The Workermonkey


Wednesday, March 31, 2004


thanks chump. quick question: i dont totally get the scoring for the baseball. there's the fantasy points vs the fantasy stats...what's that about? cuz all i have is jeter 0-5 for yesterday, but i have points in the overall standings and stuff. does that include todays game and it's not just up on my personal roster or something? thanks.

23 sucks as much as 22. or its as good ,depending how you wanna look at it. i take the former, but thats cuz i cant get into a law school. oh well. i'll do fine wherever i go. ok gotta run

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i creamed myself at 5:30 in the morning 

ahh yes, baseball is back. yesterday was a blur because i'm sick and by the time i actually got up for the game the yankees had given up and lost. today was a different story, i woke upat 5:30 to see matsui hit another meat ball over the wall and then posada hit two, three-run homers. it felt so natural to be watching baseball again, even if it was before dawn. and you are all going down in that fantasy league. i'm starting to wish we had more people playing so the talent was dispearsed a little better, but my own mistake will make up for it. as it stands now we each have room for only 2 bench players and everyone else starts. so i guess this makes everyplayer count a little more.

hold on, oil prices are reaching record highs and OPEC is going to CUT production?!?! this is what happens when we mess with those fucking aribs, i guess we'll just have to actually assasinate that guy in venizuela and impose our own puppet for thier oil. or actually get some from Iraq.

i still feel like shit so i'm not going to bother writing any more. all i haveto say is: go baseball, fuck bush (literally and figurativly), happy birthday josh and this weather still sucks.

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Tuesday, March 30, 2004

I started my morning.... 

with a toaster oven fire! Hooray it's the second one in 2 days! In other news, I spent 8 hours helping girls try on grad robes today.....not sure how i feel about that. Dignity can go both ways with that one, fellas.
I'm reading a stephen hawkings book, but i ain't taking my gravity-wave physics advice from some cripple.

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domo origato mr jetaro 0-5 is real good almost as good as your boy a-rod at 1-4 FUCK THE YANKEES


i know its only one game but i have to take advantage before the sox play

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its that time again!!!! 

hello again boys (and lady). well baseball season is officially here, despite most teams still having a couple spring training games left, including the yanks and rays who played this morning. and the devil rays won!!! looks like the 2004 season's off to a fantastic start! sorry chump, you had to know that was coming from at least one of us. however, jeter better have produced, or i'll send that guy packing on the first day. ha, you all wish.

anyway, other than that its same old same old. played some golf yesterday which was nice. got my cap and gown today. i just need tograduate, i'm ready. work sucks, what's new. its been real nice but today its cold and overcast and gross out.

ok surprisingly i dont really have much so i'll end it right here beforei seriously derail

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Monday, March 29, 2004

smoke 12 joints in the morning 

this caught my eye while i was procrastinating my work. this dude smokes 12 joints a day. i'm sure his incurible disease sucks, but 12 joints a day, WOW
i think i would have to work to smoke that much. anyway, smoke 'em if you got em.

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Im rick James....BITCH 

Well im back in Ct were the women are covered and the morals aplenty.
California was awesome and Courtney came down to the party we had on friday with some bitches.
these girls were the typical stuck up trash that just want you to notice their miracle bras. they just sat on the couch and played uno and left at about 10. it was good to see courtney though and she recommends, as do i, that we take a trip out to see her.

the party was sweet. i got about an hour of footage, including the band but no girls gone wild so dont get your hopes up.

we also went to mexico and got fucked up on lobster and all you can eat rice, beans, tortillas and pitchers of margaritas and got back across the border with a pound of... just kidding

played golf, 'tripped' on both saturdays, swam in ocean,smoked, keg-stands,smoked, went to a benihana resturant and did Saki Bombs, smoked, smoked, smoked and smoked. oh yeah and we drank a little too and we walked on the longest pier on the west coast in ocean beach which was awesome and saw the sunset.

pretty much your regular stoner stuff

the weather wasnt great but it was better than here and its definately a stop on the next road trip cause i got an invite to come back any time by numerous people.

anyways back to reality... slowly

ill see you at chapelle show


ps courtney it was good seeing you and you need to dump those bitches you were hanging out with because they nothing but a bunch of selfish hoes and you cant be brought down by people like that.

the reason for the rick james reference was because everyone said that about a 1000 times while i was out west.


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its so close i can smell it. wish i could still play it. i bet if i picked up a glove or a bat right now i'd fucking hurt myself so bad because in my mind i still have the skills, right? but i dont, i bet i couldnt even toss a guy out stealing if i trained for 2 weeks. how pathetic. oh well, i do other things now
alright matt, about the fantasy league, this waiver thing? so undrafted players are on the waiver for 2 days. now can we go and pick them up? i was searching around the site today, its a bit hard to navigate or i'm a dumbass, pick one, and i couldnt figure it out.
my week looks like its going to be a sucky one. with only 4 or 5 weeks left in the semester the class work is pilling up. one thing is for sure, time marches forward (relativity ignored) and all will be over in 4 or 5 weeks.

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Friday, March 26, 2004

your engrish fortune with for you rucky numbers! ha ha!  

So I spraypainted pi out to like 40 digits in my hallway. "Gee, isn't that boy just so intelligent?!" Yeah. Now my fucking hallway looks like a child's playpen whenever i look out into it. Thinking of investing in some white paint to compliment the black....fuck pi.

I find my efforts to be well-rounded make me spread myself thin too often. I would have a buncha options for what to do over the course of a night. Instead of pick one, I usually figure it'll benefit me most if i take part in just a little bit of everything. Like a Chinese buffet....of actions. Not necesarilly a bad thing - just makes everything i participate in seem half-assed. This was the case largely before i got my computer, and now not so much. I tool around w/ my cpu bot w/ my full ass now. *smiles

As that line of thought got boring very fast, we will now play 'name that sequence' : 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34
c'mon.....DO IT.

Throughout your reminiscing, pause to consider the lens effect of time. Granted, things like the scout camp and umm.....digging an excavation pit against the clock of the Italian Stalions...were all awsome, remember that people only tend to look back and remember the good things, blocking out the bad for the soothing effect on one's psyche. It's hard to qualify certain years as 'awsome' or 'terrible' until they're already past and summed up. well.....unless they really SUCK and then it's obvious.....SUCK. can't say i got any complaints overall, though, so i guess it's working!
As is the anti-elephant spray.

All your orientals are belong to us:
there's a japanese robot toy named God Christ that wields a cross and a robot.

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Check out this game from 100 greatest games

Chump, you are going to love it. Need flashplayer though.

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Thursday, March 25, 2004

point well taken 

i'll agree 100% with brian. some of the best times i've had involved a tight crew and alot of beer. matt, kolpak, the fort? you kept the warning notice right? it seems to me like alot of the time i'm finding out more and more what i dont want. maybe its time i said fuck everything and just did what i wanted to. this doesnt involve school in anyway. i actually like school its fun in a sick way. it involves events like tonight. (rant begin) i went over kelly's to watch the uconn game, and i was annoyed because she was trying to talk to me about something else. all i wanted to do was watch the game with her and hang out, nothing more. i certianly didnt want/need any drama. i have homework due tomorrow and i shouldnt have gone in the first place. now i'm sitting here at 10:20 pissed off as fuck becuase i would have been happier listening to the game on the radio and getting some much needed work done. FUCK FUCK FUCK. here is what should have happened. Sorry, i cant hang out and watch the game. instead i end up stretching myself waaay to thin as usual and it fucks me. it fucks me hard becuase this goddamn homework is going to seriously take all fucking night. and to top it all off, brian called and wanted to hang out, probably smoke a doob and play foosbal. which would have actually been worth putting off some work for.
when i own a house, it will have a room filled with worthless shit i buy at tag sales so when i get in moods like this i can go into it and fucking destroy everything in sight. that would be great! so great, just thinking about it is making me feel better.

