# posted by DJ Booze PiƱata @ 2/10/2004 10:52:00 AM
Ron - this title has nothing to do with you, honest. But i like the describing of the "lightning in my brain" effects of coffee. Just remember - lightning also makes people twitch all over if they get a big enough dose of it. Umm......I seen it.
I only caught the last 2 minutes of Meet the Press....didn't see enough ball-busting or groin-grabbing.
I had a couple interesting dreams last night. (at the risk of starting a whole potentially boring or interesting thread here....) In one, Dean just won the presidency. Then I backtracked....waitaminute....did he win the Dem nomination yet? Oh...I'm
not in reality.
In the other dream I kept on meeting some very nice girls at a hybridized version of ECSU/UConn. I would meet one, get off to a great start, and then she would be talking to some other guy for a second so I would kill time talking to or meeting another girl. Then the first girl would get jealous and not continue with me. So I continue with the second girl and the same thing would happen! Repeat ad nauseum. I'm telling you, this dream was just a spree of failed great starts.
I've become kinda picky with who I get involved with. I've learned that a fleeting impulse for companionship or gratification can leave you making awkward and hasty exits just before the post-intercourse cuddle. Always unfortunate but still usually pretty funny, hehe. Watch for the butterflies, boys. If they ain't turning loops in your stomach when you're around her, then she ain't the dime worth spending on. This line of thought would be much more apt like a year or so ago when I was actually getting action. Now I just get even. Even more retarded ahaha I'm gonna stop.