# posted by josh @ 2/24/2004 01:38:00 PM
remember that time we had a thing called the Constitution, which protected our rights? its funny how it is just interpreted however people want so they can get their way politically. i'm actually takign a class called philosophy of law right now and we talk about theories of constitutional interpretation. and there will be these controversies about how to interpret different parts of it, but it seems to me its pretty clear on some things. one of those is the right to privacy, which ironically isnt even in the constitution, but rather is inferred by such amendments as the 9th and maybe the 14th, saying not all rights are enumerated explicitly there in the constitution. the right to privacy, mainly influenced by griswold v connecticut among others, seems to be a stare decisis precedent these days, one generally accepted everywhere. true, marriage may bring it to the realm of the public, but only insofar as other rights are then delegated to the couples, such as hospital visitation, etc. rights that marriage brings forth to a heterosexual couple. ok thats' all for now, i swear