# posted by murphy @ 9/11/2004 10:53:00 PM
lets get pisssed
as they say in la la land COME ON GET HAPPY
as you probably have heard , and if not your all a bunch of homos, the TV company is making another , hold on fuckface (me yelling at barone), making another Partidge Family.
Has no one seen the Danny Baneducci E true holly woodk story?
why must bastards ruin another five kids life by making them act holsum and the same age for ten years at a time time itmeim tiem HEy fuk off
anyways, i sit atop the couch wathcing the sox game with a couple of yankkes fans.
sox ar auwsome by the way
things have been good, schools lot o work but its arlght. livin with jenny is a good time but spending all day every day with one person is going to wear on anybody. tonite we are taking a night off from each other and i think it will be good.
" So a couple of summers ago i had this job with this guy Hap. I dont know what his real name was -i may have a business card but im not sure, but i know its a weird name. Anyway he reminded me of one of santas elves. he was short and fat and wore small circular eyeglasses. he was an old Parrothead trying to recapture of live of the glory...to take a note from the Boss... he owned a wood working shop in Glastonbury CT, but he hired me to refinish the bottom of his boat.
i showed up to work the first day at about 1130 in sandals and shorts. i quickly took of my sandals and went to work. sanded, sealed, sanded, painted and repainted. big fucker, 60 foot wooden sail boat. anyway when that work ran out he had me cleaning his pool an checking out his hot daughter. oh yeah. anyway one day i was cleaning his pool and i had to use the bathroom. the door was locked so i had to improvise. i emptied out my lunch bag and took a shit in the garage into the bag, closed the bag and put it in Hap's big green garbage container. Boom shakalaka long story short i got sick of that shit and stopped going to work. Hap called me up a week later and asked me what was up. i told him i did not want to work anymore, he said to call him in a couple of years if i was not going to the NBA, we both laughed and he told me to stay away from the assholes! Later Hap.
sweet, sweet.