The Workermonkey


Thursday, September 30, 2004

Acapulco Gold, Grass, Reefer, Sinsemilla, Thai Sticks 

Well, i was doing some research whether or not i have to take a drug test for this job (i should be finding out soon, i just had a 3rd interview), and it looks like probably not. But im going to stick it out anyway, no sense in wasting 1.2 months of being clean.

Also found this good website. Check out this drug time table, which has always been up to debate in our social cirlce. 2 days -11 weeks sounds bout right to me. I also saw that a regular smoker of once a day can expect it to be in his system for about 8 weeks. Oh yeah, and I guess i better lay of the buttons too...


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By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Thursday, September 30, 2004 3:47:00 PM  

Tim Looney Master of Finance - I'm coming to that reception. (maybe we should start up a new thread for this...) I want my financial consultation, too. I may have you do some investing for me. If this eurotrip don't absorb my nest egg, the omelett is yours

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Thursday, September 30, 2004 5:31:00 PM  

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By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Friday, October 01, 2004 8:22:00 AM  

what is this reception you speak off
whatever it is im there but i dont know what business casual means-i may have to break out the bobs store t shirt

By Blogger murphy, at Friday, October 01, 2004 4:49:00 PM  

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fox news 

I was just watching fox news and they said that a group of school children were attending a ceremony of the opening of a sewage plant. Who attends that type of event. No one. At the "ceremony" a car bomb exploded and many children were killed. Soldiers just happened to be on the scene when the bomb exploded. Are you serious. We report you decide?



get the lime green explosion and get up here
my place at 7 pm not eight-you may be able to show earlier if jenny is home call her cell-558 3740
call tino,kolpak and bb-rons comin aredy

i dont care if you have to strap it to tino's rook rack. tell him he owes me for the stone-that should do it ahahhahaaahaha ahahhahaahahahahhahhahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahaha

By Blogger murphy, at Thursday, September 30, 2004 1:48:00 PM  

who needs phones when you have a blog. BB is coming up huge!

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Thursday, September 30, 2004 3:05:00 PM  

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Wednesday, September 29, 2004


i'm not sure all of you combing the net for news everyday would stumble apon this so i though i'd post it.
it can make about 36 trillion calclations a second. just think of the models you could run with that............. maybe even an evolution model.

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Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Dr. Beer explains 

Well, you fellas should find this intersting too, soooooooo....
Dear girls,
Actually yes, I have studied a bit of thermodynamics. And theres a lot more to it than “specks of nothing”. I’ll also tell you that “God did it” is easier to believe than gasses and dust, but easier doesn’t always mean right. You are correct, though, that the world is not becoming more orderly and that it is in a slow rate of decline. In fact, you just stated the second law of thermodynamics- “The natural state of matter is chaos and all things tend to run down and become random and disordered”. Way to go. If we were any closer to the sun, we would burn up. But we are not, and there is life. The right mix of ingredients is all here. Sun, carbon, energy, water. They all work together. Out of the entire universe somewhere had to have gotten it right. We should feel lucky that we are on the winning ticket (there’s probably a few more). The universe is so big that we cannot even imagine it. Literally, we are not capable of processing something so enormous in our brains. Imagine a housefly compared to the size of earth, then multiply by 10 million, and you’d almost be there.
Evolution. Your also right in what you said- “take the eye…could something that intricate and detailed just have, “poof”, been there?”. No, no it could not. But that is where evolution comes in. Evolution is defined as gradual change over time. It takes thousands of years for it to occur. It just does not happen instantaneously. The human eye for example- it could have evolved via gradual steps:
  • photosensitive cell.
  • Aggregates of pigment cells without a nerve.
  • an optic nerve surrounded by pigment cells and covered by translucent skin.
  • pigment cells forming a small depression.
  • pigment cells forming a deeper depression.
  • the skin over the depression taking a lens shape.
  • muscles allowing the lens to adjust.

All of these steps are known to be practical because all exist in animals living today. The increments between these steps are slight and may be broken down into even smaller increments. Natural selection should, under many circumstances, favor the increments because any variation or modification in the organ can be ever useful to an animal under changing conditions of life. Gradual change over time. Animals adapt to shifting environments. The ones that have the best advantages are selected for and therefore mate to pass on the traits to the future, until the next change occurs.

Since eyes don't fossilize well, we don't know that the development of the eye followed exactly that path, but we certainly can't claim that no path exists.

It was also calculated that, if each step were a 1% change, the evolution of the eye would take 1829 steps, which could happen in 364,000 generations. Hhmmm…..that sounds just about right… Now I’ll ask you- Which takes more faith?

Anyway, I hope this helps with your concept of evolution. Even if you don’t believe it, there’s still substance to be learned. It’s like anything else- break it down, and use common sense and rational thinking.


wow, that came out really fucked up. Thats what i get for doing half on the web and half in word.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Wednesday, September 29, 2004 12:03:00 AM  

Lookin' good, BBoy. The human eye is the most complicated organ in the body, I think. It makes for a good arguement in terms of evolutionary complexity. I've heard it used in both directions, but the math sounds right on for this arguement.

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Wednesday, September 29, 2004 3:58:00 PM  

well..valid points i guess..still doesn't make much sense..when did the world stop becoming more orderly and start becoming less orderly? and you can use math to solve a lot of things, but can you show me any hard evidence? Where are the missing links? And easier isn't always better, but in some cases it is. I don't know..I just don't think it makes any sense. I am supposed to believe that a long long time chance a bunch of stuff got together and over a period of a long long time created all the complicated parts of our world? Why wouldn't I believe instead that a creator made everything in seven days? I mean, creation points to a designer. Plus I don't honestly want to believe I came from a offence to your name-I just like the idea that all my ancestors were humans..not animals..

By Blogger Amanda, at Wednesday, September 29, 2004 10:15:00 PM  

so...... your not an animal?

By Blogger ron, at Wednesday, September 29, 2004 10:28:00 PM  

Look, of course its really really complicated. Thats why people devote years of their life trying to understand it. But once you begin learning and seeing things coming together and working, it starts to make sense. Think of it in small terms. An orderly sand dune is made from disorder- the wind blows chaoticly, but the peices of sand form a structure. Snow flakes are so intricate and complex, yet they form from water crystals freezing in a completely random fashion. A disorganized bag of potatoe chips organizes itself- crumbs on the bottom, solid chips on top. There are so many forces at play here, it takes lifetimes to peice together.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Wednesday, September 29, 2004 11:15:00 PM  

yeah but you don't have to use evolution to explain those things...and regardless of how much time you spend and how much you break it doesn't make's simply what you chose to believe in and put your faith it. I chose to put my faith in chose to put yours in evolution. Personally, I think mine makes more sense..and you think yours makes more sense. I am not going to change my beliefs because I know they are right and you probably won't change yours because you think they are right. not to mention that I have yet to meet a person who likes to be proven wrong.

On an aside..have you ever seen The Passion of Christ?

By Blogger Amanda, at Wednesday, September 29, 2004 11:53:00 PM  

some much intelligence and so much ignorance in one post. its a love and hate thing

i applaud your evolutionary knowledge branciteam-very well said

amanda i respect your faith.
but come on-of course religion is easier-you dont have to learn anything besides "it was gods will" why did this happen=god did it

please try and explore other religions and the history of religion-you'll see the common themes and may understand why religion started in the first place-

people did not know how things worked, so it must be god, or a gods doing. now that we know how things work-documented proof of evolution-all that people need to do is learn,
however, ignorance is easier

By Blogger murphy, at Thursday, September 30, 2004 1:11:00 PM  

i was going to post a nasty comment but i'll be nice. just because things dont make sense to you doesnt mean that they arent true. i think you two are too young to have such strong convictions about this issue. i actually grew up going to church and praying. anyway dont believe just because you were brought up that way. arent you the least bit skeptical about what people tell you and whats true? do you have any ambition to find out the truth? why things occur/happen?
the blanket statement of "god made that way" doesnt provide any answers really. if you are content in your answers then thats absolutely fine. as for the rest of us on this board, we strive for the truths in life and embrace scientific discoveries and factual knowledge. this arguement on this board will never end because we, or atleast I, cannont be content living with god as the answer to things.
i guess we all want more answers, whereas you two stop and say "this is enough, these are the answers, its god". to each their own

By Blogger ron, at Thursday, September 30, 2004 1:17:00 PM  

I am not too young to have strong convictions. And since you grew up in church you at least have heard this stuff before? but what made you decide it was wrong? what made you want to search for something else? what triggered a desire to prove God wrong? And why are you taking the time to prove me wrong? or to point out my errors-do you not have better things to do? or are you on a rampage against God?

By Blogger Amanda, at Thursday, September 30, 2004 2:27:00 PM  

good point ron! it's a fallacy to say "i dont get it, so it's not true." it's also a fallacy to say "well your point is wrong, so mine must be right." tha'ts a false dilemma. maybe there's a 3rd option out there we don't even know about.

i've noticed something else. several people have said stuff like religion and an ultimate creator is easier to understand. i disagree (note, i am NOT ignorantly claiming that because i don't see it this way, it's wrong, i'm just explaining my reasoning so don't jump all over my ass sayin i'm making accusations i'm not). i find it much more difficult to imagine some all-powerful, omniscient, perfect, all-knowing being that created the world with its infinite detail (and i wonder how you could so easily imagine this, not really being able to understand the infinite, due to your own finite capacities). it seems much more logical and believable that things, over BILLIONS of years, very SLOWLY EVOLVED, with those creatures not evolving and adapting to the environment dying off, thus leaving what is left today (see natural selection). it is difficult to imagine these intricacies all being established in a week, or 6 days if there's some resting on the 7th and all. i guess god plays golf too.

also, if humans (which are animals by the way) didn't evolve from other animals, such as apes or whatnot, that would mean we're all descendents from the same people, adam and eve. hence, every time a couple reproduces they're also commiting incest. what a lovely thought. there are statutes against that now. theoretically, we'd need a huge master chart including every person ever existing on this world to tell us if the person we're attracted to is enough degrees apart from ourselves where it's not incest. this seems ridiculous. god's existence necessitates incest. hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha

By Blogger josh, at Thursday, September 30, 2004 2:29:00 PM  

amanda, i have a couple questions:
1) you keep harping on the fact you're not 16, yet you have not once told us your age. how old are you, then? 15? 14? if you don't tell us, we'll assume you're lying.

2) we are not against you. what we want is you to put away teh books. make a rational argument for god's existence w/o quoting the bible or another religious source. i can quote books too: "things the south was right about: beef jerky, lemonade, fancy balls, good manners, country music [questionable], napping in hammocks, beauty queens, michael jordan, wal-mart, alligator wrestling, walt disney world" Moore, Stupid white men, p131. see? anyone can quote books. but add some logic to it. if you must use the bible, use ideas, but not direct passages. you're just slowly reading us a book, not making a persuasive argument.

ok so 1 question, 1 statement. whatever.

By Blogger josh, at Thursday, September 30, 2004 2:46:00 PM  

blah blah blah, i just have a mind that was unsatisfied with the answers the church provided for me. who the fuck are they to tell me whats right and wrong? it was just unnecessary for my life. infact it bothered me to believe in something that i didnt agree with. it felt unfounded. with that being said, i will no longer respond to any religious garbage.

By Blogger ron, at Thursday, September 30, 2004 2:51:00 PM  

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2 days and i miss the whole thing 

Brian was right about the world -1 in Mario. I’ve seen new evidence proving such, buts its not necessarily world -1. it’s a harder version of world 2-2 that loops itself and never ends. But the moral of the story is that Brian was right. The trick is that you have to just keep jumping at that brick until somehow you get in there.

Murphy, call me about the couch.

Thursday is d-day for the bender. Its either going to involve me driving around with a bunch of stuff in my car for a while or I’m just going to go to VT and end it. I figure I’ll spend plenty of time down here in CT but the smoking is going to stop. Not just for the sake of getting a job but for myself. Once again I need to prove to myself I’m not a junkie. This bender has been close to a month and a half long. I’m starting to forget important stuff. The other day I stopped myself in the parking lot to make sure I had pants on. But you know what? Its been great. I love being free enough to just do what I want, when I want with no consequences.

