# posted by ron @ 9/19/2004 10:25:00 PM
as long as you plan to live in the good olde us of A then we will allways have either the firepower to go steal water from some poorer country or the $$ to purify it. there is good purification technology it just cost $$ or energy depending on how you look at it.
so it was a stone-cold sober weekend for me. i must say that i was pretty bored. i enjoy catching a buzz when i dont have anything better to do or on a friday night. maybe its a sign saying i should allways find something better do. or drink one night on the weekend. i dont know. fuck it.
glad the weather work out for all going to the ball games. i drove down to nyc sat morning at the arse crack of dawn only to drive the whole way on a flooded rt 95 at 40mph. remember that game oregon trail. and when you got to a river you hade to make a choice about how to get across it. well there was this one spot of road and it was pretty deep, i didnt know where exactly my intake is on my car but it made it a little water in the doors though. i allways used to go for it in thast game. i never built the raft or found another way around. kill 'em all if you had to. man we played that during school, awesome. remeber hunting? you could shoot like 5 bears or deer but you could only carry 100lbs back. ha ha ha. anyway... yea i forgot where i was going with this.
so i'm in the lab watching the, err reading about the miami-cincinnati game. this espn gamecast is alright but comeon i mean 90% of the reason to watch the game is to see the plays and the hits. its goddamn worse than the radio. i had hoped to be entertained by it because i didnt see or listen to any football today but its hugely dissapointing. i guess its not alright then. damn if it wasnt so late i'd go over to matt's to watch it. arg!!!!!!!! i guess i could go to library or the student union but i hate all these idiots on campus. fucking retards all of them.
anybody else get a call from ski about a graduation party saturday? i'll be there after the uconn game.
guess i'll go ride some wheelies.
ride on. -ron
Oregon trail was sweet. Remember all the diseases you could come down with? Syphuliss, the clap..etc. And when someone died you could write a tombstone. My favorites were, "I hated the bitch", and "i didnt know it was loaded"
i like it when one of the characters falls off the wagon and gets dysentary or drunk or something.
i enjoyed shooting the squirrels...if you had enough time, you could probably carry like 100 of them back