# posted by murphy @ 9/23/2004 06:33:00 PM
So your sitting here killing time are you? Dont you have some pressing matters to attend to--isnt there something ticking in that little head of yours? oooo now you remember, it shouldn't be time that you are killing-for time kills itself. Maybe i should refresh your memory...
Welcome back friends, for i have been away for quite an age but i see now that my return has come at the most oportune time...on the edge of your reality and my sanity. I suppose I should get right to the point.
Dire are the Straights we have been passing in this walk of life. We are on the edge of societal colapse and no one is the wiser. We've been hinting at it in our daily banter but none has come right out and said it. WERE ALL FUCKED!
so here is my plan...wsweswswswswpsswspssspsps. got
what the fuck! unintelligable nonsense. English you bastard....
Wake up damn it. NOW! and im spent.
It seems that ive been typeing in my sleep again. this is an ever present problem when you spend 8 hours a day in the library. falling asleep typing is sort of like falling asleep writing you dream what you were last experiencing. apparently my subconscious was have a conversation with itself, or some sort of sub-subconscious
in conclusion dont smoke crack.
am i writing this while i sleep? are you sleeping right now? smoke a joint and reread this post and then make your decision. your answer might not be that clear.
thursday night if anyone is interested in getting some beer, bitches and BBQ call 423 2820
Ps. I wanna kiss you all over--and over and over again
everyone sing this song ...now!
Josh, for your information i typed this post completely sober. heres lookin at you doobie roller
Justin 'Kilty McBagpipes' Murphy
haha i dont doubt it murph..that comment wasnt really directed at you though. samson on!
hi! i don't really know who you are...but i saw you posted a comment on my friend danielle's tagboard. you might have done that a long time ago, but i just saw it a second ago. you said:
"Workermonkey: i think you guys are alright but perhapse you should drop the god thing. i don't need a "god" to tell me to be a good person and not screw with other people."
i have to disagree with that. we are ALL sinners, we ALL need God, or we go to hell. if you want to talk more, leave a commment. if not, i'll leave you with that. God Bless You!
1) who posted the comment?
2) god doesn't exist
3) if god does exist, he would suck
4) why dont you put your name instead of anonymous? if you wanna get into a serious talk w/ us we should know who you are
yes i am not sure who you are but keep your religion to yourself. i was not the one who posted the comment on your friends board it was more likely another from this blog under my name.
me and god have an understanding: I help the Humans and he allows me to walk through the raindrops so to speak.
we here at workermonkey identify ourselves--if you want to be taken seriously, although with your god promotion your are not going to be welcome, than you have to put an name to your opinion and tell us who you are.
In conclusion you are entitled to you opinion but we dont want to be converted. so fuck you and your bitch friend
Sir smokes alot
hold on, it was me. i hit the next blog btton and posdted on that site. i was a little drunk. but god still sucks. just don't be a dick and you'll be ok. i don't need the fear of religion and hell to make me act nicely to others. i don't want people to be a prick to me, so i'm not a prick to them. fuck god. fuck hell. i'm sorry for insulting your religion.
ok if God doesn't exist, than how do you exist? there was no big bang. God spoke, and the world was created. GOd is an amazing person who offers hope, love, forgiveness, eternal life, and much much more.
oops,. looks like someone jumped off the crazy ship with out a float. come on, creationism? are you serious? science is king around here biatch.
jesus christ! (figuratively) are you serious? i'm here cuz my parents had some sex, not cuz some super being that no one can prove existed willed it to be so. there's plenty of science backing up the big bang theory, and this doesnt even start in with all the philosophical arguments against god's existence.
i encourage you to post more, anonymous. try and convince us. you won't. we've thought about and discussed this more than you could have anticipated.
Easy boys, I think someone may be just fucking with us. Pushing buttons ya know. Anyway, without getting into it all that much, i just want to say that the big bang theory is pretty much a fact at this point. It has come out as the leader of all the ideas being backed by hard scientific evidence.
Both sides should be respectfull here. Your not going to win any arguements by saying you suck, im better.