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Blog this fuckers 

Im not really mad. I just liked that title. I like having a beer when i get home after school. I think its prob the best thing ever sometimes. Ill buy a 30 pk and it will usually last me a couple weeks. Unless i take it over murphys for a night, cause it usually ends right there. Not that i care. I like to keep in even among friends. Even if chump makes more money than my 9 dollars per hour for 12 hours a week salary, i like to bring over beer sometimes. Just cause. I remember saying way back when in early hi school, at some point of drunkeness at the boyscout campground, that if one of us struck it damn rich, we would take care of all the others. I now find that impossible and very unlikely. Not that one of us wouldnt strike it damn rich, but that that person would take care of all the others. I mean, if i have money i wont mind chipping in the extra more than once and a while- i would expect too. But if i did it all the time and when i shouldnt have too, then the others would become lazy and dependent bastards. Kind of like if you are doing a group project, where one person does all the work, and then suddenly that person asks you to do something for yourself. Your so used to having it done for you, that would actually feel insulted. Kind of like doing all the fucking cleaning in an apartment of 4 guys. If you want it done, you have to do it self. Thereby putting all the burden on one person, rather than it be easily divided up between the 4. Not that im bitter or anything ha ha!

Anyway, im just bullshitting. Some times you just feel like bullshitting. It feels damn good just to write right now. Those boyscout parties sure were the best ever. It was just too good to last though. Soon enough, more and more people found out about it and wanted in. It was our own damn fault guys. Mostly driven by girls. We wanted girls there. Girls are mouthy and spread the word. They bring people like Mike Flanagan and Brett something and Brian Byrne. We should of kept it private. WE should of said fuck the girls, this is where its at. And thats where it was at. I had more fun just hanging out with 5 guys than i did with fucking Voltron there. Fuck you guys. Thats all i wanted. Its your fault. But no, people always have to look for more. More people, more things to do, more money. How much is enough? There reaches a point where you cant go back and you ruined what you have (boyscout camp as an example). Let this be a lesson to us all in our upcoming "boyscout camps".

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Welcome back Peter Griffen 

The cartoon gods have spoken and they have said; "Let There Be Family Guy!"

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Wednesday, March 24, 2004

bare with me. 

OPk i know its long but heres a pretty good run down of whats been happening over the last week in politics that i read on one of my comic sites. Its Stevens Grants "Permenant Damage" column.

"Weird week. It's clear now what the Hand Puppet's reelection strategy is: presume the American public, like the President himself, doesn't pay attention to the news. (Might just work.) At the same time officially authorized campaign ads put forth the notion that voting for anyone other than the Hand Puppet will functionally put al-Qaeda in charge of America (as they are, apparently, now in charge of Spain, at least to hear TV pundit shows talk about it), books, official reports, etc., are outlining just how much the administration turned its back on the al-Qaeda threat prior to 9/11 while eagerly eyeing the "Iraq" threat. (In case you missed it, former White House counter-terrorism coordinator Richard Clarke's new book accuses the Hand Puppet of first ignoring any potential terrorist threats, then pressuring him to connect 9/11 to Iraq, charges strong and credible enough to alarm even Senate Republicans, though National Security Advisor Condaleeza Rice had to make the rounds of morning shows to vaguely dismiss them, even though her office bounced Clarke's official report distancing Iraq from 9/11 with a curt "Wrong answer... Do it again.") (It should be noted that Clarke's book can't be considered partisan; the Clinton administration takes its lumps as well.) My favorite part of the campaign ad, though, is its scornful accusation that John Kerry wanted to wait for UN permission to "defend America," meaning, I guess that he'll sell us all out to those damn furrners. The context goes unspecified, probably because they're talking about invading Iraq, which pretty much nobody anymore thinks had anything to do with defending America. But, oooh, doesn't it sound bad that someone might actually not believe in unilateral unprovoked invasions of foreign countries. Of course, now, since we invented the principle that any action in opposition to terrorism is no vice, we're catching blame for Israel's very public assassination of the leader of Hamas (last I heard Israel was swearing to slay Hamas to the last man, which is understandable given the incessant bombings, etc., but how do they plan to do it?) on the premise that Israel, which has increasingly become a loose cannon under Sharon, would never have done such a thing had we not given the okay. Which the White House officially says we didn't. I don't see any reason, at least not yet, not to believe them, but what does it matter? Hamas has declared war on the USA in retaliation. Not exactly sure how they're going to manage that either, though I wouldn't want to be in Iraq at the moment, but since we wiped out one of Hamas' main benefactors (Saddam), a good guess would be a bonding with whatever nation or organization (al-Qaeda, for instance) is willing to step into help. Despite the traditional antipathy between the two organizations. One of our arguments for taking out Saddam was to prevent him from unifying the Muslim world against us (something that was never going to happen anyway, since most of them hated him more than we did), but, with help from Israel, we may be doing that ourselves. (Which won't be helped when the Hand Puppet imposes sanctions on Syria in a few weeks, based again on allegations without much to back them up. Which is almost certain to shut off the flow of anti-terrorist data coming to us out of Syria since 9/11.) Of course, since Hamas is a localized phenomenon, as opposed to the more ethereal al-Qaeda, that just gives us another easier target in the "war on terror."

Here's a good one. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, the case to force Vice President Dick Cheney (whose Halliburton Corporation managed to make around $75 million off Saddam Hussein over the years despite sanctions) to open the records of his energy task force (exclusively composed of representatives from the oil and nuclear power industries) is going before the Supreme Court. No one yet knows what's in the meeting minutes, but given that Enron was one of those consulted and subsequently, among other financial cuteness, fixed energy prices in western states, particularly California (not that Nevada wasn't also hit bad), causing brownouts and shortages that lined their pockets and almost put some states into bankruptcy (and not in small part fueled the recall of California Gov. Gray Davis, who was pushing for a full investigation into the price fixing... which now won't happen under Republican Gov. Schwarzenegger, who, coincidentally, was very chummy with Enron execs prior to his election), and given that Iraq's oil supplies were a focal point of discussions of the invasion of Iraq, they could have all manner of embarrassing things in them. What's clear is that in the wake of the discussions, the administration pushed an "energy policy" of non-conservation, new funding for nuclear power plants, full exploitation of fossil fuels, billions in corporate welfare to Big Oil, and a virtual banning of the concept of alternative energy sources. (The Department Of Defense subsequently tried to put out of business a wind farm here in Nevada that had been started up during the Clinton administration to provide cheap power to rural regions in the state.) On the Supreme Court is Antonin Scalia, close friend of Dick Cheney, who went duck hunting with him after the court agreed to take the case. A duck hunt maybe isn’t that big a deal on the surface of it, but it does smack of collusion between a defendant before the court and a judge on the case. The common word for it is "corruption." Does this mean Scalia is corrupt? Not necessarily. Does it give the appearance of corruption? Absolutely. Is it important to protect the Supreme Court from, at minimum, the appearance of corruption, given that it's theoretically the last resort of justice for every American? One would think. So is Scalia recusing himself from the case? Of course not. Why not? Because the press has said he should, and it would undermine the integrity of the court if it were seen to be taking orders from the press! Plus: since actions against the government often result in embarrassment to the government, recusing himself from the case would give the impression the vice president and the government were guilty. It wouldn't, but any excuse in a storm, right? "

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long past due 

thank god--PUN INTENDED

when reading, keep in mind that people can make poll results mean anything they want them to, especially in the way they ask the question, then change the terminology when they report the findings.

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fantasy baseball 

matt, i got a few questions. so we are having a draft and we need to rank the players so when our turn comes it picks the top player that hasnt been taken by someone else right? so how many players do we get? because there are 5 of us now, kolpak would make 6. i mean its going to take quite a chunk out of my day to go through and rate the players unless i copy the TSN ratings. but if each of us gets like 15 players then we could probably just rate 75 players. i dont know.
as it stands now i'm just copying the TSN ratings and adjusting my favorite players.

