# posted by ron @ 9/16/2004 11:59:00 PM
justin, i'll go to BC, there is a ton of kick ass mountian biking out there. on the note of bikes i just bought another one, picking it up this weekend in NY. now, when it is fully assembled it will be worth two times more than my current car. its an odd stat and i'm not sure you guys cant understand it but 800$ on a frame is really a good deal. it came with a few parts also. my hobby/addiction is pretty bad but whatever, ride on.
i've been a bit quite for awhile because of work. i dont exactly have a ton of class work but i'm struggling with my thesis right now. the math is getting insane! all these indian and chinese guys totally kick my ass. its not like there is competition but if they were doing my project then i think they would be way further along than i am right now.
i'm getting the vib from all of the posts that none of us are enjoying growing up at all. i'm not really digging it either.
things seem worse than ever, but at the same time if you really stop to think about it there doesnt seem to be any reason to be unhappy about anything. i mean, if you have a job or a degree than you are already in a good spot right? you aint starving, you got a roof so shut the fuck up. i think these things but they dont make me feel any better. i've all ways had a roof and food and still have them but i still feel the same.
matt, i dont think you realize that its going to be tough to get a job you like. i think you should start looking. i mean of course you can find work. but do you seriously want to work for some peice of shit company doing crap? you can, those jobs are all over the place.
also, what is this blogoshpere you speak of?
alright doobies, i've had a few beers in the lab tonight and i wrote half of this before i went to have pizzia with branciteam , jenny and justin. now i'm buzzed.
have you ever been driving in you car while stoned, listening to whatever music you are really feeling at the time and just think to yourself that , "wow, no one will ever experience my exact feeling of contentness or happiness", or that this would make a cool movie scene except that you realize that you have neither the talent nor the skills to capture the moment exactly as you are feeling it?
i've had a bunch of those times and its made me realize, this is going to sound extremely selfish, but that you got to live life for yourself because in the end when you are old and busted up, cant do shit anymore, you got to think about your days and say, "yea dude, i had a good fucking time". you got to be old and say i had a good time, did 90% of the shit i wanted to do. and if you find a girl to do 90% of that stuff with then you win i guess.
branciteam, good post. i think that in life, as busy as things seem now they will only get worse. as i said before, i could never understand why my dad never had the time to get the garage door built, i understand a bit now why.
my mind has run dry yet there is still a ton of crap on it. later fools.