# posted by josh @ 2/24/2004 01:02:00 PM
so you hear how w is supporting an amendment to define marriage as between a man and a woman only? he could've at least held off on this or made a vague statement he is so talented at making rather than directly and immediately aligning himself against all homosexuals and those who support them.
even more atrocious and disturbing, polls show that teh majority of americans oppose gay marriage. of course, they can interpret poll results to mean whatever tehy want, depending on sample size, who they poll, etc. if you're not gay, then what the fuck do you care what other people do with their private lives? it seems to me, to be opposed to gay marriage you either have to be either so ignorant, or you must be religious. religious people need to stop worrying about "saving" other people, and start worrying about themselves. mind your own fucking business. i'm so sick of hearing how religions are so certain that they are right. ok, i'll give you the benefit of the doubt if you can prove it. prove it. that's all. oh wait, god spoke to you? good, make him tell me what he told you. oh right, you cant. revelation my ass. i have no problem if people want to have faith in something, such as a religion. but when they try to impose their unverifiable assertions upon others, that's when i have a problem. i'm clearly not that religious. i have friends who are. it doesnt matter to me, just dont try to argue some issue, especially a moral one, with me if all you're going to use to support yourself is religion/god. i will walk away immediately.
the other prominent objection to gay marriage as i understand it is that allowing gays to marry would somehow tarnish the sacrament of marriage. i'm sorry, but if two women or two men love each other, go thru the same process as a man and a woman, what the fuck's the difference? the meaning of "marriage" does not and will not change depending upon who marries. what marriage itself is will remain the same. so they cant procreate, os what. they can adopt. would it be worse for a child to grow up on welfare or living on the streets with a single parent who's a drug addict than it would be for that same child to grow up in a stable, loving household with two parents of the same gender? clearly, not all the cases for adoption are as such, but some are. and either way, these children need good homes. if they can get one from two parents of the same gender who the hell cares. and that's similar (though admittedly not the same) as a child who grows up in a house with a father and an uncle, or a mother and an aunt.
i'd be interested to hear what you guys think about gay marriage and reasons for/against it.