# posted by Brancibeer @ 2/24/2004 02:55:00 PM
Ahem. Let me clear my throat here. So i came to a realization the other day after removing my mouth from a hefty bong. Gay rights. Thats what it all comes down to. What are these people really fighting for. Do they need the sanction of marriage to be bestowed upon them for their own satisfaction? No. There out to prove something to society. They are saying- "Hey, listen, this has been happening throughout history- it wasnt my parents or my upbringing, it wasnt because i grew up near a powerplant for 20 years....its just the way I am. I cant help it, and neither can you. So lets accept it for what it is and get over it."
And Im all for it. The sooner this whole "gay" thing becomes a normal part of our society, the sooner our society will be normal. What i mean by that. As it stands today- there is still a feeling in society that being gay is wrong (mostly due to religion and old fashion ways-but i wont get into that part). Now this means that these people are being treated unfairly and looked down upon by a large part of society. The sooner being gay is accepted like being black, or asian, the more its going to become less of a deal. The only reason im hesitant about gay couples adopting children (at this point) is because the way society is going to treat those kids. But then again, the more those kids will learn to be accepting, and understand this alternate way of life. So i guarentee you after gay marriages, theres going to be issues with gay adoption coming into light. Its a cylce that cant be stopped. Same thing happened with Black rights. Same thing happened with womans rights. Society- lets stop being stubborn assholes, and realize that society changes, and our views have to too.
Changing topics- Heres another good site.
Bush once again.
Oh, and those of you worried about
Big Brother better check this out. Read about the "Matrix". Just think, if the govt knew what websites you went to, what you bought at home depot, how much electricty your using..... (chump, im aiming this one at you)
Its hell week. The 2 weeks before spring break. Ill be in my hole for a while....