# posted by ron @ 9/26/2004 10:36:00 PM
thus explaining the first and second days events, then the data was examined more and some complex math models were used to explain the time and events leading up to the start of the first day. want more, i can write a book. but i really dont have the fucking time.
science rules all biatches!!!! oxymoron: christian science ha ha ha ha ha seriously this just cracks me up even typing it. its even better when they say christian science research. what the fuck are they researching?
i do however, respect religion. it does some people alot of good. some people need to believe in something. some people need to think that someone is helping them get though a tough time. some people need an answer to the horrible or extraordinary events of life. some people like to pray and think they are making a difference. note: they possibly might be making a difference, research has shown that the mind can emit electro-magnetic waves which of course can produce and action on objects. its not out of the question, were just all still dumbasses using 7% of our brain capacities. watch out for 8 %, evolutions coming. some people need religion, but not me.
back to the good book: non-linear dynamics and chaos theory, Thompson, Stewart. give me the right equations and i'll tell you exactly whats going to happen. as people get smarter and more (good) information is spread, people will slowly realize that god doesnt make things tick. things can be explained and the answer isnt god. fuck, i lost my steam to argue about this crap. believe whatever the fuck you want to, just keep it off my front door step!
when i die, i'm going in the ground. worms and moles can eat my decaying flesh. hell? call it whatever the fuck you want cause thats where most of us will be. i'm not saying that those who arent in the ground are going to heaven, some of us might die firey deaths or drown and get eaten by fish. who knows?
i watched half a football game today. i'm doing better than last weekend, i dont think i watched any. and i missed the monday night game. not tomorrow, JJM knows the score, rpl-3000, JJM-2. what the fuck am i writing. i'm sure my insanity assures the godgoer visiting this site i actually know what the fuck i'm talking about but whatever. i think that the more research i do the more socially inept i get. seriously i dont know a thing about the politics gripping this country. i get half ass news from a bunch of internet sites. i dont really have time to read about where these idiots stand on all the issues. i might as well get a bumper sticker that says "charlton Heston is my president" and vote for nader, i know where he stands on
one important issue. . .. aaaahhh yea. dont you love the anticipation of rolling a joint? i mean you break it up, or cut it with scissors as i do, roll it., sometimes twice if you dont approve of the first roll job. then you let it sit a second to let the paper dry out. and all the while you are waiting, its like a dog inside your head thats about to get a treat. jumping up and down, barking, kinda like the beggin bits commercial. "ITS BACON". but your all cool on the outside. man i love getting stoned. i havent smoked in three weeks and i'm itchin for it.
damnit i'm losing it. later
your 'prayers' have been answered ronny-let me be your 'savior' ahhhahahaahahahahahaha
samson came over on saturday an he should be around till the end of the week if you here what im thinking about.
MNF will definately be a large block of wasted time
yea boyeeeeee!