Hows your god like that one?!?!? Oh god, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to dink my weight in beer once a week. I believe in you and will preach your god name to others. I repent my sins! See! Now I’m SAVED! PRAISE THE LORD! I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT!

Ka’tissssss….. chug….chug…..chug….

You can’t prove the bible is true by quoting from it. Especially to a bunch of people who know science. Amanda, Emily; I suggest you go read a few books other then the bible and visit a few places. Maybe educate yourselves in a few other religions. You don’t need god to lead a fulfilling life and be nice to others. Those types of things you learn from experience.

One question. If god can repent your sins when you ask for forgiveness, and you do this your entire life, what happens if you miss one? I forget things one a daily basis. If I sin more then once a day, I may just forget about it. If I go my entire life with one unresolved sin, do I still go the hell? Was all the rest of it a waste of time? What if Christianity is the wrong religion? The only thin g I can use to explain that Jesus was real is that he may have been the worlds first magician. Water to wine, bread to fish, all simple slight of hand acts. If he were to do this in front of an audience 2 thousand years ago then they would have been amazed. Think of what David blain does now a days.

I have faith. Faith in the fact that other people don’t want to be treated like assholes so they won’t treat me like that if I don’t. I have faith that people are not stupid and will listen to reason and logic. Smart people are going to win this cultural battle be cause they are just that, smart. If people don’t see the connections between the religious culture that is causing all this terrorism and what the republicans are trying to do to this country, then I don’t know what to do. Intelligence will prevail.

I don’t think I explained the errors in posting with your name. the HTML code used to run this site isn’t very good. I had a loAt of trouble getting it to work and sometimes the names show up incorrectly. Its not their fault if they don’t post with a user name right away.

I have to give credit to those that have posted in the last 2 days. I didn’t check the site for 2 days and there was a ton of activity. Apparently religion is the only thing we can get excited about and post for anymore.

Either tomorrow night or Thursday day I’m going to throw a “I-don’t-live-here-any-more-party” and piss off all the neighbors. Join me.

Josh, call me and let me know when would be a good time to swing down for a visit. I’ve got nothing but time now.

Right now I’m going to drink until I can’t stand up and then try to drink some more. What does god thing of that one! Its not a sin to be a slobbering drunk but its still not a smart move. Fuck um all. Let “god” sort them out.

PS: did anyone else notice how they always capitalized the “H” in “He”. Now that’s devotion.


Come on, you cant prove the bible true. If you could there wouldnt be all this debate in the world!

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Wednesday, September 29, 2004 8:24:00 PM  

oh, but can prove the bible is true--but probably can't prove that you should believe it..see, proving it's true is not that's proving that you should think it is true is what is hard.

By Blogger Amanda, at Wednesday, September 29, 2004 10:19:00 PM  

Um ya, im going to need an example here. But, im warning you, this is going to be a tough one on your part.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Wednesday, September 29, 2004 11:20:00 PM  

You can prove that the Bible exists and that it includes some historical fact.

there was a guy named Jesus, he was a carpenter. the part about him being the son of god is where the fog rolls in.

the stories in the bible appear in other religions way before christ, no pun intended, in mesopotamia, minoan and mycenian civilzations. noahs ark flood myth is what i am talking about

look it up-God Squad

-just to make sure you have to look in a book besides the bible

on a side note-remeber that stupid math computer game about Hammurabi and the bushels of grain-god damned hk

By Blogger murphy, at Thursday, September 30, 2004 12:54:00 PM  

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whats next? someone saying they've got a perpetual motion machine? i caught a comment down low that said something about studying thermodynamics and entropy.
"we all created from a tiny speck of nothing-which contradicts thermodynamics..ever studied that?"
i'm only chiming in on this because the laws of thermodynamics account for mass conservation, or more generally energy conservation. amanda, seriously, get you shit straight. there are millions of experiments and teraflops of data to back up the thermodynamic laws. want to talk about engineering? i'd love to on my free time.

whats up for this weekend? matt going back to VT right? anything happening about a party or watching the debate? murphy i'm looking your damn, tell jenny i'll buy her a six pack. deal! see you there.


i'll be arond this weekend i think

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:04:00 PM  




you know drink every time he says "terr"

come one come all i want to see everyone

By Blogger murphy, at Thursday, September 30, 2004 12:32:00 PM  

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Yes, stop 

Look girls. I think we have had enough here. Please stop preaching to us. Quoting the bible will get you no where. Saying we are sinners and that you are sinners doesnt seem to hold any water, since we dont share the same values. Its like trying to speak English to someone who speaks French. Trying to convert them will only make them angrier and drift further from the cause.

Your young and naive and you cant help that. Im guessing your from the south somwhere, live in a somewhat smaller town, probably go to church 3 times a week (one being at night), and a burnette. Your social atmosphere consists of people you know and met in church. One of your parents is also a religious freak. Youve probably stole something one time, or had a sip of a beer that made you run to Jesus. Your 16. You cant get away from the people and the attitudes that surround you. Your living in a closed in little world with no idea what else is actually out there. One day this is going to hit you hard right in the face, and its going to knock you down. It happens to all of us at one point. You may get up and run back to your comfort zone, or you may take a break, think about your life, alter your direction a bit and keep on going. Keep learning, keep wanting to learn. If you dont, your going to be stuck.

For now i say to relish the naivity that you bath in. Someday your going to wish you still had it.


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By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Tuesday, September 28, 2004 4:39:00 PM  

I am not 16..but I will stop. I do hope someday you will run into someone and listen to what they have to say about this..but alas, I can see that I can say nothing. I am sorry you are so hard and unwilling to at least listen. But you chose your path, and I have chosen mine.

By Blogger Amanda, at Tuesday, September 28, 2004 4:40:00 PM  

i find it funny that you say we don't listen. we listen had have provided nothing but facts to obliterate your argument (thanks macunas). maybe you aren't listening to the rest of hte world.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:05:00 PM  

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enough of this sally crap 

fuck off emily, none of us have time for your fucking whining about god or any other crap about us going to hell or shit like that. do you have nothing better to do with your time then try to convince people you are right?
you take a look at her site? she's 16. for fucks sake she hasnt even had the pleasure of a fat nut in the eye yet.
these fucking comments are getting on my nerves a bit. come on, this arguement is old. i'm not the least bit happy about bringing up this stupid old shit over and over again.

( ))*******D- - -

how ya like that?


ronny has drunkenly brought up a couple of good points
1-fuck off bitches-which is usually my standpoint
2-who gives a fuck-that about sums this up

macunas-very nice display of using actual historical evidence against religion-they hate when you do that, the word facts is like the word sin to them.

however, unfortunately this girl doesnt listen, like so many other god freaks ive argued with in the past. dismiss logic and reason and blindly quote from the bible

adios bart

By Blogger murphy, at Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:03:00 AM  

great art ron, just great.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:07:00 PM  

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Monday, September 27, 2004

forgiveness negates perfection 

so anonymous emily, i would assume that your vision of god is one of perfection yes? that seems to be a pretty common characteristic attributed to god. how about omnipotence? all-knowing? if so, then there may be a problem w/ forgiveness, which is apparently what i, and my friends here, need according to you so we dont go to hell (though i did always prefer warmer weather). i would also argue that to forgive the sins of all humans, a god would have to be all-knowing, he'd have to be everywhere. how else would he know or "hear" who to save? well, theoretically, then, if we sin, god knew we would beforehand (and apparently chose not to prevent it). so we sin, and he forgives. he does not harbor resentment towards our sins. but it is sometimes said that god forgives us before we ask for forgiveness, and maybe even sometimes before we commit the wrong to begin with. this would mean that god forgives before he resents us (or our sins) for the act he just forgave us for. in other words, by the time he resents, we have been absolved of the sin. so, certainly, if we have been absolved of the sin, there can be no reason for which god may hold resentment towards us. if he does, then he's resenting us for no reason. but since he can't, then this means that god DOES NOT HAVE THE OPTION TO NOT FORGIVE US. if he doesn't have that option, he can't be so omnipotent, can he?

also, forgiveness absolves our sins. we pray or ask for forgiveness, and this wonderful, warm and cuddly god forgives us. does this not simply validate wrongdoings? so our acts may lead us into earthly troubles, but our souls will be safe? if i kill someone tomorrow, yet achieve forgiveness, my soul will be ok? that seems like it could lead ot some sort of decay of the moral system. so it seems that perhaps at least either god can't be perfect and omnipotent, or the forgiving of sin is not a divine attribute.

a final question. could god create a boulder so heavy that he could not lift it? if so, how? if not, what does that say about the perfection aspect of god's character?

thats just a start for now


God could do it..but I don't think He would. You've got some valid points there..I'll have to give you that. But do you realize we're talking about the same thing? You have faith God doesn't exist. I have faith God does exist. Either way-we both believe in something. Sadly, your belief just lets you live however you please-but sin always has conquences. I know-I've seen them in my own life. I would love to know more about what you think-perhaps you have more questions--would be be willing to at least give me a chance? At least listen..if not, then I will drop it and simply pray.

By Blogger Amanda, at Tuesday, September 28, 2004 7:46:00 AM  

You said it yourself- you are restricted, we are not. We both live moral lives, yet you are controlled by something. That is one of our points about the origins of religion used to control people.

Atleast this one seems more open and able to have a decent conversation without quoting the bible.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:27:00 AM  

it just seems to me that living under god is such a restricted life. do you believe that god gave you free will? or do you believe in determinism? if free will, then why do sins exist? why are there some things which, if done, will damn our souls to hell if we're supposed to have FREE will? FREE will implies freedom, not from consequence of your actions, but in teh sense that while you're accountable for your actions to others in society, that is where it ends. and if you believe in determinism, then why does god determine that people would sin, if he resents sin and has to forgive it? what's the point of predetermining people to sin if that goes against god's wishes?

By Blogger josh, at Tuesday, September 28, 2004 2:10:00 PM  

question: If free will or having the free choice does indeed mean freedon, why is not everything free? Why can one steal and go to court-is that not free? or why can't everyone murder whoever they feel like? are those not free chioces? Yes..I can choose to is my free choice-but I will have a consequence. God gave us a free will. We can make any choice we want. Really. But at some point there will be consequences.

"if i kill someone tomorrow, yet achieve forgiveness, my soul will be ok? that seems like it could lead ot some sort of decay of the moral system." Do you think there is a moral system? You almost seem to be contradicting yourself. Maybe not..maybe you just think the only moral system is as the government defines it. And yes, while forgiveness does forgive-it does not remove the punishment. but this is aren't going to listen and I don't know everything..

By Blogger Amanda, at Tuesday, September 28, 2004 4:48:00 PM  

"but this is aren't going to listen and I don't know everything.."

hey, i don't like to be painted with that brush. actually, as a philosophy major, now a law student, i'm interested in and fascinated by argument, and i am interested in teh arguments people make and the reasons tehy use to back up said arguments. so next time you're going to direct a statement at me, or at an entire group, make sure it applies to the entire group. gross generalizations lead to many speculative fallacies.

now, we may not agree (and may never agree) on the end point of the argument, but that does not mean there is nothign to be gained from discussion. at the very least, interest. i may have to take this to your blog or something, as it seems the workermonkey crew is tiring of the argument.

at any rate, i'm not sure i understand how you think i'm contradicting myself? please explain, i'm trying to see it from your POV but i'm missing something...

By Blogger josh, at Tuesday, September 28, 2004 5:50:00 PM  

sorry..didn't mean to make a blanket statement..just seemed like no one wanted to listen. honestly..I am not trying to be a bible thumping freak..I just think if you can share your views, why can't I share mine?

And I'll admit..I won't have all the answers..I might not be able to contradict everything you throw at me..But I'll listen you what you guys have to say if you listen to me..