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Tuesday, March 23, 2004

i wish they all could be California 

hello fellow east siders

i am in san diego and things are pretty fucking sweet.

it has been a non stop intoxicating free for all of drugs and booze. and i love it
i miss yall and i will be back soon
the weather is nice and the green is the finest that ive seen. this shit blows my mind
there is so much to do- we going to have a kegger on friday and a psycodelic experience on the beach on sat

ps i making videos for all to see so be ready for party when i return.



love murphy

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Enter music... 

Na na na na, Brancibeer, na na na an NA!. Ah yes, welcome everyone. Welcome welcome welcome. Todays topic, as usual is going to be HOW FUCKED we really are. So just how fucked are we? Well, lets take a minute to examine our current situation. Bush. Still running the country. Still might be running the country for 4 MORE YEARS. I dont know what will happen if he wins. Look at what he has done double it. Theres been enough conversing over that money grubbing, environmental terrorist, make the whole world hate us, president, so ill move on to the next topic. Which also relates to that dumbass.

OIL. Its a finite resource that we use like its infinite. Hello! Hello reality? Is anybody there? Maybe we should have like, a "plan",or something of what the hell we are going to do when this stuff runs out. Maybe we should actually seroiusly plan ahead to take precautionary steps to ween ourself off oil, like a child must eventually ween itself off its mother. I mean seroiusly as in, not just doing something that willl appease the media. Oh wait.... our country is run by the oil companies? Oh thats right. They dont want to lose their power and money, so we are just going to wait for them to make the first move.

The thing is. If anything big is going to happen (like a switch to alternative energy), we have to move as a society. We need the whole. But there are those giants who are planted and determined not to move. Why, because they are selfish and stubborn. Our society needs to be dynamic. We need to float on the waves, resting without effort with every undulation that comes our way. Instead we are swimming in the waves and saying, "oh shit, here comes another one, swim harder!".

Fucked up story of the day

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its getting harder and harder to find good toe nowadays 

ok, its been exactly a week since my last post. i really don't have anything clever to say either. i've been smoking less and thus feel as though i've been a little less creative, and i care less. josh i'll give you a call later but its not looking good. Ron, go for it, the kurt russel hair would make it.

Baseball starts for real one week from today at 5:05 in the morning (thank you very fucking much japan). needless to say i'm giddy. the fantasy baseball draft will happen sunday night so anyone who wants in needs to let me know before then. the only person i know of who hasn't signed up who wanted to is kolpak. i'm still open to more people if you guys know anyone else who wants in.

trying to find a good camel toe that isn't just a porno pic is getting tough on but i figure it'll keep me distracted, but now ihave to watch whos watching me at work. these people are cool with most things but i'm not so sure how cool they would be with me looking at porn instead of working.

is anyone following the 9/11 panel thats trying to question the white house? the bush administration is trying to keep all the important stuff from the investigators and the commitee is starting to say that they are tampering with what really happened. this could get ugly. of course bush is using the old "matter of national security" defense. the bush people are so desperate for some good news lately that they jumped to conclusions about the "al qaeda no. 2" being surrounded. it was based on "how fiercely they were fighting to protect the area". right, because people don't usually fight for thier lives when the pakastani army is comming. and then they snuck out the mile long tunnel round back. how does some one miss a mile long tunnel?

this news that the FBI was watching kerry in the 60's is kind of scary. they must have thought he was a communist for speaking out against the war. i would be surprised if bush tries to use this against him too.


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the green 

nice link josh, i could smoke weed the rest of my life. i'd enjoy it. but chances are that i cant/wont. infact, i think i'm going to take a break from the green starting the end of this month. we'll see how long that lasts, ha ha ha. seriously, i think i may have to to procure a summer job.
matt, nice cameltoe pics. it was only a matter of time before porn showed up here. we all knew the day was coming.
i'm having a disagreement of sorts with the roomate. we are in search of a new apartment and his preferences differ from mine. he wants to live as close as possible to campus even if it involves paying more per month. i would like to live as cheaply as possible and drive to campus if necessary. its a pain in the ass finding an apartment. although probably less of one than finding a house, matt?
so i was shaving the other day, i hadn't in like 2 weeks, and i left a moustache. after thinking for like 5 mins, i shaved it off. maybe next time. i know everyone says if makes guys look scummy, or atleast thats what i've been told, but fuck it. i'm in one of those periods where i could care less about alot of things and if it keeps people from not talking to me then i'm winning. maybe i will go for a redneck look (kurt russel hair in miracle and a moustache). suggestions?

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Monday, March 22, 2004

this is interesting... 

time to move to canada and develop a case of glaucoma

otehrwise not much is new. drinkin, not much work...enjoying the last itme in my life for a while when this will be the case. applying to law school is a struggle and i'm pretty much done w/ it. it's made me really pessimistic about stuff, something i probably didnt need anyway. oh well, whatever. but cuz of this i have no motivation, and hardly do shit. i read for 1 of my classes, cuz he gives us reading quizzes and the readings are generally short, although dense. also its phil of law, so it's interesting. but for example, i have a longer reading for thurs, and i'm just kinda like fuck it, i'll take a hit if he gives us a quiz. if bustin my ass and gettin a 3.5 for the first 3.5 yrs didnt do shit, what could this last semester do? exactly .

well sadly, the last new real time w/ bill maher til july 30 was this past episode, so i gues sfuck what i told you about it til then. oh well.

ok time to go thru my mail and see what we got here.

ps. uconn beating pitt in the finals. my bracket is pretty much screwed, dont think i can win, but i'm running it so that'd probably be suspect anyway. kinda the situation ron's in. i'm just doin it for the fun of it anyway, got 20 of my friends doin it w/ me, os its all good. aight peace out bitches

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do you smell what the ron is...... brewin' 

i miss watching WWF. i saw a movie preview for a something with the rock in it and some flashbacks from freshman year rushed through my head. though over. so ncaa brackets. i was ahead in brians bio one. i'm kinda glad i'm not anymore. it was like a department one and all the poeple knew eachother. so when i was ahead they all though i was like a ringer or something. i dont know. if i win the bio dept will hate me, and bust brians balls for letting me in.
vet=gone. too bad the eagles weren't in it when they blew it up. owens must die!
so hows everyone been? i havent seen much posting since last week. that awesome titty picture had me coming back to check like 50 times a day. I vote for a daily cameltoe pic.
as for me, the coffee is hot, the work is hard, and the social life sucks. ron is over and out!

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Thursday, March 18, 2004


Sorry doobies, its been rough lately. I can remember the days of undergrad where i had all the free time in the world. I would go to classes then back to my dorm and sit on my ass the rest of the day downloading porn and such. Now, it seems im constantly struggling to keep up. Which leaves me with less time to spend with friends and writing rants about daily life.

Dave Attell and Lewis Black were good. About what i expected. Lewis Black seemed like he was all coked up. He couldnt stop shaking, but i think that may be just the way he is. Those of you who filled out brackets, who are your picks? My pool (and ron) is up to $140 i think. That would be nice eh. Hows work going chump? Any luck finding a house? Are the kids doing ok or were they evicted? How are you kolpak? Havent heard from you in a while. The job ok i take it. Courtney, were you offended by our religious ranting and decide to opt out from the site? Just dont tell Maia ok.

Im sure things will pick up for the site. Maybe if we could get a new survey.... or funny site of the week....

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Wednesday, March 17, 2004

yes and yes 

ron, if you can find an ncaa bracket online that you can fill out online and email to me, you're in...i'm running a pool this year. but i'll need it by tonight obviously, and i can give you my mailing address for the $5. i know you're good for it.

also, i graduate may 8, so iwont be at the reuinion, but i'm probably gonna be down here for a little while after it, cuz if i work at camp again, that doesnt start til june when kids are out of school. you'd be more than welcome to come down and check it out in the middle of may. i dont know how representative h-burg is of teh south, cuz it's kinda a college town and that changes the mentality a bit, but there still is a difference.

