. I hate politics when they fuck with my engineering. Ok, enough about work.
Damn it Dean, what the hell happened? He still has a chance, remember he is still ahead of Edwards. And now that Clark is out of it, a lot of those votes will go to Dean and Edwards. March 2nd will be the real super Tuesday because of all the primaries, I think that's when it will be a two candidate race.
This is the fucked up news of the week. A collar bomb? Holy shit these people are getting more creative.
Anyone notice the two, back to back car bombings in Iraq? One was aimed at US military and the other was at Iraqis (spelling?) waiting in line to sign up for the new Iraq army. That's how you fight a gorilla war. Attack them before they even get into the army. Defenseless and now scared to join. Beautiful work gentleman.
I think justin is going to supply me a route to read as many comics as I want while not paying for them and then passing them on. Its called a charity tax write off. Beautiful.
Today is a good day, its sunny and warm out. I'm happy. Although yesterday it isn't hard to beat.