By Blogger Amanda, at Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:25:00 PM  

first, i know what the word infinite is.

second, you're contradicting yourself there. you said god could create a stone so heavy he couldn't lift it, then you said he could lift it. that's like saying "A" is true, and also that "not A" is true. that defies logic. how do you figure that works? that's like saying "i exist" is true, but also "i do not exist" is true. god can't do both, and certainly couldn't do both at the same time. that's ridiculous.

By Blogger josh, at Wednesday, September 29, 2004 9:49:00 PM  

even permitting that god could do anything he wants, he could not do things that violate logic. some things are just impossible. to say that god could do all things impossible in the world would imply that there are really no rules governing the universe. that's preposterous

By Blogger josh, at Thursday, September 30, 2004 2:35:00 PM  

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I couldn't forgive the pope if i tried. 

I took a quick browse of your site, Em. Ah, to be 16. This group's pretty aggressively anti-religion, I'll say that much. Unless you've got a degree in theology, you're not gonna have much luck squaring off against a group of philosophers, engineers, biologists, and psychologists such as ourselves. We ARE the scientific establishment. Hell, my mom used to be a nun, for Shiva's sake. Never really stuck on me - i been finding faults in these empty dogmas for 10 years now.
Incidentally, it's almost impossible to argue one side to the other anyways.
Follow these exciting differential equations:
Science = reason
Religion = faith

Let it soak in.....alright. Because the two use 2 different foundations upon which they build thier arguements, there can be very little common ground to fight over. Religion comes into play where science leaves off - reason can bring mankind to amazing new heights each and every decade (and increasingly, each and every year/month/day). it'll be able to explain even more in the future, but until then we use faith to take over where reason stops to scratch its head.

Faith (n.): that shit people exercise in the absence of reason and rational analysis.

SINNERS <-- this is a major beef i got w/ catholicism. it presupposes that humans are born evil. and the way the church teaches it, you my friend get saddled with exactly one ton of guilt that you never earned. It's a really clever method of control, actually. it just sucks. The best way to coerce people into championing a cause or belief is through guilt - mental torture is just as strong as physical. And it's been determining the course of our histories for millenia. bah. Oh, by the way, your crucifix comes from the Latin cruciare: to torture. Funfact.


Jesus was happening guy, but I'm not so sure bout the whole divinity thing. It was during the council of Nicea (as in 'the Nicean Creed' hymn) that this new church thing decided to officially endorse Jesus as the Son of God. It was a good move because it made the church's power unchallengable and everyone had to get redemption thru thier sacred channels. I've read that there were 80 different gospels submitted - the few that were chosen for the Bible were there because they were the ones that most closely made Jesus seem superhuman. Christianity itself is actually just a hybrid of a bunch of other religions that were kicking around that time. Emperor Constantine decided to pull an official unification of christianity and paganism so he wouldn't hve a civil war on his hands. ummm 325 AD. Okay, i'm just gonna directly bite off the DaVinci Code here, since it pretty much says what i've always thought:
"Nothing in christianity is original. The pre-christian God Mithras - called the Son of God and the Light of the World - was born on dec. 25th, died, was buring in a rock tomb, and then resurrected in three days. By the way, dec. 25 is also the birthday of Osiris, Adonis, and Dionysus. The newborn Krishna was presented with gold, frankincense, and myrrh. even christianity's weekly holy day was stolen from the pagans. Originally, christianity honored the Jewish Sabbath day of Saturday, but Constantine shifted it to coincide with the pagan's veneration day of the sun. To this day, most churchgoers attend services on Sunday morning with no idea that they are there on account of the pagan sun god's weekly tribute - Sun-day.

that was boring to write, but interesting nonetheless.maybe Emily will pull a Courtney once she hits college haha.

In more recent news, me and Corinne went to Atlantic City on Saturday - pretty fun. Trump owns EVERYTHING. let's just say he's got the entire casino area on lock. won $80 in blackjack. big fuckin deal. the best part of it was actually just tossing the frisbee on the waterfront under the neon glitz.
Also, saw Talib Kweli at Toad's Place last night. Pretty bangin' but he only played a little over an hour and there were no openers so mostly just drinking for me. every person i was in the car with had rolled up thier own blunt. i could've stared at a wall for 4 hours and called it heaven. There was some breakers on stage all doing the robot at the same time. then one of the kids i went with went up a did a backspin and knocked over Talib's mic stand ahaha


*Applause* Boring to write, very interesting to read. WEll DONE my friend. I like the way you organize your thoughts and put them in action. God will be very pleased.

The Courtney parrallel is prob right on too.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Monday, September 27, 2004 5:29:00 PM  

i must agree w/ bbeer. very interesting and insightful macunas! how do you like that sinner?? jk. or am i?

By Blogger josh, at Monday, September 27, 2004 6:00:00 PM  

Romans 5:12 "Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned"

We are all born sinners. There's no arguing that. Read Genesis 3. It clearly tells how Adam and Eve were perfect until they let the devil's temptation overcome them, and they disobeyed God. That one sin put a sin curse on everyone. We are sinners, and we deserve death. But we don't have to spend an eternity in hell. God sent His Son to die for our sins. Jesus dies the most painful death you could imagine. I'm going to quote my friend right now:
"On a lonely hill He was. Crucified and killed. In between two thieves He hung, no place suitable for a king. Soldiers mocked and spit. People scoffed, "If He is the king, why does He not save himself?" His friends cried in agony, all the while wondering if that was still their Christ. He was barely recognizable. Why one may ponder, did He trudge up that hill, the lonely hill? To save my sins-the sins of the world. It was His true purpose, His destiny. He came to die-He was born so He could die. There on the cross He hung, every sin bearing on His shoulders. The spiritual torment far worse then the physical. His own father turned His back. This was not the end though. For in order for the ultimate sacrifice, He had to conquer death-and that He did. Three days later He arose! My sins to forgive, my soul to save. How I love my Lord! I pray I will never take for granted the amazing gift He has given me."

Just take that in for a minute.

About your definition of faith:
1. Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.
2. Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
3. Loyalty to a person or thing; allegiance: keeping faith with one's supporters.
4. The theological virtue defined as secure belief in God and a trusting acceptance of God's will.
5. A set of principles or beliefs.

I have a faith in God. No, I can't see Him. But I feel His presence around me all the time. He is forever with me, and that is evidenced by all that He does for me. I deserve nothing, yet He has given me so much. I put my faith in Jesus Christ. He sustains me. If you're using faith as a noun, like in the religion sense, then my faith is Christianity. There is plenty of reason behind my faith. The Bible.

And the Bible is true. I will come up with more about your DaVinci Code quote. But there is much evidence that the Bible is true. More later.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, September 28, 2004 12:34:00 AM  

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Sounds like someone needs to call the Wambulance 

Boom Shakalaka. too much boo hoo and not enough coodily doo.

im glad to see that their is a fierce debate about an issue that was buried sometime ago.

Emily i may have been rude to you in my first comment, but not posting your name is a total cop out, and i am sorry to say that my general demeanor will not change in that respect.

in other words...religion is good for some but not for others-others being the millions of people that have been killed in the name of religion. Do you wear a shawl over your face? According to Islam you are going to hell. sin is relative to what religion you are talking about, how do you know that yours is the right one?

Im not a theologist or a scientist so i dont claim to know all the angles but in general i try to be a good person, have good times and give great oldies

In conclusion-Relax and go to it, and my advice to you, as you contiuously bark up the wrong tree, is to do something you are not supposed to do-SIN-and see how it feels

go ahead steal a beer mug from the bar, or pinch a little off your girlfriends stash and smoke it. Cheat on your boyfriend, marry your cousin and if all else fails...

Fart in Church

I hope this message has reached you in good spirits and left you in better ones

Your Pal

Justin Murphy


This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Monday, September 27, 2004 1:08:00 PM  

Just to clarify something I have stated earlier. I have sinned. We all have. If I'm coming across as a perfect little church girl who never does anything wrong you are completely wrong. I sin way to much. Trust me, I know what it feels like. It makes me feel dirty and disgusting. I live in guilt after I have sinned. It makes my need for a Savior all the more clear to me. While sin often "feels good" while I am sinning, the consequences are far to painful. But I don't try not to sin because I'm afraid of the consequences. Rather I try not to sin because I love God. I want to be devoted to Him and do what He wants me to do. That is definately NOT sin. Once again Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
You want some positive news? You don't have to live in your sin. Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, BUT the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord." All you have to do is accept this free gift of salvation. Admit your a sinner and you need God. Believe that God sent His son to die for your sins and rose from the dead on the third day. Confess your sins to God and ask Him to come into your heart. THe gift is waiting. Why don't you take it? It will change you life. It sure has mine.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, September 28, 2004 12:04:00 AM  

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Sunday, September 26, 2004

......and on the third day calculus was created 

thus explaining the first and second days events, then the data was examined more and some complex math models were used to explain the time and events leading up to the start of the first day. want more, i can write a book. but i really dont have the fucking time.

science rules all biatches!!!! oxymoron: christian science ha ha ha ha ha seriously this just cracks me up even typing it. its even better when they say christian science research. what the fuck are they researching?

i do however, respect religion. it does some people alot of good. some people need to believe in something. some people need to think that someone is helping them get though a tough time. some people need an answer to the horrible or extraordinary events of life. some people like to pray and think they are making a difference. note: they possibly might be making a difference, research has shown that the mind can emit electro-magnetic waves which of course can produce and action on objects. its not out of the question, were just all still dumbasses using 7% of our brain capacities. watch out for 8 %, evolutions coming. some people need religion, but not me.

back to the good book: non-linear dynamics and chaos theory, Thompson, Stewart. give me the right equations and i'll tell you exactly whats going to happen. as people get smarter and more (good) information is spread, people will slowly realize that god doesnt make things tick. things can be explained and the answer isnt god. fuck, i lost my steam to argue about this crap. believe whatever the fuck you want to, just keep it off my front door step!

when i die, i'm going in the ground. worms and moles can eat my decaying flesh. hell? call it whatever the fuck you want cause thats where most of us will be. i'm not saying that those who arent in the ground are going to heaven, some of us might die firey deaths or drown and get eaten by fish. who knows?

i watched half a football game today. i'm doing better than last weekend, i dont think i watched any. and i missed the monday night game. not tomorrow, JJM knows the score, rpl-3000, JJM-2. what the fuck am i writing. i'm sure my insanity assures the godgoer visiting this site i actually know what the fuck i'm talking about but whatever. i think that the more research i do the more socially inept i get. seriously i dont know a thing about the politics gripping this country. i get half ass news from a bunch of internet sites. i dont really have time to read about where these idiots stand on all the issues. i might as well get a bumper sticker that says "charlton Heston is my president" and vote for nader, i know where he stands on one important issue. . .. aaaahhh yea. dont you love the anticipation of rolling a joint? i mean you break it up, or cut it with scissors as i do, roll it., sometimes twice if you dont approve of the first roll job. then you let it sit a second to let the paper dry out. and all the while you are waiting, its like a dog inside your head thats about to get a treat. jumping up and down, barking, kinda like the beggin bits commercial. "ITS BACON". but your all cool on the outside. man i love getting stoned. i havent smoked in three weeks and i'm itchin for it.

damnit i'm losing it. later


your 'prayers' have been answered ronny-let me be your 'savior' ahhhahahaahahahahahaha
samson came over on saturday an he should be around till the end of the week if you here what im thinking about.

MNF will definately be a large block of wasted time

By Blogger murphy, at Monday, September 27, 2004 9:39:00 AM  

yea boyeeeeee!