I'm being one hundred percent serious. I'm not trying to play with you. There is not evidence to back up the big bang theory. God spoke, and the world was created. He created Adam and Eve, who had offspring, and that is how you got here. I don't really see what you have against Christianity. It makes perfect sense. God loved you so much that He was willing to send His only Son into the world to die on the cross for your sins. That's the ultimate sacrifice. All you have to do is accept the fact that you are a sinner, and that you can't get to heaven without God. I'm not trying to preach at you, or be a snotty no- it- all, and I'm sorry if that is how I've come accross. But right now, I don't think that any of you are going to heaven. You'll have to spend an eternity in hell. That won't be fun guys. By the way, my name is Emily. I don't know why it won't let me use my name. Have a great day!
ok, if you're relying on the lack of evidence to refute the big bang theory, where's your evidence for the existence of god? the stories are nice, but they're no more proof than me insisting there once existed a family of bears who talked, wore clothes, and went by the name berenstein. i have books to back that up; a whole series.
and for just a sample of the hypocrisy here, check out luke 6:31: "And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise" now suppose i were jewish, or buddhist, or taoist, or anything else... would you want me to tell you that you're going to hell (or an equivalent)? i would argue that you wouldn't, or that at least you'd want proof of my beliefs and the existence of my hell. well that's all i want.
chump, we should get anonymous emily here the capability to post...she's spurred more conversation than any of us lately
wow. you have some interesting comments. and i'm going to be honest with you. i can't give an answer to everything you've said. i'm not at that point spiritually, unfortunately. But i do have a really good friend who knows a lot about evolution, and can help me explain some things to you. But for now, I'll leave you with this. I believe you are taking luke 6:31 out of context. I just read that whole chapter and I belive that it is talking about how you treat your enemies. You are in no way my enemies. We are disagreeing on a very serious point, but I am not being rude about it. are you saying that i am a hypocrite? if you think i am, i am very sorry. I will later leave you with proof that my God is real. I have it all in my head, I just need some help with the way i want to express it to you.
my blog is emrausch06.blogspot.com if you want to check out my site. I haven't posted anything recently, b/c my computer is messed up and it won't let me type. i normally try to blog more, but i haven't been able to. thanks for the great discussion!
i'm not the great est HTML expert and itts a great miricle of life that we are able to post comments at all with out massive HTML errors. evolution is fact. deal. welcome ot the new kind of tension, all across the idiot nation...
god is stupid. the whole concept of god is silly. religion was created hundreds of years agoo to keep people in line. i don't need to be kept in line. i'm a good person and i don't hate too many peopl,e. why do i need fear in my life to ruin that? religion provides an easy excuse for things beyond our own control. religion was used for years to keep people down and conrol the pop[ulous. enlighten your self. expand your horizons. there is so much more to life and you only will limit you're self with "god". fuck off i'm sick of dealing with religose idiots. you must watch a lot of FOX news. check out OUTFOXED. good view.
amen matt. very religious people rely too much on religion, and other parts of their lives suffer. they dont have time to focus on life cuz they're too busy dealing with something that won't happen when they die.
and i do not think i took luke out of context. i used probably one of the most famous quotes around; the golden rule. if i'm taking it out of context, then so is everyone who says "do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself," and fails to mention "hey i'm talking about your enemies." that's a lot of people. if they're wrong too, i can live with that, but they can't be right while i'm wrong, cuz we're using it the same way. further, its stupid. what's right for me may not be right for someone else, so why would i do it to them simply cuz that's how i would want it? the world doesn't revolve around you, it revolves around EVERYONE.
so dont come here and tell us all we're going to hell. especially when no such place exists. i'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints. see you in hell, preacher.
you say you're a good person.
Romans 3:23 "For ALL have SINNED and fall short of the glory of God."
Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast."
I just have one simple question for you:
Are you a sinner?
Give me that answer and I will have more to say to you. Just think about that. One more question to think about:
Do your good works save you?
That's all I have for now. More later. Bye
which takes more faith? we all created from a tiny speck of nothing-which contradicts thermodynamics..ever studied that? The world is not becoming more orderly-in fact it is in a slow state of decline. Or to believe that The God of the universe created everything? Do you if we were any closer to the sun we would burn up? Or how about our own bodies-take the eye..could something that intricate and detailed just have "poof" been there? What do you think? honestly..I am curious to your reasoning behind evolution.
Ill field this one when i have more time. Actually ALL of these common creationalist arguements have been refuted.
no way..I so want to hear this..