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the hype 

they said 6-12 inches. more like 3-4. if all news is a hyped up as the weather then i'm beginning to doubt all of it. so dave attell and lewis black tonight at uconn! should be sweet. anyone doing a tournement bracket thing, i want in. not that i follow or anything but hey, why not? i might catch a few games. when does it even start? the madness that is
this site seems to be in a bit of a lull. matt, i dont think you are getting angry enough during the week to write good stuff. i dont know maybe its just a busy time. certianly is for me.
i saw shannon bugbee in ted's yesterday, my class got cancelled on acount of the blizzard so the class met at a different location. anyway she was absolutely sloshed and wanted to know if i was going to the class reunion. i said probably. if it sucks i'll go home or to eli's.
i just want summer, because that means the end of classes, skirts, warm beach weather and lots of mountian biking. oh, josh i'd like to crash your place in may sometime. i'd like to check out the south.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2004

baseball in conn? 

i'd love to see it, but i'm not sure it will ever see the light of day i've been saying for awhile that if baseball really had a problem with the yankees they'd mov ethe expos to NY, maybe this is the next best thing.

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Monday, March 15, 2004

quick funny story 

we need more old people who think like this

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its a good old case of the mundays 

mondays suck. when i'm ruler of the earth that will be my first act, to eliminate monday. i'll just call it "sunday: part 2" or "saturday revisted". and work weeks will be 4 days tops.

this story keeps getting stranger.

Josh, i think the problem you've been having with the links is this. type what you want the link to appear as and then highlight it, once its highlighted click the link button and paste the address in the box. a bunch of funny looking HTML code should pop up around what you wrote.

Brad pitts the devil? how else could he get jenifer aniston, makes sense to me. that and none of us are going to heaven, we'll all just have to hang out in hell togeather. maybe stage a coup. i wouldn't mind sucking up to lucifer if the benifits were ok, plus heaven can't be that strong right? more people have been going to hell than heaven for hundreds of years. hell must be huge! heaven is ripe for the taking. what i just described follows a significant story thread in the spawn comic, but no one cares about that.

i've got nothing today, my brain is still fried, now all i have to do it wait for the snow, fucking great.

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Looking for job #3. You know how we do. 

So I'm watching Donnie Darko the other may have seen it - this psychotic kid can perceive these pulse ripples in front of objects that are about to move. A sort of precience. Made me wonder if people who society perceives as "broken" or "crazy" are actually (well, crazy...but also) tuned in to some type of sensory input that mainstream society wouldn't be privvy to. Although hallucinations can seem real to the hallucinator, that's not what I mean. I mean that maybe they can see some facet of objective reality that most others either can't perceive or have long ago disregarded because it contrasts with other input, or with social cues. Perhaps people, at birth, have cerebral abilities that just don't manifest because they're not taught or practiced in the context of it being useful to everyday functioning in society. Hell, maybe if I tried hard enough I could register some kind of bioelectric field around objects. There's a massively charged E.M. flux throughout the planet, so i figure.....ah fuck it. gimme a few more years and i'll come back to the subject with something really hot.

Ran the idea past Sean and he gave me a hot line: "I think that all geniuses are crazy; and all crazy people are touched by God."

Oh and speaking of hallucinations....ah nevermind. hehe

oh and go here: you'll laugh

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On the lighter side of things... A dream about the Devil, Brad Pitt 

first off how yall doin
secondly, good to have you back branciteam, last night was amazing
just kidding, you know id never cheat on you kolpak
in fact lets get married.


Anyways, last night i had the most fucked up dream ever. I died and went to hell and was being tortured but it was not painfull just disturbing. All of a sudden Brad Pitt shows up and he is the devil. We get to talking about hell and things and its not all that bad. i dont know how i died but i really did not mind being in hell.

So im there for an unknown amount of time and Flores, Barone, Kolpak and i think it was bergan, all showed up in hell. obviously they had died too and it was good to see them. the end of the dream was me and everyone partying and getting all sorts of wasted. i asked someone where Ronny was and no one said anything. Aparently Ronny went to heaven and i said ' oh yeah he is an Eagle scout. that was my rationalization for rons salvation.

pretty fucked up huh.

so the moral of the story is, if you eats some 'chocolates' give yourself a couple of days to recover and be prepared to have some weird ass dreams the next couple of days

San Diego here i come just in time to miss the snow.

so long

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Sunday, March 14, 2004

Speaking of shorts... 

Yes yes. Back in the good ole Yankee ass north. Youd be surprised how many times youll get called a yankee down south (josh?). Well not that much, but it happens. Well, it was good to go back down to Florida, i must say. Felt better than i thought it would. At the first resturanunt i ordered a "sweet tea". I also enjoyed the biscuts and gravy too. The south aint too bad fellas/gallas. Cant beat the weather either. But i would miss the winter here (some of it anyway). Im ready for it to end also.

Kerry challenged Bush to a monthly debate. Just being away for a week, i feel totally behind on whats going on. My routine has been broken, and i find myself unorganized and screwed up. Chump, i ve been liking your posts about routine. Keep up the good work.

Well now im preparing mysef for my week. I made my lunch for tommorrow and organized my readings. Im returning to my life as i know it. Soon as the summer comes closer and i graduate on May 8th, this routine will be drastically altered, along with my life as i know it. I will move on to different thinkings and work. That new life will become my new routine. There will be hardships and the good things as always, just like there is now. Then i can think...has anything really changed? It is the endless cycle that is our lives. We all have to find meaning within it.

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thanks josh 

i feel a bit better about my coffee habits now. i wish the american heart association would release a study now saying that coffee doesnt cause heart disease. then i'm in the clear. i know you are bummed about the grad school thing, but you did get accepted in one place right? its about the experience, make sure you get a good advisor too, it makes a world of difference.
my break overall sucked. i had a good time tuesday going into NYC with kelly. we saw 'little shop of horrors' on broadway. it was good. other than that i didnt get enough work done and its was rather uneventful. i drank friday night and puked off like 6 or 7 beers. i was fucking wasted and astonished that that few beers fucked me up. then i remebered the last time i bought beers was the end of january. wow! i think i speak for a few when i say that RISK is becomeing very popular among us. its a damn good game and we should play it more. and setback. fucking-A i havent played in awhile and its pissing me off. i cant wait to wear shorts again. later

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Saturday, March 13, 2004

bill maher for president 

this is just one of the many reasons you guys should check out "real time w/ bill maher." his political ideals and ours somewhat match. it airs fridays at 8pm on hbo, but of course hbo reruns everything 100 times a week. this is from the "new rules" portion of the show. enjoy.

And finally, New Rule: Politics is about compromises, really stupid compromises. That's how we got such laws as: blacks are three-fifths of a person; slaves are property unless they make it to Ohio; interning the Japanese but not the Germans; slaughtering the Indians but letting the ones who survive run the Keno parlors.

Porn, but not hardcore porn. Booze, and then no booze, and then booze again. But no pot. Except medical marijuana, which is legal to possess, but illegal to obtain! And my favorite: you can't have stem cells except the ones we already have.

Now, in this spirit, I would like to offer a few compromise suggestions for the knotty issue we face today: same sex marriage. Why not this? It's okay to be gay if you're already gay, but no new gays. We'll grandfather you in if you're already an organ grinder, but that's it.

Or, how about, let gays marry, but come out against gay mortgages? Or maybe the answer to this is as plain as the nose in my lap.

With both sides so set, one being all for gay marriage and the other completely against it, how about we just let the lesbians marry? I mean, come on. Marriage is a chick thing anyway.

Monogamy and marriage were invented by women and the church as a way to address female insecurity and to stamp out oral sex as we know it. And don't give me some line about how two women can't reproduce. As long as David Crosby is alive and can swallow a Viagra, that's not a problem.