By Blogger ron, at Monday, September 27, 2004 3:04:00 PM  

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Saturday, September 25, 2004


I check "Little Brutha watching..." sometimes. Its a good site. I found these 2 especially entertaining:

Kerry's Top 10: "As has become customary for major guests on the 'Late Show,' Kerry took over Letterman's nightly 'top 10' list with his own countdown, reciting his own list of tax reform proposals by President George W. Bush.The list:
No. 10: 'No estate tax for families with at least two U.S. presidents';

No. 9: 'W-2 form is now Dubya-2 form';

No. 8: 'Under the simplified tax code, your refund check goes directly to Halliburton';

No. 7: 'The reduced earned income tax credit is so unfair; it just makes me want to tear out my lustrous, finely groomed hair';

No. 6: 'Attorney General Ashcroft gets to write off the entire U.S. Constitution';

No. 5: 'Texas Rangers can take a business loss for trading Sammy Sosa';

No. 4: 'Eliminate all income taxes: just ask Teresa to cover the whole damn thing';

No. 3: 'Cheney can claim Bush as a dependent';

No. 2: 'Hundred-dollar penalty if you pronounce 'nuclear' instead of 'nucular'';

No. 1: George W. Bush gets a deduction for mortgaging our entire future.'"

Where Kerry Stands on Iraq - A Kerry-English translation. By William Saletan: "If you've had trouble figuring out where John Kerry stands on Iraq, today is your lucky day. The senator finally clarified his position in a speech at New York University. Here's a summary."Next time someone suggests that Kerry wavers, point them here.

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Thursday, September 23, 2004

My Wrath Reaches No Bounds! 

So your sitting here killing time are you? Dont you have some pressing matters to attend to--isnt there something ticking in that little head of yours? oooo now you remember, it shouldn't be time that you are killing-for time kills itself. Maybe i should refresh your memory...

Welcome back friends, for i have been away for quite an age but i see now that my return has come at the most oportune time...on the edge of your reality and my sanity. I suppose I should get right to the point.

Dire are the Straights we have been passing in this walk of life. We are on the edge of societal colapse and no one is the wiser. We've been hinting at it in our daily banter but none has come right out and said it. WERE ALL FUCKED!

so here is my plan...wsweswswswswpsswspssspsps. got

what the fuck! unintelligable nonsense. English you bastard....

Wake up damn it. NOW! and im spent.

It seems that ive been typeing in my sleep again. this is an ever present problem when you spend 8 hours a day in the library. falling asleep typing is sort of like falling asleep writing you dream what you were last experiencing. apparently my subconscious was have a conversation with itself, or some sort of sub-subconscious

in conclusion dont smoke crack.

am i writing this while i sleep? are you sleeping right now? smoke a joint and reread this post and then make your decision. your answer might not be that clear.


thursday night if anyone is interested in getting some beer, bitches and BBQ call 423 2820

Ps. I wanna kiss you all over--and over and over again
everyone sing this song!

Josh, for your information i typed this post completely sober. heres lookin at you doobie roller


Justin 'Kilty McBagpipes' Murphy


haha i dont doubt it murph..that comment wasnt really directed at you though. samson on!

By Blogger josh, at Thursday, September 23, 2004 8:59:00 PM  

hi! i don't really know who you are...but i saw you posted a comment on my friend danielle's tagboard. you might have done that a long time ago, but i just saw it a second ago. you said:
"Workermonkey: i think you guys are alright but perhapse you should drop the god thing. i don't need a "god" to tell me to be a good person and not screw with other people."
i have to disagree with that. we are ALL sinners, we ALL need God, or we go to hell. if you want to talk more, leave a commment. if not, i'll leave you with that. God Bless You!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thursday, September 23, 2004 9:18:00 PM  

1) who posted the comment?
2) god doesn't exist
3) if god does exist, he would suck
4) why dont you put your name instead of anonymous? if you wanna get into a serious talk w/ us we should know who you are

By Blogger josh, at Friday, September 24, 2004 1:47:00 PM  

yes i am not sure who you are but keep your religion to yourself. i was not the one who posted the comment on your friends board it was more likely another from this blog under my name.

me and god have an understanding: I help the Humans and he allows me to walk through the raindrops so to speak.

we here at workermonkey identify ourselves--if you want to be taken seriously, although with your god promotion your are not going to be welcome, than you have to put an name to your opinion and tell us who you are.

In conclusion you are entitled to you opinion but we dont want to be converted. so fuck you and your bitch friend

Sir smokes alot

By Blogger murphy, at Friday, September 24, 2004 3:32:00 PM  

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Friday, September 24, 2004 3:33:00 PM  

hold on, it was me. i hit the next blog btton and posdted on that site. i was a little drunk. but god still sucks. just don't be a dick and you'll be ok. i don't need the fear of religion and hell to make me act nicely to others. i don't want people to be a prick to me, so i'm not a prick to them. fuck god. fuck hell. i'm sorry for insulting your religion.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Friday, September 24, 2004 6:49:00 PM  

ok if God doesn't exist, than how do you exist? there was no big bang. God spoke, and the world was created. GOd is an amazing person who offers hope, love, forgiveness, eternal life, and much much more.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, September 24, 2004 8:51:00 PM  

oops,. looks like someone jumped off the crazy ship with out a float. come on, creationism? are you serious? science is king around here biatch.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Friday, September 24, 2004 9:40:00 PM  

jesus christ! (figuratively) are you serious? i'm here cuz my parents had some sex, not cuz some super being that no one can prove existed willed it to be so. there's plenty of science backing up the big bang theory, and this doesnt even start in with all the philosophical arguments against god's existence.

i encourage you to post more, anonymous. try and convince us. you won't. we've thought about and discussed this more than you could have anticipated.

By Blogger josh, at Saturday, September 25, 2004 1:12:00 AM  

Easy boys, I think someone may be just fucking with us. Pushing buttons ya know. Anyway, without getting into it all that much, i just want to say that the big bang theory is pretty much a fact at this point. It has come out as the leader of all the ideas being backed by hard scientific evidence.

Both sides should be respectfull here. Your not going to win any arguements by saying you suck, im better.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Saturday, September 25, 2004 11:50:00 AM  

I'm being one hundred percent serious. I'm not trying to play with you. There is not evidence to back up the big bang theory. God spoke, and the world was created. He created Adam and Eve, who had offspring, and that is how you got here. I don't really see what you have against Christianity. It makes perfect sense. God loved you so much that He was willing to send His only Son into the world to die on the cross for your sins. That's the ultimate sacrifice. All you have to do is accept the fact that you are a sinner, and that you can't get to heaven without God. I'm not trying to preach at you, or be a snotty no- it- all, and I'm sorry if that is how I've come accross. But right now, I don't think that any of you are going to heaven. You'll have to spend an eternity in hell. That won't be fun guys. By the way, my name is Emily. I don't know why it won't let me use my name. Have a great day!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Saturday, September 25, 2004 5:16:00 PM  

ok, if you're relying on the lack of evidence to refute the big bang theory, where's your evidence for the existence of god? the stories are nice, but they're no more proof than me insisting there once existed a family of bears who talked, wore clothes, and went by the name berenstein. i have books to back that up; a whole series.

and for just a sample of the hypocrisy here, check out luke 6:31: "And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise" now suppose i were jewish, or buddhist, or taoist, or anything else... would you want me to tell you that you're going to hell (or an equivalent)? i would argue that you wouldn't, or that at least you'd want proof of my beliefs and the existence of my hell. well that's all i want.

chump, we should get anonymous emily here the capability to post...she's spurred more conversation than any of us lately

By Blogger josh, at Saturday, September 25, 2004 6:15:00 PM  

wow. you have some interesting comments. and i'm going to be honest with you. i can't give an answer to everything you've said. i'm not at that point spiritually, unfortunately. But i do have a really good friend who knows a lot about evolution, and can help me explain some things to you. But for now, I'll leave you with this. I believe you are taking luke 6:31 out of context. I just read that whole chapter and I belive that it is talking about how you treat your enemies. You are in no way my enemies. We are disagreeing on a very serious point, but I am not being rude about it. are you saying that i am a hypocrite? if you think i am, i am very sorry. I will later leave you with proof that my God is real. I have it all in my head, I just need some help with the way i want to express it to you.
my blog is if you want to check out my site. I haven't posted anything recently, b/c my computer is messed up and it won't let me type. i normally try to blog more, but i haven't been able to. thanks for the great discussion!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Saturday, September 25, 2004 11:10:00 PM  

i'm not the great est HTML expert and itts a great miricle of life that we are able to post comments at all with out massive HTML errors. evolution is fact. deal. welcome ot the new kind of tension, all across the idiot nation...

god is stupid. the whole concept of god is silly. religion was created hundreds of years agoo to keep people in line. i don't need to be kept in line. i'm a good person and i don't hate too many peopl,e. why do i need fear in my life to ruin that? religion provides an easy excuse for things beyond our own control. religion was used for years to keep people down and conrol the pop[ulous. enlighten your self. expand your horizons. there is so much more to life and you only will limit you're self with "god". fuck off i'm sick of dealing with religose idiots. you must watch a lot of FOX news. check out OUTFOXED. good view.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Sunday, September 26, 2004 2:17:00 AM  

amen matt. very religious people rely too much on religion, and other parts of their lives suffer. they dont have time to focus on life cuz they're too busy dealing with something that won't happen when they die.

and i do not think i took luke out of context. i used probably one of the most famous quotes around; the golden rule. if i'm taking it out of context, then so is everyone who says "do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself," and fails to mention "hey i'm talking about your enemies." that's a lot of people. if they're wrong too, i can live with that, but they can't be right while i'm wrong, cuz we're using it the same way. further, its stupid. what's right for me may not be right for someone else, so why would i do it to them simply cuz that's how i would want it? the world doesn't revolve around you, it revolves around EVERYONE.

so dont come here and tell us all we're going to hell. especially when no such place exists. i'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints. see you in hell, preacher.

By Blogger josh, at Sunday, September 26, 2004 11:27:00 AM  

you say you're a good person.

Romans 3:23 "For ALL have SINNED and fall short of the glory of God."

Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast."

I just have one simple question for you:

Are you a sinner?

Give me that answer and I will have more to say to you. Just think about that. One more question to think about:

Do your good works save you?

That's all I have for now. More later. Bye

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sunday, September 26, 2004 11:06:00 PM  

which takes more faith? we all created from a tiny speck of nothing-which contradicts thermodynamics..ever studied that? The world is not becoming more orderly-in fact it is in a slow state of decline. Or to believe that The God of the universe created everything? Do you if we were any closer to the sun we would burn up? Or how about our own bodies-take the eye..could something that intricate and detailed just have "poof" been there? What do you think? honestly..I am curious to your reasoning behind evolution.

By Blogger Amanda, at Tuesday, September 28, 2004 7:51:00 AM  

Ill field this one when i have more time. Actually ALL of these common creationalist arguements have been refuted.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:33:00 AM  

no way..I so want to hear this..

By Blogger Amanda, at Tuesday, September 28, 2004 4:51:00 PM  

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i could use a little samson 

i was in the hospital yesterday because i was riding joe k and he took a bad fall and dislocated his shoulder. hes alright, but thats not where i'm going with this.

there were all these old people there, probably fearing for their lives in some sorts and it just made me think how i'll feel when i'm old. i just had a relative die up in NY to compound this fear. right now we are relativelty healthy. i believe that after 40 or so we'll just decline in health. i think cartalige is already declining in our joints. i dont know if any of these events will push me to live healthier or not but something that stuck in my mind.

its late in the lab and i have a headlight out on my car. i'll probably get pulled over on the way back to my apartment. fucking cops up here are seriously out to get you.

josh, sure its worth transferring? i mean its not like grad students have a life anyway. but then again i dont know how your program is set up or anything. i spend all day with a bunch of indian guys who are seriously the cream of the crop coming from india. its discouraging.

my weekend looks bad. kelly is sick and might not come up. i have a funeral to go to on friday afternoon. and i got some football tickets to the uconn game on saturday. i'd still like to make it even if kelly stays home so i'll need a sidkick i guess. who's in? or who is the alternate. and then ski's party sat night. i could use some grillin'. back to school sunday. too much fucking running around. its like i work my ass off all week and i dont really even get anytime on the weekends to relax or take a nap.

fucking FPI (landlords) stole my fucking grill. gaddamn it. it was free on the side of the road but still it was mine. aparently it was in an undesignated grill spot. what the fuck? assholes. to top it all off there the fucking water is rust colored sometimes. i'm filling up a gallon at school to take home. i'm not drinking that shit. funny it comes up after the water shortage discussion.

well i'm out of here. despite the ill-health effects, i'd love to take a long deep rip on a fresh joint right now. oh yea, that would hit the spot.


everytime you get down just think of this:
I wanna talk to samson
fly me to the moon like that bitch alice cranston
everybody knows in my neigborhood
its the best shit aroud, samsons shit is blessed
hes got the whole town on lock down
legalize this shit please!

