# posted by murphy @ 9/27/2004 10:25:00 AM
Boom Shakalaka. too much boo hoo and not enough coodily doo.
im glad to see that their is a fierce debate about an issue that was buried sometime ago.
Emily i may have been rude to you in my first comment, but not posting your name is a total cop out, and i am sorry to say that my general demeanor will not change in that respect.
in other words...religion is good for some but not for others-others being the millions of people that have been killed in the name of religion. Do you wear a shawl over your face? According to Islam you are going to hell. sin is relative to what religion you are talking about, how do you know that yours is the right one?
Im not a theologist or a scientist so i dont claim to know all the angles but in general i try to be a good person, have good times and give great oldies
In conclusion-Relax and go to it, and my advice to you, as you contiuously bark up the wrong tree, is to do something you are not supposed to do-SIN-and see how it feels
go ahead steal a beer mug from the bar, or pinch a little off your girlfriends stash and smoke it. Cheat on your boyfriend, marry your cousin and if all else fails...
Fart in Church
I hope this message has reached you in good spirits and left you in better ones
Your Pal
Justin Murphy
Just to clarify something I have stated earlier. I have sinned. We all have. If I'm coming across as a perfect little church girl who never does anything wrong you are completely wrong. I sin way to much. Trust me, I know what it feels like. It makes me feel dirty and disgusting. I live in guilt after I have sinned. It makes my need for a Savior all the more clear to me. While sin often "feels good" while I am sinning, the consequences are far to painful. But I don't try not to sin because I'm afraid of the consequences. Rather I try not to sin because I love God. I want to be devoted to Him and do what He wants me to do. That is definately NOT sin. Once again Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
You want some positive news? You don't have to live in your sin. Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, BUT the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord." All you have to do is accept this free gift of salvation. Admit your a sinner and you need God. Believe that God sent His son to die for your sins and rose from the dead on the third day. Confess your sins to God and ask Him to come into your heart. THe gift is waiting. Why don't you take it? It will change you life. It sure has mine.