Plus, let's face it, when people talk about homosexuality being not natural and an abomination, they're not talking about the women. No, they're talking about the men. Nobody seems to find anything so abominable about Britney Spears tonguing Madonna or Gina Gershon in bed with Jennifer Tilly, or anything else on the third shelf of my library.

No, in America, when a man puts something in another man, it had better be a bullet.

So, isn't it time both sides compromised a little on this issue? The statistics tell us that anywhere from two to ten percent of people in America are gay. Although it seems higher at my bathhouse.

So, look, conservatives. I know you're sincere. I know you think you're doing God's work. But in 100 years, people traveling by jet-pack to Mars are not going to be tripping on gay marriage. The whole issue is just going to be a joke. On you.

So my advice is simple. They're here. They're queer. Get bored with it!

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keep downing the coffee ron

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what the fuck is wrong with the fucking link shit. it just wont link it. it comes up blank. god fucking damnit. sorry, i'm just pissed. law school shit, piece of shit computer, it's adding up.

anyway, this is why i'm leaving the country on the next plane. copy and paste the motherfucker:

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hey republicans 

aaaaaaaaaand i'm on the next flight out of the country:

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Friday, March 12, 2004

i'm back baby! 

so much to say, i missed a lot in the last week. i can write forever, and double the size of the site, but no one would read that shit. so i'll summarize each of my points as best i can. hope this works.

was in myrtle beach all week. it was warm. nice. golfed daily. sweeeeet.

chump the thing w/ radio broadcasters and tellign them after they've said something they couldnt is called law ex post facto. it's a big thing in theory of law, cuz it's scary. essentially anyone can be penalized for anything cuz someone says, after the act was committed, that was wrong. essentially the law is made as we go. clearly, this is no good.

i'll sign up for the fantasy baseball this week.

ron, dont sweat the grad school test. i'm havin trouble gettin into grad schools. came back from break to get more rejection letters. fuckin awesome. next person who tells me to be optimistic is gonna get told off as well as something sharp shoved up their ass.

steroid testing should be mandatory, not cuz the govt says so, but so the playing field is leveled. only in this country would the honest players be at a disadvantage. selig sucks. i cant believe no one's tried to assassinate him yet.

also chump, good reference to oliver beene.

i think that'll do. i'm thirsty.

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I'm Scared 

today i woke up a little off kilter. not enough sleep plus the drinking and drugs provided a healthy numbness in my brain. i drove to work listening to stern again. having had enough of his usual whining, i was actually going to change the station. until he started talking about the bill that passed through the house of reps. yesterday. the bill that is going to increase the fines for indecency to $500,000 per person, per station. under the bill a person could actually be fined upto $3 million a day. just for saying something the government doesn't like. they can't actually tell you what you can't say, that would be limiting your free speach. so instead they just tell you after the fact and fine your ass. a little scary.

when i got to work i visted and saw a news story about a women being arested for childbirth. odd, i though having kids was legal. they arrested this woman for murder because she didn't want surgery. it wasn't that long ago that these surgeries didn't exist. they didn't arrest all of those people did they? granted, its not the best picture a woman could want but i'm not convinced this child should have been born at all. having an unwanted child is far cruler than any abortion or misciarrage. now i'm a little more scared.

next i hear that entertainment weekly put out a list of the funniest people in america. cool, maybe i'll take a look. hey, they think chris rock is the funniest man out there. great, but then a little farther down the list, they're trying to tell me ellen is more funny than bill murray. more scared still.

so i'm feeling a little political today and the light numbness has been replaced with a general paranoia, and i decide to check out some off beat political sites. granted i should be working but hey, its friday. so i visting one of the sites brian once posted. this is the scariest thing yet. i knew our media was corrupt and probably not giving us all the real news, but this level of influance is obscene. reguardless of what you want to call it, its mindcontrol. if people can influance what we see and hear to that type of mass level, they are using mindcontrol on us. plain and simple. these types of subliminal messages are ilegal anywhere else but our government happily enjoys their benifit. now i'm all out paranoid and scared.

maybe i should revert to the happy numbness of drinking and drugs.

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Thursday, March 11, 2004

i'm in... 

heres another link to the story. all you'd have to do is adapt them to your arms and get one of those suits the guys from LA wore in that famous stand off. a couple of automatic machine guns, we'd be unstoppable. i saw a show about a working jet pack to other day too, it only lasted like 30 seconds in the air but it would make for a sweet get away. i think i'd be down for creating the next wave of techno-mafia. techno-mafia: the new face of american crime. we'd be legends. i bet we could even get the original mafia to throw some money our way as venture capital.

heres proof of how "bought and paid for" our president is. i had a good dream last night in which the president and all his men came over to my house for dinner ala the simpsons episode where mr burns goes to homers for dinner to prove he's in touch with the common man. long story short, we were eating dinner on my stair case and the president drugged me when i showed displeasure for his policies. i was so pissed but i couldn't do anything about it sincei was drugged, and then i woke up to my alarm. bush is evil even in my dreams. that bastard!

this is the other piece of disturbing news today. This is why i want to make "jesus 2: return of your savior". gibson could end up making over 400 million dollars on this stupid movie. i don't know about you but i could sure use 400 million dollars. we could use that dirty jesus money to make our exo-squad.

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where do i get 3 of these? 

dude, check this out! exo-squad here i come

alright, all we need is to get a few of these systems, some arm and chest ones too, some bullet proof gear and some jet-packs. this has got to be one of the coolest things i've seen in awhile. we could rob banks and just walk out through the walls flip a few police cars then take off into the sky. it would be sweet! we could only pull a couple jobs before they would catch on to us, but it would be awesome. matt, you dig???

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A shift in the tale of murphy 

I have recieved word that only the eldest of the clan will be moving in and only for the month of may.

son of a bitch

As it turns out Col. Cain is going to live in Haddam Neck for the duration but Eli needs refuge from the insanity that is rocklanding and the overwhelming force that is joanne murphy.

I havent asked or told hank about Eli moving in but if he says no than theirs nothing i can do. Frankly i would rather not have a member of the murphy clan in my apt. during finals but the rent break should be nice.

Barone in response to your quasi-homoerotic comments about congress and selig i could have done without the phrase swalling gobs of forgiveness or whatever the fuck you said. However i do agree that Congress should concentrate on the task at hand. Which just happens to be pulling their heads out of their own asses and put a stop to the Bush 'administration.

Americas state of affairs at this point reminds me of pre war nazi Germany. People no longer have freedom of privacy, to marry who they wish, of speech and expression. People like us are afraid of the Govt. and when people become afraid of the govt. they rally against the govt. in revolution.

Not far from now will we be praying to god in our public christian schools and looking at pictures of other countries because we are no longer allowed to leave the United Catholic States of Bush unless we try to cross the American Wall put up along our borders

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na LEADER!

have fun mother fuckers me and jenny are going to BC to grow weed and start a commune

any takers?