By Blogger murphy, at Thursday, September 23, 2004 10:33:00 AM  

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Tuesday, September 21, 2004

zelda + hyperlink 

ahaha i been loving this site
overclocked remix - for all your modern video game remix needs

0 comments Post a Comment

sc wants your flamers, hicks, and huddled douchebags 

it's a collection agency for the backward, the racist an yet i bet if i told any of those bitches to get in my house an d have dinner ready for when i get home i'd get bitched out. silver bullet, you my only friend. la bala de plata. 355ml of the cure

anywho, might try and transfer next year and get out of take-it-up-the-ass-but-keep-the-polo-shirt-on ville. does that even make sense? no? good. abbazaba!

got a few free hours tonight. me likey. 3 hours and nothin good on tv. i'd hang out w/ classmates if i liked them. but i got santos. silly santos. sit by the door all you want, you just went out 10min ago, not gonna happen. winston churchill, we hardly knew ye

oh good point. i tivo'd stuff. i'll do that. it's good to hear things seem to be goin well for people. brancy, how did the weekend off go? and maybe more importantly the interview? the weekend series was bullshit. go sox. except when its the braves.

so i'm trying to get into this self-betterment thing. i ran today, for the first time in forever. we'll see how long that lasts. i got a discman so i could have music when i run. i need that. it skips. piece of walmart shit. but whats a guy to do. i'm not gonna buy a nice one just for that. back to the drawing board. try to eat healthy. tha'ts hard on limited time to cook.

keep the gals stoned. if the gals minivan came back with as many dings as your golf shoe, there'd be some unpleasant words.

my pink highlighter sucks




Josh good to see you boozing it up in your precious free time. Sucks that the people suck. Get good grades and trasfer dude.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Tuesday, September 21, 2004 10:15:00 PM  

that's the plan!

By Blogger josh, at Wednesday, September 22, 2004 4:57:00 PM  

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hello i love you wont you take off your pants 

I love that Doors song.

today is a beautiful day. flores came over last night and me and him and jenny got real baked and watched football/baseball.

ronny i might be interested in your futon matress, the one i got kind of smells. its comfortable though. i got a nice set up going in the basement. things are coming together nicely, futon, mini fridge, stereo-cd/recordplayer. its becoming my sanctuary and i like it. i think im going to call it the bear cave. it still needs another couch and coffee table but those are in the works--Barone you are right, i do need you lime green 'couch' if it can still be call that after 40 years of use-- and my study/smoke room will be complete, varying titles dependent upon the present time and company-doodo do do do do doo doo! alright!

i assume that one by one you will see this fabled room of glory and intrigue. tread lightly however because once word gets out a certain man of unmatched burlyness will be dwelling within. He is.....


for those who have not hear my cell phone, backpack and jenny's wallet were stolen out of the van at the yankee game. so call 860 423 2820 or email me at
actual email is

in conclusion the wife is nice except when: cranky, pms, drunk, stressed out
just keep her stoned and i should be alright

in the words of another murphy-'fire up the lighters boys cause we smokin' again yeeeehaaaa!'


i told you to take the train in. but what do you do?

By Blogger ron, at Tuesday, September 21, 2004 2:19:00 PM  

I second that. And what you said too Murph.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Tuesday, September 21, 2004 4:03:00 PM  

for your information we made it from cromwell to NYC in an hour and a 1/2 so fuck off. not my fault slider locking mechanism suck monkey shit. beaaaches

rollin round town with the pound strapped down!

By Blogger murphy, at Wednesday, September 22, 2004 12:40:00 PM  

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Monday, September 20, 2004

Turn to "off" 

Im on a mini- vacation here. I took monday and tues off this week. First reason was because i went to NY this weekend, so i needed a liittle bit more time. Second reason is cause i have an important interview tues that i need to study for. Third reason is cause i wanted too. I need some down time here damnit.

The weather is getting cooler. I kind of like it, but we all know whats coming. However, we can all look forward to good sleeping nights. NY was good. It was intersting to spend some time in the city again. I could live there, but id prefer not too. Thers just too many people for my taste. Everyone is everywhere doing everything. NO thanks, i need some space. The game was ok, it was my first. It was cool to be there. Too bad the sox got blown out, fucking pedro. We left an inning early to avoid the crowds, and im glad we did. The kid who sold murphy the tickets was also sitting next to us, he was cool.

If you guys go to Europe, say your Canadian. Trust me, they cant tell the difference (even though we can) , and youll be treatted better. Fucking Bush screwed things up bad. "America, land of the hated". Great.

Its beutiful and crisp outside, and i plan to enjoy my time off. No tv. Im just going to laze around with the two dogs and the cat. Its good times. Maybe some yoga, afternoon cocktails. The way life should be.

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part of the problem with global warming is that the oceans will flood. no big deal, right? just a little shore line gets lost. the other problem with the ocean raising is that we run out of fresh water. the ocean's salt water will travel farther up river and destroy a lot of fresh water springs. sin ce we still rely on oil and other fossile feuls for energy, it will become increasingly difficult to keep power plantes anc cars suplied with feul. we'll become dependent on nuclear energy to power the remaining survivors of the water wars adn then the world will be in a state of chaos.

sweet sweet chaos.

brian is right about the water. we're screwed. we take fresh water for granted so its used in very very large amounts. the amount of fresh water used or contaminated ni a single day is astounding. we use it faster then we could ever replenish the supply. no matter how much energy we use, or how many resouces we claim to have, can keep us witht he rediculous demand on fresh water. could you imagine the cost if the government had to control the water supplies to everybody?

all we have to do is find someone who knows someone willing to house two complete strangers for 6 weeks in ohio. how hard could that be? we could always rent a camper or a winabego or something, all we need is a P.O. Box number. i lived out of my car for a little more hten a month when i started my job. i found a bed at kolpak, a relatives and a few other places. living on couches isn't that bad. and where do you think we'd be staying if we went to europe? some dirty hostale or an over priced hotel room?

i already have my passport

i got a call from ski, but i didn't answer it. i was supposed to tell everyone about the graduation party last week. kind of forgot. proof weed does effect your memory.

my brain was working at 110% capacity on over time today. watching hte yanks/sox gmae and the giants a tthe same time took an extreme amount of concentration. its sad to say buts its been awhile since i've really put my brain to any sort of difficult task or moment of hard though. i think thats what i need to d othough. when i move backto VT i'll be stopping the whoile bender and concentrat on selfimprovment, The Sims style. one logic/ mechanical/ cooking/ creativity/ body/ social thing at a time.

i've sort of drifted from my comics lately, but today i read this arical and it inspired me again. james sime is a slick cat from what i can tell. he wears only suits. owns a comic book store nad writes an awsome internet artical pimping comics. i'm envious. his picture is at the bottom of the article. hes the one i nthe suit.

ron, the gamecast is only useful when used in conjuction with the radio broadcast. and yes, i remember oreon trail. squirls were the only challenge. buffalo were easy. i'm the one who planted the driving while stoned and listening to music idea in your head. thats how i travel. i've made a lot of trips from boston the CT to VT and back in the last few years. the blog-o-sphere is any loop of blog sites you visit. usually pertaining to a perticular subject. the mountian bike sites you visit. the comic blogs i read. its all an internet community. a sphere. its like the influence sphere i'v etalked of.

murphy, you NEED my gold couch. come on, you want it.

my "god i love beer" post came from my desire to write a collum about finding the beauty in things. i think i could just start writing it and then baddger a newspaper until i found one who whould print it. its a positive idea. p;eople like to like things. i could show them how. my own stoned rants could very easily be positive instead of negative. i'll use my mental powers of cognition for good instead of evil. fuck the dark side, i'm a JEDI biatch.

brian, you sound like i did once. what you need is a day where you lay in the middle of the floor for a few hours around mid-day on a tuesday. break the cycle and relax. by the way, how was the game? yanks rule- pedro sucks, 7 runs in 5 innings. suck it down soxs, suck it down.


"god i love beer", or "god i love water"?

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Monday, September 20, 2004 12:03:00 PM  

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Sunday, September 19, 2004

eh, dont worry too much about the water 

as long as you plan to live in the good olde us of A then we will allways have either the firepower to go steal water from some poorer country or the $$ to purify it. there is good purification technology it just cost $$ or energy depending on how you look at it.

so it was a stone-cold sober weekend for me. i must say that i was pretty bored. i enjoy catching a buzz when i dont have anything better to do or on a friday night. maybe its a sign saying i should allways find something better do. or drink one night on the weekend. i dont know. fuck it.

glad the weather work out for all going to the ball games. i drove down to nyc sat morning at the arse crack of dawn only to drive the whole way on a flooded rt 95 at 40mph. remember that game oregon trail. and when you got to a river you hade to make a choice about how to get across it. well there was this one spot of road and it was pretty deep, i didnt know where exactly my intake is on my car but it made it a little water in the doors though. i allways used to go for it in thast game. i never built the raft or found another way around. kill 'em all if you had to. man we played that during school, awesome. remeber hunting? you could shoot like 5 bears or deer but you could only carry 100lbs back. ha ha ha. anyway... yea i forgot where i was going with this.

so i'm in the lab watching the, err reading about the miami-cincinnati game. this espn gamecast is alright but comeon i mean 90% of the reason to watch the game is to see the plays and the hits. its goddamn worse than the radio. i had hoped to be entertained by it because i didnt see or listen to any football today but its hugely dissapointing. i guess its not alright then. damn if it wasnt so late i'd go over to matt's to watch it. arg!!!!!!!! i guess i could go to library or the student union but i hate all these idiots on campus. fucking retards all of them.

anybody else get a call from ski about a graduation party saturday? i'll be there after the uconn game.

guess i'll go ride some wheelies.
ride on. -ron


Oregon trail was sweet. Remember all the diseases you could come down with? Syphuliss, the clap..etc. And when someone died you could write a tombstone. My favorites were, "I hated the bitch", and "i didnt know it was loaded"

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Monday, September 20, 2004 12:05:00 PM  

i like it when one of the characters falls off the wagon and gets dysentary or drunk or something.

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Monday, September 20, 2004 4:54:00 PM  

i enjoyed shooting the squirrels...if you had enough time, you could probably carry like 100 of them back

By Blogger josh, at Monday, September 20, 2004 6:25:00 PM  

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We're okay, Euro K. 

Josh - try to control the spin so it hits Right Hand Yellow legal pad.

So I'm getting a Passport. I'm happy about that because it's useful and i've been meaning to for awhile. I think it deserves a few more capitals next time around. With a PaSspoRT i could go anywhere^ God bless my AsS SpOrt. (Note: the exclamation point key is busted. consider it an ^)

Matt - what you want to do is about the noblest thing i can think of joining. Not only would getting voting rights in Ohio be an impressive idea, I could even bring it up during political job interviews to seem more motivated than i actually am^ It's the COUCH thing that gets me. I may as well spend a month in a cardboard box lined w/ egg crates. If we were to find temp jobs over there doing slug work-a-day jobs to kill time, i think that'd actually be superior to what I'm doing now. (the magic of CIV III never wears off). I'm sort of tempted, but still not sold yet.

In leau of that (and this is where the ass sport comes in) .....EUROPE^^^

ugh stupid key

So I think I got MB sold on the issue - if anyone else has got free time a few weeks from now let us know. looking at you, murph. i'm thinking erin go braugh, kissy faces w/ parisians as we trace the LaRose family lineage, amsterdam (Clogs and Blogs haha), go to germania and visit the Lies museum (you know it BB), and then back to the tea rooms to get wasted off hash. YEAH^^

supid fckin...

