# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 9/11/2004 01:35:00 AM
that sportcenter guy is on top of a lot of pop culture, he just referenced the JibJab video with a "yes i did it thrice" line followed by a "Jib-Jab". smooth.
we've got a few more peopel arond here lately. welcome jesse and tim ( still need your emailaddress tim). that bar on the top of the page addes new hits to the site everyday. more people stumble across it and take a look at what we say. expect a little upgrade to the site in the comming days, i'm going to try somethign different in my spare time.
6. it was one of the danahers who tapped the keg. the problem was that the tap was shit and iddn't work at all.
8. i'd need to see some quanity before i believed there was quality.
looney, don't sound as if your life has ended since you got married. you two didn't spit out 3 kids while i wasn't looking did you? Brian, this is some sort of post school crisis, mine lasted 1 week, then i started working and it passed wuickly. now i'm back in that same mood i was before that job. i'm looking at a few different career paths and thinking more aboutg what i want to say i've done when i'm older. do what you feel is right and take advantage of stuff while you're young. self improvement lasts your entire life, we never stop improvingf. careers change for all of us, odds say that 60% of us will find careers outside of our degree. 10 years from now you could be a wolrd renowned talk show host or woodworker.
hehe, i'm telling brian not ot sweat the big stuff while i compliment living on the couch of a compleat stranger for a month in ohio to help swing the presidential election. hehe.
as for me, i'm fine. party all day, party all night. smoke driunk sleep smoke drink drink smoke drink sleep sleep eat smoke drink sleep. repeat. i'm moving some of my stuff up to VT in the coming weeeks. if anyone wants to schedual couch time for me starting october 1st let me know. i'm going to be a bum living between VT anmd CT until i find a job. which i'm not looking for. i figure something will fall in my lap by thte time unemployment dries up. if not, well it was a good 6 months. then i make a hard push ofr a job. i mean come on, i'm a guy in demand. my future in my own and will be whati make of it. that is the american dream.
nothing is imposible.
it's a beautiful day. anything is possible.
Sorry Chump, I don't mean to be a downer. It's hard to be positive sometimes when you only get one day off, and your boss tells you that he thinks it would be a good idea if you came Sundays as well (I laughed at first, then I realized he was serious). For instance its 8:10, and I am at work. But I shouldn't complain because until I have enough clients to go CR then I get paid by the hour ( @ 75+ hrs aweek = $$$$$).
tim, you're not 40 yet, slow down buddy. no one should ever have to work 75+ hours, especially you. working saturdays is pushing it, working 7 days a week will burn you out faster then you know. I just got done working a normal 40 hour week and i didn't realize how much more of my time it took until it was over. we're all too young to be sacraficing our time like this. but good luck, and you must be spending a lot of time infront of a computer to be checking this site so much. more power to ya.
Hello All,
I wanted to say something deep and meaningfull in my first comment but i guess that was yesterday, maybe next time....
What i do want to say is this. I fully support Matt's Ohio plan and i think all the anti-bush and pro-kerry people from this site should raise a little money to give to Chump so he can make this happen. We need more people to be active in politics so we all dont wake up one day and wonder what the Hell happened to this country! Let me know what you guys think?
preach on brother man