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Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Mr. Selig Goes To Washington (again) 

Today Mr. Bud Selig and Donald Fehr are going to washington to speak with congress on the subject of steroids in baseball. Apperently our government has found time between war, fighting terror, increasing healthcare costs, rising unemployment, the uncontrolable downward spiral of our national debt and drilling thier religous agenda into our heads to inquire about the state of steroids in baseball. If either of these men had any balls they'd stand up and tell our congress to fuck off, they have no place in what happens in baseball. there is no government control over our beloved national passtime oh wait, baseball enjoys the flexability of anti-trust exemptions? and tax payer financed ball parks? is that what you say? so selig and fehr have to get on thier knees and suck down a warm glob of forgiveness in front of the governement so that these things don't surface. Since when does our government respond to media hype? thats all this is, the media has found some sort of controversy and won't let go of it. steroids haven't suddenly been passed out before games. players aren't taking them any more then they have in the past 50 years. so why all of a sudden is every record from bonds' home runs to ricky henderson's stolen bases (hold on, this hasn't come up on the topic of steroids? odd.) come under fire. last year homeruns were down across the league. couldn't have anything to do with better pitching could it? na, must be the juiced players. every ball player across the country suddenly gave up steroids last year. that must be it. so now its time to test them all, every day, for any substance not found in steak and milk.

now our government has kindly steped in to provide we the consumer a cleaner ball game. who cares about football, let them do all the coke and roids they can get thier hands on, we love those violent hits and sacraficial quaterbacks. don't mess with texas! or the government will crush you. under G.W.B.'s america things that take time to progress and can't be changed in a sound bite or a spoonful of afternoon blow, like baseball, literature, and the enviroment have no place. next we'll be burning books and killing witches. they're already trying to control our air waves and the information we're exposed to. good thing the new iraq already has more freedoms then we do. maybe bush can get that country right, he bankrupted two companies before he was president. now maybe he can bankrupt two countries. there's no place to go but up, right?

on a lighter subject, hockey needs to revoke the instigator rule. daren pang had a good piece about how it caused the bertuzzi incident. the players need to be able to police themselves. fighting is part of hockey, its a very gentalmenly fisticuffs so i don't see a problem with it.

oh yeah, martha's guilty. prision will never look that same again, i see more doylies.

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skeet skeet 

Ron, that makes me wanna just stay in the stasis that i've put myself into and not go to grad school altogether. Congratulations you've destroyed my horizon.

Been getting wasted w/ Sean lately. ie: now. Hours have been going down on my 2 part time jobs so i'm kinda about to start looking for a new/better one. i'm thinking bartender or substitute teacher. either that or be the boyfriend of some underage rich girl. A sugarbaby. MY sugarbaby

skeet skeet skeet.

fuckin wasted.

_____(noun) went to the ______(noun) cuz he needed to ___(verb) all the _____(noun) that he sprayed all over the wall.

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Monday, March 08, 2004

complete breakdown 

so as i explained earlier today i had a test. i had been looking over the stuff for a few days and i studied all today before the test. i understood how to do the homework also. i get into the test and its 4 problems. i cant finish any of them. fuck, its like panic comes over the mind and you just know you are in a bad spot and there isnt anything you can do. i mean this class is out of my concentration and i havent really touched the subject since sophomore year, but fucking A! i couldnt finish any of the problems. now i'm sure the rest of the class has a better grip on this than i do so i'm completely screwed on this one. i could fill up this whole blog page with the word FUCK and it wouldnt even come close to describing my frustration. eh, i guess i should look at it differently, if grad school fails i could just get a job. i already have a degree. maybe thats my subconscious attitude, whatever i'm fried.

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Today for lunch: beef and broccoli 

Well, did the cat get high? or did you throw him through a tire? I hear they like that.

i'll get you another one, don't worry. i'm amazed at how easy it is to copy them.

Fantasy baseball will begin as soon as i get a list of names for people who are in and maybe see a few dollars from someone. its going to cost 100 for all of us no matter how many play so the more people we get the less it will cost. so far i'm confident brian, ron, josh kolpak and myself are in. am i missing anyone? I watched some of the yankee/sox game yesterday. i know what to expect out of the fourth spring training game of the season so i wasn't surprised to see that most of the players people care about were left out. jeter, a-rod and manny were brought along to entertain the media. If anyone doesn't think that rivalry is going to be more nuts this year that any before then just look at how many people camped out in the parking lot to get standing room only tickets yesterday. people were climbing trees to see a spring training game.

this weather is just depressing. and whats with our new year starting in january? shouldn't each new year start the first day of spring? when everthing is growing and new again. the old year is passed and we've survived the winter, NOW LET THE NEW YEAR BEGIN! i'm pushing for a movment toward older times when things were schedualed around a harvest or the different seasons. before alarm clocks could be used to force our lives in to conforming hours and start times. and there needs to be more then 24 hours in a day, there just isn't enough time in a day to do everything that needs to get done. maybe if half hours were considered hours, then i'd only work 4 hours a day. business would change forever, there'd be more free time, less over head, more time to spend disposable income on crap, everyone would benifit. instead our government is looking into increaseing the retirment age, forcing us to work more and giving us less benifits. just fucking great. can't wait until i get to retire at the ripe old age of 75. people stand to benifit more by everyone working less, not more. people would spend more time/money on entertainment and people would generally be happier. i think i could slave away at a 4 day work week. ok i've gotten off topic, and i'm cold. so thats it.

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spring break my ASS 

got-damn first day of spring break and i have a test. and, and, its fuckings snowing. the 10-day doesnt look so good either. we should not even have a break and just get out another week earlier. thats what i would like. brian, i hate you for being in florida. josh you too, dont look like your spot isnt so warm. i was wearing shorts last week, now, pants. i'm pissed.
so does the first yankees/sox game set the tone for the season? matt, when is this fantasy league starting?

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a sad day for the kids 

barone i have some bad news

i know you entrusted me with the care on one of your 'Children' but something terrible has happened. I dont know how to say it but Jenny'
s cat ate your child. Im sorry I am a horrible parent.

Its crazy one minute the kids doing fine in the corner of my bed room, plenty of water and light and then Bam! Crazy kid killing cat attacks and all that is left is blood on the sand or dirt in this case

Any way the cat is still in my apartment reaking havoc at this very moment. but soon will be banished from #34 Walden.

I know this is a bad time to ask but Captain Ronaldo has informed me you have another child and i would like a second chance to 'rear' him and benefit from the 'fruit' that he bears.

in conclusion im pissed jennys cat is on my shit list
and if anyone doesnt understand this who gives a shit!

ps Courtney im coming out to California mar19th-28th im not sure what area you are in but i will be in san diego and la

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Sunday, March 07, 2004

Tshirts, sandal, etc 

I have to admit, it kinda felt good comin back down to the ole south. The space, the people, the sweet tea. Its nice down here. Nice and warm that is. Im going to enjoy it while i can, then ill be back in the bitter wetness that is CT at this time. But for now, sandals are king!

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well said 

Chump, i can agree with most of what you said. as for the drunk at 10 on saturday, i agree with that also. damn i havent been drunk in like 2 weeks now. stupid school and shit. its such a nice day out i think i'll get stoned and go outside. later

josh, i too am wearing shorts.

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Saturday, March 06, 2004

(781) 266-7356 Oops I'm Drunk @ 10:00 on Saturday With Kolpak 

Things I don't like
Matt Barone, Corey Feldman, and Rick Morranis aka Justin Kolpak

ASME code
hearing about the personal lives of celebreties
burly Russian women
Paul Shafer
Clear Channel
Chinese symbols as tatoos
George W. Bush
butterfly/ dolphin tattos on chicks
Oprah/Whoppi; I think they're the same person
Allen Iverson
"that time of the month"
holiday fruitcakes
clocks that you can hear tick
white people acting black
religious people
the Best Damn Sports Show Period
your offbeat pornos: midget, amputee, and Asian vomiting
Fox News Network
Richard Simmons
washing collanders
pushy retards giving you fliers at Home Depot
listening to mindless celebrity propaganda
blankets that don't cover your body
Vin Diesel
Gorilla Grodd
the color Fuschia
anything neon
big oil people
the man
Joel Schumacher
getting the Nixon (anal over prison bunk bed)
Cape Codders
Utah for the Mormons
when the dentist talks to you
Sam Adams
Selma Bouvier
anything I'm not familiar with
Miss Piggy, she's stuck up
Cathy the comic strip and Gil Thorp because Milford High Sucks
Warren Sap
when black people call them skrimps
anything neon including Deon
Dan Sekscenski
models that think they can be actresses
rub on tans
sand in my socks
really hard boogers
dingle berries and/or ass leavens
postage stamps
Everybody Loves Raymond
the number 6
The Kings of Comedy are not the Kings
the south

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in between FF rounds.... 