Oh yeah, i used a halloween pic for my passport application. it's boss

Thhose stories from that jerk guys' page are fuckin awsome^^ Especially the one where he tries anal and gets his friend to film it.synopsis: she shits on him, he pukes on her ass, she pukes on herself, then his friend stumbles out of the closet and falls onto the floor barfing next to them ahahhaa


What jerk guys page?? or should i say ^^^

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Monday, September 20, 2004 12:06:00 PM  

Whats the jerk guy page?

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Monday, September 20, 2004 2:52:00 PM  

ANSWER ME DAMNIT!! Just kidding, i didnt know my first comment published...

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Monday, September 20, 2004 2:54:00 PM  

the above story was from a site josh recommended below maybe...hmm...a week ago. it may be

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Monday, September 20, 2004 4:51:00 PM  

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Saturday, September 18, 2004

god, i love water 

water is great. when its cold its pound-able. when its warm its great. i lke to bath myself in large amounts of water or let the water run over my head, i like swimming in vast bodies of water. i like how water can be cleean or dirty and really not be that much difffernt. i like how water is clear. i like how it is so abundant that it falls from the sky. i like that its readily avalible indifferent forms. liquid, solid, ice, water, ice is good. i like water.

i'll comment on everyones posts later. right now its sleep time. just got home from yanks/sox

fucking rivera


Yes, water is good. However in the northeast we are lucky to have abundant supplies and it is not an issue for us. However, in other parts of the country and world, this is not the case. Some think that water will be the cause of the next world war. It is running out and getting polluted at a rate faster than it can replenish itself. You watch... everyone is going to wonder what happened and its going to be too late. Should have listened to the scientists, assholes.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Saturday, September 18, 2004 10:13:00 AM  

haha rivera folded faster than dan harrington with a 7-2 pocket hand. remember rocker a few years ago? all great closers break down eventually! (except smoltz, he'll be good til he retires)

and yes, water is sweet. not only is it a core element of beer, but after beer has betrayed you and left you hungover, the very same water helps you feel better. to water!

By Blogger josh, at Saturday, September 18, 2004 12:57:00 PM  

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Friday, September 17, 2004

another weekend 

brancy and ron, fantastic posts.

i think the walk you took, brancy, is one of the best things you can do for yourself. so often i also feel that i have no time, i'm rushing everything. it's been a pretty constant feeling since i got to columbia a month or so ago. go to class, do my work, feed the dog, give the dog attention, do more work. it's friday afternoon, just got home from class an hour or so ago, and i still feel stressed and rushed. this is supposed to be the most relaxing time of the week for people who go to school or work m-f, yet i'm not relaxed. and your walk touches on something. i try to golf now and then. an expensive habit, like rons, if i do it enough. but i'm backed up. my hobby depends partially on weather. it's rained every weekend each of the last 4 weeks. i havent played in like a month. watching mindless tv is one thing, but it's not totally relaxing. without relaxation , you'll burn out in a heartbeat.

it almost seems unfair at times. you're cruising along in undergrad, then SMACK--reality slaps you across the face with it's dick, almost without warning. i find myself not only worrying/stressing/rushing about things happening today, tomorrow, next week, but i also need to consider my future. perhaps an example would be more clear:
usc is not a top 20 law school. without being in the top 20, your chances of beign able to get a job anywhere you want are not good. your best bet is regional. well, being down here, i've learned i do not wish to live here (now, coincidentally, i didnt have much of a choice in going to usc, so its not something that was in my control before). the area is ok, but i would never settle here. i dont like the people. they hate northerners for the most part. but my commitment here is more than 3 years of school, since its not a top 20 school. so i could be screwed. due to this, i'm going to most liekly attempt transfer (AGAIN). but see what i mean? i have to look 3-4 years into the future, to decide what i do in a couple months (start applying for transfer). ridiculous.

so life does spin you around and round. i'm doing my best right now to at least slow the spinning down to where i can control myself w/in the spin. i guess thats 'all i can do

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Thursday, September 16, 2004


justin, i'll go to BC, there is a ton of kick ass mountian biking out there. on the note of bikes i just bought another one, picking it up this weekend in NY. now, when it is fully assembled it will be worth two times more than my current car. its an odd stat and i'm not sure you guys cant understand it but 800$ on a frame is really a good deal. it came with a few parts also. my hobby/addiction is pretty bad but whatever, ride on.
i've been a bit quite for awhile because of work. i dont exactly have a ton of class work but i'm struggling with my thesis right now. the math is getting insane! all these indian and chinese guys totally kick my ass. its not like there is competition but if they were doing my project then i think they would be way further along than i am right now.
i'm getting the vib from all of the posts that none of us are enjoying growing up at all. i'm not really digging it either.
things seem worse than ever, but at the same time if you really stop to think about it there doesnt seem to be any reason to be unhappy about anything. i mean, if you have a job or a degree than you are already in a good spot right? you aint starving, you got a roof so shut the fuck up. i think these things but they dont make me feel any better. i've all ways had a roof and food and still have them but i still feel the same.
matt, i dont think you realize that its going to be tough to get a job you like. i think you should start looking. i mean of course you can find work. but do you seriously want to work for some peice of shit company doing crap? you can, those jobs are all over the place.
also, what is this blogoshpere you speak of?
alright doobies, i've had a few beers in the lab tonight and i wrote half of this before i went to have pizzia with branciteam , jenny and justin. now i'm buzzed.

have you ever been driving in you car while stoned, listening to whatever music you are really feeling at the time and just think to yourself that , "wow, no one will ever experience my exact feeling of contentness or happiness", or that this would make a cool movie scene except that you realize that you have neither the talent nor the skills to capture the moment exactly as you are feeling it?

i've had a bunch of those times and its made me realize, this is going to sound extremely selfish, but that you got to live life for yourself because in the end when you are old and busted up, cant do shit anymore, you got to think about your days and say, "yea dude, i had a good fucking time". you got to be old and say i had a good time, did 90% of the shit i wanted to do. and if you find a girl to do 90% of that stuff with then you win i guess.

branciteam, good post. i think that in life, as busy as things seem now they will only get worse. as i said before, i could never understand why my dad never had the time to get the garage door built, i understand a bit now why.

my mind has run dry yet there is still a ton of crap on it. later fools.

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A real think piece.. 

My predictions:

The hungerforce will win fantasy baseball. Comeon, you know how it goes, I win baseball and Chump wins hockey. Its just the way the ball/puck rolls people.

Justin Murphy will make one hell of a history teacher. I wish I could have had him in high school.

Ski and Liz will get back together. Do I have to say anymore?
I had a relativly good day today. I did the same ole shit, but it was in a new light. For starters I had a cup of coffee in the morning. Oh sweet sweet necter of the gods. It was given to us for a reason. My mind was stimulated. I took a little walk today at lunch (yes in the drizzle). It was very nice and peacefull. For the first time in a long time I actually took note of my surroundings. The air was humid and I could smell the falling leaves. The trees looked full and vivid. I casually strolled through the wetgrass and saw how the water left dropplets on everything. I was on a big round alive planet. No, I havent started smoking again. It just seems ive been rushing all the time lately or something, and I finally hit the brake for a bit.

I started to remember the hikes that Me, ron, murph, kelly, jenny and whoever was around would take on those everlasting weekends in college. We all used to go down to the nipmunk trail here in Mansfield, smoke a bit then go for walks along the river. It was always so much fun and enjoyable. It brought us all peace, exercise, and well-being. Of course we were hung over on the weekends, so what better way to enjoy the summer days while recovering. The days consisted of us having breakfast together, then we would slowly
drive down to the trail and frollick around with nature- exploring, wading in the water, teasing eachother in childish ways. We would be out there for hours, and it just didn’t matter. We had nowhere to go and nothing to do. The stonemill days some might say.

Years later, once we all starting going our own ways, and didn’t live close and hang out as much, the hikes eventually gave way to, “im busy, im tired, I don’t feel like it”. Nothing we could do about it and nobodys fault. I would think back on those weekend days and wonder to myself if it was nothing more than a bunch of weed heads killing time. Today I thought differently. There was something special about those hikes damn it. Something spiritual and bonding. It was a time that we all got together and enjoyed something we loved. The pot was just a mere catalyst to stimulate our appreciation for eachother and the nature we surrounded
ourselves with. Much like that of a native american ritual, there was nothing wrong about it. It was holy, true, and ours.

Those were good times, and I miss the feelings they gave me. Today, I continue rushing from one place to the next and sometimes i think my life is passing me by. Funny how I thought the same back on those waning weekends- that my life was passing me by. In reality I was living it more than I am now.
Samson indeed.

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Its true, I love Burt Reynolds' Dad 

Burt Reynolds' dad in his beautiful Blue T-Shirt! you know what im talkin about kolpak.

There is this man that walks through Chatfield hollow everymorning and last year Kolpak made up a song about him with those words, since of his likeness to the Bandit... Koots koots koo

I continued the tradition this year even though my fellow workers did not get it. Fuck em.
i never said much to the man, but he seemed like the kind of guy that would start of his sentences with, Back in Korea, dubya dubya 2 or some bullshit like that.


Josh, I respect your desire to have sober comments, i would feel the same if i were in your position. ill try my best, but there is something about writing when you are drunk/stoned/whatever the toxin may be. as for the blogger as a whole id say 50% of all posts are 'under the influence' not to name any names because mine would be near the top of the list.

i dont know how i feel about the comments on each post. i dont think ive seen an entire post written by queen looney-everyone knows who wears the pants in that family. just kidding man

Branciteam, dont feel like you need weed to be cool, creative, interesting or whatever, maybe the reason you wrote more interestingly when you smoked was because you were more relaxed. next time you write try to relax first. ONe of my proffessors recomends drinking a couple of Guinness before writing a paper. other things besides samson can get you lifted. im not saying you should replace one habit with another but, maybe what you need is a couple of hookers--hey it worked for miles davis-right?

right neer da beach mmmboyeee

My writing has been stifled by lack of motivation and as of late the amount of school work. maybe we should try and have another meeting-if possible-to get things going again. i realize that some of you have never stopped but some of us need a kick in the balls if you know what i mean.

here the grand finally...

I understand people are moving away and will be seperate from the group physically and some already are. Shit is changing wether we like it or not. Barones going back to Vermont BB is possibly going to Fla. and josh is in vagina, or is it south Vagina. Anyway ive personally had some trouble dealing with this and it has resulted in my lashing out at people. The simple fact that we have been friends for this long is amazing. How many of your siblings are still friends with people they knew in highschool? not alot.
Just because shit is changing doesnt mean that we must disband. i intend to keep contacts with all that are leaving or will leave in the future. you are my brothers, i will die for you. and kill if you want me to KILLL ahhahaaaahahKILL anyways.

look on the bright side pussies--at least we dont have to live under an opressive Macarthyistic Dictatorship, right

I getting my degree and going to Canada, i here they got some good trees in BC whose with me?

dont forget sunday is National No Pants day-in Honor of general Barone

Wednesday, September 15, 2004


So begins the beginning of the end of the non-stop madness/bender. My mom came down from VT yesterday with the truck and we got a lot of stuff out of my apartment. right now its just an empty room with two couches and the tv. plenty of open space. bare essentials. i'm going to be completly insane for the next 2 weeks while i've got a minimal of stimuli in this room. empty space = room to act out. if anyone is willing to partake in my own personal "apocolipse now" try calling. maybe i'll answer. i'm getting bad at not answering the phone or returning calls.

as for getting dull without smoking, i'd just like ot say that i'm smoking more then ever and have regained a little passion and desire for learning. i don't need school to read a book. i'm in the real world now, all i have to do is figure out what i want, and then go get it. i want to keep smoking. for now. but i think i would need to find a career path that crams all the stuff i like togeather and turns out to be fun or not really seem like work. we're all smart, why do we all seem to be heading out into the machine. we should be running things, or doing them our own way. train of thought, drifting.......

i find myself to be just as busy now as i was when i was working. i've been running around tryingto take care of my own little things and just lots of litle stuff and then there's all the bender related items and going back and forth to Vt. man. i've spent 9 hours in the car just between today and yesterday. ugh.

i'm sort of excited to move to VT. i haven't really lived there since my parents moved back, now almost 3 years ago. they've been running into the parents of kids i used to be friends. my dad even got the number of one of my friends who used to live down the street. from what they said, it sounds like most of those kids are in the same situation we are. most people are done with school and now living at home. i'm going to look them up and see how different life could have been. should be a trip. i have a feeling i'm just never going to look for a job and write like 300 pages of the story and then return one day with this massive lousey manuscript. i'm going to need some creative input from people on this stuff. or i'm going to move into my sisters apartment and be some stange kid hanging around UVM who doesn't even go there. kind of like uconn. Matt Barone, normal. Chump, urban legend. and so the story continues.......

i need CD's to copy. this much driving is killing my music collection. everything gets old real quick. need to feed the system with some new tunes.

i'm going to spend more time in public libraries. they have so much to offer and i'm not taking advantage of any of it.

