The Workermonkey


Wednesday, September 15, 2004


So begins the beginning of the end of the non-stop madness/bender. My mom came down from VT yesterday with the truck and we got a lot of stuff out of my apartment. right now its just an empty room with two couches and the tv. plenty of open space. bare essentials. i'm going to be completly insane for the next 2 weeks while i've got a minimal of stimuli in this room. empty space = room to act out. if anyone is willing to partake in my own personal "apocolipse now" try calling. maybe i'll answer. i'm getting bad at not answering the phone or returning calls.

as for getting dull without smoking, i'd just like ot say that i'm smoking more then ever and have regained a little passion and desire for learning. i don't need school to read a book. i'm in the real world now, all i have to do is figure out what i want, and then go get it. i want to keep smoking. for now. but i think i would need to find a career path that crams all the stuff i like togeather and turns out to be fun or not really seem like work. we're all smart, why do we all seem to be heading out into the machine. we should be running things, or doing them our own way. train of thought, drifting.......

i find myself to be just as busy now as i was when i was working. i've been running around tryingto take care of my own little things and just lots of litle stuff and then there's all the bender related items and going back and forth to Vt. man. i've spent 9 hours in the car just between today and yesterday. ugh.

i'm sort of excited to move to VT. i haven't really lived there since my parents moved back, now almost 3 years ago. they've been running into the parents of kids i used to be friends. my dad even got the number of one of my friends who used to live down the street. from what they said, it sounds like most of those kids are in the same situation we are. most people are done with school and now living at home. i'm going to look them up and see how different life could have been. should be a trip. i have a feeling i'm just never going to look for a job and write like 300 pages of the story and then return one day with this massive lousey manuscript. i'm going to need some creative input from people on this stuff. or i'm going to move into my sisters apartment and be some stange kid hanging around UVM who doesn't even go there. kind of like uconn. Matt Barone, normal. Chump, urban legend. and so the story continues.......

i need CD's to copy. this much driving is killing my music collection. everything gets old real quick. need to feed the system with some new tunes.

i'm going to spend more time in public libraries. they have so much to offer and i'm not taking advantage of any of it.

Sin city, some good footage, click on the streaming, its 54 megs. nothing is more true to the original then a movie that directly adapts the comic scene for scene. sweet.

i know this sounds cynical, but it really is good timing for a little help from your saudi friends. i see this as being a big gimmie from the saudis and something bush can easily turn into a big victory for his sid and some new sticking point for his leagion of devout message repeters.

i tried to give the opposing radio view a bit of a shot at credibility today on my drive back. i listened to brit hummes' radio show for 45 minutes. it was amazing. he tried to discredit the CBS documents that say bush never showed up for his national guard time and stuff. the logic he used made no sense, had no background, refused to accept authenticity of anything, tried to ruin about three people, and then demanded that democrates accept the validity of his arguement. it was truely breath taking. Move over rodger novak, Brit humme is my new dousche-bag of liberty for today.

no matter how many fish in the sea, it feels so empty with out me

sony is one day going ot rule the world. they've had thier eye on Marvel for some time too.

damn,i love the internet. there is so much that is possilbe with it that i can't envision life without it anymore. truely the single most influential creation of our time.

i want to invent the next one.

seriously, keep up on scott krutz is going ot change the way you see comics in the paper.

has anybody seen the picture of hte monkey show up on the right for a while now? i think the university of michigan has caught on to me free linking ot thier site and stealing the monkey pic. i'll just have to make my own pic and find a site to host it on. anyone see how we're on the cusp of the blog-o-sphere? these blog things weren't that old when i stumbled upon them and started my own. now look. we all have a certain set of blogs we visit regularly. its kindof neat. let me know of any sites you visit often. i'm going ot try and update the site a little and adda bunch of new links and maybe a new lay out, i'm kind of getting sick of this one, its getting old. i'll see what i can do. there seem to be a ton of new bloggers out there, a lot of fresh just started blogs. try clicking the "next blog" button at the top, its kind of interesting.

oohhh yeeeeeeah....

so if you see a jew, wink!

i got "Outfoxed" today in the mail. look good but i'm too drun kto watch it. will have ot be a public viewing.

weapons of mass distruction, everywhere except iraq.

i don't think i could live withmyself if bush gets elected again. i'd feel guilty becaue i didn't do anything. ugh..

come on, OHIO!!!!


there has to be something to kill time with in cleveland.

interpritational dance? anyone? ...ugh..... i'm stoned....

i've thpought of just starting school over. i'm not that old. maybe i'll actually learn something this time around. maybe it'll be an even biger waste of money then hte first time. i think part of school is just havingt the freedom to act like a retartd and spend some fre time before ytou're forced to join the working class. non of us shouild ever be the worling class, we're better then that. we're smart, motivated and outgoing. for the most part. Josh, you're my president baby. if any of us are going anywhere its you. hell, in five years you coulds be john edwards. i'll be you're dick cheney, the faceless AGENDA DRIVEN monkey who really runs hte country. or i could be the guy who "takes care of things". i'll fall off the grid if thats' what it takes. mostly because i think it would be cool help get someone i know into a position of that much ppower.

ok i'm drunk and rambelin. so its time to say fuck you.

fuck you.



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