Matt may be euthanzing his kids, but i managed to salvage a baby. Congratualations sir, it's a bouncing baby ______! (umm, unit.)

Heh heh. _______(proper noun) went to _____(noun) to buy some _____(noun). My _____(noun) smells like shit and ammonia because Jay's cats _____(verb) all over the _____(adj) place! I'm not ___(adj) to beat the ___(noun) outta them. Pimpslap can be a ___(noun) or a ___(verb)......<--(noun)...ugh i'll stop.

Murphy - might wanna change your name to ......Murphy. Or Kolpak to Kolpak. Either way, it just makes for convenience's sake (despite the fact it's quite obvious who's blog it is just by the way they say what they gotta say.) I did it, goddamnit!

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Oh, you were finished, then allow me to retort! 

A great man once said, 'theres 3 things that you cant argue about sports, religion and music,' that man was branciteam and he is a moron. On that note, fuck the yankees, abba is the greatest band of all time and the world is only 6000 years old. That should enough material for the next couple of entries.

Everyone knows the best arguments are about the most controversial topics in society. I say the more discussion the better. That is the only way that people are able to adopt new ideas. I like talking about religion even if it is to say that it is ruining our world. Religion has been the cause of almost all the wars in history from the christians vs the muslims in the crusades and catholics and protestants of wars with france/england.

Religion for me is usless, i hate church and everthing about it. i dont believe in paying for my salvation in the form of collection plates and garnishing of salaries. My Grandfather gave the catholic church 10% of his pay for his entire life, i think thats called a tithe but im not sure.

I loved my grandfather but paying 10% of your salary is rediculous. I am astonished at the power religion has over some people.

This the reason why Bush is always saying god bless america. he doesnt want to be president of the United States, he wants to be Pope of the United Catholic states of America. Welcome, its a brave new world.

sincerely yours Sir Smoke a lot

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Friday, March 05, 2004

dirty south baby! 

damn straight i'm i na place w/ nice weather...broke out the shorts today. love the dirty south. me bein in a place w/ warm weather is no accident.

chump, i dont know if you have hbo or already watch this, but i think you'd enjoy real time w/ bill maher. you should check it out if you get the chance. i know it's on fridays at 8pm, but i'm not sure if it's on at other times. either way, though, hbo always shows things like 023929228 times a week. on gay marriage, he brought up how many political compromises have been made in US history. so, perhaps only lesbians should be able to marry. after all, marriage was created by women and is a women's institution. in america, when a man puts something in another man, it had better be a bullet. classic.

i dont get the chance to listen to stern, but on cnn i saw something he said on his show, that in 20 years the US will be a religious state. all the more reason why kerry needs to win this election. we really need to move away from this conservative, buddy buddy state/religion relationship. if our state is so closely entangled w/ unprovable stories, all hope is lost for us. i'll move to haiti. also, i hope the woman who drove her car into a lake died. ok that's a bit harsh. but i hope she was injured. or maybe just a shot to the head that knocked all the religious shit out of her mind. and chump, i dont mind talkin about religion, i think it's fascinating how it has such control over people's lives, considering its circumstances as we seem to see them.

also, bob costas said tonight on the bill maher show that 30-40% of baseball players are taking some kind of performance enhancing supplement. this is ridiculous. chump, you may also be interested in hearing that giambi showed up to spring training like 25lbs lighter after all this steroid talk swelled up. hmmm, interesting. but sadly it's true, people want to see 12-11 ball games, players hitting 73 hrs in a season. the art of the pitching duel is lost. these games, where pitching and defense shine, are considered "boring." what's the cause of all this? is it the high paced, high demand world we live in now? people want more of everything?

speaking of which, did you hear mcdonalds is going to stop supersizing menu items??? apparently, someone made a movie/documentary where some guy at mcdonalds for every meal for a month, and gained so much weight. i think the supersizing ends before the movie is supposed to come out, what a coincidence. the guy in the movie apparently blames mcdonalds for his getting fat. in cases like this, i think both the fat guy and mcdonalds suck. if all you eat is mcdonalds you deserve to be fat. and mcdonalds is saying they're making the change to "simplify the menu." yeah, cuz their menu is sooooooo damn confusing. honestly people.

also martha stewart's goin to jail! i'm sure her max of 20yrs will get knocked down to 1.5-2 or so, but i dont think they let you design your own window treatments in jail. her own personal hell. but did you ever think that insider tips is what stock brokers do for a living? weird. it's all nice and well (i guess) that she's gettin locked up, but does this help the kid who is abused by their parents, or the homeless kid on the street? right. besides, if you got an insider tip that could save you 5-6figures would you take it? maybe not, if you were worth millions. but then again...

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I'm sick of this shit, wheres my god damn summer?!?! its cold and dreary out today and it isn't going ot break until wednesday, FUCK! i actually got to see baseball on TV lastnight and its still in the 30's out. this isn't right. this is the time of year i get all nuts and just hibernate until its warm out again. Josh has the right idea with moving down south. the carolinas get a little snow and they're nice the rest of the year. fuck you josh and your damn weather.

anyone listen to Howard Stern this morning? hes getting hosed by the FCC for something that happened three years ago. And they are going to say that every offense since then counts too, whitout him knowing, which compounds the fines. Now i'm not a die-hard fan but i do listen to the show almost everyday, its part of my morning routine. If i don't like what hes talking about i change to bax and o'brien or just put some music on. i don't go out of my way to write letters to congress to get him off the air because he does something i don't like. having naked people on the radio doesn't bother me, its FUCKING RADIO, NO ONE CAN SEE IT! These religous people have gone too far. today on his show stern read a letter by some guy who lives out west. he's retired and his church pays him 50 cents a letter to mail letters to the congress trying to get stern off the air. this guy admiditly has never listened to the show and isn't bothered by what stern does, but the church feels compelled to have this man write hundreds of letters a week to congress.

These are the people who need to be stopped. Thats why i'm so happy about these priest molesting children. anything to get the church negative attention is good. maybe i should start paying people to write congress about outlawing religion. i'll beat them at thier own game. massive, unadulterated, nonstop hate mail about religion.

yesterday a woman in CT drove her car into a lake after seeing "the passion of the christ" because she felt she needed to be baptised.

I know no one wants to hear about religion but we can't help it. its infecting our lives and changing them for the worse. its a problem we can't just ingor because religion is at an infectious level much like AIDS. people think they are doing good when in fact they are just nuts and harming more people by getting them to accept thier nonsense.

I'm looking for takers for the "kids". i'm going to be moving out of my apartment at the end of april so i figure the people who own the complex will start showing my apt. before then. i'd rather not just kill them since i have 2 really good "kids". so anyone is welcome to have them.

i just realized that anyone who doesn't know what i'm really talking about would have compleatly taken that the wrong way.

i know no one care, but heres a link to proof they are making a new batman movie. Its going to be ok from all the info i know. the story will be more of a batman year one. no where near what the previous bat movies were like. that director has been black listed in hollywood and hasn't done much since. Warner Bros. credits him with killing the Bat franchise. WB owns DC comics. thats the money trail.

rant compleat.

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Wednesday, March 03, 2004


enough jesus crap! i mean its kinda like pouring gas on our own fire. its fun but doesnt get us anywhere, we all know jesus is a dude who got his ass beaten for being an idiot, kinda like me. ha ha ha. what about the discovery that mars was once wet!!!!! huge freeking crap thats huge!! i'm blown away.
i think the jesus crap gets me all worked up because i just cant understand why people believe or devote their life to religion, and it FRUSTRATES the shit out of me. and the worst thing is that they cant be convinced otherwise, and they sure as hell can't convince me to believe either. so its fucking.. fuck fuck fuck. we should just not allow them to vote or something. just let them be and dont let them fuck up anything with their old-style thinking. atleast i have a better answer to questions other than ' because god wanted it to be that way'.

WWJD? what would justin do? .................................................SMOKE IT!