Sin city, some good footage, click on the streaming, its 54 megs. nothing is more true to the original then a movie that directly adapts the comic scene for scene. sweet.

i know this sounds cynical, but it really is good timing for a little help from your saudi friends. i see this as being a big gimmie from the saudis and something bush can easily turn into a big victory for his sid and some new sticking point for his leagion of devout message repeters.

i tried to give the opposing radio view a bit of a shot at credibility today on my drive back. i listened to brit hummes' radio show for 45 minutes. it was amazing. he tried to discredit the CBS documents that say bush never showed up for his national guard time and stuff. the logic he used made no sense, had no background, refused to accept authenticity of anything, tried to ruin about three people, and then demanded that democrates accept the validity of his arguement. it was truely breath taking. Move over rodger novak, Brit humme is my new dousche-bag of liberty for today.

no matter how many fish in the sea, it feels so empty with out me

sony is one day going ot rule the world. they've had thier eye on Marvel for some time too.

damn,i love the internet. there is so much that is possilbe with it that i can't envision life without it anymore. truely the single most influential creation of our time.

i want to invent the next one.

seriously, keep up on scott krutz is going ot change the way you see comics in the paper.

has anybody seen the picture of hte monkey show up on the right for a while now? i think the university of michigan has caught on to me free linking ot thier site and stealing the monkey pic. i'll just have to make my own pic and find a site to host it on. anyone see how we're on the cusp of the blog-o-sphere? these blog things weren't that old when i stumbled upon them and started my own. now look. we all have a certain set of blogs we visit regularly. its kindof neat. let me know of any sites you visit often. i'm going ot try and update the site a little and adda bunch of new links and maybe a new lay out, i'm kind of getting sick of this one, its getting old. i'll see what i can do. there seem to be a ton of new bloggers out there, a lot of fresh just started blogs. try clicking the "next blog" button at the top, its kind of interesting.

oohhh yeeeeeeah....

so if you see a jew, wink!

i got "Outfoxed" today in the mail. look good but i'm too drun kto watch it. will have ot be a public viewing.

weapons of mass distruction, everywhere except iraq.

i don't think i could live withmyself if bush gets elected again. i'd feel guilty becaue i didn't do anything. ugh..

come on, OHIO!!!!


there has to be something to kill time with in cleveland.

interpritational dance? anyone? ...ugh..... i'm stoned....

i've thpought of just starting school over. i'm not that old. maybe i'll actually learn something this time around. maybe it'll be an even biger waste of money then hte first time. i think part of school is just havingt the freedom to act like a retartd and spend some fre time before ytou're forced to join the working class. non of us shouild ever be the worling class, we're better then that. we're smart, motivated and outgoing. for the most part. Josh, you're my president baby. if any of us are going anywhere its you. hell, in five years you coulds be john edwards. i'll be you're dick cheney, the faceless AGENDA DRIVEN monkey who really runs hte country. or i could be the guy who "takes care of things". i'll fall off the grid if thats' what it takes. mostly because i think it would be cool help get someone i know into a position of that much ppower.

ok i'm drunk and rambelin. so its time to say fuck you.

fuck you.



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my baby takes the morning train 

Yeah, I figured that a good system clean-out would let me refine my thinker, but i agree w/ B - it makes me feel like a dullard. Not that I'm endorsing these completely drunken bipolar rants by Chump and Murphy.

Nor can I condemn them.

I been going through a similar slump lately with the whole post-school thing. It seems like there's just not much that I find stimulating. I don't wanna buy a new pc game. If i succeed in buying a good one you know it's goodbye life for another 7 months.
I stopped work at the park so I could be back in Haddam more and get motivated to find a job around here. That didn't work. I just lounge around, then get bent with Chump. and i end up going back to uconn and kicking around there for half of every week anyways. In fact I'm surprised i can type coherently since i been getting rocked every day this week. I guess there's my solution to boredom.
i was told i was 'in rare form' at this party on saturday. given my usual form, that's prolly not a good thing. next thing you know i'll be in 'upside-down biplane' form and vomiting aztec coins.

I'll warn the casino next time i'm about to cash out. over.


I never got to talk to you about what happened with school and stuff. So you just decided that you didnt want to go? YOur living in haddam though? Lets get some fill in son.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Wednesday, September 15, 2004 5:21:00 PM  

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Tuesday, September 14, 2004


I registed to vote today on Mtvs Rock the vote website. I prefer to avoid that pop culture idiotic crap, but it was the most straightforward website i could find. The website was like a gap commercial, MTV sucks.

Going to my first baseball game this weekend. Sox and yankees in NY. Go sox. Work still sucks at the moment. Ive got another interview next tues with 4 people simultaneously.

Scrubs is a good show. I thought i had more to say. Maybe its the lack of drugs. I dont feel like my mind is any quicker or clearer. In fact, by the looks of these short, uninteresting sentences, im getting duller and stupider here. Samson indeed.


the kid in scrubs, wrote, directed and starred in the new movie "garden state" its a really good movie and i suggest it to everyone.

By Blogger ron, at Wednesday, September 15, 2004 11:35:00 AM  

What happened to registering to vote the old fashion way, going to your town hall?

By Blogger wyldshaman, at Wednesday, September 15, 2004 3:36:00 PM  

Well Jesse, Its easier, to just go click click whiiiirrrr nd your registered. Rather than gas, brake honk, gas brake honk, honk honk, brake... ect.

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Wednesday, September 15, 2004 7:46:00 PM  

Well Jesse, Its easier, to just go click click whiiiirrrr nd your registered. Rather than gas, brake honk, gas brake honk, honk honk, brake... ect.

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Wednesday, September 15, 2004 7:46:00 PM  

Well actually, all the website does is create a form that you print out and sign. You still have to mail it in and stuff.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Wednesday, September 15, 2004 10:16:00 PM  

I rest my case.

By Blogger wyldshaman, at Thursday, September 16, 2004 2:20:00 PM  

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remember when people used to post on this thing? sometimes even sober and coherently. how about we do that again. it's really the only way i keep in touch w/ you guys right now. i know life sucks for a lot of people right now, but just so you know, i will make a concerted effort to keep in touch via blogger

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Sunday, September 12, 2004

here's some reading material

some pretty funny stuff at times, check it out

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Saturday, September 11, 2004

fuck off justin murphey 

i got nothing ot say.

so fuck off justin murphy.

jesse, tim, nice to see ya. yeah jesse, i'm down for the wqe jyme2mu44yjm

really pissing me off

thats a lot of runs in one night

and two dollars

in the palesades hotel bar room

highschool chicks still rock

sophisticated momma

stop spacing everything, your comments are going to be 3 hours long

don't plagerise barone

can't i juust piss on your couch??

is it hard to get into to the paris hilton hotel?

don't flush, there's no water in it fuck head
i believe i out smarted the crapper

no pants is the best idea i ever had

so i've got this couch, its seen better days. instead of taking it back to VT i'd like ot find it a better home in CT. its older then my dad but its still in better condition. its sort of a lime green fancy fabric and it could be a nice family room piece (maybe? i don't know, i'm drunk)

i'm goingot need a place to stay for a while. my apartment runs out the end of the month andn i'll be living on couches and in tents for a while. pen me in of the month of october nad noverber, until it gets cold. branciforte, kolpak, murphy, i'm looking in your direction. john woulnd't mind,.

prove it

i ordered Outfoxed the other day, waiting ofr it to arrive. should be good.

we all need to get more involved. for some odd reason bush is still hanging aropun d oin the poles. fuck him. grahm norton is a total fag. good, i got that link in to google.


chew your ass out all day long

all day long
all dayyyyy

its hard to kiss the lips at night
that chew your ass out all daaaaay long


the netorious cherrhy bombs
its hard to kiss the lips ( that chew your ass out all day long )

this time, i know best

this is a pants optional zone

its instictual



posted by matt barone bitch

By Blogger murphy, at Sunday, September 12, 2004 12:52:00 AM  

i've given up on politics. i just dont have time. whatever the political scheme, i'll find a way to maximize my assets under said regime. tha'ts what it's gonna come down to boys

By Blogger josh, at Sunday, September 12, 2004 1:19:00 AM  

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Come on get Happy 

lets get pisssed
as they say in la la land COME ON GET HAPPY

as you probably have heard , and if not your all a bunch of homos, the TV company is making another , hold on fuckface (me yelling at barone), making another Partidge Family.

Has no one seen the Danny Baneducci E true holly woodk story?

why must bastards ruin another five kids life by making them act holsum and the same age for ten years at a time time itmeim tiem HEy fuk off


anyways, i sit atop the couch wathcing the sox game with a couple of yankkes fans.

sox ar auwsome by the way

things have been good, schools lot o work but its arlght. livin with jenny is a good time but spending all day every day with one person is going to wear on anybody. tonite we are taking a night off from each other and i think it will be good.

" So a couple of summers ago i had this job with this guy Hap. I dont know what his real name was -i may have a business card but im not sure, but i know its a weird name. Anyway he reminded me of one of santas elves. he was short and fat and wore small circular eyeglasses. he was an old Parrothead trying to recapture of live of the take a note from the Boss... he owned a wood working shop in Glastonbury CT, but he hired me to refinish the bottom of his boat.

i showed up to work the first day at about 1130 in sandals and shorts. i quickly took of my sandals and went to work. sanded, sealed, sanded, painted and repainted. big fucker, 60 foot wooden sail boat. anyway when that work ran out he had me cleaning his pool an checking out his hot daughter. oh yeah. anyway one day i was cleaning his pool and i had to use the bathroom. the door was locked so i had to improvise. i emptied out my lunch bag and took a shit in the garage into the bag, closed the bag and put it in Hap's big green garbage container. Boom shakalaka long story short i got sick of that shit and stopped going to work. Hap called me up a week later and asked me what was up. i told him i did not want to work anymore, he said to call him in a couple of years if i was not going to the NBA, we both laughed and he told me to stay away from the assholes! Later Hap.


sweet, sweet.

By Blogger murphy, at Saturday, September 11, 2004 11:19:00 PM  

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That guy's on top of everything 

that sportcenter guy is on top of a lot of pop culture, he just referenced the JibJab video with a "yes i did it thrice" line followed by a "Jib-Jab". smooth.

we've got a few more peopel arond here lately. welcome jesse and tim ( still need your emailaddress tim). that bar on the top of the page addes new hits to the site everyday. more people stumble across it and take a look at what we say. expect a little upgrade to the site in the comming days, i'm going to try somethign different in my spare time.

