# posted by Brancibeer @ 9/14/2004 10:24:00 PM
I registed to vote today on Mtvs Rock the vote website. I prefer to avoid that pop culture idiotic crap, but it was the most straightforward website i could find. The website was like a gap commercial, MTV sucks.
Going to my first baseball game this weekend. Sox and yankees in NY. Go sox. Work still sucks at the moment. Ive got another interview next tues with 4 people simultaneously.
Scrubs is a good show. I thought i had more to say. Maybe its the lack of drugs. I dont feel like my mind is any quicker or clearer. In fact, by the looks of these short, uninteresting sentences, im getting duller and stupider here. Samson indeed.
the kid in scrubs, wrote, directed and starred in the new movie "garden state" its a really good movie and i suggest it to everyone.
What happened to registering to vote the old fashion way, going to your town hall?
Well Jesse, Its easier, to just go click click whiiiirrrr nd your registered. Rather than gas, brake honk, gas brake honk, honk honk, brake... ect.
Well Jesse, Its easier, to just go click click whiiiirrrr nd your registered. Rather than gas, brake honk, gas brake honk, honk honk, brake... ect.
Well actually, all the website does is create a form that you print out and sign. You still have to mail it in and stuff.
I rest my case.