# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/23/2004 12:40:00 PM
I think "Meet the Press" is going to be one of my new favorite shows. i watched govenor Arnold try to explain how he could repeal taxes and decrease spending in the face of his state going into bancruptcy. Russert seems like a good interviewer too. Its facinating to watch politicians lie and use double speak to get them selves out of a bad situation. and as long as they keep talking they can't let the interviewer get more questions in. it doens't really matter if they answer the question as long as they don't say anything incriminating. I also saw a good piece on ABC with interviews between Kerry and Edwards. It was akward watching them try and explain how they each differ from one anther when their stances are exactly the same. they actually argued about a 7 million dollar difference in some stupid healthcare budget. numbers like that are useless at this point.
I spent my sunday with the parents looking for houses. not as encouraging as i had hoped but i've still got time. we found a nice little place in durham but it needs a lot of work. i'd have to replace a whole porch and take off what looks like an "nigger rigged" addition (pardon my french). who knows, i'm still looking. i like durham, i think its going to blow up over the next few years and what ever i buy now will be worth a lot more. especially if i put a bunch of work into it. i'm expecting on having to do this anyway.
3 breasts would be great. if only human genetics would take a page from chicken genetics and learn how to grow more boobs and longer legs on people. You could turn it into a KFC type person. i'd like my chicks original recipe.
Justin, there were no scalops, i was just drunk and it sounded funny.
I believe that psycology experiment may show some positive results. the patient would have to be blindfolded and deprived of all senses for it to work. leave them in a room and simple ask them to push a button everytime they think someone is in it. every time they sense a person. or give them a simple task to preform while they are supposed to be noticing people watching them. your control would haveto be somehting along the lines of telling people there is someone in the room and seeing if they believe you. i wold also like to see some tricylopes in my life time. genetic alteration seems very likely to happen. The "thinking what the other person was thinking" experiment would be harder because sometimes people say that to be polite or what triggered one person to think it also triggered the other person. its like a mental reaction. very hard to tell.
well, the weather seems to be getting alittle nicer and the days are slowly getting longer. spring is almost upon us and soon baseball will start. sweet tap dancing moses, i'm ready for some baseball.