6. it was one of the danahers who tapped the keg. the problem was that the tap was shit and iddn't work at all.
8. i'd need to see some quanity before i believed there was quality.

looney, don't sound as if your life has ended since you got married. you two didn't spit out 3 kids while i wasn't looking did you? Brian, this is some sort of post school crisis, mine lasted 1 week, then i started working and it passed wuickly. now i'm back in that same mood i was before that job. i'm looking at a few different career paths and thinking more aboutg what i want to say i've done when i'm older. do what you feel is right and take advantage of stuff while you're young. self improvement lasts your entire life, we never stop improvingf. careers change for all of us, odds say that 60% of us will find careers outside of our degree. 10 years from now you could be a wolrd renowned talk show host or woodworker.
hehe, i'm telling brian not ot sweat the big stuff while i compliment living on the couch of a compleat stranger for a month in ohio to help swing the presidential election. hehe.
as for me, i'm fine. party all day, party all night. smoke driunk sleep smoke drink drink smoke drink sleep sleep eat smoke drink sleep. repeat. i'm moving some of my stuff up to VT in the coming weeeks. if anyone wants to schedual couch time for me starting october 1st let me know. i'm going to be a bum living between VT anmd CT until i find a job. which i'm not looking for. i figure something will fall in my lap by thte time unemployment dries up. if not, well it was a good 6 months. then i make a hard push ofr a job. i mean come on, i'm a guy in demand. my future in my own and will be whati make of it. that is the american dream.

nothing is imposible.

it's a beautiful day. anything is possible.


Sorry Chump, I don't mean to be a downer. It's hard to be positive sometimes when you only get one day off, and your boss tells you that he thinks it would be a good idea if you came Sundays as well (I laughed at first, then I realized he was serious). For instance its 8:10, and I am at work. But I shouldn't complain because until I have enough clients to go CR then I get paid by the hour ( @ 75+ hrs aweek = $$$$$).

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Saturday, September 11, 2004 8:06:00 AM  

tim, you're not 40 yet, slow down buddy. no one should ever have to work 75+ hours, especially you. working saturdays is pushing it, working 7 days a week will burn you out faster then you know. I just got done working a normal 40 hour week and i didn't realize how much more of my time it took until it was over. we're all too young to be sacraficing our time like this. but good luck, and you must be spending a lot of time infront of a computer to be checking this site so much. more power to ya.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Saturday, September 11, 2004 12:07:00 PM  

Hello All,
I wanted to say something deep and meaningfull in my first comment but i guess that was yesterday, maybe next time....

What i do want to say is this. I fully support Matt's Ohio plan and i think all the anti-bush and pro-kerry people from this site should raise a little money to give to Chump so he can make this happen. We need more people to be active in politics so we all dont wake up one day and wonder what the Hell happened to this country! Let me know what you guys think?

By Blogger wyldshaman, at Saturday, September 11, 2004 2:25:00 PM  

preach on brother man

By Blogger murphy, at Saturday, September 11, 2004 11:16:00 PM  

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Friday, September 10, 2004

doubt if this is true, but it's still funny as hell

enjoy your weekends boys. college gameday is here tomorrow morning for the usc/georgia game, but alas i will not be attending, cuz i dont go to college anymore, i go to law school.

chump what's goin on w/ you? havent posted in a while...i know you didnt wanna look for work right away, but by my calculations you havent posted since aug 31. hope things are goin your way.

i'm sitting here just wanting to type more, but all i can think about is law. i really am ensconced in it 24/7. you guys dont wanna hear about it anyway. buti cant think of anything else. how sad. i'm so fuckin old, it's friday night and i cant go out cuz i haave too much to do this weekend. sick.

its weird cuz i like the classes and stuff, but at the same time my free time is gone, as is my desire to go out and get wasted all the time. i like the classes but at the same time i dread going to them on some days, maybe cuz lots of the kids are assholes. or seem like assholes. i thought at first maybe it was just cuz everyone's gonna be a lawyer (hey hey stereotypes sinkin in), but i dont think thats it. i'm sure some of them are just assholes, but you know what i honestly think part of it is?
i'm from the north. 80% of the people here are from SC, they read the stats at orientation. probably another 15% are from the, tn, nc, ga, fl. our class is only 240 people so its like high school again, where lots ofpeople know each other. word gets around. people are well aware i'm from ct. i'm so sick of answering "so why'd you decide to come here." do they want the truth??? "it was the only fucking school i got into so i was stuck going to the place you chose!" too bad none of those waiting lists didnt come thru. god if a 3.45 and 77th percentile lsat cant get you in somewhere better, what's the point.

but overall i still like it. glad i'm goin into law. can't wait to get a job though. school is a formality.

aight well my popsicle's done and the braves just took the lead. catch ya in a few...


Josh I think its awesome that you got inot law school! Especially because I am 99% sure that some of us (Murphey) will need you in the future.

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Saturday, September 11, 2004 8:02:00 AM  

haha thanks tim. congrats on getting married! i've been meaning to catch you on that. so where exactly are you working now?

By Blogger josh, at Saturday, September 11, 2004 12:11:00 PM  

Yeah, fuck those dirty southians. I was once posed with a question: "Would you rather be a yankee, or a redneck?" The southern man next to me responded that he would rather be a redneck than a goddamn yankee. I responded that id rather be a yankee than a dirty redneck anyday. Then we went out and enjoyed a couple of Milwaukees Best together. Moral= were all the same in some respects.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Monday, September 13, 2004 6:31:00 PM  

I'm working for AEFA (American Express Financial Advisors) as a financial planner. I do investment portfolio's, tax reduction, college and retirement planning and insurance analysis (ie: are you adequately protected or are you rich enough not to need insurance). If you ever have any kind questions in those areas feel free to post them, if i don't know some one here will!

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Monday, September 13, 2004 9:13:00 PM  

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Thursday, September 09, 2004

Feeling Blah... 

Fucking life crises. Is this the mid 20s crunch im feeling? Or is it just a crappy day/ week/ month. Its not that im unhappy. Its just that im unsatisfied or something. I dont know what it is, but I cant wake up or go to sleep. I cant stay still nor do i have any energy to do anything. I cant smoke pot, but i dont really care. I cant get a job, but working is the last thing i want to do. It feels like i have no time do anything, yet im bored alot. I need a fucking vacation or something.

I hate:
tv and how people watch it eventhough they arent enjoying it
crafty republicans
spineless democrats
Gun crazy nut jobs , who kill things for fun
The way the world works
Stumbling energy
life fucking crises

I like:
nothing at the moment


Honastly Brian, I sympathize with you. But don't be in a hurry to get a job because .... IT SUCKS!!!!!!! Ask Chump, I bet he'll agree. It's cool that you don't want to smoke any more, (i say any life style choice thats healthy is okay) I don't get to much anymore. Last night , I fell asleep 30 minutes into the football game, I don't have the energy to finish my beer, or dinner when I get home. I get 6hrs of sleep every night, which may seem like an oka amount, but its not when you have to be competent(not my strong suit) all day. Trust me Brian, enjoy your 20's, before long you'll be tied down and beaten and trying to figure out how you let your 20's dissappear.

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Friday, September 10, 2004 8:23:00 AM  

yeah i agree brancy. enjoy yourself while you can. that's not to say do nothing, but follow your interests as much as possible. my "enjoying myself" is 3 more years of school. i wake up, go to class, do work all day, go to bed. weekends i get a little time here and there. this is to prepare me for my career. but i try to golf now and then to relax. i dont have the energy to go out every weekend (and sometimes during the week) until 3am like i did at jmu. once you get your career (and maybe my further schooling is like the beginning of one??) your time will be even more limited

By Blogger josh, at Friday, September 10, 2004 12:44:00 PM  

Damn it looney, your so freakin depressing sometimes. Josh, yes, grad school is very different. Ask ron. It is the begining of your carreer.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Friday, September 10, 2004 4:57:00 PM  

Sorry Brian. I don't mean to be depressing. Hard work can be very rewarding. I shouldn't complain, today I set my first client (a police officer!). Negative energy shouldn't stay bottled up inside. Besides do you really feel like this is a life crisis? You live in the richest state in the richest country in the world, you have one the best educations possible. You have more oppurtunities open to you than 90% of the population of the world. Try to stay possitive! Don't let any of us and our percieved cages bring you down. You a good man, a smart man, and you'll go places.

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Friday, September 10, 2004 5:17:00 PM  

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Tuesday, September 07, 2004

oh this is too good 

the fucking pussies, also known as the ny yankees, want the DEVIL RAYS to forfeit cuz they couldnt get up to ny in time to play a doubleheader cuz of a NATURAL DISASTER. the yankees are afraid to play 2 w/ the devil rays! ahhhhhh hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. seriously though, worthless cocksuckers. why dont you just pay off bud selig or give him anal or something. i'm sure he can be bought off too

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Monday, September 06, 2004

i know its rather late, but maybe we should do fantasy football? much easier and less time consuming than baseball (despite its overall inferiority to baseball itself), as you only have to change the roster once a week. also you can do leagues where each weekend its a head-to-head matchup w/ someone else inthe league, so you're not against everyone each time. just a thought. and hey, yall should be able to beat me, i dont know shit about most football players. though some could argue the same about baseball cuz of the fantasy standings, but to that i'd say shut your fuckin face, uncle fucker

hahaha peace out and dont work on labor day!


I might be down for that, but I also dont know shit about football. Oh, and im going to do a hockey one this year too

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Monday, September 06, 2004 8:04:00 PM  

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Friday, September 03, 2004


i[m, fucking wasted right niwow so bear with me.

i've realiozed something tonight everyone of us is doing therir own thing. thasts cool
whats not cool is bucting eachotheres stones about it., things are seperatring any notihgn will be the same but you got to keep frioendsgbips. fuck dude i cant fucking ispoell worth a dam., and i dont fucking caerfter, fu ck int .

basicqalyy i'm saying fuck the small shit,. kium snoikexs, jenny smokes, whatg ever. 45r. got to stay friends., tha rts the impotrrtant thing.


Man, you are wasted. I can barely make sense of your jumbling nonesense, but i get the point.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Friday, September 03, 2004 9:20:00 AM  

well put ron, and well done. being far away and thus making it harder for me to see everyone often, i couldn't agree more. i met some great people at jmu, and it's takin a little longer to meet great people here (maybe because we're all going to be lawyers some day), but i still can't compare any of these people to friends back home in ct. these friendships are things we do NOT want to lose.

By Blogger josh, at Friday, September 03, 2004 12:59:00 PM  

dude, i dont remember writing that. but i did sleep in the lab last night so something happened. see you guys tonight

By Blogger ron, at Friday, September 03, 2004 1:39:00 PM  

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Thursday, September 02, 2004

foosball = gone 

i forgot to mention something earlier this week. my foosball table got stolen. eric and i couldn't really get it into our new apartment so we asked his brother if he wanted it, he said yea. that was at about 6. 11:30 rolls around and the table is still outside and there isnt any sign of eric's brother. he lives just 2 buildings away from us in the same complex and he's too drunk/lazy/stoned to come and get it that night. so we cover it with a tarp and go to bed. we were both up at 7:30 the next morning and it was gone. so we lost the table because eric's brother was too fucking lazy to get it when it needed to be gotten. goddamn stoner. guess i'll just have to keep up my game by going over to gregg's.

anyways, see you boys this weekend, probably friday night at justin's. except josh of course. find some loopholes for some easy money. later

oh one more thing, the returning girls this year a hotter than ever. ouch! and they all dress like they want me to give then something.


NOOOOOOO! Fuck fuck fuck!

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Thursday, September 02, 2004 5:17:00 PM  

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Wednesday, September 01, 2004

philosophical question, think hard before answering:

imagine if tits didn't have nipples. would you still like them as much? if not, is it because the nipples are what turn you on, or because you can't picture tits w/o nipples so it seems gross to you?

just a little something to lighten up the blog conversation. too angry and depressing for me lately


i dont like to imagine tits without nipples. but its good question, i never really though of that

By Blogger ron, at Thursday, September 02, 2004 8:30:00 AM  

No nipples = no attraction. Without them, its just a lump of skin- like luv handles or something.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Thursday, September 02, 2004 9:45:00 PM  

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