# posted by DJ Booze Piñata @ 9/19/2004 09:57:00 PM
Josh - try to control the spin so it hits Right Hand Yellow legal pad.
So I'm getting a Passport. I'm happy about that because it's useful and i've been meaning to for awhile. I think it deserves a few more capitals next time around. With a PaSspoRT i could go anywhere^ God bless my AsS SpOrt. (Note: the exclamation point key is busted. consider it an ^)
Matt - what you want to do is about the noblest thing i can think of joining. Not only would getting voting rights in Ohio be an impressive idea, I could even bring it up during political job interviews to seem more motivated than i actually am^ It's the COUCH thing that gets me. I may as well spend a month in a cardboard box lined w/ egg crates. If we were to find temp jobs over there doing slug work-a-day jobs to kill time, i think that'd actually be superior to what I'm doing now. (the magic of CIV III never wears off). I'm sort of tempted, but still not sold yet.
In leau of that (and this is where the ass sport comes in) .....EUROPE^^^
ugh stupid key
So I think I got MB sold on the issue - if anyone else has got free time a few weeks from now let us know. looking at you, murph. i'm thinking erin go braugh, kissy faces w/ parisians as we trace the LaRose family lineage, amsterdam (Clogs and Blogs haha), go to germania and visit the Lies museum (you know it BB), and then back to the tea rooms to get wasted off hash. YEAH^^
supid fckin...
Oh yeah, i used a halloween pic for my passport application. it's boss
Thhose stories from that jerk guys' page are fuckin awsome^^ Especially the one where he tries anal and gets his friend to film it.synopsis: she shits on him, he pukes on her ass, she pukes on herself, then his friend stumbles out of the closet and falls onto the floor barfing next to them ahahhaa
What jerk guys page?? or should i say ^^^
Whats the jerk guy page?
ANSWER ME DAMNIT!! Just kidding, i didnt know my first comment published...
the above story was from a site josh recommended below maybe...hmm...a week ago. it may be www.tuckermax.com