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If only I had no remorse 

this has to be one of the greatest ideas I've ever seen. I'm really not convinced this is a joke either. I got to it through brians link. Those sites are pure gold. I swear, if I had no morals I'd pray on these people too. It's so easy it makes me sick. I'm surprised I haven't stumbled across this site before. Its like they are trying to fight for the religious wacko dollar. There must be millions of them, and how do I get a piece of that pie. Look at Mel Gibson, all he did was make a stupid movie about Jesus and he's made millions. That's it. I'll make my own movie, and call it "Jesus 2: Return Of Your Savior". It could be the greatest movie ever. Jesus comes back from the grave to slaughter all the gays, black people, Jews, and non-believers. The goriest movie ever. It'll be great. I'll get vin diesal to play jesus, that secures the white trash and chick audience. All these religious nuts will go see it just like they did mel's movie. i'll be rich. dirty stinking "jesus" rich.

The concept of "Christian science" baffles me. They base their world on nothing even close to science, so what do they study? What was the last great Christian science discovery? The letter "R"? When I lived in Boston I was about 100 yards from the "Christian Science Center" and one of the largest Christian areas in the north east. i don't understand what they do, hundreds of people work and live there but they don't produce anything. maybe they make all the WWJD stuff. maybe thats what they consider science. just like me they are thinking of different ways to suck more money out of people.

All this talk about priest and religion gets me wondering at what point these priestsand other people who dedicate their lives the god finally realize their situation. When does it click that its all a big joke? At what point does a priest sit up and think " I really had to stand before a group of people and make them believe this non sense?".

Josh, great point. Murphy, nice to see you here.

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The other side of the hump... 

Well, i dont have much to say. School is calming down and i should get a chance to relax tonight and tommorrow. I have a good routine on wednesdays of smoking, going to yoga, then going to watch chappelles show (among other shows) with friends. Its that wonderful break we all need on hump day. Sometimes you just got to take it easy ya know. The problem is, if you got it in high gear for a week straight, then you shift to a low one, you find yourself freaking out when youve got nothing to do. Know what i mean? Party on wayne, party on garth.

Murphy, welcome to the site. Your hilarious antics are already entertaining us. Even if it wasnt you who shit your pants. Thats horrible by the way.

Oh and for those of you interested in Christians Science, should visit this page. Give me a break, there is nothing scientific about it. Got to keep up with the other side though ya know. Oh and on that site click on the "members" tab and read through some of the bios. It seems like a joke, but its not. Make sure to read "Kyle Goldman". Ha ha ha ha ha!

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just came across this, thought it was interesting... 

I sincerely hope that those of you who oppose gay marriage on Judeo-Christian grounds have never eaten pork(Leviticus 11:7-8) or shellfish(Leviticus 11:10-11), engaged in premarital sex or masturbated(1 Thessalonians 4:3-5), or believes women should have the right to vote(1 Timothy 2:11-13). Point being, passages of translations of translations of the Bible can be interpreted by different people to mean different things; it can even be interpeted as condoning homosexuality(1 Samuel 18:1-4)

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Now you're all in big big trouble 

my fellow americans

after some minor technical diffculties were overcome, namely me not knowing my own email address, i have arrived at this wonderful location of retardation. i have read some of you posts and the atmosphere is radical, antisocial and all and all insane.

First of all Barone, the Yankees suck dick and if gripped the bat as tight as he does jeters penis than maybe they'll get something done. other than that i agree with josh's remarks.

Ronny keep on keepin on. Sorry i couldnt have been their the other night but i probably couldnt have done any better. keep drinking as much coffee as you want dont listen to branciteam

Courtney i hope you're doing well. i havent talked to you in a while but all the same.

Tino man i dont know what to say. if i was in you position id go crazy man. i cant live without my brothers. i wish him the best

kolpak i love you man. sounds like you job is good and im not afraid to say im proud of you

josh i havent talked to you in a while and i really dont know what the hell you've been up to you should come up some time

branciteam hungerweed you are the mad scientist engineering a combination of mushroom with tch keep hope alive!

enough of this bullshit

So Cain had a poker game a couple of weeks ago and called me up to see what was going on. He explained the situation to me and said he'd call me later. they were all smoking and apparently one of the guys was not used to smoking weed. As it turns out he was playing a hand that he lost and the other guy stood up, swept his arm across the table to gather his winnings and fell on the floor and passed out. After about a 1/2 hour he woke up, went to the bathroom and then passed out in cains roomates bed.
As it turns out he shit his pants while he was passed out and 'discretely through his underware out in the trash and slept in his shitty clothes in the roommates bed. the next day at work my brother saw the guy in the same clothes as the night before and he wasnt showered. on top of it all he has a wife and 2 kids.
So next time you say 'i was so wasted last night' just say to yourself at least im not that guy

i love weed i love it
adios muchachos

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Monday, March 01, 2004

more ignorant people 

check this site out...i cant get that stupid link shit to work

its the concerned women for america...check out all the anti-gay ignorance. appalling

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also, what discoveries or innovations have come about by studying or practicing religion. if people sat around and said ,'well i guess the bridge fell because god wanted it to', or 'the horse died because god meant that'. then there wouldnt be a lick of technology to be found. skeptics like us fuel innovation. i'm glad to see that more people are not satisfied with current answers (or excuses) and are turning to science. after all, we are just a bunch of particles, and figuring out why or how things happen is fun, or atleast entertaining to think about.

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the wise brancibeer 

brancy is right. religion is bullshit. these days its comparable to a cult. you dont wanna be in a cult do you? here, have some kool-aid, it's on the house. only for catholics it seems to be, here, molest this child (still on the house).

all religions disagree with each other, and they clearly cant all be the right path. they all claim to teach morals, but the basis and history of each is highly suspect. the bible could be a good work of fiction, but i cant see it as anything further than that.

i feel like people become religious at times so they can be "saved" or more accurately helped out by "god." it's ok to believe in something, but a notion like god should be used for something more than when you need some help. it seems to me to be an excuse at times. "well, this is teh way god willed it, what could i do about it? this was my destiny, as ruled by god. why should i try and change what god has willed upon this world?" etc. take responisbility for your own actions, and recognize that you do have the autonomy to make choices which will determine effects of the action and changes in your life. and it is possible that you had made the opposite/another choice (it's not as though god has destined you to choose that particular way).

but i cant decide if i agree w/ you about church brancy. i agree that some of the activities are good, along with some of the feelings of togetherness of a community, but again, i think you have to be careful w/ what that community is built around. if it's good will and helping others, then yes, its' good. but if its' about teaching others how god will save them, etc, then i'm not so sure. just being affiliated w/ a community who believes one way is not always going to be good. but good can come from these groups. also, it's important to realzie that just cuz something makes people happy doesnt mean it's a good thing in itself. it can, but it's not necessary. but i liked your posts brancy.

2 more rejection letters today. fuckin sweet.

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Church on the otherhand is a different story. Church is good. It brings people together. It makes them happy. It organizes activities and promotes a sense of one. Which of course, is what everyone wants. Im out of time here...

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And then there was light.... 

Ron got beat up again. Damn.

I dont know how i feel about all these priests getting busted for being perverts. In a way, its good, cause it shouldnt be happening. These are institutions that people devote their life too. They put their faith into them. It is having dramatic effects too. But the funny thing is, its always been like this, probably much worse than it is now.

I think that religion is an ancient part of society that should (and will) eventually be worked out of society. Its an old way of thinking, that needs to be replaced by a new (now more realistic do to science) way of thinking. Religion is for the simple, the weak, the ignorant. There i said it. I dont care cause thats what i think. The bible is great and all. I like it, i find the stories very inspiring and moral. But im not going to lean on it like its my walking stick. You shouldnt have to be told what to believe. You should discover it for yourself. Christianity is just like a crooked political party. Fightin against islam, buddism, paganism, when essentially they are all the same damn thing! Why must people believe in a higher power?

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