# posted by ron @ 9/03/2004 01:46:00 AM
i[m, fucking wasted right niwow so bear with me.
i've realiozed something tonight everyone of us is doing therir own thing. thasts cool
whats not cool is bucting eachotheres stones about it., things are seperatring any notihgn will be the same but you got to keep frioendsgbips. fuck dude i cant fucking ispoell worth a dam., and i dont fucking caerfter, fu ck int .
basicqalyy i'm saying fuck the small shit,. kium snoikexs, jenny smokes, whatg ever. 45r. got to stay friends., tha rts the impotrrtant thing.
Man, you are wasted. I can barely make sense of your jumbling nonesense, but i get the point.
well put ron, and well done. being far away and thus making it harder for me to see everyone often, i couldn't agree more. i met some great people at jmu, and it's takin a little longer to meet great people here (maybe because we're all going to be lawyers some day), but i still can't compare any of these people to friends back home in ct. these friendships are things we do NOT want to lose.
dude, i dont remember writing that. but i did sleep in the lab last night so something happened. see you guys tonight