Thursday, September 16, 2004
A real think piece..
# posted by Brancibeer @ 9/16/2004 11:29:00 PM
My predictions:
The hungerforce will win fantasy baseball. Comeon, you know how it goes, I win baseball and Chump wins hockey. Its just the way the ball/puck rolls people.
Justin Murphy will make one hell of a history teacher. I wish I could have had him in high school.
Ski and Liz will get back together. Do I have to say anymore?
I had a relativly good day today. I did the same ole shit, but it was in a new light. For starters I had a cup of coffee in the morning. Oh sweet sweet necter of the gods. It was given to us for a reason. My mind was stimulated. I took a little walk today at lunch (yes in the drizzle). It was very nice and peacefull. For the first time in a long time I actually took note of my surroundings. The air was humid and I could smell the falling leaves. The trees looked full and vivid. I casually strolled through the wetgrass and saw how the water left dropplets on everything. I was on a big round alive planet. No, I havent started smoking again. It just seems ive been rushing all the time lately or something, and I finally hit the brake for a bit.
I started to remember the hikes that Me, ron, murph, kelly, jenny and whoever was around would take on those everlasting weekends in college. We all used to go down to the nipmunk trail here in Mansfield, smoke a bit then go for walks along the river. It was always so much fun and enjoyable. It brought us all peace, exercise, and well-being. Of course we were hung over on the weekends, so what better way to enjoy the summer days while recovering. The days consisted of us having breakfast together, then we would slowly drive down to the trail and frollick around with nature- exploring, wading in the water, teasing eachother in childish ways. We would be out there for hours, and it just didn’t matter. We had nowhere to go and nothing to do. The stonemill days some might say.
Years later, once we all starting going our own ways, and didn’t live close and hang out as much, the hikes eventually gave way to, “im busy, im tired, I don’t feel like it”. Nothing we could do about it and nobodys fault. I would think back on those weekend days and wonder to myself if it was nothing more than a bunch of weed heads killing time. Today I thought differently. There was something special about those hikes damn it. Something spiritual and bonding. It was a time that we all got together and enjoyed something we loved. The pot was just a mere catalyst to stimulate our appreciation for eachother and the nature we surrounded
ourselves with. Much like that of a native american ritual, there was nothing wrong about it. It was holy, true, and ours.
Those were good times, and I miss the feelings they gave me. Today, I continue rushing from one place to the next and sometimes i think my life is passing me by. Funny how I thought the same back on those waning weekends- that my life was passing me by. In reality I was living it more than I am now.
Samson indeed.